A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z
Accuracy, in writing of wills necessary, 220.
Acorns, to be planted on grave of Sir Charles Hastings, 155.
Actors, benefited by the will of Garrick, 270;
by the will of Booth, 339;
by the will of Forrest, 364-369;
by the will of Jefferson, 396.
Actors’ Fund, the, 339, 397.
Actors’ Home, the, 396.
Actress, beneficiary must become an, 162.
Adam, said to have left a will, xii, 10.
Adams, John Quincy, will of, 324-330.
Agassiz, Louis, preamble to will of, 198;
his pride in vocation of teacher, 198;
Boston Globe editorial on, 198-200.
Alcott, Louisa M., will of a child in “Little Women,” 58.
Alden, Captain John, will of, 330, 331.
Alienation of land, forbidden in will of Plato, 14.
Aligre, Marquis d’, will of, 249-251.
Americans, famous wills of, 324-454.
Ancient Wills, 10-48;
BarnabÉ Brisson an authority on, xii.
AndrÉ, John, Major, his last request to General Washington, 221, 222.
“Anglicus,” the pardoned poet, will of, 246, 247.
Anglo-Saxon Wills, made in triplicate, xii.
AngoulÊme, Duchesse d’, her remorse for the “Lost Dauphin,” 242.
Animals, see Dumb Animals.
Annuity, a prolonged, 185.
Anthems, bequest for singing of favorite, 178.
“Anticipating the past,” 90.
Antonelli, Cardinal Giacomo, will of, 252-258.
Aram, Eugene, skull of, in York Castle, 135.
Arbilot, Mr., the humorous will of an eccentric Scotchman, 185.
Arbitration, disputes over estate of Susan M. Corning to be settled by, 177.
Archer, Henry, bequest for benefit of poor in gratitude for honors conferred, 117.
Aristotle, will of, 14-16.
“Arlotto, the Parson,” will of, 35.
Armada, The Spanish, bequest for sermon on deliverance from, 174.
Armenjon, Laurentine, 259.
Arms, bare, considered immodest by Yorkshire rector, 186.
Arnold, Benedict, will of, 331-333.
Arnold, Matthew, will of, 258.
Artists, poor, provided for in the will of Turner, 314.
Ashes, cast into the sea, 127, 144.
Ashes, cast to the four winds from Eads Bridge, St. Louis, 157.
Asselineau, Charles, his unique collection of paper-knives, 163.
Astronomical observatory, of Lick, 402, 403.
Audubon, John James, will of, 333.
Auger, Jean Baptiste Robert, will of, 258, 259.
Augustus CÆsar, will of, 17-20.
Aunt Lunky, will of a negro servant, 81.
Autopsy, Duchess of Northumberland prohibits, 132.
Bacon, Lord, will of, 259.
Bakhuysen, Ludolf, gold coins and wine distributed at his funeral, 133.
Baliol, John, of Barnard Castle, heart disposed of by widow, 21.
Balliston, John, devise to provide bread, beer, beef, and broth for poor, 120.
Balls, Elizabeth, her charitable will, 95;
provision for her horse and greyhound, 95.
Balzac, HonorÉ de, quotation from, 7;
describes a weird custom in “The Country Doctor,” 241.
Banks, bequest for founding patriotic, 228.
Banquet-table, a strange guest at, 138.
Barber, Robert, bequest for best recital of catechism, 163.
Bardsey Island, to be reinterred in, 132.
Barefooted, must walk, on anniversary of husband’s death, 89.
Baring-Gould, S., comments on the will of a pig, 20.
Barn, coffin to hang from beam in, for thirty years, 143.
Barnum, Phineas Taylor, will of, 334, 335.
Barnum Institute, the, 335.
Barrot, Rosine, enigmatical will of, 191.
Bastian, Elizabeth, provides for a costly mausoleum at expense of relatives, 135.
Battle, bequest as memorial of gratitude for preservation in, 116.
Baume, Pierre Henri, his frugal life, 197;
his fortune for charity, 197, 198.
Beauchamp, Guy de, Earl of Warwick, will of, 24.
Beauchamp, William de, will of, 22.
Beauchamp, William de, Earl of Warwick, will of, 23.
Beaumont sur Vingeanne, Seigneur de, FranÇois de la Palu Varembon, his desire for bright colors, 152;
his heirs to wear white at his funeral, 152.
Bed, M. Helloin buried in his, as Death found him, 143;
Langton Freeman buried in his, in summer-house, 144.
Beecher, Henry Ward, will of, 335, 336.
Beer, provided for in will of eccentric German, 106.
Bell, bequest for tolling of the, 116.
Bell, Elijah, will of, 226;
his undertaker paid in advance, 226.
BenoÎt, Sieur, desired to be buried in a leather trunk, 138.
Bentham, Jeremy, strange will of, 138;
his body preserved and placed at banquet-table, 138;
now in possession of University College, 138;
description of Dr. Smith regarding, 139.
Benton, Thomas H., will of, 336, 337.
Beresford Hall, 316, 317.
Bergavenny, Joan, Lady, desired to be buried without pomp or vainglory, 151.
Berkeley, Mr., leaves pension for four dogs, 99;
his gratitude to, 99.
Berne, will of citizen of, to fix price of corn and wine, 118.
Berne, Richard, will of, 32;
bequest to prisoners, 32;
for repair of highways, 32.
Bevill, Sir Robert, vindictive will of, 86.
Bibles, bequest of, 170;
possession of decided by throwing dice, 170.
Bigsby, James, will of, in rhyme, 70.
Birkbeck, Anna Margaret, directs that family letters be placed in coffin, 140.
Bizony, Emile von, bequest to his twelve horses, 94.
