Themes for Discussion

I. Discuss the relations between Judaism as law and Mendelssohn's statement that "Judaism is not a revealed religion but a revealed legislation." 25
II. What was the significance of the defeat of Persia by Greece for civilization in general and for the Jew in particular? 30
IV. Had the Hasmoneans the right to assume the office of High Priest? 51
V. Compare the treatment of wisdom in Proverbs (viii) and in Ecclesiasticus. 66
VI. Are there traces of Greek philosophy in the Septuagint? 71
VII. Compare modern with ancient parties in Israel. 84
VIII. Contrast the Wood Festival of ancient Judea with Arbor Day in modern America. 90
X. Single out great events in Israel influenced by, and influencing the Jews. 101
XI. Did Herod succeed or did he fail? 110
XII. Is it possible, as Hillel said, to evolve the whole law from the Golden Rule? 116
XIV. Does official Judaism discourage conversion? Why did the Jews oppose a census on religious grounds? 126
XV. Why cannot Jesus be accepted by the synagogue to-day? 135
XVI. Why did most heathen converts to Judaism ultimately become Christians? 140
XVII. Why did rabbinic Judaism neglect Philo? 146
XVIII. If Agrippa had lived and reigned as long as Herod——? 152
XIX. Compare the Zealots of antiquity with to-day's Russian revolutionists; the Sicarii with the anarchists; the procurators with the Czar's local governors. 156
XX. Make clear the difference in principle between Judea's "Peace Party" and the "Royalist Party" among the American revolutionists. 160
XXIII. Should Josephus be regarded as a traitor? 179
XXIV. Whether the Temple's fall abolished or suspended animal sacrifice is a point of difference between Judaism's two schools to-day. 189
XXV. In what respect did the "Academy" differ from a school? 196
XXVI. Contrast the ancient gnostic with the modern agnostic. 200
XXVIII. Should Akiba's method of law deduction be called casuistic? 210
XXIX. What degree of pain or peril justifies disregard of ceremonial law? 216
XXX. Can the number of our duties be specified? 221
XXXI. What is Revelation, and how did the sages apply it to the Oral Law? 228
XXXII. Is the Jew's first duty to his countrymen or to his coreligionists? 238
XXXIV. What right had the Byzantine Empire to the title "Roman"? 249
XXXV. Compare Bible and Talmud as literatures. In what sense can it be said that the Talmud made the Jew? 255
XXXVIII. In what respect did mediaeval slavery differ from Russian serfdom and from the bond service in the early colonial era of America? 287
XXXIX. Why did the higher clergy oppose the mingling of Jews and Christians, and the lower favor it? 292
XL. Why did Judaism not succeed as a proselytising religion? 298
XLI. Should Mohammed be called a prophet?


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