A missing name or word is denoted by [ ], as in the original.
The format of some dates in the original text showed a year digit over another digit, similar to 167½ for example. These have been changed to the form 1671/2.
The TABLE OF CONTENTS section has been created by the Transcriber.
Obvious punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources. The use of quotation marks in letters and other quotations is not consistent in the book; some adjustments have been made to have consistency within a particular letter or quotation.
The first eight section numbers were missing a period. These have been added ('1' changed to '1.' etc).
Anchors for Footnotes [189] [201] and [235] were missing and have been inserted.
Except for those changes noted below, all misspelling in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained.
Pg 6. 'Cartar' replaced by 'Carter'.
Pg 16. 'fyndinge them them' replaced by 'fyndinge them'.
Pg 16. 'fourthc' replaced by 'fourthe'.
Pg 29. 'ga.. ' left unchanged; meaning not clear.
Pg 32. 'of a a species' replaced by 'of a species'.
Pg 38. 'honses' replaced by 'houses'.
Pg 40. 'secoud' replaced by 'second'.
Pg 49. 'genererally' replaced by 'generally'.
Pg 55. 'justicc, the' replaced by 'justice, the'.
Pg 57. 'ths power' replaced by 'the power'.
Pg 60. 'Ironice' replaced by 'Ironiee'.
Pg 62. 'Keper' replaced by 'Keeper'.
Pg 63. 'Klng' replaced by 'King'.
Pg 74. 'Saboath' replaced by 'Sabbath'.
Pg 86. 'thovght' replaced by 'thought'.
Pg 94. 'strenghts' replaced by 'strengths'.
Pg 109. Paragraph header '18.—' inserted.
Pg 113. 'against his Majcsty' replaced by 'against his Majesty'.
Pg 141. 'Exeellency' replaced by 'Excellency'.
Pg 146. 'Panls' replaced by 'Pauls'.
Pg 146. 'prihting' replaced by 'printing'.
Pg 153. 'Free People, People,' replaced by 'Free People,'.
Pg 164. 'postcript' replaced by 'postscript'.
Pg 165. '??S?L???' replaced by '??S?????'.
Pg 165. Section header number missing; '195a' inserted.
Pg 173. Paragraph header '7. ' inserted.
Pg 176. 'Decmber' replaced by 'December'.
Pg 177. 'postcript' replaced by 'postscript'.
Pg 188. 'whch was' replaced by 'which was'.
Pg 199. 'popery aud' replaced by 'popery and'.
Pg 199. 'pamplet' replaced by 'pamphlet'.
Pg 199 Footnote [193]. 'Kings's' replaced by 'King's'.
Pg 203. 'believes' replaced by 'relieves'.
Pg 205. 'Smythfield, aud' replaced by 'Smythfield, and'.
Pg 209. 'licencc' replaced by 'licence'.
Pg 210. 'a properties' replaced by 'and properties'.
Pg 220. 'hucusqne' replaced by 'huc usque'.
Pg 224. 'is in in Wine' replaced by 'is in Wine'.
Pg 229. 'Prsss-yard' replaced by 'Press-yard'.
Pg 230. 'ejusdcm' replaced by 'ejusdem'.
Pg 241. The phrase '[word illegible]' is part of the original text.
Pg 242. 'such as haue' replaced by 'such as have'.
Pg 250. 'die Martii' replaced by 'die Marcii'.
Pg 251. 'proof of the of the' replaced by 'proof of the'.
Pg 276. 'the Courl' replaced by 'the Court'.
Pg 287. 'six ith Pound' left unchanged; meaning not clear.
Pg 290. The book does indeed end in the middle of a sentence.