(Individual smugglers indexed only when mentioned at length.) Acts of Parliament, 7, 14, 17, 23, 27, 34–6 Arundel, Conflict at, 29 Barhatch, 104 Beccles, Outrage at, 113 Bedhampton Mill, near Havant, 107–109 Beer, 125, 183, 187, 191–4, 199 Blackwater, The, 114 Blakeney, 116 Bo-Peep, Fatal conflict at, 98–100 — Conflict at, 100 Borstal Hill (near Canterbury), Fatal conflict at, 80 Bradwell Quay, 114 Braemar, 217 Branscombe, Epitaph at, 125 Budleigh Salterton, Conflict at, 198 Bulverhythe, Fatal conflict at, 102 Burns, Robert, 202 Camber Castle, Fatal conflict at, 101 Canvey Island, 113 Carter family, smugglers, of Prussia Cove, 165–82 Carter, Wm., customs officer, 15 Castle, Mr., excise officer, murdered, 68 Chater, Daniel, Murder of, 49-60 “Chop-backs,” 78–80 Colchester, Outrage at, 113 “Cruel Coppinger,” 129–36 Cuckmere, Conflict at, 29 Dalnashaugh, 224 Diamond, John, smuggler, 49, 53, 54 “Dog and Partridge,” Slindon Common, 63–7 Dover, Fatal conflict at, 98 Dymchurch, Conflict at, 96 Eastbourne, Fatal conflict near, 97 — at, 101 Ewhurst, Smugglers’ hiding-places at, 102–104 Fairall, smuggler, 70–72 Fairlight Glen, Fatal conflict at, 100 Ferring, Conflict at, 22 Four Brothers, smuggling lugger, Fatal conflict with, 87–92 Fowey, Conflict at, 139 “Free-traders,” a term for smugglers, 39 Fuller’s-earth, 23 Galley, William, Murder of, 49–61 Gloves, evasions of glove-smugglers, 229 Goudhurst, Attack by smugglers on, 42–4 Gray, Arthur, 40 Greenhay, Conflict at, 29 “Green Man,” Bradwell Quay, 114 Grinstead Green, Outrage at, 41 Harley, John, Epitaph on, 125 Harting Combe, 55 Hartland, 134 Hastings, Epitaph at, 87 — Murder at, 86 — Outrage off, 79 Hawkhurst Gang, 40–73 — Outrage at, 41 Hawkins, Richard, Murder of, 63–7 Herstmonceux Castle, Ghostly drummer of, 84 Highdown Hill, near Worthing, 104 Hove church-tower as smugglers’ store, 81–3 — Conflict at, 83 Hunstanton, Epitaph at, 117 Hurstmonceux Castle, Ghostly drummer of, 84 “Indian Queens,” The, near Bodmin, 189 Jackson, Wm., smuggler, 51–4, 62 James, G. P. R., on smuggling, 44, 73–7 James, Thos., Epitaph on, 148 Johnson, Dr., on Commissioner of Excise, 36 — on smugglers (see Title-page) Johnson, Thomas, smuggler, 156–62 “King of Prussia,” Porth Leah, or Prussia Cove, 165–72 Kingsmill, George, smuggler, shot, 43 — Thomas, smuggler, 43 Kingston-by-the-sea, Conflict at, 29 Kinson, Epitaph at, 119 Kipling, Rudyard, “smugglers’ song,” 45 Knill, John, 149 Langston Harbour, 107 Leghorn hats, Smuggling of, 236, 243 Lewis, Wm., Epitaph on, 124 Lively, smuggling lugger, Conflict with, 190 “Lobster Smack,” Canvey Island, 114 Lulworth, Conflict near, 121 Maidstone, Murder by smuggler at, 45 Maker, near Plymouth, 138 Mark, Robert, Epitaph on, 147 “Miller’s Tomb,” near Worthing, 104–106 Mills, John, smuggler, 63–7 Mills, Richard, the elder, 55, 58, 62, 66 — the younger, smuggler, 56, 62, 66 Moon, John, Epitaph on, 86 “Moonshine,” a term for smuggled spirits, 139 “Mount Pleasant” inn, near Dawlish, 126 Mylor, Epitaph at, 148 Olliver, John, miller, 104–106 Owlers, The, of Romney Marsh, 3, 12, 14–23 Parham Park, 65 Paulson, Henry, midshipman, Epitaph on, 125 Paulet, Harry, smuggler, 162 Peddar’s (or Padder’s) Way, 118 Pett, Smugglers drowned at, 95 Pewit Island, 114 Polperro, 140 Potter, Tom, smuggler, 141 Preventive Water Guard, The, 239–44 Pring, Wm., smuggler and informer, 65 Privateers for prevention of smuggling, 37 Profits of smuggling, 9 Prussia Cove, 148, 165, 169–72 Rake, 54–62 Ransley Gang, The, 73 Rattenbury, Jack, smuggler, 123, 183–99 “Red Lion,” Rake, 54–62 “Red Lion,” Rye, 44 Rockcliffe Cross, Fatal conflict at, 226 Romney Marsh, 95 — wool-smuggling, 15–19 “Royal Oak,” Langston Harbour, 107 Ruxley Gang, 79 Rye, Conflict at, 94 — Outrage at, 44 Saccharine, Smuggling of, 247 St. Aldhelm’s Head, Fatal conflict at, 122 St. Ives, Cornwall, 149 St. Peter-upon-the-Wall, 114 Scales, Daniel, Epitaph on, 85 “Sea Cocks,” The, 40 Seacox Heath, 40 Seaford, Murders by smugglers at, 45 Seaton, Epitaph at, 125 Shaw, whisky smuggler, 211–14 Sheerness, Wool robbery near, 41 “Ship,” Woolbridge, 12 Shoreham, Outrage at, 41 Silks, Smuggling of, 19, 232, 243, 245 Smith, Adam, on smuggling, 153 Smith, George, of Glenlivet, 209–212 215 Smith, Sydney, on taxation, 5 Smugglers, Distinction between landsmen and seamen, 112 Smugglers’ labourers, Pay of, 10, 14 Smuggling, Growth of in eighteenth century, 24 — Pamphlet denouncing, 154-157 — Profits of, 9 Snargate church as smugglers’ store, 96 Southampton Water, 109 Spirits, Smuggling of, 9, 28, 80, 83, 88, 95, 96–105 115, 121, 127, 132, 138, 139, 143, 162, 171, 181, 187, 195, 198, 201–227 243, 244–7 Spittal of Glenshee, 213 “Stinkibus,” a term for spoiled spirits, 128 Swain, Joseph, Epitaph on, 87 Talland, Epitaph at, 147 — Smuggling pranks at, 143–46 Tandridge, Epitaph at, 85 Tea, Smuggling of, 24, 28, 31, 33, 47-9, 63, 88, 113, 119, 152, 243, 244 Tobacco, Smuggling of, 23, 83, 88, 110, 230-232 243, 247 Trotman, Robert, Epitaph on, 119 Warehorne, 96 Warren, The, near Dawlish, 126–128 Watches, Smuggling of, 230, 237 Webb, Wm., Epitaph on, 117 Wendron, 148 Westfield, Epitaph at, 86 “White Hart,” Rowlands Castle, 50–54 Whitesand Bay, near Plymouth, Fatal conflict at, 140 “Wiltshire Moonrakers,” 120 “Windmill,” Ewhurst, 103 Wool, Exportation of forbidden, 3, 12–14 — Duties on, 12–14 Wyke (near Weymouth), Epitaph at, 124 Yawkins, 205–207 Printed and bound by Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ltd., London and Aylesbury. |