CHAPTER I. FLUVIATILE BRICK-EARTHS. CHAPTER II. LACUSTRINE AND FLUVIATILE BRICK-EARTHS. CHAPTER III. MARINE BRICK-EARTHS. CHAPTER IV. THE MINERAL CONSTITUTION OF BRICK-EARTHS. CHAPTER V. MINERALS: THEIR BEHAVIOUR IN THE KILN. CHAPTER VI. MINERALS: THEIR BEHAVIOUR IN THE KILN ( continued ). CHAPTER VII. THE CHEMISTRY OF BRICK-EARTHS. CHAPTER VIII. THE CHEMISTRY OF BRICK-EARTHS ( Continued ). CHAPTER IX. DRYING AND BURNING. CHAPTER X. THE DURABILITY OF BRICKS. CHAPTER XI. THE MICRO-STRUCTURE OF BRICKS. CHAPTER XII. THE MICRO-STRUCTURE OF BRICKS ( Continued ). CHAPTER XIV. STRENGTH OF BRICKS. CHAPTER XV. ABRASION, SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Transcriber’s Note: Advertisements. BRICK DRYERS 5,000 TO 100,000 DAILY CAPACITY. ·CROSS SECTION· A. B. C. STEAM DRYER For Small Producers. CUMMER HOT AIR DRYER For Medium and Large Producers. REMARKABLE ECONOMY & EFFICIENCY. Large Dryers at work in ENGLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, FULLY GUARANTEED. Also Makers of Best English Steel Brick Cars. CHARLES ERITH & CO., 70 GRACECHURCH STREET, LONDON, E.C. Advertisements. THE CARDIFF KILNS (LEE’S PATENT) HIGH-CLASS CAN be burned BETTER and They are CHEAP to erect, EASY TO BURN. AND ARE It has long been admitted that the “Down-draught” is the only reliable Kiln for burning the highest class goods, and the best for ordinary purposes, the only drawback to its general adoption for lower grade wares and Building Bricks being the heavy consumption of fuel. THIS, the ONLY disadvantage, is ENTIRELY overcome by the patent CARDIFF KILN, and the improvements recently devised in their construction, whereby all the advantages of the HOFFMANN system are combined with those of DOWN-DRAUGHT system, while avoiding the defects of the Hoffmann, thus rendering these kilns the BEST, CHEAPEST, and MOST ECONOMICAL of all modern kilns, producing the BEST GOODS at the LOWEST COST. The system may be applied to existing Down-draught Kilns at very moderate cost. FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO THE SCIENCE OF BRICKMAKINGTHE SCIENCE WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF BY Membre de la SociÉtÉ Belge de GÉologie, PalÉontologie et LONDON: [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.] Printed at the Victoria Printing Works, |