[1]Published by the J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia.
[2]Published by The Dial Press, New York.
[3]Tate and Brady.
[4]Published by Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.
[5]Used by permission of John A. Davis.
[6]Published by the Methodist Book Concern, New York. Used by permission.
[7]Used by permission of the author.
[8]Published by The Century Company, New York. Used by permission.
[9]Used by permission of The Methodist Book Concern, New York.
[10]Published by J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Used by permission.
[11]Used by permission of The Rodeheaver Company, Chicago.
[12]Published by Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. Used by permission.
[13]From The Ladies’ Home Journal, Philadelphia.
[14]Used by permission of J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia.
[15]Used by permission of Hope Publishing Company, Chicago.
[16]From My Life and the Story of the Gospel Hymns, by Ira D. Sankey. Published by Harper & Brothers, New York.
[17]By Mrs. Frank A. Breck. Used by permission of Grant Colfax Tullar, New York.
[18]Used by permission of John A. Davis.
[19]Published by Fleming H. Revell Company, New York. Used by permission.
[20]Used by permission of The Hope Publishing Company, Chicago.
[21]From All’s Well, published by Doubleday, Doran and Company, New York. Used by permission.
[22]From The Christian Herald, New York.
[23]Used by permission of The Fleming H. Revell Company, New York.
[24]This incident is found in Hall Young of Alaska, published by The Fleming H. Revell Company, New York.
[25]With permission of J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia.
[26]Published by The Cosmopolitan Book Corporation, New York. Used by permission.
[27]Published by Washburn and Thomas, Cambridge, Mass.
[28]Published in pamphlet form by The Commission on Courses of Study of the Methodist Episcopal Church, New York.
[29]For further stories of the use of this hymn, which was one of Mr. Sankey’s favorites, see My Life and the Story of the Gospel Hymns, by Ira D. Sankey.
[31]With permission of J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia.
[32]Printed with permission.