
Chapter Page
I At the Hot Gates 1
II “Remember the Athenians” 10
III The Defense on the Acropolis 17
IV The Miracle of Salamis 28
V The Traitor of ThermopylÆ 40
VI Athena Speaks Through the Olive-Branch 46
VII The Banquet of Attaginus 51
VIII Masistius’ Message to Zopyrus 60
IX The Rescue of Ladice 70
X A Venture at the Eve of Battle 80
XI A Hero of PlatÆa 86
XII The Prophet at Delphi 93
XIII The House of Pasicles 101
XIV Beyond the Dipylon Gate 111
XV What Happened at the Theatre of Dionysus 121
XVI The Celebration of the Mysteries 128
XVII Persephone 136
XVIII Agne’s Advice 142
XIX Ephialtes’ Plot 147
XX The Ward of Themistosles 155
XXI In the Shadow of the Acropolis 162
XXII A Letter from Sicily 167
XXIII The Festivities at Naxos 174
XXIV Dionysus and Ariadne 180
XXV A Revelation 187
XXVI The Home of Aeschylus 194
XXVII The Allied Fleet Sails 201
XXVIII The Hand of Fate 209
XXIX After Twenty Years 216

“What have I to do with the heroes or the monuments of ancient times? With times which never can return, and heroes, whose form of life was different from all that the present condition of mankind requires or allows?... At least we compare our own with former times, and either rejoice at our improvements, or, what is the first motion towards good, discover our defects.” Samuel Johnson in “Rasselas”


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