Blaine, James G., will of, 338.
Bletzer, Harris, his view of the world, 161.
Blyth, Thomas, directs that no mourning be worn for him, 173;
his appreciation of Dolly Varden garters, 173.
Boby, Sieur, eccentric will of, 128;
his heart to be removed, 129;
his epitaph, 129.
Body, Jeremy Taylor’s, preserved and seated at banquet-table on great occasions, 138;
to be dismembered and given to relatives, 167;
bequeathed for useful purposes, 191;
to be sold for liquidation of debts, 315.
Books, an early bequest of, 31;
in the coffin of John Underwood, 151.
Booth, Edwin T., will of, 338-340.
Boston, Mass., Charles Dickens’s views on charitable institutions of, 243;
benefited by the will of Benjamin Franklin, 370, 371.
Boston Globe, the, editorial on Louis Agassiz, 198-200.
Boudinot, Elias, a lengthy sermon in will of, 192.
Bouton, Charles, simplicity marked obsequies of, 142.
Bouton, Philippe, fourteen girls dressed in green to attend his obsequies, 142.
Brain, of Dr. Ellerby to be preserved, 129;
blank form for bequest of, 176.
Braunmiller, Joel, directs that his body be cremated and his ashes cast to the four winds, 157;
to be done from Eads Bridge, St. Louis, 157.
Bread, bequest for, for poor, 116, 118, 121;
in honor of John Bunyan, 117.
Bread, beer, beef, and broth, devise to provide, for poor, 120.
Bretagne, FranÇois, Duc de, bequest for masses and instructions for bell ringing, 133.
Bretagne, MarguÉrite de, bequest for masses, 134.
Brewer, David J., will of, 340-342.
Brisson, BarnabÉ, authority on ancient wills, xii;
works of, 134.
Brotherly love, bequest for promotion of, 114.
Brown, James, his views on political independence, 174.
Brunswick, Duke of, will of, 260, 261.
Budd, Henry, antipathy to mustaches shown in will of, 87.
Budgell, Eustace, account of, 58.
Bull Baiting, provided for in will of George Staverton, 110;
since discontinued, 111.
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, quotation from, 215;
will of, 261.
Bunyan, John, bequest for bread in honor of, 117.
Burial, provision for, in will of Virgil, 16;
instructions of Augustus, 18;
of William de Beauchamp, 23;
of Dukes of Lancaster, 25;
of Lady Joan De Cobham, 25;
instructions for in various wills, 122-158;
customs in Austria, 138.
Buried alive, fear of being, 25, 130.
Burke, Edmund, will of, xiii, 261-266.
Burney, Frances, the will in “Memoirs of an Heiress,” 56.
Burns, Peter, philanthropic bequest in will of, 103.
Burr, Aaron, will of, 342;
duel with Alexander Hamilton, 379, 380;
later life, 380, 381.
Butcher, unexpected good fortune of a, 164.
Butler, Benjamin F., will of, 343, 344.
Butler, George, devise of land and buildings for a Travellers’ Rest, 107.
Butler and Baker’s Case, 206.
CafÉ, testator desired his body carried to favorite, on day of his funeral, 152, 153.
Camelford, Lord, desired to be buried in a beautiful country, 152.
Capacity, comment on testamentary, 203-205.
Carey, Tereisse, unique and illiterate will of, 188.
Caroline, Queen, will of, 266, 267.
Carp, bequests to, 91.
Carriages, to be burned on the day of owner’s funeral, 131.
Carrington, Richard Christopher, ordered a deep grave, 153;
no service to be read over, 153;
not to be shaved, 153.
Cartault, Madame Jean
ne, bequest for marriage portion to most deserving poor working girls, 113;
requirements for naming the first-born, 113;
the first beneficiary of, 114.
Cartouche, bequest of his skull to Genovevan Monastery at Paris, 135.
Cassiday, Joseph Johnson, will of, in rhyme, 71.
“Castle Rest,” summer home of Pullman’s mother, 413.
Cat, bequests to, 100, 101, 102;
instructions for feeding, 101.
Cat and Dog Money, provided in certain parts of England, 100.
Catechism, bequest for best recital of, 163.
Cats’ home, bequest for, by Jonathan Jackson, 101.
Cayuga Lake, heir must not go to or upon, 80.
Cecilia, in “Memoirs of an Heiress,” 56;
restrictions on marriage of, 56.
Cervantes, Saavedra, will of “Don Quixote,” 60.
Character, wills a reflection of, xi.
Charitable and kindred institutions, gifts to, 7.
Charity, 102-122.
Charles I., last moments of, 244;
his cloak and earring, 244.
Chase, Salmon P., will of, 344, 345.
Chesterfield, Lord, bequest for pet cat, 102;
will of, 267;
letter to Dr. Johnson, 274, 275.
Cheyenne Mountain, the burial place of Helen Hunt Jackson, 234.
Child, will of a, in “Little Women,” 58.
Children, provision for, 8;
one hundred at monethe’s minde, 33;
dislike of, 88;
one half of estate to heirs who had the most, 183.
Chinaman, unique will of a, 78.
Chorley, H. F., bequests to Charles Dickens and his daughter Mary, 215.
Christian Science Church, benefited by will of Mrs. Eddy, 356-361.
Christiano, Dr., bequest for benefit of three dogs, 98.
Christmas dinner, bequest for, for almshouse women, 116.
Christ’s Hospital, bequest for raisins for boys of, 118.
Chudleigh, Elizabeth, Duchess of Kingston, remarkable will of, 134.
Church, bequest to poor who attend, on stated days, 111;
bequest to encourage attendance at, 115;
body of donor mixed in mortar of, 144.
Cicero, mentions wills, xii.
