

This is the PG Newsletter, for Wednesday, April 7, 1999

Etexts Readable By Both Humans and Computers Since Before The Internet [Usually sent the first Wednesday of each month, delayed if by relay.] Main URL is promo.net Webmaster is Pietro di Miceli, of Rome, Italy

This month we have Etexts in English, French and Japanese as well as a few translations into English from the French, German and Greek. I am hopeful we can continue even more in a wide variety of languages.

Several new PG sites listed below and more than a whole month's worth of new Etexts. . .we finished all of November in March— so we are 8 months ahead of schedule, instead of our usual 1 month. I hope we can finish all the December Etexts in the next 28 days. . . .

Lots of things in this Newsletter, not the least of which is that this month the Newsletter goes out on the last possible day since the first Wednesday is April 7th, which will gave us a very long month to get up to completing the November Etexts, but will leave us with less time to do the December Etexts, a time that is already overloaded with these:

1. Every April and October we request new volunteers, before everyone leaves for the summer, and when they are firmly back in the fall.

2. This year we are creating a support system for new our volunteers, which will be thoroughly tested this month. This is a BIG project and will take some effort to complete. If you would be willing to help some of our new volunteers get started, please let me know. [more below on this, probably the most important thing right now]

3. We are releasing our first Etext without ASCII characters, and the hopes are we will be able to interest many of you in looking at an Etext of Rashomon, in Japanese, as well as in translation. So far the translation is not yet complete, but we are working on it. In Japanese, it is the first file in the list below.

4. We are gearing up for our first official public relations effort— if you can help us get some extra media coverage for Etext #2000— that would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. . .now is the time to start and we will continue right through the official release date of #2000.

5. We will probably have to get incorporated in the year 2000, so the lawyers who can help us with that will also be very appreciated.

6. The Visually Impaired Team of PG Volunteers: Jay Mendham , temporary Team Leader. This is a team of visually impaired volunteers who create a set of general Etexts for the PG audience.

7. The next PG message you are likely to receive will be a request for volunteers and donations. . .if you do not want to read it, feel free to just delete it. . . . The Volunteers' List will receive one more message beforehand.

From: webmaster@promo.net [Pietro di Miceli] There is a new PG Volunteers' Board available at: http://promo.net/pg/vol/wwwboard/ Please use and peruse it and send me any suggestions, corrections, etc. Also see: http://promo.net/pg/volunteer.html

8. We are still VERY interested in doing more languages, if you can do even ONE Etext, however short, in various languages— this would be more appreciated than you can imagine.



For May 16, 1999 [Please forward this to Balzac interests. . . .]

In honor of the bicentennial of the birth of Honore de Balzac (1799 - - 1850) PG is proud to present English translations of the entire "Human Comedy." Portraying over two thousand characters and with immense attention to detail, this massive collection of just under one hundred novels and shorter works brings to life the social history of France during the first half of the 19th century.

Team Balzac is seeking a qualifying biography of Honore de Balzac and any non-Human Comedy works. Except for The Human Comedy and Droll Tales we have been unable to locate any qualifying editions. If anyone is able to assist, please email Dagny at dagnyj@hotmail.com


From: Michael Pullen

Request for assistance/information: Gothic German typeface

I use a scanner to enter raw manuscript material and a software package for interpreting into e-text. While the software (Visioneer ProOCR 100) offers a decent German dictionary for spell checking, it does not recognize the old German scripts called Fraktur. This moderately ornate and stylized font has gone out of style since 1945, but many of the older German originals are available ONLY in this mode. Examples of this style can be viewed on the Internet at the web site http://www.waldenfont.com/gutenberg2 and many others (use the word fraktur with your favorite web search engine).

Do you know of, or can suggest, any means of scanning/parsing this older typeface? If you have any information, please contact the Gutenberg Project office or myself (globaltraveler5565@yahoo.com). Your assistance will be greatly appreciated in accelerating several projects.


If you can get a pre-1923 copy of Swiss Family Robinson, AnneWing@aol.com would either like to borrow it or have you do some proofing of an Etext she has. . .thanks. mh


I have my own personal request. . .someone good with FTP to help me post books when I am away from my desk. mh


Don Quixote If anyone is a student at Boston University, their library system has a 1910-1913 and a 1922-1923 edition which apparently are circulating, so that would be even better.


