This is the PG Newsletter of Wednesday, January 6, 1999 [Usually sent the first Wednesday of each month, delayed if by relay.] Main URL is Webmaster is Pietro di Miceli, of Rome, Italy As you may recall from past years, we usually do not send this out the first Wednesday of the year, so it won't get lost in your mailbox when you return from the holidays, but this year is just going to be so hot with potential that I thought we should get a head start. More about all of the 1999 project and deadlines shortly. Right now we just need to get more xeroxes in from pre-1923 editions, so we can get your copyright research done. We have more interest than ever in getting all languages on line; this will take an ENORMOUS effort, and we will need some very energetic and patient volunteers to coordinate these efforts. We would like to find at least two or three volunteers willing to be Team Leader for various language teams we will be forming. . .this is going to take some work! We will be notifying all those who volunteered to work on Spanish. . ! Here are some examples of other interests: From: Leonidas Hatzinikolaou I write to you, Michael, with the following proposal: I'm volunteering to undertake the task of coordinating a collective effort in my country to digitally publish Greek books in the public domain, both in the Greek language and translations of them (wherever they can be found) in English, under the auspices of the GUTENBERG PROJECT. The formats and all rules of submissions of the e-texts will be according to the rules established by the GUTENBERG PROJECT. I will try to spread the message all over Greece asking for more volunteers to help in our task. I will check-out the texts, their copyright status, etc. Currently I have a web site under development (, where I can host the Greek e-texts (which require Greek fonts, etc.), which, of course, I will forward as soon as I receive them to the GUTENBERG PROJECT. and. . . Can we work on a few pieces of art, or more music? Is it possible to, for example, generate a nice image of the Mona Lisa? Or a few more MIDI files of the great classics? Maybe some of DaVinci's neat graphics. It's not text, but would be nice to spice things up. What I don't know about are the copyright problems for art and how to get a high-rez image....I could visit France and take my own photos... For suggested books (I'm not volunteering, but in case you want ideas to pass on); Principia mathematica, by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell. (1910) also Newton's Principia (don't know how old an English translation we can find... **** And. . .a piece of good news for you who buying new computers: Current PC sales at the end of 1998: $1,000 is the current average price— $800 - $1200 accounts for 67% of all: 1 computer out of 6 costs over $1200: 1 computer out of 6 costs under $800. *** And now here are the usual 36 Etexts we provide in each Newsletter. . . . 28 are officially for release in August, 1999, and 8 or 9 more in June, 1999. . .you MAY want to replace the listing we sent to you for June two months ago, as it will be easier than pasting in. Mon Year Title and Author [filename.ext]#### Aug 1999 North America, Vol. 2, by Anthony Trollope [AT #4][]1866 Aug 1999 North America, Vol. 1, by Anthony Trollope [AT #3][]1865 Aug 1999 Hero Tales From American History, Lodge/Roosevelt []1864 Aug 1999 From Cornhill to Grand Cairo by Thackeray [WMT #6][]1863 Aug 1999 Tartarin of Tarascon, by Alphonse Daudet []1862 Aug 1999 An Old Town By The Sea by Thomas Bailey Aldrich #6[]1861 Aug 1999 Westward Ho! by Charles Kingsley[Chas Kingsley #8][]1860 Aug 1999 The Works of Max Beerbohm, by Max Beerbohm[Max #6][]1859 Aug 1999 Plain Tales from the Hills, by Rudyard Kipling[#5][]1858 Aug 1999 Initials Only, by Anna Katharine Green [Green #3][]1857 Aug 1999 Cousin Pons, by Honore de Balzac [de