I. | Discuss the relations between Judaism as law and Mendelssohn's statement that "Judaism is not a revealed religion but a revealed legislation." | 25 |
II. | What was the significance of the defeat of Persia by Greece for civilization in general and for the Jew in particular? | 30 |
IV. | Had the Hasmoneans the right to assume the office of High Priest? | 51 |
V. | Compare the treatment of wisdom in Proverbs (viii) and in Ecclesiasticus. | 66 |
VI. | Are there traces of Greek philosophy in the Septuagint? | 71 |
VII. | Compare modern with ancient parties in Israel. | 84 |
VIII. | Contrast the Wood Festival of ancient Judea with Arbor Day in modern America. | 90 |
X. | Single out great events in Israel influenced by, and influencing the Jews. | 101 |
XI. | Did Herod succeed or did he fail? | 110 |
XII. | Is it possible, as Hillel said, to evolve the whole law from the Golden Rule? | 116 |
XIV. | Does official Judaism discourage conversion? Why did the Jews oppose a census on religious grounds? | 126 |
XV. | Why cannot Jesus be accepted by the synagogue to-day? | 135 |
XVI. | Why did most heathen converts to Judaism ultimately become Christians? | 140 |
XVII. | Why did rabbinic Judaism neglect Philo? | 146 |
XVIII. | If Agrippa had lived and reigned as long as Herod——? | 152 |
XIX. | Compare the Zealots of antiquity with to-day's Russian revolutionists; the Sicarii with the anarchists; the procurators with the Czar's local governors. | 156 |
XX. | Make clear the difference in principle between Judea's "Peace Party" and the "Royalist Party" among the American revolutionists. | 160 |
XXIII. | Should Josephus be regarded as a traitor? | 179 |
XXIV. | Whether the Temple's fall abolished or suspended animal sacrifice is a point of difference between Judaism's two schools to-day. | 189 |
XXV. | In what respect did the "Academy" differ from a school? | 196 |
XXVI. | Contrast the ancient gnostic with the modern agnostic. | 200 |
XXVIII. | Should Akiba's method of law deduction be called casuistic? | 210 |
XXIX. | What degree of pain or peril justifies disregard of ceremonial law? | 216 |
XXX. | Can the number of our duties be specified? | 221 |
XXXI. | What is Revelation, and how did the sages apply it to the Oral Law? | 228 |
XXXII. | Is the Jew's first duty to his countrymen or to his coreligionists? | 238 |
XXXIV. | What right had the Byzantine Empire to the title "Roman"? | 249 |
XXXV. | Compare Bible and Talmud as literatures. In what sense can it be said that the Talmud made the Jew? | 255 |
XXXVIII. | In what respect did mediaeval slavery differ from Russian serfdom and from the bond service in the early colonial era of America? | 287 |
XXXIX. | Why did the higher clergy oppose the mingling of Jews and Christians, and the lower favor it? | 292 |
XL. | Why did Judaism not succeed as a proselytising religion? | 298 |
XLI. | Should Mohammed be called a prophet? |