
While the writer consulted many books, the following list includes those to which reference was most frequently made. The name of the author appears in the text, and the quotations may mostly be found by referring to the author’s discussion of that particular hymn.

An extensive bibliography of the subject may be found in the work of McCutchan.

Boyd, Charles Arthur, Stories of Hymns for Creative Living, The Judson Press.

Covert, William Chalmers, and Laufer, Calvin Weiss, Handbook to the Hymnal, Presbyterian Board of Christian Education.

Gillman, Frederick John, The Evolution of the English Hymn, George Allen & Unwin, Ltd.

Lorenz, Edmund S., Practical Hymn Studies, Fleming H. Revell.

McCutchan, Robert Guy, Our Hymnody, The Methodist Book Concern.

Moffatt, James, Handbook to the Church Hymnary, Oxford University Press.

Nutter, Charles S., Hymn Studies, Phillips & Hunt.

Nutter, Charles S., and Tillett, Wilbur F., The Hymns and Hymn Writers of the Church, The Methodist Book Concern.

Pratt, John Barnes, Present Day Hymns and Why They Were Written, A. S. Barnes and Company.

Robinson, Charles Seymour, Annotations Upon Popular Hymns, Hunt and Eaton.

Sankey, Ira D., My Life and the Story of the Gospel Hymns, Harper & Brothers.

Sheppard, W. J. L., Great Hymns and Their Stories, The Religious Tract Society, London.

Smith, H. Augustine, Lyric Religion, The Century Co.

Stead, W. T., Hymns That Have Helped, Doubleday and McClure Co.

Stevenson, G. J., The Methodist Hymn Book Illustrated, S. W. Partridge & Co., London.

Telford, John, The New Methodist Hymn Book Illustrated, Epworth Press, London.

Washburn, Charles C., Hymn Interpretations, Cokesbury Press.

Wiseman, F. Luke, Charles Wesley, The Abingdon Press.


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