Emperors of Rome. | | Rabbis of the Academies. | Antoninus Pius | 138 | Rabbi Mair and Simon b. Yochai flourished | 140 | Marcus Aurelius | 161 | Jehuda ha-Nasi, Pres. of Sanhedrin | 165 | Commodus | 180 | Jehuda ha-Nasi compiles Mishna | 189 | Alexander Severus | 222-235 | Rab opens Academy at Sora | 220 | Diocletian | 284 | Mar Samuel, Judge at Nehardea, about | 225 | Constantine | 320 | Academy of Pumbaditha | 247 | Constantius | 337-363 | Rab Huna dies | 297 | Neo-Persian Dynasty226 | Constantine's anti-Jewish decrees315 | Council of Nicea widens gulf between Judaism and Christianity325 |