Clay, Henry, will of, 345-348.
Clegg, a conjurer, humorous will of, 141;
music and drinking a feature of his funeral, 141;
to be dressed in his “roast-meat” clothes for burial, 141.
Clemens, Samuel L., will of, 348, 349.
Clergy, executors of early French wills, xii.
Clergymen, as affected by the will of Stephen Girard, 373, 374.
Cleveland, Grover, will of, 120.
Eccentricities, wills a reflection of, xi.
Ecles-hall, England, in Izaak Walton’s will, 318.
Eddinger, Samuel, unique and illiterate will of, 188.
Eddy, Mary Baker G., will of, 354-361;
burial of, 361, 362.
Edmett, Thomas, annuity for favorite dog, 98.
Edmunds, John, unusual bequest of, 170.
Education, clauses relating to, in will of Cecil John Rhodes, 295;
in will of Sam Houston, 388;
in will of George Washington, 442.
Edward I, will of in French, 24;
his body to be boiled in a caldron, 24;
Edward II ignores request, 24.
Edward IV, will of, 268.
Edwin Forrest Home, The, 364-369.
Egypt, wills in, xii.
Elder, a certain, debarred from holding office in testator’s church, 220.
Eldon, Lord, annuity to his dog, 96;
Lord Campbell’s account of, 96;
his dog painted by Landseer, 96.
Elegy on a wife, 211, 212.
Eliot, George, Mr. Casaubon’s will in “Middlemarch,” 52.
Elizabeth, Queen, bequest for sermon in remembrance of, 174.
Elks, Alameda Lodge of, beneficiary under will of R. B. Tappan, 247.
Ellerby, Dr., bequeaths his heart, brain, and lungs to friends, 129.
Embalmed, body not to be, 25.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, will of, 362-364.
England, wills known in, before Conquest, xii;
forbidden by law in, xii.
Engler, Lawrence, will of, 84;
peculiar provision in, 84.
Enigmatical will, of Rosine Barrot, 191.
Eno, Amos R., bequest to New York Chamber of Commerce for impoverished members,
Epitaph, instructions for, 65;
a unique, 125, 134;
of Robert Louis Stevenson, 233;
of Thomas Jefferson, 234;
of Queen Caroline, 266;
of Dean Swift, 310.
Erasmus, Dediderius, will of, 37;
in Latin, 37;
bequest to industrious young people, 38.
Ericsson, John, his nervousness, 213, 214;
will of, 214;
his remains sent to Sweden on U. S. S. Baltimore, 214.
Eudamidas of Corinth, will of, 11;
filial and parental affection shown by, 11.
Executor, a farmer’s idea of the duty of an, 221.
Executors, of wills, 9;
trust companies as, 248.
Fabyan, Robert, curious will of, 145;
detailed instructions for tomb of, 145.
Fanatical will, of Rev. William Hill, 187.
Fanciful will, “A Last Will,” 207-209.
Fane, John, bequest for prayers for his soul, 132.
Farrar, William, will of, 231.
Farren, William, his opinion of undergraduates, 174.
Faxon, William, phonograph reproduces his singing at his funeral, 226.
Fellowes, Sir Charles, will of, 268.
Female attire, a bequest contingent on a man wearing, 169.
Fiction and Poetry, wills in, 49-72.
Fish, bequest for, for poor in Lent, 120;
annuity for poor for, 121.
Fish, Williston, author of “A Last Will,” 207-209;
beautiful sentiment expressed by, 207.
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, will of, 268, 269.
Fleming, Mr., was opposed to mustaches, 161.
Food, bequest of, for poor, 118.
Foreigners, wills of famous, 249-323.
Forgotten, John Underwood desired to be, 151.
Forrest, Edwin, will of, 364-369.
Fortunes, bequests for, honestly acquired, 170.
France, early wills in, xii;
executed by the clergy, xii.
FranÇois II., Duke of Brittany, bequest for masses, 134.
Franklin, Benjamin, will of, 369-371;
and Voltaire, 316.
Fraser, Dr., his bequest to the S. S. P. C. A., 181;
his opposition to vivisection, 181;
his dislike for funeral display, 181.
Freeman, Langton, buried in his bed in summer-house, 144;
his body mummified, 144.
Frenchman, eccentric will of a, 156;
devised fortune to people of London, 156;
desired new cooking recipes, 156;
makes restitution through insane asylum, 156;
peculiar clause in will of, regarding names of Anton and Antonie, 178.
Froissard, records will of Edward I., 24.
Fuller, Melville W., will of, 372.
Funeral, provision for, by William de Beauchamp, 23;
a pauper’s, for a wealthy man, 131;
to be “third class,” 137;
to be gay and mirthful, 140;
elaborate and costly, 149.
Funeral expenses, his, bequeathed to nephew by wealthy aunt, 124.
Furstone, Mr., bequest to any man of same name under certain conditions, 169.
Garasse’s “Doctrine Curieuse,” mentions will of Lodovico Cortusio, 140.
Garrick, David, will of, 269-271.
Garters, black and white, as a mark of respect, 173.
Gayer, John, Sir, bequest for a sermon on being saved from a lion, 169.
Gazetta del Popolo (Turin), account of will for benefit of dogs, 98.
Gebhard, Frederic, will of, 230.
Generous bequests, made with a small estate, 159.
Geneva, benefited by will of Duke of Brunswick, 260, 261.
George, Mr., makes imaginary children residuary legatees, 160.
German, peculiar request of eccentric, 156;
his ashes scattered to the four winds of heaven, 156.
Germans, wills not recognized by ancient, xii.
Gest, John M., address on “Practical Suggestions for Writing Wills,” 205-207.
Gifts, causa mortis, 8.
