Advertisement. iv
Dedication. v
The Names of the Authors from whom this Historie of England is collected. ix
An Historicall Description of the Iland of Britaine, Book I 1
An Historicall Description of the Iland of Britaine, Book II 221
An Historicall Description of the Iland of Britaine, Book III 369
The Historie of England 424
The First Booke of the Historie of England 427
The Second Booke of the Historie of England 437
The Third Booke of the Historie of England 451
The Fovrth Booke of the Historie of England 482
The Fifth Booke of the Historie of England 551
The Sixt Booke of the Historie of England 638
The Seuenth Booke of the Historie of England 702
The Eight Booke of the Historie of England 739
Transcriber's Note


The chronicles of holinshed having become exceedingly scarce, and, from their Rarity and Value, having always brought a high Price whenever they have appeared for Sale, the Publishers have thought they should perform an acceptable Service to the Public by reprinting them in a uniform, handsome, and modern Form.

It cannot now be necessary to state the Importance and interesting Nature of this Work. The high Price for which it has always sold, is a sufficient Testimony of the Esteem in which it has been held. Holinshed's Description of Britain is allowed to contain the most curious and authentic Account of the Manners and Customs of our Island in the Reign of Henry VIII. and Elizabeth, in which it was written. His History of the Transactions of the British Isles, during these Periods, possesses all the Force and Value of contemporary Evidence, collected by a most skilful Observer; and the peculiar Style and Orthography in which the Work is written, furnish a very interesting Document to illustrate the History of the English Language.

The original Edition of the Chronicles of Holinshed, it is well known, was published by their Author in a mutilated State. A Number of Pages, which had obviously been printed with the rest of the Work, were found to be omitted, except in a few Copies obtained by some favoured Persons. In the present Edition, these Castrations are faithfully restored; and in order that the Purchaser may depend upon finding an exact as well as a perfect Copy, it has been a Law with the Publishers, not to alter a single Letter, but to print the Work with the utmost Fidelity from the best preceding Edition, with the Author's own Orthography, and with his marginal Notes. The only Liberty taken, has been to use the Types of the present Day, instead of the old English Letter of the Time of Elizabeth.

The Publishers submit to the Public this Edition of a curious and valuable Chronicle of our History, with a confident Hope, that it will gratify both the Historical Student and the General Reader. If it meet with the Reception which they anticipate, they will be encouraged to select some others of the rarest and most important of our ancient Chronicles, and reprint them, in like Manner, for the Convenience and Gratification of the Public.


lord warden of the cinque ports, and baron of cobham, all increase of the feare and knowledge of god, firme obedience toward his prince, infallible loue to the common wealth, and commendable renowme here in this world, and in the world to come life euerlasting.