Balzac #74][]1856 Aug 1999 Ban and Arriere Ban, by Andrew Lang[Andr. Lang#15][]1855 Aug 1999 Catherine de Medici, by Honore de Balzac/Balzac#73[]1854 Aug 1999 The Ninth Vibration, et. al., by L. Adams Beck #8 []1853 Aug 1999 The Interpreter, by L. Adams Beck [LAB #7][]1853 Aug 1999 The Incomparable Lady, by L. Adams Beck [LAB #6][]1853 Aug 1999 The Hatred of the Queen, by L. Adams Beck [LAB #5][]1853 Aug 1999 The Fire of Beauty, by L. Adams Beck [LAB #4][]1853 Aug 1999 The Building of the Taj Majal, by L. Adams Beck #3[]1853 Aug 1999 How Great is the Glory of Kwannon! by L Adams Beck[]1853 Aug 1999 The Round-Faced Beauty, by L. Adams Beck [LAB#1] []1853 Aug 1999 Lucile, by Owen Meredith []1852 Aug 1999 The Woman in the Alcove by Anna Katharine Green #2[]1851 Aug 1999 Old Christmas, by Washington Irving [Irving #5][]1850 Aug 1999 The Yellow Crayon, by E. Phillips Oppenheim[EPO#5][]1849 Aug 1999 Montezuma's Daughter, by H. Rider Haggard [HRH #7][]1848 Aug 1999 Songs, Merry and Sad, by John Charles McNeill []1847 Aug 1999 The Vision Splendid, by William MacLeod Raine [#3][]1846 Aug 1999 The Vision Spendid, by William MacLeod Raine [#3][]1846 Aug 1999 Zuleika Dobson, by Max Beerbohm [Max Beerbohm #5][]1845 Aug 1999 The Scholemaster, by Roger Ascham [In Markup] []1844 Aug 1999 The Schoolmaster, by Roger Ascham [In Markup] []1844 Aug 1999 Vera, The Medium, by Richard Harding Davis[RHD#29][]1843 Aug 1999 Michael Strogoff, by Jules Verne [Jules Verne #9][]1842 Aug 1999 Z. Marcas, by Honore de Balzac [de Balzac #72][]1841 Aug 1999 The Financier, by Theodore Dreiser []1840 Aug 1999 Other Things Being Equal, by Emma Wolf []1839 May 1999 Laws, by Plato [#29 and last of this Plato series][]1750 [We would love to do more tranlations of Plato, if you are have any. Michael] And here is a more complete and more organized listing for June, 1999 Etexts #1765 thru #1802 are mosly corrected Shakespeare. Mon Year Title and Author [filename.ext]#### Jun 1999 The Winter's Tale, by Shakespeare []1800 Jun 1999 Cymbeline, by Shakespeare []1799 Jun 1999 Timon of Athens, by Shakespeare []1798 Jun 1999 Coriolanus, by Shakespeare []1797 Jun 1999 Antony and Cleopatra, by Shakespeare []1796 Jun 1999 Macbeth, by William Shakespeare []1795 Jun 1999 King Lear, by Shakespeare []1794 Jun 1999 Othello, by William Shakespeare []1793 Jun 1999 Measure for Measure, by William Shakespeare []1792 Jun 1999 All's Well That Ends Well, by Shakespeare []1791 Jun 1999 Troilus and Cressida, by Shakespeare []1790 Jun 1999 RESERVED for More Shakepeare or Apocrypha []1789 RESERVED: 1788 will be "Sir John Oldcastle" coming from Tony Adam Jun 1999 Hamlet, by Shakespeare []1787 Jun 1999 As You Like It, by Shakespeare []1786 Jun 1999 Julius Caesar, by Shakespeare []1785 Jun 1999 King Henry V, by Shakespeare []1784 Jun 1999 Much Ado About Nothing, by Shakespeare []1783 Jun 1999 King Henry IV, Part 2, by Shakespeare []1782 Jun 1999 The Merry Wives of Windsor, by Shakespeare []1781 Jun 1999 King Henry IV, Part 1, by Shakespeare []1780 Jun 1999 The Merchant of Venice, by Shakespeare []1779 Jun 1999 A Midsummer Night's Dream, by William Skakespeare []1778 Jun 1999 Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare []1777 Jun 1999 King Richard II, by Shakespeare []1776 Jun 1999 King John, by Shakespeare []1775 Jun 1999 Love's Labour's Lost, by Shakespeare []1774 Jun 1999 Two Gentlemen of Verona, by Shakespeare []1773 Jun 1999 The Taming of the Shrew, by Shakespeare []1772 Jun 1999 Titus Andronicus, by William Shakespeare []1771 Jun 1999 King Edward III, Shakespeare Apocrypha []1770 Jun 1999 The Comedy of Errors, by Shakespeare []1769 Jun 1999 King Richard III, by Shakespeare []1768 Jun 1999 RESERVED for More Shakepeare or Apocrypha []1767 Jun 1999 RESERVED for More Shakepeare or Apocrypha []1766 Jun 1999 Henry VI Part 1, by William Shakespeare []1765 *** Mac users can download