The contents of this volume are so arranged that the reader will have little difficulty in finding the references desired. The first forty-nine chapters are devoted exclusively to the work for woman suffrage which was done in the various States of the Union through annual conventions, effort with the Legislatures for the submission to the voters of an amendment to the State constitutions which would fully enfranchise women and campaigns to secure a majority vote for it. There was also an attempt to obtain from the Legislatures laws which did not have to be approved by the voters, giving women the right to vote at Municipal elections and every four years for Presidential electors. In addition the women in every State constantly assisted the National American Woman Suffrage Association in its supreme effort to obtain from Congress the submission to the Legislatures for the ratifying of three-fourths of them of an amendment to the Federal Constitution which would give the complete franchise to all the women of the nation. These State chapters are arranged alphabetically and near the end of each an account is given of the action taken on Ratification, and also of the forming of a League of Women Voters. It is manifestly impracticable to index the names of all the thousands of women who gave devoted service in these States. Only a comparatively few of those who worked longest and most prominently or are mentioned in other parts of the books can be listed. The names of many more will be found in the various chapters. This is also true of the many members of Congress and Legislatures and of other men who were sympathetic and helpful in this long contest. In the chapters on the effort for woman suffrage in the Territories and possessions of the United States the principal points and workers are indexed. This is the case in the chapter on Great Britain and her Colonies and on the countries of the world, each listed under its proper head. The long chapter on the International Woman Suffrage Alliance forbids an accurate index, as it contains the names of scores of workers for woman suffrage in most civilized countries. Some but not all of the most prominent are noted and in the well indexed chapters on its seven congresses the reader will find a satisfactory roster. The Table of Contents will act as a trustworthy guide. - A
- Abott, Frances M, in N. H., 400.
- Abott, Dr. Lyman, 291; 401.
- Aberdeen, Lord and Lady, 572.
- Adams, Gov. Alva (Colo.), 62.
- Adams, Annette Abbott, 58; 112.
- Adams, John T, 191.
- Adams, Lida Stokes, 88; 559-60.
- Addams, Jane, speaks for wom. suff.
- in Ga, 127; 146; 184;
- in Kans, 198;
- Mass, 271, 274;
- Mo, 356;
- Neb, 376;
- Nev, 387, 397;
- S. Dak, 590;
- Wis, 700-1-2;
- Budapest, 857, 858.
- Aked, Rev. Chas. F,
- Alabama, effort for wom. suff, workers, legis. action; see St. chapter, 3.
- Alaska, Legis. grants wom. suff, status of women, 713-715.
- Alberta, gaining of wom. suff, 755.
- Alberti, Sophie (Denmark), 812-13.
- Aldrich, George W, 483.
- Aldrich, Margaret Chanler, 454; 462; 466.
- Algeo, Sara M, 568-9; 572-3; 658.
- Allen, Florence E, 453;
- Allen, Gov. Henry J, 202; 204; 351;
- Allen, Mrs. Henry Ware, 203-4.
- Allen, Mrs. J. D., 596-7; 607-8; 613.
- Amendments, State,
- in Ariz, 14;
- Ark, 26;
- Calif, 37;
- vote on it, 50;
- Colo, 59;
- Iowa, 186;
- vote, 189;
- Kans, 196;
- vote, 201, 205;
- Ky, 211-12-13;
- La, 223;
- vote, 228;
- Me, 238;
- vote, 243, 244;
- Mass, vote, 287;
- Mich, 306;
- vote, 307;
- second, 308;
- vote, 309;
- third, 311;
- vote, 314;
- Miss, 339;
- vote, 341;
- Mo, 347, 354-5;
- vote, 356;
- Mont, 363;
- vote, 367;
- Neb, 369;
- vote, 377;
- Nev, 385-387;
- vote, 389, 398-9;
- N. H., 400;
- vote, 402;
- N. J., 421, 423, 431;
- vote, 426;
- N. Mex, prohibits, 439;
- N. Y., 458, 460 et seq;
- vote in City, 464;
- in State, 474-5;
- second campaign, 465, 468, 471, 476-7;
- vote, in State, 482;
- in City, 467;
- Me, 238, 242;
- vote, 243;
- effect on N. Y., 479;
- N. Dak. (law), 502;
- vote, 503, 506-7;
- Ohio, 509-10;
- vote, 511;
- second, 512;
- vote, 513;
- Okla, 524;
- vote, 526;
- second, 528-9 et seq.;
- vote, 529, 535;
- Ore, 539, 541;
- vote, 544, 548;
- Penn, 554;
- vote, 557; 560, 562;
- R. I., 575;
- S. Dak, 587;
- second, 588;
- vote, 590;
- third, 591;
- vote, 594;
- Texas, 639-40;
- vote, 642;
- Va, 672;
- Wash, 675;
- vote, 682;
- W. Va, 688;
- vote, 692, 698;
- Wis. (law), 700, 707;
- vote, 703.