We need a copy of this because we made an Etext, then lost contact with the person we sent it to. Actually we don't really need to HAVE the copy, if you are willing to do some proofreading. The Jewel of Seven Stars, by Bram Stoker Please contact [and cc: hart@pobox.com]: Aaron Cannon



You probably already know about this, but I have found Ebay to be a good source of books older than 1921. I did a search in the book category for 1921 (in titles and descriptions) and found quite a number of books with a copyright of 1921 (some even with a scan of the copyright page) So you might suggest to volunteers looking for a cheap book to contribute to look at http://www.ebay.com


About our Webster's Unabridged Dictionary

Some people thought the filenames would be

pgws05*.txt and .zip

however. . .in this case the volunteer added an extra 0, I know not why, and the location of the number part changed, so the files you want are:

pgw050xz.txt pgw050tw.txt pgw050s.txt pgw050r.txt pgw050pq.txt pgw050mo.txt pgw050il.txt pgw050fh.txt pgw050de.txt pgw050c.txt pgw050ab.txt and readme.web

Sorry for the confusion, will add to next newsletter. . . .

Newer versions just add one. . .next will be 060. . . .

But most start with versions 10, 11, 12, etc. Only those we know will be "in progress" for some time before they are up to our standard, but are too important not to post immediately get numbers lower than 10, as an indicator of "not yet ready for prime time."


Here is a list of our newest sites:

California Lutheran University centrigma.dhs.org/pg or, if a problem, use: David Linstad


Mexico Universidad Jesuita (Instituto Tecnolsgico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente at Guadalajara) ftp://ftp.iteso.mx/pub/etext/


From Webmaster Sergey V. Malina Center Informika, Ministry of Education of Russia New URL for PG at Ministry of Education /www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/


DataCanyon Enterprises of Tucson, Arizona ftp://ftp.datacanyon.com/pub/gutenberg/ and http://www.datacanyon.com/mirrors/gutenberg/ The server is a dual processor Sparc 20, 512 megs RAM, 150GB+ disk, sitting on two fractional DS3's totaling 16 megabit of full-duplex bandwidth.


ftp://ftp.is.co.za/text/project-gutenburg/ Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa This site is FTP only, which most new browsers can handle. If you need help working with this particular site, email: 'The Internet Solution FTP admin' (ftp-admin@is.co.za)

* Austria gd.tuwien.ac.at/soc/gutenberg/


A list of our sites can be accessed at promo.net


And here, finally, is our list of some 45+ new Etexts:

Mon Year Title and Author [filename.ext]#### *****A "C" Following a PG Etext Number Indicates Copyright****

Nov 1999 Rashomon, by Akutagawa Ryunosuke [in Japanese] [rshmnxxx.xxx]1982

Nov 1999 The Right to Read, by Richard M. Stallman [of GNU][tychoxxx.xxx]1981C This Etext is available as tycho10.txt or .zip and tycho10h.htm or .zip files and in French HTML as tycho10f.htm and tycho10f.zip

Nov 1999 Stories by English Authors in Africa, Scribners Ed[sbeaaxxx.xxx]1980

Contains: The Mystery of Sasassa Valley by A. Conan Doyle Long Odds, by H. Rider Haggard King Memba's Point, by J. Landers Ghamba, by W. C. Scully Mary Musgrave, Anonymous Gregorio, by Percy Hemingway