Gilwee, James, provides trust fund for a favorite horse, 95.
Gimcrack, Nicholas, a virtuoso, will of, 56.
Girard, Stephen, will of, 372-375.
Girard College, 372-375.
Gloves, story of the Marquis d’Aligre’s, 249.
God, Paul Duhalde’s partnership with, 194;
thankfulness to, as expressed in will of Robert North, 200-202.
Gold coins and wine, distributed at funeral of Bakhuysen, 133.
Goldfish, legacy to, 91;
flowers for their graves, 91.
Goodaker, James, bequest to provide cows for use of poor of parish, 120.
Goodman, Valentine, bequest for most indigent paupers, 111;
or for redemption of Turkish captives, 112.
Gosden, his edition of the “Journey to Beresford Hall,” quoted, 316.
Gospel, bequest for spread of the, 217.
Gossip, Duchesse D’Olonne afraid of, 150.
Gould, Jay, will of, 375.
Grainger, Robert, bequest for bread for poor, 121.
Granary Burying-Ground (Boston), last resting place of “Mother Goose,” 63.
Grant, Ulysses S., died intestate, vii.
Grates v. Fraser, 181.
Grave, bequest for flowers on, 118;
Du ChÂtelet desired perpendicular, 123;
Viscomte de Dijon desired people to walk over his, 123;
beneficiaries to dance on, 133;
a deep, 136;
tobacco to be planted on, 150;
acorns on, 155.
“Greater Testament, The,” by FranÇois Villon, will in, 64.
Greece, wills introduced into, by Solon, xii.
Greeley, Horace, will of, 376-378.
Green Bag, The, on wills of the novelists, 51;
account of “Mr. Meeson’s Will,” 53.
Green, Henry, four green waistcoats to be given yearly by beneficiary of, 111.
Greftulke, John Louis, fear of being buried alive, 148;
orders body embalmed and not buried, 148.
Gregory, James J. H., bequest for benefit of twins born in Marblehead, 109.
Griffen, Jesse H., desired no display at his funeral, 142;
his will written on a bill-head, 142.
Guardian, earliest known mention of, in a will, 13.
Haggard, H. Rider, “Mr. Meeson’s Will,” 53.
Hailes, Lord (Sir David Dalrymple), will of, 271.
Hair, weird custom relating to, of widow, 241.
Hall, John, bequest to provide turkeys for Easter love-feast, 120.
Halley, E. J., his will full of unique bequests, 163.
Halliday, Robert, bequest for promotion of brotherly love, 114.
Hamerton, Sir Richard, will of, 33.
Hamilton, Alexander, will of, 378, 379;
duel with Aaron Burr, 379, 380.
Hamilton, Lady, and Lord Nelson’s will, 280, 281.
Hampton, William, bequest of Interest Tables, 173.
Hand, Countess of Loudoun directs that her, be cut off, 125.
Harding, Robert, annuity for poor to buy cuttings of fish in Lent, 121.
Harper, Frederic, bequest for pet cat, 102.
Harper’s Weekly, on property rights of women, 75-78.
Harriman, Edward H., will of, 381.
Harris, Lundy H., unusual inventory filed by wife of, 226, 227.
Haskett, William J., his bequest to the New York Press Club, 186.
Hastings, Charles, the unique will of, 172.
Hastings, Charles, Sir, desired no coffin, 155;
his grave to be planted with acorns, 155.
Hatch, Rufus, advice to children in will of, 217.
Hatch, Thomas, bequest for marriage fees of poor couples, 113.
Haughery, Margaret, monument to, 213;
her work for charity, 213.
Hawley, General, drafted his own will out of hatred for lawyers, 167.
Hazlitt, William, on will making, in “Table Talk or Original Essays,” 49-51.
Heart, disposition and bequests of, 21, 23;
of Count De Ovies to be sent to Spain, 123;
of Sieur Boby to be removed and buried, 129;
of Dr. Ellerby to be preserved, 129.
Hedges, John, will of, in rhyme, 65.
Heemskirk, Martin, bequest for annual dowry for a young girl of his native village, 133;
conditional on beneficiaries dancing on his grave annually, 133.
Heidelberg Library, Luther’s will in, 42.
Height, beneficiaries must be tall in, 161.
Helloin, M., buried in his bed as Death found him, 143.
Henry II. (England), will of, in “Testamenta Vetusta,” 43.
Henry III. (England), will of, in “Testamenta Vetusta,” 43.
Henry IV. (England), will of, in “Testamenta Vetusta,” 43.
Henry V. (England), will of, in “Testamenta Vetusta,” 43.
Henry VI. (England), will of, in “Testamenta Vetusta,” 43.
Henry VII. (England), will of, 37;
opposed to pomp and ceremonial, 37;
will in “Testamenta Vetusta,” 43.
Henry VIII. (England), will of, 43;
great testamentary powers conferred on, 43;
found in Nicholas’s “Testamenta Vetusta,” 43.
Henry, Patrick, will of, 381-386.
Henterus, his exact copy of Luther’s will, 42.
Heviant, Thomas, singular bequest for prizes for riding pigs, 102.
Hickington, William, will of, in rhyme, 66.
Highway, bequest for repair of, 31, 32.
Hill, William, fanatical will of, 187;
his religious belief, 187.
History of wills, 1;
a Roman invention, 2;
difficulty of making proper, 2;
making of, an important act, 2;
defects in, 2;
legality of, important, 3;
fallacies regarding, 3;
distinction between words in, 3;
illustration of improper phrasing, 4;
general framework of, 5;
proper time to make, 6;
gifts to charitable and kindred institutions in, 7;
legal advice in making, 8;
witnesses to, 8;
provision for children in, 8;
trust provisions in, 9;
executors of, 9;
codicils to, 9;
planning of, 9;
duplicates of, 9.
