- Abrasion tests, 146
- Absorption of bricks, 132
- Acids defined, 76
- Actinolite, 69
- Air, chemical composition of, 105
- Albite felspar, chemical composition, 34
- Almandite, 68
- Aluminium, under blowpipe, 73
- Anorthite felspar, chemical composition, 34
- Aragonite, 49
- Bases defined, 76
- Basic bricks, 90
- dolomite for, 55
- magnesite for, 56
- Biotite mica, 43
- under blowpipe, 73
- Black bricks, 101
- Blowpipe, 58
- Blue bricks, 101
- Bluish-black brick-earths, 27
- Boulder clay, 50
- Bourges, Oxford clay of, 24
- Bovey Heathfield clays, 20
- Bracknell bricks, 135
- Brick earths, artificial mixing, 42
- artificial mixtures, 94, 95
- bluish-black, 27
- boulder clay, 50
- brown, 27
- chalk pebbles in, 50
- changes in character on being dug into, 2, 5, 10
- chemical composition of, 23, 52, 83, 84, 85
- chemistry of, 58, 75
- chert in, 41, 42
- coprolites found in, 51
- Cornwall, 35
- Crayford, 1
- Devon, 35
- Erith, 1
- estuarine, 21
- fluviatile—Chapter I., 1–16
- fossil shells in, 50
- Ilford, 1
- Kimeridge clay, 26
- lacustrine—Chapter II., 17–21
- Lincolnshire, 21
- London clay, 33
- marine, 22
- mineral constitution,
- behaviour of in the kiln, 42, 43
- implement: an implement, or tool, made of flint—in the sense indicated in this work an implement made by pre-historic man.
- implements, found in brick-earths, 3, 5
- micro-structure of, 129
- origin of, 41
- Fluid inclusions in quartz, 41
- Fluorine in clays, 59
- Fluviatile brick-earths: brick-earths that have been deposited in rivers
- Fossil shells, carbonate of lime in, 50
- shells found in brick-earths, 4
- sponges, in flint, 42
- Fusion of brick-earths in the kiln, 29, 31
- Gault clay, 51
- Glaze, micro-structure of, 119, 120
- Glazing, salt, 57
- Granite, Cornish, 35
- Dartmoor, 35
- Granites, weathering of, 36
- Greece, magnesite in, 56
- Green bricks, 101
- Grizzly bear’s remains found in brick-earth, 2
- Gypsum in brick-earths, 54
- under blow-pipe, 74
- Heat, bricks affected by, 117
- Hippopotamus remains found in brick-earth, 2
- Ilford, brick-earth at, 1
- Infusorial earth, Tuscany, 92
- Iron, 44
- a constituent of brick-earths, 44
- behaviour in the kiln, 45
- bricks, SaarbrÜcken, 92
- micro-structure of, 130
- mode of occurrence in brick-earths, 45
- under blow-pipe, 73, 74
- vapour in the kiln, 46
- pyrites, 46, 131
- pyrites, behaviour in the kiln, 48
- pyrites, under blow-pipe, 74
- pyrites, weathering of in bricks, 48
- Jurassic estuarine clays, 21
- Kangaroo rats, fossil, 25
- Kaolin: a hydrous silicate of alumina, derived chiefly from the decomposition of felspars
- Kaolin, 31
- behaviour in the kiln, 32, 33
- chemical composition of, 78
- micro-structure, 32, 33
- under blow-pipe, 73
- “Kaolinised” matter, 33
- Kilns, temperature in, 98
- Kieselguhr: a diatomaceous earth
- Kieselguhr, 91
- chemical
htm.html#Page_74" class="pginternal">74
- Septaria: tabular or rounded concretions of argillaceous limestone, commonly found in clays
- Septaria, 51
- Shrinkage of brick-earth in the kiln, 85
- Silica, behaviour in the kiln, 28
- group of minerals, 39
- Slates, chemical composition of, 87
- dÉbris for brickmaking, 87
- refuse, 47
- used in brickmaking, 47
- Snails, found in brick-earth, 4
- Specific gravity of bricks, 146, 149
- Stacking in the kiln, 97
- Staffordshire blue bricks, 99
- Stibnite, 68, 70
- Stocks, London, 140
- Stoneware, earths for making, 21
- Stourbridge bricks, 82
- Strength of bricks, 136
- Styrian magnesite, 56
- Swiss brick-earths, 89
- Temperature and weathering of bricks, 115
- in kilns, 98
- Terra-cotta earths, 19, 30
- earth, chemical composition of, 84
- expansion of in weathering, 115
- Ruabon, 116
- Tests for bricks (see strength, absorption, specific gravity, chemical composition, micro-structure, etc.).
- Thames, mineral salts in solution in the, 7
- Thames Valley brick-earths, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Tuscany, infusorial earth, 92
- Variable character of brick-earths, 10
- Variability in character of marine brick-earths, 23, 24
- of estuarine brick-earths, 21
- of lacustrine brick-earths, 17
- Vegetable growth on bricks, 113
- Vein quartz, 40
- Volcanic ejectamenta for brickmaking, 93
- Wales, fire-clays of, 81
- Warping, 98
- “Weathering” agents which affect bricks, 6
- Weathering of brick-earths, 27
- White bricks, 100
- Yellow bricks, 101