Hauing had iust occasion, Right Honorable, to remaine in London, during the time of Trinitie terme last passed, and being earnestlie required of diuers my freends, to set downe some breefe discourse of parcell of those things, which I had obserued in the reading of such manifold antiquities as I had perused toward the furniture of a Chronologie, which I haue yet in hand; I was at the first verie loth to yeeld to their desires: first, for that I thought my selfe vnable for want of skill and iudgment, so suddenlie & with so hastie speed to take such a charge vpon me: secondlie, bicause the dealing therein might prooue an hinderance and impechment vnto mine owne Treatise: and finallie, for that I had giuen ouer all earnest studie of histories, as iudging the time spent about the same, to be an hinderance vnto my more necessarie dealings in that vocation & function wherevnto I am called in the ministerie. But when they were so importunate with me, that no reasonable excuse could serue to put by this trauell, I condescended at the length vnto their yrkesome sute, promising that I would spend such void time as I had to spare, whilest I should be inforced to tarie in the citie, vpon some thing or other that should satisfie their request; and stand in lieu of a description of my Countrie. For their parts also they assured me of such helps as they could purchase: and thus with hope of good, although no gaie successe, I went in hand withall, then almost as one leaning altogither vnto memorie, sith my books and I were parted by fourtie miles in sunder. In this order also I spent a part of Michaelmas and Hilarie termes insuing, being inforced thereto I say by other businesses which compelled me to keepe in the citie, and absent my selfe from my charge, though in the meane season I had some repaire vnto my poore librarie, but not so great as the dignitie of the matter required, and yet far greater than the Printers hast would suffer. One helpe, and none of the smallest that I obtained herein, was by such commentaries as Leland had somtime collected of the state of Britaine, books vtterlie mangled, defaced with wet and weather, and finallie vnperfect through want of sundrie volumes: secondlie, I gat some knowledge of things by letters and pamphlets, from sundrie places & shires of England, but so discordant now and then amongst themselues, especiallie in the names and courses of riuers and situation of townes, that I had oft greater trouble to reconcile them one with an other, than orderlie to pen the whole discourse of such points as they contained: the third aid did grow by conference with diuers, either at the table or secretlie alone, wherein I marked in what things the talkers did agree, and wherin they impugned ech other, choosing in the end the former, and reiecting the later, as one desirous to set foorth the truth absolutelie, or such things in deed as were most likelie to be true. The last comfort arose by mine owne reading of such writers as haue heretofore made mention of the condition of our countrie, in speaking wherof, if I should make account of the successe, & extraordinarie coming by sundrie treatises not supposed to be extant, I should but seeme to pronounce more than may well be said with modestie, & say farder of my selfe than this Treatise can beare witnes of. Howbeit, I refer not this successe wholie vnto my purpose about this Description, but rather giue notice thereof to come to passe in the penning of my Chronologie, whose crums as it were fell out verie well in the framing of this Pamphlet. In the processe therefore of this Booke, if your Honor regard the substance of that which is here declared, I must needs confesse that it is none of mine owne: but if your Lordship haue consideration of the barbarous composition shewed herein, that I may boldlie claime and challenge for mine owne, sith there is no man of any so slender skill, that will defraud me of that reproch, which is due vnto me for the meere negligence, disorder, and euill disposition of matter comprehended in the same. Certes I protest before God and your Honour, that I neuer made any choise of stile, or words, neither regarded to handle this Treatise in such precise order and method as manie other would haue done, thinking it sufficient, truelie and plainelie to set foorth such things as I minded to intreat of, rather than with vaine affectation of eloquence to paint out a rotten sepulchre; a thing neither commendable in a writer, nor profitable to the reader. How other affaires troubled me in the writing hereof manie know, and peraduenture the slacknesse shewed herein can better testifie: but howsoeuer it be done, & whatsoeuer I haue done, I haue had an especiall eye vnto the truth of things, and for the rest, I hope that this foule frizeled Treatise of mine will prooue a spur to others better learned, more skilfull in Chorographie, and of greater iudgement in choise of matter to handle the selfe same argument, if in my life time I doo not peruse it againe. It is possible also that your Honour will mislike hereof, for that I haue not by mine owne trauell and eysight viewed such things as I doo here intreat of. In deed I must needs confesse, that vntill now of late, except it were from the parish where I dwell, vnto your Honour in Kent; or out of London where I was borne, vnto Oxford & Cambridge where I haue bene brought vp, I neuer trauelled 40. miles foorthright and at one iourney in all my life; neuerthelesse in my report of these things, I vse their authorities, who either haue performed in their persons, or left in writing vpon sufficient ground (as I said before) whatsoeuer is wanting in mine. It may be in like sort that your Honour will take offense at my rash and retchlesse behauiour vsed in the composition of this volume, and much more that being scambled vp after this maner, I dare presume to make tendour of the protection therof vnto your Lordships hands. But when I consider the singular affection that your Honour dooth beare to those that in any wise will trauell to set foorth such profitable things as lie hidden, and therevnto doo weigh [Page viii] on mine owne behalfe my bounden dutie and gratefull mind to such a one as hath so manie and sundrie waies benefited me that otherwise can make no recompense, I can not but cut off all such occasion of doubt, and therevpon exhibit it, such as it is, and so penned as it is, vnto your Lordships tuition, vnto whome if it may seeme in anie wise acceptable, I haue my whole desire. And as I am the first that (notwithstanding the great repugnancie to be seene among our writers) hath taken vpon him so particularlie to describe this Ile of Britaine; so I hope the learned and godlie will beare withall, & reforme with charitie where I doo tread amisse. As for the curious, and such as can rather euill fauouredlie espie than skilfullie correct an error, and sooner carpe at another mans dooings than publish any thing of their owne, (keeping themselues close with an obscure admiration of learning & knowledge among the common sort) I force not what they saie hereof: for whether it doo please or displease them, all is one to me, sith I referre my whole trauell in the gratification of your Honour, and such as are of experience to consider of my trauell, and the large scope of things purposed in this Treatise, of whome my seruice in this behalfe may be taken in good part, that I will repute for my full recompense, and large guerdon of my labours. The Almightie God preserue your Lordship in continuall health, wealth, and prosperitie, with my good Ladie your wife, your Honours children, (whom God hath indued with a singular towardnesse vnto all vertue and learning) and the rest of your reformed familie, vnto whom I wish farder increase of his holie spirit, vnderstanding of his word, augmentation of honor, and continuance of zeale to follow his commandements.

Your Lordships humble seruant

and houshold Chaplein.