Holbein, Hans, will of, 42;
found in St. Paul’s Cathedral archives, 43.
Hollis, Thomas, peculiar instructions for burial of, 148.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, will of, 386.
Holybrande, William, kindness to widow enjoined by, 83.
Home, heirs must remain at, 84.
Homer, cites will of Telemachus, 11.
Hood, Thomas, will of, 272.
Hook, Major, his original method of prolonging an annuity, 185.
Hopkins, Johns, will of, 387;
anecdote of, 410.
Hopkins, Stephen, will of, 387, 388.
Horace, mentions wills, xii.
Horse, will in favor of a, 94.
Horse-racing, contingent bequest for, 176.
Horses, testators, to be shot, 93;
bequest to twelve, 94;
hospital for, in Marseilles, 97;
to be shot the day after owner’s funeral, 131;
complication over bequest of black and white, 178.
Hospital, for Idiots, money bequeathed for, by Dean Swift, 311.
Houston, Sam, will of, 388, 389.
Howard, Samuel D., will of an entombed miner, 238, 239.
Howden, Lord, will of, 272, 273.
Howe, Julia Ward, will of, 389, 390.
Humorous will, not without malice, 179;
suggested by Puck, 220, 221.
Hungerford, Lady Joane, will of, 31;
provides for three thousand masses, 31;
torches to be held by poor women suitably clothed, 32;
provides for mourning for her family, 32.
Hunnis, William, will of, in rhyme, 70.
Hunter, Caroline, legacy to a parrot, 93.
Hunter, Elizabeth, annuity to pet parrot, 92.
Huntingdon, John, devise to provide white peas for poor, 122.
Huntington, Collis P., his directions as to investments, 219.
Hurst, Edward, peculiar requirement as to marriage of son, 89.
Husband, two hundred dollars for a, 78;
a contrite, 81;
must not remarry, 228.
concerning, 41;
Seckendorff’s remarks on, 41;
copy of, by Henterus, 42;
Ranke’s researches regarding, 42;
original in Heidelberg Library, 42;
his confidence in his wife, 41.
McElroy, Robert J., pathetic will of, 168.
McKinley, William, last prayer of, 222, 223;
will of, 404.
Madison, Dolly P., will of, 405.
Madison, James, will of, 405-407.
Mai, Cardinal, discovers and publishes will of Job, 10.
Maid-servants, bequest to encourage long service by, 110.
Malevolent will, a, 88.
Malicious will, of Dr. Dunlop, but with much humor, 179.
Maliciousness, in wills, 251, 289-291.
Manney, Sir Walter, will of, 29;
a penny for the poor at his funeral, 29.
Manuscript, disposition of, by Virgil, 16.
March, Amy Curtis, will of, in “Little Women,” 58.
Maria Cristina, Queen Dowager of Spain, will of, 276.
Markhouse, John, his will allowed, its codicil rejected, 162;
founds school for illegitimate children, 162.
Mark Twain, see Clemens, Samuel L.
Marriage, peculiar requirement as to, 89.
Marriage, restrictions on, of daughter, in will of William de Beauchamp, 23.
Marriage fees, bequests for, of poor couples, 113.
Marriage portion, bequest for, with conditions, 175.
Married, must be, within a week, 79.
Marseilles, hospital for dogs and horses in,
Marshall, ——, will for charitable purposes disallowed as perpetuity was involved, 102.
Marshall, Isabella, daughter of Earl of Pembroke, wills heart to her brother, 21.
Marshall, John, chief justice, will of, 407, 408.
Martin, Francis Offley, his desire to curtail funeral expenses, 154.
Martinett, Daniel, unique will of, 164;
his use of plain English, 165.
Mary Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart), will of, 44;
written on eve of execution, 44;
provides for prayers in perpetuity, 45.
Mary Stuart, see Mary Queen of Scots.
Mass, the legality of a, 216.
Masses, seven thousand, 26;
three thousand, 32;
bequest for foundation of, and instructions for bell ringing, 133, 134.
Mausoleum, a costly, for a New York spinster, 135.
Meat, bequest for, for poor, 115.
Mellent, Earl of, will of the, 21.
“Memoirs of an Heiress,” the will in, 56.
“Memorabilia Judaica,” contains will of Pinedo, the Portuguese Jew, 104.
Memory, A, 212.
Menial service, required by rich testator of his heirs, 87.
“Merchant of Venice,” will of Portia’s father in, 56.
“Middlemarch,” Mr. Casaubon’s will in, 52.
Milk, devise to provide, for poor, 122.
Miners, wills of entombed, 237-239.
Minta, William, bequest for bread for poor, and for tolling the bell, 116.
Mirandola, Count of, annuity to a pet carp, 92.
Miscellaneous wills, 158-202.
Mississippi, religious bequests forbidden by laws of State of, 216.
“Miss Nancy,” origin of the term, 219.
Mr. Casaubon’s will, in “Middlemarch,” 52;
codicil to prevent wife marrying Ladislaw, 52.
“Mr. Meeson’s Will,” by H. Rider Haggard, 53;
tattooed on back of heroine, 53;
probated by photographic copy, 54.
Modesty, views of a Yorkshire rector on, 186.
Monmouth, Lord, will of, in “Coningsby,” 52.
Monroe, James, will of, 408, 409.
Montagu, Edward Wortley, his will more generous than polite, 175.
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, will of, 277.
Morgan, Lewis Evan, his fortune to his servant with a “clamorous tongue,” 166.
Morlet, Professor, bequest of his skull to the anatomical museum of Berne, 135;
his name to be engraved on it, 136.