Nov 1999 The Perdue Chicken Cookbook, by Mitzi Perdue [mitzixxx.xxx]1979C

Nov 1999 Buttercup Gold, et. al., by Ellen Robena Field [btrcpxxx.xxx]1978

Nov 1999 Phaedra, by Jean Baptiste Racine, RB Boswell, Tr. [phrdrxxx.xxx]1977

Nov 1999 Peter Ruff and the Double Four, by Oppenheim[EPO8][rff44xxx.xxx]1976

Nov 1999 The Legacy of Cain, by Wilkie Collins [Collins#22][lcainxxx.xxx]1975

Nov 1999 Poetics, by Aristotle, Tr. SH Butcher[Aristotle#1][poetcxxx.xxx]1974

Nov 1999 Tales of Troy, by Andrew Lang [Andrew Lang #17][tltryxxx.xxx]1973

Nov 1999 History Of The Britons, by Nennius [brtnsxxx.xxx]1972

Nov 1999 Erewhon Revisited, by Samuel Butler [S. Butler #2][ervstxxx.xxx]1971

Nov 1999 A Poor Wise Man, by Mary Roberts Rinehart[MRR #12][pwsmnxxx.xxx]1970

Nov 1999 Catherine: A Story, by William Thackeray[W.M.T.#9][cthrnxxx.xxx]1969

Nov 1999 The Human Comedy: Introductions and Appendix[#91][hciaaxxx.xxx]1968

Nov 1999 The Brotherhood of Consolation, by Balzac[HdB #90][brcnsxxx.xxx]1967

Nov 1999 The Path of the King, by John Buchan [Buchan #6][tpotkxxx.xxx]1966

Nov 1999 Captain Blood, by Rafael Sabatini [R. Sabatini #3][cpbldxxx.xxx]1965

Nov 1999 [Reserved for Pietro di Miceli, PG Webmaster] [ xxx.xxx]1964

Nov 1999 The Confession, by Mary Roberts Rinehart [MRR #11][cnfsnxxx.xxx]1963

Nov 1999 A Defence of Poesie and Poems, by Philip Sidney [dfncpxxx.xxx]1962

Nov 1999 Books and Bookmen, by Andrew Lang[Andrew Lang #16][bkbkmxxx.xxx]1961

Nov 1999 Sight Unseen, by Mary Roberts Rinehart[Rinehart10][stnsnxxx.xxx]1960

Nov 1999 The Crown of Thorns, by E. H. Chapin [thrnsxxx.xxx]1959

Nov 1999 Hermann and Dorothea by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe[handdxxx.xxx]1958

Nov 1999 Beatrix, by Honore de Balzac[Honore de Balzac #89][btrixxxx.xxx]1957

Nov 1999 And Even Now, by Max Beerbohm [Max Beerbohm #7][evnowxxx.xxx]1956

Nov 1999 The Darrow Enigma, by Melvin L. Severy [dngmaxxx.xxx]1955

Nov 1999 Colonel Chabert, by Honore de Balzac[de Balzac#88][chbrtxxx.xxx]1954

Nov 1999 The Diary of an Old Soul, by George MacDonald [#6][doaosxxx.xxx]1953

Nov 1999 The Yellow Wallpaper, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman2[ylwlpxxx.xxx]1952

Nov 1999 The Coming Race, by Edward Bulwer Lytton[Lytton#5][cmgrcxxx.xxx]1951

Nov 1999 A Woman of Thirty, by Honore de Balzac[Balzac #87][thrtyxxx.xxx]1950

Nov 1999 On The Ruin of Britain, by Gildas Sapiens [otrobxxx.xxx]1949

Nov 1999 The Story of a Bad Boy, by Thomas Bailey Aldrich 7[soabbxxx.xxx]1948

Nov 1999 Scaramouche, by Rafael Sabatini[Rafael Sabatini#2][scmshxxx.xxx]1947

Oct 1999 On War, by Carl von Clausewitz [Volume 1] [CvC #1][1onwrxxx.xxx]1946

Oct 1999 Egmont, by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe [Goethe #2][egmntxxx.xxx]1945

Oct 1999 The Witch, et. al, by Anton Chekhov[Chekhov#14-28][witchxxx.xxx]1944


Oct 1999 Louis Lambert, by Honore de Balzac [de Balzac #86][lmbrtxxx.xxx]1943

Oct 1999 Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau, by Balzac[HdB85][rfbrtxxx.xxx]1942

Oct 1999 Letters of Two Brides, by Honore de Balzac[HdB#84][l2brdxxx.xxx]1941

Oct 1999 Christ in Flanders, by Honore de Balzac[Balzac#83][flndrxxx.xxx]1940

Oct 1999 A Gentleman of France, by Stanley Weyman[Weyman#2][gntfrxxx.xxx]1939

Oct 1999 Resurrection, by Leo Tolstoy [Leo Tolstoi] [LT #6][resurxxx.xxx]1938

and two from December, leaving us 34 more to do in the next 28 days. . . .