- See Federal Wom. Suff. Amend.
- American Constitutional League (anti suff.), 621; 625.
- Ames, Marie B, 204; 351; 358-9; 690.
- Ammons, Prof. Theodosia, 60.
- Anderson, Frances B, 113; 115.
- Anderson, Chief Justice John C, 7.
- Anthony, Lucy E, 87; 442; 542-3; 812; 816.
- Anthony, Mary B, 570-1-2; 577.
- Anthony, Mary S
- Anthony, Susan B,
- greetings to Calif, 29; 30;
- entertained in Calif, 32;
- S. B. A. Club, 52;
- in Del, 86;
- Life and Work, 87;
- Memorial Fund, 88;
- birthday celebr, 90;
- in Wash, 105, 109;
- memorial service in Ga, 123;
- honored in Md, 248;
- memorial, 249;
- in Minn, 317;
- memorial, 318;
- birthday, 320;
- Mont, 360;
- memorial in Neb, 371;
- in Nev, 384;
- in N. J., 414,
- memorial, 415;
- in N. Y., 440; 443
- memorial, 443;
- birthdays celebr, 449; 454; 455;
- letter to Okla, 520;
- in Ore, 540-1;
- in Phila, 551;
- in R. I., 565;
- memorial in Vt, 652;
- urges suff. for Hawaiian women, 716;
- for Filipino women, 719; 772; 774;
- work for Intl. Suff. Assn, 805;
- presides at first conf. for it in Wash, 806-808;
- at second in Berlin, 809-811;
- memorial service in Copenhagen, 816;
- tribute at Geneva, 861.
- Anti Suffragists,
- in Ala, 7;
- Ariz, 15;
- Calif, 36, 43;
- Natl. Assn, work in Calif, 44;
- falsehoods denied in Colo, 62;
- in Conn, 85;
- Del, 96, 99, 102-3;
- Ga, Macon Telegraph, 138;
- in Legis, 139;
- Ind, 176;
- Iowa, 188;
- Kans, 201;
- La, 232;
- Maine, 242-3, 245, 247;
- Md, 254-255, 258-260;
- Men's Assn, 261;
- Mass, 273, 280;
- Men's League, 288; 291-2, 294, 296, 301;
- Mich, 307;
- Men's League, 308;
- Miss, 335, 338;
- Mont, 365;
- Neb, 375;
- Men's League Manifesto, 376;
in full, 873;
- headqrs, 376;
- German Amer. Alliance, 377;
- at Legis, 379;
- petitions, 380;
- Nev, 397;
- N. H., 401, 404, 407, 409;
- N. J., 424, 431;
- N. Y., 454-457, 466;
- N. Dak, 506-7;
- Ohio, 509, 511;
- work with liquor interests, 513, 515;
- Okla, 528, 537;
- Ore, 543, 547;
- Penn, 562, 564;
- R. I, 567, 574-5;
- S. Dak, 591;
- Tenn, 602, 604, 619;
- Mrs. Catt's comment, 621;
- Texas, Legis. rebukes, 641; 642;
- Vt, 661-2;
- Wash, 681;
- Wis, 705;
- Gr. Brit, 726-747;
- Lord Curzon's speech, 748;
- Mrs. Catt flays, 831;
- in Canada, 761;
- Men's Assn. in Neb, 873.
- For names see above references.
- Argentina, effort for wom. suff, 803.
- Arizona, efforts for wom. suff. legis. action, Gov. Brodie vetoes, amendment carries; see St. chap, 10.
- Arkansas, efforts for wom. suff, workers, legis. action, Primary suff; see St. chap, 16.
