Strawberry Jam.
Method.—Take the stalks from the strawberries and put them in a preserving pan. Stir and boil for thirty minutes on a moderate fire. Then add the sugar broken into small lumps; stir and boil for about thirty minutes longer, or until the jam stiffens. Remove all the scum as it rises. Put the jam into pots and cover close. Raspberry Jam.
Method.—Remove the stalks from the raspberries and boil them over a moderate fire for fifteen minutes, stirring all the time. Add the sugar broken into lumps, and boil for about thirty minutes longer, or until the jam will set. Remove all the scum carefully. Put the jam into pots and cover close. Rhubarb Jam.
Method.—Peel and cut the rhubarb as for a tart, put it When it will set it is ready. Red Gooseberry Jam.
Method.—Take the heads and stalks from the gooseberries and put them in a pan, allowing a quarter of a pint of water to every pound of gooseberries. Put the gooseberries into a preserving-pan. Stir and boil for fifteen minutes. Then add the sugar. Continue stirring until the jam is set, skimming frequently. Put it into pots and cover close. Damson Jam.
Method.—Boil for thirty minutes. Then put in the sugar broken into small pieces, and boil and skim for about twenty minutes longer, or until the jam will set. Put into pots and cover close. Black-currant Jam.
Method.—Boil the fruit and sugar together until the jam will set, skimming all the time. Put into pots and cover close. |