
1. For Mah-Jongg or completing a hand a bonus is given and this is generally 10 points unless specially agreed upon to be so.

2. For winning hand of absolutely no scoring value than Mah-Jongg, 10 points is given as a bonus.

3. For winning tile drawn by the player himself from the last tile which may be drawn in the wall doubles the total score once (i.e., the 15th tile from the end of the wall).

4. Winning on a draw from a loose tile doubles total score once.

5. To win on first card played a bonus of half the limit hand is given. Washing cards have preference over this wind.

6. For completing the hand with the fourth card of an exposed set of three of a kind—for example, if a player has an exposed set of 3 of a kind and he draws or pungs the fourth tile, and if this very tile is the winning tile, he may double the total score once.


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