A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Abide with me: fast falls the eventide 53, 60, 77
- Above the hills of time the cross is gleaming 122
- A charge to keep I have 80
- All hail the power of Jesus’ name 32
- At even, ere the sun was set 35
- A mighty fortress is our God 44, 97
- “Are ye able,” said the Master 75
- Art thou weary, art thou laden 37
- Ask ye what great thing I know 121
- Awake, awake to love and work 26
- Away in a manger, no crib for a bed 90, 120
- B
- Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side 62
- Blessed Master, I have promised 83
- Brightest and Best of the sons of the morning 117
- C
- Christ is made the sure foundation 36
- Christ the Lord is risen today 131
- Christ, whose glory fills the skies 30
- Come! Peace of God, and dwell again on earth 15
- Come, let us anew our journey pursue 20
- Come, let us join our friends above 66
- Come Thou Fount of every blessing 40
- Crown Him with many crowns 126
- D
- Day is dying in the west 33
- E
- Eternal Father, strong to save 53
- F
- Faith of our fathers! living still 54, 62
- For ever with the Lord 133
- For the beauty of the earth 105
- G
- God of our fathers, known of old 102
- God is working His purpose out 56
- God moves in a mysterious way 73
- Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah 49
- H
- Hark, hark, my soul! angelic songs are swelling 34
- He shall give His angels charge 48
- Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty 29, 33, 37
- How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord 55, 63
- How sweet the name of Jesus sounds 47
- I
- I come to the garden alone 54
- I love Thy kingdom, Lord 68
- I need Thee every hour 43
- In the cross of Christ I glory 125
- J
- Jerusalem the golden 39
- Jesus bids us shine 85
- Jesus, Lover of my soul 57, 58, 80
- Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me 81
- L
- Lord, I want to be a Christian 88
- Love came down at Christmas 115
- Low in the grave He lay 92
- M
- Mid all the traffic of the ways 64
- Mine eyes have seen 93, 99
- My country, ’tis of thee 57, 106
- My God, I am Thine 73
- My Jesus, I love Thee 128
- N
- Nearer, my God, to Thee 38, 53, 56
- New every morning is the love 28
- Now the day is over 32, 85
- Now the laborer’s task is o’er 54
- O
- O beautiful for spacious skies 57, 95
- O come, all ye faithful 118
- O God, our help in ages past 56, 97
- O Jesus, I have promised 39
- O little town of Bethlehem 116
- O Master, let me walk with Thee 55
- On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross 53
- Onward, Christian soldiers 18, 53, 99
- O say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light 14, 56, 92, 93, 101, 129
- P
- Praise God, from whom all blessings flow 113
- Praise, my soul, the King of heaven 59, 108
- R
- Rise up, O men of God 20
- Rock of Ages, cleft for me 44, 96
- S
- Silent night, holy night 91, 116
- T
- Tell me the old, old story 41
- The day is slowly wending 16
- The Church’s one foundation 39, 123
- The heavens declare Thy glory, Lord 110
- The Maker of the sun and moon 115
- The shepherds had an angel 115
- The Son of God goes forth to war 37, 69
- The strife is o’er 69
- There is a land of pure delight 127
- There is no sorrow, Lord, too light 50
- There’s a Friend for little children 39
- There were ninety and nine that safely lay 45
- ’Tis the promise of God, full salvation to give 72
- W
- We love the place, O God 111
- What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought 71
- When I survey the wondrous cross 46
- With all my heart, I’ll do my part 59