Leaves of small lettuce hearts slightly pulled apart, thoroughly washed and soaked in ice water one hour. Drain, dip in French dressing and sprinkle with finely shredded celery mixed with chopped pimentoes. Serve with or without mayonnaise, one to each person. LETTUCE HEART SALAD No. 2.Lettuce hearts prepared as above and sprinkled with finely chopped nut meats instead of celery and pimentoes. Serve with mayonnaise. LETTUCE SALAD.Select the white inner leaves of a cabbage head lettuce. Serve a few leaves on a plate dressed with Roquefort dressing. ENDIVE SALAD.Pick well bleached endive apart, wash well and crisp one-half hour in ice water. Shake and marinate in French dressing. MALAGA SALAD.With a sharp knife slit one side of large Malaga grapes, take out the seed and fill with blanched pecan meats. For each plate, put two leaves of romaine side by side pinched together, and a row of grapes in TOMATO CUPS.Large, firm, cold tomatoes peeled with a thin bladed sharp knife; scoop out the centers and fill with chopped celery and nuts mixed with mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce leaves. AVOCADO PEAR SALAD.Cut pears in half lengthwise and remove seed; sprinkle with salt, pepper and lemon or lime juice and eat with a spoon. One-half to each person. ROMAINE SALAD.Wash romaine lettuce well, crisp in ice water, dress with French dressing mixed with finely chopped pimentoes. Dress at table. BELL PEPPER SALAD.Finely shred large, sweet bell peppers and soak one hour in ice water; drain and chop fine. Prepare endive in same manner and mix together with French dressing to which a little Worcestershire and Tabasco sauce have been added. Put a thin slice of a large firm tomato on each place and a tablespoonful of salad on each slice. This is rather a hot salad and a little suffices. It is also good with deviled crabs for a Luncheon or Bridge. ASPARAGUS SALAD.Cooked asparagus chilled, a few stalks put on lettuce leaves, sprinkled with chopped nuts and served with mayonnaise. STRING BEAN SALAD.Cold string beans which have been cooked in the old fashioned Southern way with bacon, mixed with chopped tomatoes, onions, and cucumbers and dressed with a French dressing. Add a little Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce to dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves or a tablespoonful on salad plate with curled round radish on side. Of course the onions and cucumbers must be soaked in ice water and drained before adding to salad. GREEN PEA SALAD.Boil peas in salted water and drain. Boil mushrooms in salted water, chop and drain. Mix peas and mushrooms together with French dressing. Scoop the center out of firm tomatoes, fill with the mixture and put on lettuce leaves. Sprinkle a few peas around the tomatoes and put a spoonful of Red Mayonnaise on top. CELERY STICK SALAD No. 1.Wash celery well with a brush, crisp in ice water and dry. Select well grooved stalks, remove strings or threads, cut in uniform lengths and fill grooves with cold tomato jelly, just before it hardens. Serve two stalks on two romaine lettuce leaves CELERY STICK SALAD No. 2.Prepare celery as in recipe for Celery Stick Salad No. 1. Fill grooves with cream cheese mashed with pimento. Serve in same way. CELERY SALAD.Chop crisp celery and mix with blanched, broken pecan meats. Put two romaine lettuce leaves on each plate, and in the middle, along the length of each leaf put a little row of the mixture, with a small stream of mayonnaise on top. TOMATO JELLY.Mash fresh tomatoes through a sieve, enough to make pint and half. Dissolve one package of gelatine, add to tomatoes, season with cloves, salt, celery seed and white pepper. Boil a few seconds, remove from fire, strain, and when cold set near ice. CUCUMBER SALAD.Two long glass house cucumbers and one medium white onion sliced thinly and soaked in ice water. Drain well and lightly mix with two cold, firm tomatoes cut with a sharp knife into small pieces. Add a little Worcestershire sauce and a pinch of sugar to a plain French dressing and pour over salad and serve on lettuce leaves. CAULIFLOWER SALAD.Boil cauliflower in salted water until tender and drain. Put a spray of it on a lettuce leaf with a few blocks of hard boiled egg. Dress with a spoonful of mayonnaise dressing. SPINACH SALAD.Boil spinach until tender. Salt and pepper while cooking. When done, mash fine, drain, and season with butter. Mince cucumber pickle, add to spinach and mould in individual moulds. Turn out on a bed of cress, put grated hard boiled eggs around the base and Green Mayonnaise on top. RADISH SALAD.Peel firm young radishes, cut in small pieces, and soak in ice water one-half hour. Drain and mix with broken blanched pecan meats. Serve on lettuce with Mayonnaise No. 2. Garnish with round red radishes sliced in the shape of roses. CABBAGE SALAD.The half of one small, hard, white cabbage shredded finely, mixed with one small, white onion chopped and all soaked in ice water two hours. Drain well and mix with half the amount of finely shredded celery; dust with cayenne, sprinkle with a pinch of sugar and dress with French dressing containing a dash of Worcestershire sauce. Serve in a nest of endive and put a few small blocks of red beet which have been dressed with vinegar, on top. STRAWBERRY SALAD.Slice strawberries. Add half the quantity of thinly sliced kumquats and sprinkle lightly with sugar. Dress with a very little lemon dressing and put in small cup shaped leaves of white lettuce. Garnish with a large strawberry, with cap and stem. MAMMEE-SAPOTA SALAD.Cut in half, remove seed and dress with lemon dressing, adding a few drops of the juice of sour sops. Serve on lettuce leaf and eat with a spoon. This is a very pretty dish. FLORIDA SALAD.Peel grapefruit, oranges, and tangerines; divide into lobes, remove white skin and seed, and put on lettuce leaves. Cut a pineapple into small square blocks and pile a little on top of each plate of salad. Around the salad put slices of banana with a little lemon juice squeezed over. Serve with mayonnaise. |