Morris, Gouverneur, will of, 409.
Mother, bequest of, by Eudamidas, 11;
pathetic affection of a, 148.
Mother Hubbard’s Dog, will of, 62.
Mountain, Robert Louis Stevenson’s desire to be buried on a, 233.
Mourning, provided by Lady Hungerford for her family, 32;
opposition to, 127, 154, 155, 173;
desire for, 155.
Music, at funeral of Cortusio to be light and joyful, 140.
Mustaches, antipathy to wearing of, 87, 161.
Mutual Wills, danger in, 85.
Name, bequests by John Nicholson to poor of same, 112;
bequest designed to perpetuate a, 169;
eccentric will of a Frenchman regarding, 178.
Napoleon, will of, formerly at Doctors’ Commons, xiii;
restored to French nation, xiii;
will of, 277-279.
Nash, Ezekiel, bequest for bread for poor, 116;
a memorial of his gratitude to God, 116.
National Debt, bequest for paying, of England and France, 228.
Nelson, Horatio, Lord, will of, xiii, 280, 281.
Newborough, Lord, curious provision in will of, regarding reinterment, 132.
Newspaper reading, enjoined by Vienna banker in bequest to nephew, 161.
New York Press Club, bequest to, by William J. Haskett, 186.
Nicholas’s “Testamenta Vetusta,” contains wills of many sovereigns, 43.
Nicholson, John, bequests to poor of same name, 112.
Nightingale, Florence, her body left for dissection, 177;
will of, 281-289.
Noah, said to have left a will, xii;
reputed will of, 10.
Nobel, Alfred Bernard, will of, establishing the Nobel Prizes, 229.
Nobel Prizes, foundation of, 229.
Noitier’s will, in “The Count of Monte Cristo,” 51.
Norman Conquest, wills known in England before the, xii.
Normandy, Duke of (Richard-sans-Peur), desired the utmost simplicity in his burial, 152.
North, Robert, his thankfulness to God, as expressed in his will, 200-202.
North American Review, editorial on wills, 1.
Northumberland, Duchess of, desired no autopsy, 132.
Nose, bequest to Miss B., in admiration of her adorable, 158.
Note-book, will of John D. Potter written in an old, 220.
Nouilles, Countess Anna Maria Helena de, peculiar stipulations in will of, 103.
Novelist, Wills of the, 51-62;
the Green Bag on, 51.
Nuns, how a sick traveller imposed on the, of Auxerre, 171.
Nye, Phoebe Deliah, provides for chloroforming her favorite dog, 97;
establishes drinking fountains in St. Louis for animals, 97.
Obelisk, to be buried in the shadow of an, 134.
Offe, Robert, kindness to widow enjoined by, 83.
O’Kelly, Pat, will of, in rhyme, 68.
Oldest Written Will, the, 12.
Oldfield, Anna, original of “Miss Nancy,” 219.
Olivia, will of, in “Twelfth Night,” 56.
Olonne, Duchesse D’, eccentric will of, 149;
exacting requirements regarding funeral of, 149, 150;
her servants exiled, 150.
Opera, heir of Stanislas Poltzmarz must appear in, 184.
Oral bequests, Biblical tradition of, 11.
Oral will, probably delivered on deathbed, 13.
Original will, an, 87.
“Orley Farm,” the will in, 52;
forgery of codicil to, 52;
widow convicted of perjury, 53.
Ostentatious will, of Matthew Wall, 174.
Oxford University, scholarships established at, by Cecil John Rhodes, 295.
Palmerston, Lady, tribute to husband in will of, 89.
Paper-knives, Charles Asselineau’s unique collection of, 163.
Parker, John, will of, 86.
Parker, William, kindness to widow enjoined by, 83.
Parren, Ellen Elizabeth, her obsequies of a bright character, 153;
a unique funeral cortÈge, 154.
Parrot, life of, depends on contest of will, 92;
annuity for, 92, 93;
must have handsome cage, 93.
Pastor, a certain, debarred from preaching in testator’s church, 220.
Pathetic will, 82;
of entombed miners, 237-239.
Paupers, bequest to most indigent, 111.
Peabody, George, philanthropy of, 409, 410;
will of, 410.
Peas, devise to provide white, for poor, 122.
Pedler and his Dog, A, statue of, 167;
ownership of Pedler’s Acre contingent on preservation of, 167.
Pedler’s Acre, contingent on preservation of a statue, 167.
Pegati, Joe, the will of an entombed miner, 237, 238.
Pelham, Sir William, will of, 40;
sermons to be preached for, 40.
Pembroke, Philip, Earl of, will of, 289-291.
Pembroke, William, Earl of, his widow must not remarry, 228.
Penn, William, will of, 291-293.
Peoples Pulpit, the, quotation from, 90.
Pepys, Samuel, will of, 294.
Pepysian Library, the, 294.
Perpetuities, rule against, 3.
Perpetuity, a gift in, 35.
Perram, John, bequest for a marriage portion with conditions, 175;
contingent bequest for horse-racing, 176.
Perren, Madame Veuve, bequest to Marseilles for hospital for dogs and horses, 97.
Petrarch, will of, 26;
selects place of burial, 27;
bequest to Boccaccio, 27.
Petrie, William M. P., discovers oldest written will, 12.
Pette, Reginald atte, an early bequest for church improvements, 162.
Pew, use of a, exchanged for sealskin sack, 219.
Philadelphia, Penn., benefited by the will of Benjamin Franklin, 370, 371;
by the will of Stephen Girard, 373-375.
Phonograph, voice of William Faxon reproduced at his funeral by, 226.
Pierre II., Duke of Brittany, bequest for masses, 133.
Piers Plowman, see “Vision of Piers Plowman.”
