- Akron, Colorado, reception address at, 460
- Albany, Oregon, reception address at, 402
- Albany, New York, reception address at, 498
- Alger, Gen. R. A., response of, 69
- Allen County, Ohio, to delegation from, 149
- Alliance, Ohio, reception address at, 284
- Altoona, Pa., reception address at, 487
- American Fork, Utah, reception address at, 435
- Anderson, Indiana, reception address at, 271
- Anniston, Alabama, reception address at, 308
- Ashland, Oregon, reception address at, 400
- Ashland, Nebraska, reception address at, 464
- Atchison, Kansas, reception address at, 259
- Atlanta, Georgia, address to students, 304
- farewell address, 305
- Mr. Wanamaker's address, 306
- Augusta, Georgia, to exposition committee from, 549
- Bakersfield, California, reception address at, 362
- Baker City, Oregon, reception address at, 425
- Banning, California, reception address at, 341
- Bartholomew County, Indiana, to delegation from, 90
- Bellefontaine, Ohio, to delegation from, 89
- reception address at, 277
- Bellows Falls, Vermont, reception address at, 540
- Benicia, California, reception address at, 392
- Bennington trip, 1891, personnel of party, 493
- Bennington, Vermont, Battle Monument address, 502
- at great tent banquet, 505
- Benton Harbor, Michigan, to delegation from, 41
- Benton County, Indiana, to delegation from, 44
- Berkeley, California, at State University, 393
- dumb and blind institute, 394
- Billings Park, Vermont, speech at horse fair, 535
- Birmingham, Alabama, reception address at, 311
- Blackford County, Indiana, to delegation from, 163
- Blaine Club of Kansas City, address to, at Indianapolis, 76
- Blaine reception, demonstration at Indianapolis Oct. 11, 1888, 170
- Bloomingto
html#Page_26" class="pginternal">26
- to delegation from, July 18, 1888, 50
- Huntington, Indiana, reception address at, 101
- Hyde Park, Illinois, to delegation from, 166
- Inaugural Executive Committee, personnel of, 193
- Inaugural address, March 4, 1889, 194-203
- Indianapolis, to his neighbors, June 25, 1888, 27
- to Indiana delegates, June 26, 1888, 29
- to colored citizens, June 30, 1888, 33
- to veterans 70th Regiment, 28
- to veterans 26th Infantry, 134
- to veterans 7th Cavalry, 131
- to veterans 79th Regiment, 176
- to veterans and neighbors, 32
- introducing Gen. R. A. Alger, 69
- official notification, July 4, 1888, 35
- to Tippecanoe veterans, July 4, 1888, 38
- to railroad employees, July 13, 1888, 47
- speech at State Convention, Aug. 8, 1888, 80
- on returning from Put-in Bay, Sept. 4, 1888, 105
- great street demonstration, Sept. 6, 1888, 106
- address to children, Sept. 8, 1888, 107
- to the Porter-Columbian Club, Oct. 3, 1888, 158
- Labor-Day address, Oct. 25, 1888, 183
- to railroad clubs of Indiana, Oct. 27, 1888, 185
- to the saw-makers of city, Nov. 9, 1888, 188
- to G. A. R. veterans, Jan. 1, 1889, 189
- farewell to neighbors, Feb. 25, 1889, 191
- dedication Soldiers' Monument, 211
- at G. A. R. camp-fire, Aug. 22, 1889, 216
- at reunion 70th Regiment, Aug. 23, 1889, 217
- the home welcome, May 14, 1891, 481
- Indio, California, received by Gov. Markham, 338
- Irish-American Club, address to, Sept. 15, 1888, 125
- Iroquois County, Illinois, to delegation from, 131
- Jacksonville, Illinois, to delegation from, July 19, 1888, 51
- to delegation from, Aug. 17, 1888, 90
- Janesville, Wisconsin, to delegation from, Oct. 5, 1888, 161
- Jay County, Indiana, to delegation from, Sept. 21, 1888, 137
- to delegation from, Oct. 4, 1888, 159
- Jennings County, Indiana, to delegation from, July 28, 1888, 65
- Johnson County, Indiana, to delegation from, Aug. 17, 1888, 90
- Johnson City, Tennessee, reception address at, 293
- Jonesboro, Tennessee, reception address at, 295
- Kankakee, Illinois, to delegation from, 90
- Kansas City, Missouri, to Blaine Club from, 77
- to Scott Rifles from, 121
- banquet address at, 265
- Chamber Commerce speech, 266
- letter to Commercial Congress, 286
- Kansas veterans, address to, at Indianapolis, 108
- Kingston, New York, reception address at, 495
- Knightstown, Indiana, to soldiers' orphans at, 192
- Knoxville, Tennessee, reception address at, 347
- at citizens' reception, 349
- response to Gov. Torres, 350
- San Fernando, California, reception address at, 358
- San Francisco, the arrival address, 371
- Sutro Heights speech, 372
- at Phi Delta Theta banquet, 373
- launch of the _Monterey_, 374
- reception at Senator Stanford's, 375
- Chamber Commerce speech, 383
- address to veterans, May 1, 384
- Palace Hotel banquet speech, 386
- at Union League reception, 396
- farewell to California, 397
- San JosÉ, California, reception address at, 376
- Santa Ana, California, reception address at, 351
- Santa Barbara, California, reception address at, 361
- Santa Cruz, California, reception address at, 380
- Santa Paula, California, reception address at, 358
- Saratoga, New York, reception address at, 511
- House of Pansa reception, 512
- Seattle, Washington, reception address at, 417
- Mr. Wanamaker's address, 419
- Second Indiana Cavalry, address to survivors, 134
- Seventieth Indiana Infantry, reunion address, Sept. 13, 1888, 116
- reunion address, Aug. 23, 1889, 216
- Seventh Indiana Cavalry, address to survivors, 131
- Seventy-ninth Indiana Infantry, address to survivors, 176
- Seymour, Indiana, reception address at, 237
- Shelby County, Indiana, to delegation from, 54
- Shenandoah, Iowa, reception address at, 471
- Shoals, Indiana, reception address at, 238
- Sisson, California, reception address at, 400
- Soldiers' Monument, Indianapolis, dedicatory address, 214
- South Chicago, Illinois, to delegation from, 166
- Springfield, Ohio, to delegation from, 180
- Springfield, Illinois, to delegation from, 52
- at Lincoln's tomb, 473
- State House address, 475
- Springville, Utah, reception address at, 436
- State Fair, Indianapolis, address to exhibitors, 136
- St. Albans, Vermont, reception address at, 521
- St. Johnsbury, Vermont, reception address at, 531
- St. Joseph, Missouri, reception address at, 258
- St. Louis, Missouri, delegation from Ransom Post, 119
- Loyal Legion delegation, 171
- Merchants' Exchange speech, 268
- at Jockey Club banquet, 270
- Sullivan, Indiana, reception address at, 238
- Sutro, Hon. Adolph, presentation address to President, 372
- Tacoma, Washington, reception address at, 413
- Mrs. Harrison's thanks, 414
- Tallapoosa, Georgia, reception address at, 307
- Terre Haute, Indiana, to Railroad Club from, Transcriber's Notes
Obvious typographical errors have been corrected. Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation in the original document have been preserved. |