W. H.



  • Aelius Spartianus.
  • Aelius Lampridius.
  • Asserius Meneuensis.
  • Alfridus Beuerlacensis.
  • Aeneas Syluius Senensis.
  • Auentinus.
  • Adam Merimouth with additions.
  • Antoninus Archiepiscopus Florentinus.
  • Albertus Crantz.
  • Alexander Neuill.
  • Arnoldus Ferronius.
  • Annius Viterbiensis.
  • Amianus Marcellinus.
  • Alliances genealogiques des Roys & Princes de France.
  • Annales D. Aquitaine per Iean Bouchet.
  • Annales de Bourgoigne per Guilamme Paradin.
  • Annales de France per Nicol Giles.
  • Annales rerum Flandricarum per Jacobum Meir.
  • Antonius Sabellicus.
  • Antonius Nebricensis.
  • Aurea Historia.


  • Biblia Sacra.
  • Beda venerabilis.
  • Berosus.
  • Brian Tuke knight.
  • Blondus Forliuiensis.
  • Berdmondsey, a Register booke belonging to that house.


  • CÆsars Commentaries.
  • Cornelius Tacitus.
  • Chronica Chronicorum.
  • Chronica de Dunstable, a booke of Annales belonging to the Abbey there.
  • Chronicon Io. Tilij.
  • Chronica de Eyton, an historie belonging to that colledge, although compiled by some Northernman, as some suppose named Otherborne.
  • Chronicles of S. Albon.
  • Chronica de Abingdon, a booke of Annales belonging to that house.
  • Chronica de Teukesburie.
  • Claudianus.
  • Chronicon Genebrard.
  • Chroniques de Normandie.
  • Chroniques de Britaine.
  • Chroniques de Flanders published by Denis Sauage.
  • Continuation de Historie and Chroniques de Flanders by the same Sauage.
  • Couper.
  • Cuspinianus.
  • Chronica Sancti Albani.
  • Caxtons Chronicles.
  • Carion with additions.
  • Crockesden, a Register booke belonging to an house of that name in Staffordshire.


  • Diodorus Siculus.
  • Dion Cassius.
  • Dominicus Marius Niger.


  • Edmerus.
  • Eusebius.
  • Eutropius.
  • Encomium EmmÆ, an old Pamphlet written to hir, conteining much good matter for the vnderstanding of the state of this realme in hir time, wherein hir praise is not pretermitted, and so hath obteined by reason thereof that title.
  • Enguerant de Monstrellet.
  • Eulogium.
  • Edmund Campian.


  • Fabian.
  • Froissart.
  • Franciscus Tarapha.
  • Franciscus Petrarcha.
  • Flauius Vopiscus Siracusanus.
  • Floriacensis Vigorinensis.


  • Gviciardini Francisco.
  • Guiciardini Ludouico.
  • Gildas Sapiens.
  • Galfridus Monemutensis, aliÀs Geffrey of Monmouth.
  • Giraldus Cambrensis.
  • Guilielmus Malmesburiensis.
  • Galfridus Vinsauf.
  • Guilielmus Nouoburgensis.
  • Guilielmus Thorne.
  • Gualterus Hemmingford, aliÀs Gisburnensis.
  • Geruasius Dorobernensis.
  • Geruasius Tilberiensis.
  • Guilielmus Gemeticensis de ducibus NormaniÆ.
  • Guilielmus Rishanger.
  • Guilielmus Lambert.
  • Georgius Lillie.
  • Guilamme Paradin.


  • Higinus.
  • Henricus Huntingtonensis.
  • Henricus Leicestrensis.
  • Hector Boece.
  • Historie Daniou.
  • Historia Ecclesiastica Magdeburgensis.
  • Henricus Mutius.
  • Historia quadripartita seu quadrilogium.
  • Hardings Chronicle.
  • Halles Chronicle.
  • Henricus Bradshaw.
  • Henricus Marleburgensis.
  • Herodianus.
  • Humfrey Luyd.


  • Iohannes Bale.
  • Iohannes Leland.
  • Iacobus Philippus Bergomas.
  • Iulius Capitolinus.
  • Iulius Solinus.
  • Iohannes Pike with additions.
  • Iohannes Functius.
  • Iohn Price knight.
  • Iohannes Textor.
  • Iohannes Bodinus.
  • Iohannes Sleidan.
  • Iohannes Euersden a Monke of Berry.
  • Iohannes or rather Giouan villani a Florentine.
  • Iohannes Baptista Egnatius.
  • Iohannes Capgraue.
  • Iohannes Fourden.
  • Iohannes Caius.
  • Iacob de Voragine Bishop of Nebio.
  • Iean de Bauge a Frenchman wrote a pamphlet of the warres in Scotland, during the time that Monsieur de Desse remained there.
  • Iohn Fox.
  • Iohannes Maior.
  • Iohn Stow, by whose diligent collected summarie, I haue beene not onelie aided, but also by diuers rare monuments, ancient writers, and necessarie register bookes of his, which he hath lent me out of his own Librarie.
  • Iosephus.