Pig, will of a, 21.
Pigs, singular bequest for prizes for riding, 102.
“Pincher,” Lord Eldon’s dog, receives annuity, 96;
painted by Landseer, 96.
Pinedo, the Portuguese Jew, munificent bequests in will of, 104.
Pinero, Arthur W., will in “Iris,” 54;
“The Thunderbolt” based on a will, 55.
Piper, Mary Thomas, bequeaths his funeral expenses to nephew, 124.
Pipes, the “King of Smokers’” collection of, 200;
bequests of, 200.
Pitt, Rev. Mr., bequest for bread for poor, 118.
Pitt, William, will of, xiii.
“Plain English,” use of, in will of Daniel Martinett, 165.
Plan, general, for making a will, 5.
Plato, will of, 14.
Playing cards, directions that a pack be placed in the coffin, 128.
Pocket, will in the, of an old dress, 216.
Poet, will of the pardoned, 246, 247.
Poetry or Rhyme, Wills in, 49-72.
Police Station, generous bequest to a, 158.
Polk, James K., will of, 411, 412.
Poltzmarz, Stanislas, stipulation that his heir must appear in opera, 184.
Poor, at burial of Sir Walter Manney to receive one penny, 29.
Poor man, quotation on a, 215.
Pope, Alexander, satire on Eustace Budgell, 58.
Porter, Edmund, devise for milk for poor, 122;
since commuted for bread, 122.
Portrait, of favorite brother to be placed in coffin, 140.
otter, John D., his will written in an old note-book, 220.
Powder Plot, bequest for sermon on deliverance from, 174.
Powell, Byrd, bequest of his skull to a pupil, 136.
“Practical Suggestions for Writing Wills,” by John M. Gest, in American Law Register, 205.
Praslin, Duchesse de, will of, 81.
Prayer, widow to spend life in, 81.
Primitive Belief, A, regarding the spirit, 122.
Prisoners, bequest for exhortation to condemned, in Newgate, 245.
Prison Mirror, will of the pardoned poet “Anglicus,” 246, 247.
Probates, R. B. Tappan, his own will, 247.
Profanity, a bar to inheritance, 189.
Property rights of women, 75-78.
Prophet’s Beard Case, The, sensation caused by, 184.
Puck, humorous will suggested by, 220, 221.
Pullman, George M., will of, 412, 413.
Pym, William, will of, 87.
Questions, claimant of estate must answer thirty, 236.
R., Mr., fear of being buried alive and precautions against, 130.
Rabelais, will of, 43.
Radier’s, “RecrÉations Historiques,” mentions will of Lodovico Cortusio, 140.
Raisins, bequest for, to boys of Christ’s Hospital, 118.
Ralli, Theodore James, bequests to art institutions, 126;
wanted no mourning, 127.
Randall, Robert Richard, founder of the “Sailors’ Snug Harbor,” 218.
Randall, Samuel J., small estate of, 218.
Randolph, John, will of, 413-420.
Ranke, Leopold von, researches regarding Luther’s will, 42.
Reading of will, stipulation regarding, 104.
Recipes, eccentric Frenchman desired new cooking, 156.
Redding, Maria, curious instructions in will of, 149;
an economical provision, 149.
Redman, John, peculiar will of, 136;
a deep grave, 136;
codicil to will of, 137;
wine for his executors, 137.
Reed, John, bequest of his skull to the “properties” of Walnut Street Theatre (Philadelphia), 136;
to represent the skull of “Yorick,” 136.
Registry of Wills, London, wills of famous personages in, xiii.
Registry of Wills, Washington, contains wills of famous Americans, xiii.
Religious bequests, restrictions on, in United States, 216.
Remarriage, of husband, forbidden, 228.
Remarriage, of widow, restrictions on, 5, 15, 54, 228.
Remsen, Daniel S., comments on making of wills, 2.
Residuary legatees, Mr. George makes imaginary children, 160.
Revenge, will made in, 81.
Revere, Paul, will of, 420, 421.
Rhodes, Cecil John, directs that he be buried in the Mattopo Hills, 247, 248.
Tasson235, 236.
Town crier, bequest for, in will of Roland Williams, 239.
Towns, bequest for building, in France, 228.
Townsend, Elizabeth, bequest for singing of favorite anthems, 178.
Travel, aversion to European, 235.
Travellers’ Rest, devise of land and buildings for, 107.
Trollope, Anthony, the will in “Orley Farm,” 52.
Trousers, eccentric manner of distributing money by means of, 177.
Troutbeck, John, his vainglorious will, 179.
Trunk, Sieur BenoÎt desired to be buried in a leather, 138;
will of Adolph Steinberg in mysterious, 173.
Truro, Lady, simplicity in obsequies of, 155.
Trust, provision for, 9.
Trust Companies, as executors, 248.
Tuke, M., bequeaths one penny to each child attending his funeral, 125;
an annuity to woman who tucked him up in bed, 125;
bread to be thrown to poor on Christmas Day, from church roof, 125.
Turkeys, bequest to provide, for Easter love-feast, 120.
Turkish captives, conditional bequest to, 112.
Turner, J. M. W., will of, 314, 315.
Turner, Miss, peculiar restrictions in will of, 183;
unfortunate result of, 183.
Turner, Sharon, tribute to wife in will of, 83.
Turvyle, John, will of, 35;
a gift in perpetuity, 35.
“Twelfth Night,” Olivia’s will in, 56.
Twins, bequest for benefit of, born in Marblehead (Mass.), 109.
Underclothes, beneficiary not to wear, in winter, 159.
Undergraduates, poor opinion of, held by William Farren, 174.
Undertaker, paid in advance, 226.
