

If the writer can impress upon the readers of this little salad book the importance of eating salads, the writing of it will not be in vain.

The addition of a pretty salad to a menu not only gives a refined, attractive appearance to the table, but is appetizing, and, I might say, almost a necessity in this climate, speaking from a health standpoint. Fruits and vegetables contain a large amount of the necessary salts required by the system, and as for olive oil, the many benefits derived from the use of pure olive oil are so great that it is considered by good authority a positive beautifier. We all know that celery and onions are soothing to the nerves.

This is not a very comprehensive work, but a collection of a few practical, palatable recipes, combined, proportioned and tested by the author. It is especially written with the hope that it will be of some assistance to young housekeepers in making their meals attractive and dainty. With a few exceptions, the materials used in these salads are produced in Florida.

In making salads there is a field for a great deal of originality. With a little taste and painstaking care, most attractive, and at the same time wholesome dishes may be originated.


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