  • Liber constitutionum London.
  • Lucan.
  • LÆlius Giraldus.


  • Marianus Scotus.
  • MatthÆus Paris.
  • MatthÆus Westmonaster. aliÀs Flores historiarum.
  • Martin du Bellay, aliÀs Mons. de Langey.
  • Mamertinus in Panegyricis.
  • Memoires de la Marche.


  • Nicephorus.
  • Nennius.
  • Nicholaus Treuet with additions.


  • Orosius Dorobernensis.
  • Osbernus Dorobernensis.
  • Otho Phrisingensis.


  • Pausanias.
  • Paulus Diaconus.
  • Paulus Aemilius.
  • Ponticus Virunius.
  • Pomponius LÆtus.
  • Philip de Cumeins, aliÀs M. de Argenton.
  • Polydor Virgil.
  • Paulus Iouius.
  • Platina.
  • Philippus Melancthon.
  • Peucerus.
  • Pomponius Mela.


  • Rogerus Houeden.
  • Ranulfus Higeden, aliÀs Cestrensis the author of Polychronicon.
  • Radulfus Cogheshall.
  • Radulfus Niger.
  • Register of the Garter.
  • Records of Battell Abbey.
  • Richardus Southwell.
  • Robert Greene.
  • Radulfus de Diceto.
  • Robert Gaguin.
  • Rodericus Archiepiscopus Toletanus.
  • Records and rolles diuerse.


  • Strabo.
  • Suetonius.
  • Sigebertus Gemblacensis.
  • Sidon Appollinaris.
  • Simon Dunelmensis.
  • Sextus Aurelius Victor.


  • Trebellius Pollio.
  • Thomas More knight.
  • Thomas Spot.
  • Thomas Walsingham.
  • Titus Liuius de Foroliuisijs de vita Henrici. 5.
  • Titus Liuius Patauiensis.
  • Thomas Lanquet.
  • Thomas Couper.
  • Taxtor a Monke of Berry.
  • Theuet.
  • Thomas de la More.
  • Tripartita Historia.


  • Vvlcatius Gallicanus.
  • Volfgangus Lazius.


  • Whethamsted, a learned man, sometime Abbat of Saint Albons a Chronicler.
  • William Harrison.
  • William Patten of the expedition into Scotland. 1574.
  • William Proctor of Wiats rebellion.

Besides these, diuers other bookes and treatises of historicall matter I haue seene and perused, the names of the authors being vtterlie vnknowne.


Wil. Conqu.
Wil. Rufus.
Henricus 1.
Henricus 2.
Richardus 1.
Henricus 3.
Eduardus 1.
Eduardus 2.
Eduardus 3.
Richardus 2.
Henricus 4.
i Henricus 5.
Henricus 6.
Eduardus 4.
Eduardus 5.
Richardus 3.
Henricus 7.
Henricus 8.
Eduardus 6.
Phil. & Mar.

Conquestor, Rufus, prior Henricus, StephanÚsque,

Alter & Henricus, Leonino corde Richardus,

Rex & Ioannes, Henricus tertius inde:

Eduardus primus, GnatÚsque, NepÓsque sequuntur:

His infoelicem Richardum iunge secundum:

Henricus quartus soboles Gandaui Ioannis,

PrÆcedit Gnato quinto, sextÓque Nepoti:

Eduardus quartus, quintus, homicida Richardus,

Septimi & Henricus octauus clara propago:

Eduardus sextus, regina Maria, Philippus:

Elisabeth longos regnet victura per annos,

SerÁque promisso foelix potiatur olympo.


Vocalis aliÀs Hookerus.

Gramine, fluminibus, grege, principe, fruge, metallis,

Lacte, feris, armis, vrbibus, arte, foris,

QuÆ viget ac floret generosa Britannia, quÆque,

Obruta puluereo squalluit ante situ:

Exerit ecce caput, genuinum nacta nitorem,

Et rutilum emittit cum grauitate iubar.

Et quod blÆsa hominum mutilarat tempore lingua,

Illud habet rectum pumice tersa nouo.

Loydus in hac pridem gnauus prolusit arena,

Lelandus, Prisius, Stous, Holinshedius,

Lambardus, Morus, Camdenus, Thinnius, Hallus,

Vocalis, Grafton, Foxius, Harrisonus,

Hardingus, Gildas, Staniherstus, Beda, Neuillus,

DoctÁque Flemingi lima poliuit opus:

Nec te cane senex, magne Ô Parkere, silebo,

Cui decus attulerat pontificalis apex.

Omnibus his meritÒ est laus debita & optima merces,

QuÒd patriÆ accendant lumina clara suÆ.

Longa dies opus hoc peperit, longÆua senectus,

Et libri authores perbeet, atque librum.


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