Underwood, John, his epitaph, 150;
unique funeral of, 150, 151;
the books placed in his coffin, 151;
his desire to be forgotten, 151.
University, George Washington’s bequest for the establishment of, 442.
Uxoricide, rights of an, denied, 235.
Vainglorious Will, the, of John Troutbeck, 179.
Valet, bequest of Marquis d’Aligre to his, 251.
Van Bunschooten, Rev. Dr., will to be read by Church at all official meetings, 104.
Van Buren, Martin, will of, 433-436.
Van Proet, M., comment on Luther’s will, 41.
Vanderbilt, ——, bequest to Miss B., in admiration of her adorable nose, 158.
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Commodore, his view of Alexander Stewart’s will, 232.
Vandyck, Anthony, will of, xiii.
Vangelas, Claude Favre de, will of, 315.
Varembon, FranÇois de la Palu, see Beaumont sur Vingeanne, Seigneur de.
Vassar, Matthew, will of, 436, 437.
Vassar College, 436, 437.
Vest, George G., will of, 437-439;
extract from speech of, on dog, 438, 439.
Villon, FranÇois, wills in verse in his “The Lesser Testament,” and “The Greater Testament,” 64.
Vindictive Will, 86.
Viper, bequest of a picture of a, 180.
Virgil, will of, 16;
disposition of Æneid, 16;
directions for burial, 16.
Virtue, rewarded by will of wealthy New Yorker, 186;
bequests for the purpose of aiding, 250, 258, 259.
Virtuoso, will of a, 56.
“Vision of Piers Plowman,” will in, 63.
Vivisection, Dr. Fraser’s opposition to, 181.
Voltaire, F. M. A. de, will of, 315;
and Benjamin Franklin, 316.
Wagner, Dr., grewsome bequests of, 167.
Waistcoats, four green, to be given yearly to poor women, 111.
Wales, Prince of, Edward (1376), will of, 30.
Walker, Thomas, bequest to encourage attendance at church, 115.
Wall, Matthew, ostentatious will of, 174.
Wallace, John W., directions for a simple funeral and for cremation, 130.
Walpole, Horace, account of peculiar preamble to a will, 54.
Walton, Izaak, will of, xiii, 316-320.
Wardall, John, provides for lantern to be lighted all night, 105.
Washington, George, will of, xiii, 439-447.
Washington, Mary, will of, 447, 448.
Webster, Daniel, will of, 448-451.
Weeping, the relative found, to be disinherited, 140.
Weight, a bequest to daughters by, 161.
Wellesley, Arthur, see Wellington, Duke of.
Wellington, Duke of, will of, xiii, 320, 323.
West, Joshua, will of, in rhyme, 69.
West, Lady Alice, will of, 30;
bequest of her books, 31.
Western Reserve Law Journal, editorial on testamentary habits, 73-75.
Whiskers, Valentine Tapley’s pride in his, 156.
Whisky, bequest for, for extermination of the Irish, 182.
Whitbread, Samuel, bequest in honor of John Bunyan for bread for poor, 117.
White, desired, to be worn at funeral, 152.
White, Dr. Thomas, bequest to poor with rigid conditions, 112.
Whittier, John G., will of, 451-453.
Widow, legacy to, doubled if she married, 80;
kindness to, enjoined by testator, 83.
Widow, restrictions on marriage of, 15, 54.
Widow’s cap, legacy depending upon wearing of, 88.
Wife, would not be good, 84;
desertion by, rewarded, 88;
curious revenge on a nagging, 89;
elegy on a, 211, 212.
Wilcocks, John, ambiguous wording in will of, 126.
Wilcox, Robert, bequests for three sermons on the Powder Plot, Queen Elizabeth, and deliverance from the Spanish Armada, 174.
Williams, Roland, peculiar bequest in will of, 239.
Williamson, Thomas, bequest for meat for poor for stormy weather, 115.
Willie, Smith, extraordinary will of, 170.
Will-making, on, 49-51.
Wilson, John, unique method of finding missing son, 236.
Wilson, William, bequest for sick poor, 108.
Windsor, Thomas, will of, 32;
torches to be held by poor men at his burying and monethe’s minde, 32;
one hundred children at his monethe’s minde, 33;
priests to sing at his monethe’s minde, 33.
Wine, will of citizen of Berne to control price of, 118.
Winslow, Frederick Christian, singular provision regarding his horses, 93.
Winslow, Mary Chilton, will of, 453.
Winter, beneficiary not to wear underclothes in, 159.
Withipol, J., will of, 81;
a contrite spirit, 81.
Witnesses, importance of, 4;
not interested in the instrument, 8.
Wives, beautiful sentiments to, 82, 83;
desired to be buried between his two, 132.
Woeltge, Albert, makes mutual will with wife, 85.
Woeltge, Mary Louise, makes mutual will with husband, 85.
Woman, not to be buried near a, 131;
first monument in United States to a, 213.
Woman Hater, a, 131.
Women, property rights of, 75-78.
Word, omission of important, 190.
Words, legal distinction between, in wills, 3.
“Working with a Will,” 220.
Wrapping-paper, a valid will on, 168.
Wyatt, Surgeon-Major, buried in full-dress uniform, 154;
no mourning to be used, 154, 155.
Wyndsore, Lady Alice, will of, 31;
provides for funeral and burial, 31;
gift to poor on day of her sepulture, 31;
for repairing highways, 31.
Young, Brigham, will of, 454.
Ysabeau of Scotland, Duke of Brittany, bequest for masses, 134.
Zabriskie, Sarah Titus, bequest to pet cat, 100.
Zalesky, M., eccentric will of, 182.
Zimmer, Nicholas, a valid will on a collar-box, 168.