- Arnold, Ethel M, 263; 275; 343; 403.
- Arthur, Clara B, see Mich. chap, 303; 310 et seq.
- Ashton, Margaret, on Liberal party in Great Brit, 824; 826; 833; 837.
- Asquith, Herbert H, anti suff. action in Great Brit, 727, 730 et seq;
- Astor, Viscountess, urges ratif. in Va, 671;
- Govt. delegate to Intl. Alliance cong. in Geneva, 862, 864, 869.
- Atkinson, Mrs. W. D, 366;
- Neb, 375, 379;
- Nev, 397;
- Vt, 662.
Brooks, Mrs. Charles H, 203; 204; 529; 573. Brooks, John Graham, 269. Brotherton, Belle, see Mich. chapter, 303; 312; 315. Brough, Gov. Charles H. (Ark.), 20; 643. Brown, Frances Fort, 610. Brown, Rev. Olympia, in Kans, 198; Brown, Mrs. Raymond, in Del, 92; Brumbaugh, Gov. Martin G. (Penn.), 561. Bryan, William Jennings, urges ratification in La, 233; Bryan, Mrs. William Jennings, speaks for suff. in Fla, 119; Bryce, (Lord) James, on wom. suff, 727; 747. Buck, Rev. Florence, 700. Bulkley, Mary, in Conn, 83; Nev, 398. Burdette, Mrs. Robert J, 51. Burn, Harry T, in Tenn. Legis, 623-4. Burns, Lucy, 109; 251. Burr, Frances Ellen, 68; 70. Butt, Hala Hammond, 326. Bynner, Witter, 404. Byrd, Clara Booth, see N. C. chapter, 490, 494. Byrne, Gov. Frank M. (S. Dak.), 589. - Calder, U. S. Sen. William M, 489.
- California, effort for wom. suff, names of workers, legis. action, campaign, see St. chapter, 27.
- Calloway, James P, 138.
- Campaigns, in Ariz, 13;
- on "militancy," 854;
- on "white slave" traffic, 855;
- presides in Academy of Music, 857;
- farewell, 858;
- calls Alliance conf. in Geneva after the war, 859;
- address, memorial tribute to Dr. Shaw, plea for democracy, 860-1;
- welcomes delegates, 865;
- raises money, 868;
- re-elected, 869.
Catt, George W, 249. Cauer, Minna (Germany), 826. Central America, 804. Chace, Arnold Buffum, 566; 571. Chace, Elizabeth Buffum, 565; 571. Chapman, Mariana W, 441. Chaponniere-Chaix, Mme. (Switz.), 810-11. Chase, Mary N, in N. H, 400 et seq; 404; Cheney, Edna D, 272. Cherdron, Margaret Zane, 648. Chilton, U. S. Sen. W. E, 696-7. China, effort for wom. suff, Mrs. Catt visits, 803; - suff. assn. joins Intl. Alliance, sends banner, 848.
Churchill, Winston, 401 Churchill, Mrs. Winston, 404. Clapp, U. S. Sen. Moses E, 319; 405. Clark, Adele, 665; 667-70. Clark, Speaker Champ, speaks for wom. suff in La, 234. Clark, Gov. George W. (Iowa), 183. Clark, Jeannette Drury, writes Alaska chapter, 713. Clark, Mrs. Orton H, 310-11. Clark, Chief Justice Walter (N. C.), 491-2; 494. Clarke, Grace Julian, 171-2; 175. Clay, Laura, work in Ariz, 12; - speaks in Atlanta, 123;
- Ind, 169;
- work in Kans, 200;
- in Ky, see St. chapter, 207 et seq.;
- ambulance named for, 211;
- opp. Fed. Amend, 212;
- at Dem. natl. conv, 220;
- in Md, 251;
- Mich, 309;
- Okla, 522, 525;
- Ore, 540, 544;
- R. I, 572;
- Tenn, 596, 598, 608-9, 612;
- opp. ratification in Tenn, 622; 495;
- N. Dak, 504, 507;
- Ohio, 517;
- Penn, 552, 562;
- R. I, 566, 570-1;
- S. C, 580-1, 584;
- Tenn, 599, 600, 606-7, 609, 612-13-14, 625;
- Texas, 635-6, 639, 640, 642;
- Utah, 645, 649;
- Vt, 656-660;
- Va, 665, 668, 670;
- Wash, 685;
- West Va, 693-4;
- Wis, 700, 708;
- Wyo, 709;
- U. S. Sup. Ct. decision, 617;
- Solicitor Genl. Frierson's, 617;
- proclaimed by Secy. of State, 625.
