
Cheese PÂtÉs.

  • Ingredients—Some stale bread.
  • ½ tablespoonful of hot water.
  • 4 tablespoonfuls of grated cheese.
  • 1oz. of butter.
  • A few bread-crumbs.
  • Pepper and salt.
  • A little cayenne.
  • A few browned bread-crumbs.
  • The yolk of an egg.

Method.—Cut the bread in slices of one inch in thickness.

Stamp into rounds with a circular pastry-cutter; scoop out the inside, making little nests of them.

Fry in hot fat (see French Frying); drain them on kitchen paper.

Put them inside the oven to keep hot.

Put the butter and water into a saucepan on the fire to boil.

When boiling, stir in sufficient crumbs to make the mixture stiff.

Beat in the yolk, add pepper, salt, and cayenne; and stir in the cheese.

Pile the mixture on the cases; sprinkle a few browned crumbs over them and be careful to serve quite hot.

Welsh Rare-bit.

  • Ingredients—Some slices of bread about half an inch in thickness.
  • Some slices of cheese.
  • A little butter.
  • The yolk of an egg.
  • Pepper and salt.
  • A little cayenne.

Method.—Toast the bread and keep it quite hot.

Cut the cheese into very thin pieces.

Put it in a saucepan with the butter; pepper and salt to taste.

Stir until it has melted, then mix in the yolk.

Spread it on the toast, and brown before the fire.

Toasted Cheese.

  • Ingredients—Some slices of very hot toast.
  • Some slices of cheese.
  • Mustard, pepper and salt.

Method.—Toast the cheese nicely, and lay it quickly on hot toast.

Spread a little mustard thinly over it, with pepper and salt, and serve very hot.

Cheese Pudding.

  • Ingredients—3oz. of bread-crumbs.
  • 1 pint of milk.
  • ¼lb. of grated cheese.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 1oz. of butter.
  • Pepper and salt.
  • A little cayenne.

Method.—Put the crumbs into a basin.

Boil the milk; pour it over them, and let them soak. Then add the yolks of the three eggs, the grated cheese, and seasoning.

Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth and stir them in lightly.

Pour the mixture into a greased pie-dish, and bake in a quick oven until well thrown up and brown.

Macaroni and Cheese.

  • Ingredients—¼lb. of macaroni.
  • 2oz. of grated cheese.
  • ½ pint of milk.
  • 1oz. of butter.
  • ½oz. of flour.
  • Pepper and salt.
  • A little cayenne.

Method.—Break the macaroni into small pieces, and boil in a quart of water for thirty minutes or more until the macaroni is tender.

Then strain away the water.

Melt the butter in a stewpan.

Mix in the flour smoothly.

Pour in the milk, stir, and boil well.

Then put in the macaroni, seasoning, and half the cheese.

Put the mixture into a greased pie-dish.

Sprinkle the remainder of the cheese over it, and bake in a quick oven until brown.

Macaroni Stewed in Milk.

  • Ingredients—¼lb. of macaroni.
  • 1 pint of milk.

Method.—Break the macaroni, and boil it in one quart of water for thirty minutes.

Then strain away the water, and pour in the milk.

Stew gently, stirring occasionally for thirty minutes.

This may be eaten with jam, sugar, treacle, stewed fruit, &c.

Macaroni Stewed in Stock.

Prepare according to directions in the preceding recipe, using stock instead of milk.

Macaroni is very good plainly boiled and served as a vegetable with roasted or stewed meat.

Savoury Rice.

  • Ingredients—1 onion.
  • 2oz. of rice.
  • 1 pint of boilings from meat.
  • Pepper and salt.

Method.—Boil the onion until tender, then chop it finely.

Wash the rice, and boil it in the meat liquor with the chopped onion until tender.

Add pepper and salt to taste.

Cheese Sandwiches.

  • Ingredients—¼lb. of grated cheese.
  • The yolks of 3 hard-boiled eggs.
  • 4 slices of buttered bread.
  • 1oz. of butter.
  • Pepper and salt.
  • A little cayenne.

Method.—Beat the yolks well with the butter; add the cheese and seasoning. Spread the mixture on the two pieces of buttered bread, and place the others over.

Rice Stewed with Cheese.

  • Ingredients—½lb. of rice.
  • 2½ pints of water.
  • 1 pint of milk.
  • 2oz. of grated cheese.
  • Pepper and salt.

Method.—Boil the rice gently in the water for half an hour, then add the milk and cheese and boil gently for half an hour more.

Stewed Normandy Pippins.

  • Ingredients—1lb. of pippins.
  • 1 quart of water.
  • 6oz. of lump sugar.

Method.—Soak the pippins in the water.

Then stew them with the sugar for one hour or more until quite soft.

Place them on a glass dish and pour the syrup over them.



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