our .txt files in binary mode to avoid the double spacing cr/lf line ends creates. Or download the .zip files, which unzip properly for nearly any operating system they are unzipped for... About the PG Newsletter: [Goes out approximately first Wednesday of each month. But different relays will get it to you at different times; you can subscribe directly, just send me email to find out how, or surf to to subscribe directly by yourself.] LIBRARY REMOVES SOFTWARE FILTERS Responding to a federal court's ruling that the Loudoun County (VA.) library's use of software filters to screen out sexually explicit material on the Internet was unconstitutional (Edupage 24 Nov 98), the Library Board has removed filters from some of its computers and left them on others; adults will decide whether they want to use a computer with a filter or one without, and parents of minors will be asked to sign a statement specifying whether or not they want their child to have unfiltered Internet access. Library patron Becky Montcastle-Jones urged the library board to appeal the court's ruling, saying: "We have not had pornographic or salacious material in our library. Why, just because we have new technology to get to it very quickly, should we have any different policy? In the video section, you can't go in there and get a pornographic movie. Librarians throughout history have had to make choices about what will be in the library. That's not censorship — that's choice." But board member Marc Leepson expressed the view of 6 out of the 8 board members: "I'm completely comfortable with the new policy. It's constitutional, and it still protects children." (Washington Post 3 Dec 98) NBC ACQUIRES PART OF "WOMEN'S CONTENT" SITE Noting that women "happen to be the fastest-growing element on the Internet," an executive of the NBC television network has announced it will promote the iVillage Internet service, which he described as "the leading women's content site." NBC, in turn, will receive an ownership stake in that service, which now also provides information about parenting, families and health for special sites on Snap — an ad-supported Web site owned by NBC and C/NET. (USA Today 30 Nov 98) NADER GROUP CHALLENGES AOL-NETSCAPE MERGER Washington, D.C.-based Consumer Project, a group run by long-time consumer advocate Ralph Nader, says it will vigorously oppose the merger between America Online and Netscape. "We feel this will harm competition in the ISP market," says director James Love. "ISPs will have to go to Netscape or Microsoft for browser software. They compete against both and if they have to go to them to get software, it creates all kinds of problems." Love says his group plans to ask the Justice Department or the Federal Trade Commission to nix the merger. "We don't care if Netscape sells its company to anybody else but AOL or Microsoft." (TechWeb 25 Nov 98) DOD FALSIFIED Y2K DATA BUT HAS "GOOD FEELING" ABOUT FUTURE A Department of Defense inspector-general report says that the Defense Special Weapons Agency never conducted required tests on three of five "mission critical" computer systems it had certified as Y2K-compliant. The military officer assigned to correct the agency's Year 2000 problems says he agrees with the report but that the systems in question will be "100% in compliance" by April 1999: "I have a good feeling about Y2K in this agency." (USA Today 27-29 Nov 98) Edupage ... is what you've just finished reading excerpts of— to subscribe to Edupage: send mail to: with the message: subscribe edupage Susan B. Anthony (if your name is Susan B. Anthony; otherwise use your own name To unsubscribe send a message to: with the message: unsubscribe edupage. If you have problems, send email to "I love Edupage." mh Edupage is written by John Gehl (, and Suzanne Douglas ( USA Telephone: 770-590-1017 Edupage is supported by Educom |