Federations of Labor, for wom. suff, Ala, 8; - Calif, 54;
- give hall for suff. meet. in Atlanta, 125, 127;
- for wom. suff. in Maine, 237;
- Md, 251,
- Mass, 273, 295;
- Nev, 396;
- N. H, 402;
- N. J, 415;
- Okla, 523;
- Ore, 546;
- Penn, 552-3;
- S. C, 581;
- Tenn, 597-9;
- Vt, 660;
- Va, 669.
Federation of Women's Clubs, record in each State chapter. Genl. Fedn. declares for wom. suff, 160; - applauds it in Boston, 274.
Feickert, Lillian F, 418-19; - work in N. J; see St. chapter, 420 et seq.
Fels, Mrs. Joseph, in Mass, 300; Felton, Rebecca Latimer, 126; 128; 131. Ferguson, Gov. James E, opp. wom. suff. in Texas, 633; Gordon, Laura de Force, 33. Graham, Gov. Horace F. (Vt.), 663. Grand Army of the Republic, endorses wom. suff, 87, 522. Grange, Natl. and State, endorsement of wom. suff. in many St. chapters. Great Britain (United Kingdom), lone effort for wom. suff; action of Parliament; see chapter, 727 et seq; - work of Natl. Union, 730 et seq;
- great pilgrimage, 737;
- war work, 739;
- society changes form, 749;
- Labor Party for wom. suff, 730-1, 737;
- war work of women, 738;
- Coalition Govt, 742;
- Conference formed, Commons passes bill, 744 et seq;
- Lords accept, 748;
- women vote, 749;
- favorable laws for women, 750;
- elected to Commons, 750;
- universities opened, 751; see 833.
Greece, organizes for wom. suff, King, Queen and Venizelos favor, 802. Greeley, Helen Hoy, 46; 48; 90; 546. Gregg, Laura, in Ariz, 12; 318; Grenfell, Helen Loring, 61; 64. Grey, Sir Edward, on wom. suff, 735. Griffin, Frances A, suff. pioneer in Ala, 3; Griggs, Prof. Edward Howard, 278. Grim, Harriet, 148-9. Gripenberg, Baroness Alexandra, work in Finland, 772; Grossman, Leonard J, 126. Guise, Mrs. John A, 317; 322. Gullen, Dr. Augusta Stowe, work in Canada, see chapter, 754; 757. - Hackstaff, Priscilla D, 309; 401; 417; 459.
- Haines, Dr. Blanche M, 310; 312.
- Hale, U. S. Sen. Frederick, 247.
- Hale, Mrs. Forbes-Robertson, 86; 91; 208; 309-10; 428.
- Hughston, Augusta, in Me, 238;
- Hull, U. S. Rep. Harry E. (Iowa), 185.
- Hultin, Rev. Ida C, 250; 267, 269, 403.
- Hundley, Mrs. O. R, 4.
- Hungary, struggle for wom. suff, entertains Intl. Alliance;
- Mrs. Catt speaks in eight cities, 793; 856.
- Hunt, Alice, 265.
- Hunt, Augusta M, 238; 242.
- Hurd, Dr. Ethel E, 318; 320.
- Hurst, Sadie D, 388; 390-1-2.
- Hussey, Cornelia C, 413.
- Hussey, Dr. Mary D, work in N. J, see St. chapter, 412.
- Hutson, Ethel, see La. chapter, 226.
- Hutton, May Arkwright, 676.
tml@files@30051@30051-h@30051-h-32.htm.html#Page_843" class="pginternal">843; Laidlaw, James Lees, in Calif, 46; - pres. Natl. Men's Suff. League, 62; 126;
- in Mont, 364;
- Nev, 387;
- N. Y, 467; 469;
- work for Men's League, 485.
