
Page 24. The concealed One of Circle in illustration 15 should be a One of Bamboo.

Page 34. Two points should be scored for a pair of Dragons in Example 3.

Page 36. In Example 7 the three Dragons completed by a pung should be exposed at right with the other three sets.

Page 41. Two points should be scored for a pair of Dragons in Example 14.

Page 42. At top of page, "Drew to complete hand" should read "Punged to complete hand."

Page 44. In Example 18 the three Dragons completed by a pung should be exposed at right with the other three sets. In the same example "3 Dragons (concealed) ... 8" should read "3 Dragons (exposed) ... 4."

Page 46 and 47. East Wind scores 480 instead of 608; West Wind scores 272 instead of 400.

Page 47. All Character tiles in hand of West Wind should be Bamboo tiles.

Page 48. Lines 19 and 21 "Eight of Bamboo" should read "Eight of Character."

Page 49. West Wind scores 2562 instead of 2816.

Page 53. In North Wind hand the three Sevens of Circles should be exposed instead of in hand.

Page 54. Lines 1 and 2. Read "368" instead of "304," and "184" instead of "152."

Page 72. Example 3. "26" and "52" should read "16" and "32" respectively. Example 4. Player is East Wind instead of North Wind.


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