Dec 1999 Origin of Species, 6th Ed., by Charles Darwin [#5][otoos610.xxx]2009

Dec 1999 Monsieur Beaucaire, by Booth Tarkington [BT #8] [mbeauxxx.xxx]1983


Mac users can download our .txt files in binary mode to avoid the double spacing cr/lf line ends creates. Or download the .zip files, which unzip properly for nearly any operating system they are unzipped for...

About the PG Newsletter: [Goes out approximately first Wednesday of each month. But different relays will get it to you at different times; you can subscribe directly, just send me email to find out how, or surf to promo.net/pg to subscribe directly by yourself.]

Not Just Intel and the Pentium III

From Edupage:

MICROSOFT RESPONDS TO PRIVACY ISSUE Reacting to a controversy started when a programmer in Brookline, Mass., discovered Windows 98 generates a unique serial number that is implanted in every electronic document and that can be used to trace the identity of its author, Microsoft said it will create a software tool to allow customers to remove the number, which was created to help support specialists diagnose problems for customers who call with questions. Jason Catlett, who lobbies on privacy issues, says, "This is going to be a cleanup job larger than the Exxon Valdez oil spill. There are billions of tattooed documents out there." (AP 8 Mar 99)

IBM ACTION ENCOURAGES WEB SITES TO POST CLEAR PRIVACY POLICIES IBM, which is the second-biggest advertiser on the Internet, has decided to refrain from advertising on any Web sites that do not post clear policies explaining to visitors of those sites such things as what information about them is being collected and how it will be used, sold, or otherwise disseminated for marketing purposes. IBM is the first large company to link advertising and privacy policy in this way. (Wall Street Journal 31 Mar 99)

Edupage ... is what you've just finished reading excerpts of— to subscribe to Edupage: send mail to: listproc@educom.unc.edu with the message: subscribe edupage Susan B. Anthony (if your name is Susan B. Anthony; otherwise use your own name To unsubscribe send a message to: listproc@educom.unc.edu with the message: unsubscribe edupage. If you have problems, send email to manager@educom.unc.edu.) "I love Edupage." mh

Edupage is supported by Educom

and from several of our people:

Some, if not most, VCR's won't be able to use the programmed advanced recording feature. Do not throw away your VCR in the year 2000. Set the year on 1972 because the calendar days of the week and month will be the same as the year 2000. Please pass this on because it is very unlikely the manufacturers will not share this information. They may want you to buy a new one that is Y2K compliant.

Next month, Etext #2000. . .I hope!!!

You can subscribe or unsubscribe by yourself to the listservers we have running. . .if you are trying to unsubscribe, please be aware that MANY different listservers relay the newsletters from PG and Ask Dr. Internet, and that it is quite likely you do not receive our newsletters directly from our listservers. In any case of that nature, you would have to deal with the listserver in question, presuming you still wanted to unsubscribe in that case.

There are TWO PG Lists. . .volunteers will also want to subscribe to the "gutvol-l" list AND the "gutnberg" list, simply by including a second line with "gutvol-l" in place of "gutnberg." [That is an "-L" after "gutvol" for the Volunteer's Listserver.]

To SUBSCRIBE to the PG mailing list, "gutnberg" please send an email message to: listproc@listserv.oit.unc.edu

The subject line of the message will be ignored. The body of the message should contain the text:

subscribe gutnberg Your True Name

So, if your name were Dudley P. Duck, your message would contain:

subscribe gutnberg Dudley P. Duck

You do not need to include your email address, because Listprocessor gets it from the header of your email message.

Beware that the address must be "listproc@listserv.oit.unc.edu" You can't address your message to an address like "listserv" or "listprocessor" or "majordom"

To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send this message to "listproc@listserv.oit.unc.edu"

unsubscribe gutnberg

If you are having trouble with the list, send a message to "owner-gutnberg@listserv.oit.unc.edu" and your message will be routed to the person who manages the list.


Michael S. Hart [hart@pobox.com] PG Executive Director Internet User ~#100



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