
Nights With Uncle Remus is a story-book dearly loved by children. Besides that, it is an important contribution to the study of Afro-American folk-lore, and through many years of popularity it has carried a long and learned Introduction, of great interest to students but rather forbidding in aspect to youthful readers. In this new edition, which has been prepared especially for children, and illustrated in colors by an artist who knows how to please them as well as their elders, the Introduction has been omitted, but the stories and their charming setting have been left intact.

June, 1917

I. Mr. Fox and Miss Goose 3
II. Brer Fox catches Mr. Horse 7
III. Brer Rabbit and the Little Girl 11
IV. Brer Fox copies Brer Rabbit 14
V. Brer Rabbit's Astonishing Prank 18
VI. Brer Rabbit secures a Mansion 22
VII. Mr. Lion hunts for Mr. Man 27
VIII. The Story of the Pigs 31
IX. Mr. Benjamin Ram and his Wonderful Fiddle 35
X. Brer Rabbit's Riddle 41
XI. How Mr. Rooster lost his Dinner 49
XII. Brer Rabbit breaks up a Party 53
XIII. Brer Fox, Brer Rabbit, and King Deer's Daughter 58
XIV. Brer Terrapin deceives Brer Buzzard 62
XV. Brer Fox covets the Quills 66
XVI. How Brer Fox failed to get his Grapes 70
XVII. Brer Fox figures as an Incendiary 75
XVIII. A Dream and a Story 79
XIX. The Moon in the Mill-Pond 83
XX. Brer Rabbit takes some Exercise 89
XXI. Why Brer Bear has no Tail 97
XXII. How Brer Rabbit frightened his Neighbors 100
XXIII. Mr. Man has some Meat 105
XXIV. How Brer Rabbit got the Meat 108
XXV. African Jack 112
XXVI. Why the Alligator's Back is Rough 119
XXVII. Brer Wolf says Grace 123
XXVIII. Spirits, Seen and Unseen 129
XXIX. A Ghost Story 134
XXX. Brer Rabbit and his Famous Foot 141
XXXI. "In some Lady's Garden" 149
XXXII. Brer 'Possum gets in Trouble 156
XXXIII. Why the Guinea-fowls are speckled 162
XXXIV. Brer Rabbit's Love-charm 166
XXXV. Brer Rabbit submits to a Test 170
XXXVI. Brer Wolf falls a Victim 174
XXXVII. Brer Rabbit and the Mosquitoes 179
XXXVIII. The Pimmerly Plum 185
XXXIX. Brer Rabbit gets the Provisions 195
XL. "Cutta Cord-La!" 200
XLI. Aunt Tempy's Story 204
XLII. The Fire-Test 209
XLIII. The Cunning Snake 214
XLIV. How Brer Fox was too Smart 218
XLV. Brer Wolf gets in a Warm Place 225
XLVI. Brer Wolf still in Trouble 229
XLVII. Brer Rabbit lays in his Beef Supply 234
XLVIII. Brer Rabbit and Mr. Wildcat 238
XLIX. Mr. Benjamin Ram defends Himself 245
L. Brer Rabbit pretends to be Poisoned 249
LI. More Trouble for Brer Wolf 253
LII. Brer Rabbit outdoes Mr. Man 256
LIII. Brer Rabbit takes a Walk 260
LIV. Old Grinny-Granny Wolf 263
LV. How Wattle Weasel was Caught 267
LVI. Brer Rabbit ties Mr. Lion 272
LVII. Mr. Lion's Sad Predicament 276
LVIII. The Origin of the Ocean 279
LIX. Brer Rabbit gets Brer Fox's Dinner 283
LX. How the Bear nursed the Little Alligators 291
LXI. Why Mr. Dog runs Brer Rabbit 295
LXII. Brer Wolf and the Horned Cattle 298
LXIII. Brer Fox and the White Muscadines 302
LXIV. Mr. Hawk and Brer Buzzard 306
LXV. Mr. Hawk and Brer Rabbit 309
LXVI. The Wise Bird and the Foolish Bird 312
LXVII. Old Brer Terrapin gets some Fish 315
LXVIII. Brer Fox makes a Narrow Escape 318
LXIX. Brer Fox's Fish Trap 321
LXX. Brer Rabbit rescues Brer Terrapin 325
LXXI. The Night before Christmas 333

Uncle Remus and the Little Boy Frontispiece
"He to' down a whole panel er fence gittin' 'way fum dar" 20
"Brer Rabbit turnt 'er aloose, en down she come—ker-swosh!" 44
"'Brer Tarrypin, please lemme go!'" 68
"'Ah-yi! You oughter ax me dat fus', Brer Coon'" 92
"Brer Rabbit fotch a wiggle, he did, en lit on he foots" 128
"'Ef you git any mo' sense, Son Riley, you'll be de ruination ev de whole settlement'" 174
"De little Rabs, dey promise dat dey won't open de do' fer nobody" 212
"En, bless gracious! dem ar creeturs racked off fum dar en lef' ole Brer Wolf und' dat ar rock" 232
"He sorter hunch Brer Possum in de short ribs, en ax 'im how he come on" 268
"'I dunner w'en I bin so sorry 'bout anything ez I is 'bout Brer Fox nice long tail'" 286
"He git de finest mess er fish you mos' ever laid yo' eyes on" 324




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