Laidlaw, Mrs. James Lees, in Calif, 46; Lamar, Mrs. Walter D, 138-9. Langhorne, Orra, 665. Langley, U. S. Rep. John W. (Ky.), 213. Larch-Miller, Aloysius, 536. Lathrop, Julia C, chief Federal Children's Bureau, 112. Laughlin, Gail, work in Calif, 30, 39, 49; Lawrence, Mrs. Pethick (Great Brit.), 208; 704; 790; 868. Laws, for women and children much improved, 1. Lawther, Anna B, 184; 187. Lea, U. S. Sen. Luke, 603; 606; 608. Leach, Antoinette D, 167; 169. League of Nations, attitude toward of Intl. Wom. Suff. Alliance, 870-1. League of Women Voters, organized, chairmen, see each St. chapter near close. Leckenby, Ellen S, 673-4. Leech, Mrs. James A, 215. Legislatures, action on wom. suff, listed in each St. chapter; - women members, see Officers.
Leighty, Mrs. John R, 348; 352; 357-8-9. Lenroot, U. S. Sen. Irvine L, 708. Leonard, Gertrude Halliday, 282; 285-6-7; 299. Leser, Judge Oscar (Md.), 261. Leslie Woman Suffrage Commission, assists Ala, 5; Lewis, Mrs. George Howard, contribution, 106. McNeel, Mrs. John D, 6. McPike, Sara, work in N. Y, 487. McWhirter, Mrs. Felix T, 170-1-2; 175. McWhorter, Judge J. C. (West Va.), 689; 691. Maddox, Etta, in Md, 253; 255; 257. Maine, efforts for wom. suff, workers, legis. action, campn, see St. chapter, 236. Malone, Dudley Field, 257. Manitoba, work for wom. suff, 754. Mann, Gov. S. A. (Utah), 644; 650. Mansfield, Mrs. Howard, 469; 480. Marble, Amanda J, 369; 370-1-2. Marbury, William F, opp. wom. suff. in Md, 258; 260; Martin, Anne, in Del, 103; Martin, U. S. Sen. George B, 213. Martine, U. S. Sen. James E, 123; 421. Maryland, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers, great opposition, see St. chapter, 248. Massachusetts, effort for wom. suff, New England Assn, legis. action, campaign, workers, see St. chapter, 267. Maud, Queen, greetings to suff. cong, 836. Mead, Edwin D, 275; 295. Mead, Lucia Ames, in Me, 242; - work in Mass, 269 et seq;
- in Mo, 344.
Men's Advisory Committee, in N. C, 493; Men's Leagues for Woman Suffrage, in Ala, 6; - Calif, 35, 40;
- Conn, 75, 81;
- Fla, 115;
- Ga, 126;
- Ills, 147;
- Iowa, 187;
- Kans, 200-1;
- La, 227;
- Me, 237, 242;
- Md, 251, 263;
- Harvard, 278;
- Mass, 283, 287;
- Mich, 306, 313, 314;
- Mo, 345;
- Mont, 364, 366;
- Neb, 98, 102-3;
- D. C, 108;
- Ga, 129;
- Chicago, in 1913, 157,
- in 1914, 159,
- in 1916, 161;
- Iowa, 182;
- Kans. women, 203;
- Ky, 210;
- Md. women, 252, 265;
- Mass, 275, 279, 285-6-7, 295;
- Minn, women, 320-1-2;
- in Miss, 332;
- Mo, 347, 349;
- Mont, 366;
- Neb, 376;
- N. H, 405;
- N. J. women, 417-8, 421, 426;
- in N. Y, 450, 470, 474;
- first men marched, 485;
- R. I. women, 570;
- Tenn. women, 599, 609, 612;
- in Utah, 650;
- West Va, 689;
- Wis. women, 705;
- Canadian women, 759;
- in Holland, 785.
Pardee, Gov. George C. (Calif.), 31. Park, Alice, in Ariz, 14; - Nev, 398;
- see Calif, chapter, 27.
Park, Maud Wood, in Calif, 33; - Del, 86; 91;
- Me, 238;
- see Mass. chap, 267; 281;
- in Mich, 309;
- Minn, 319;
- Neb, 372;
- Nev, 387;
- N. H, 401, 406;
- N. Dak, 495;
- Ore, 540;
- R. I, 566;
- Vt, 661;
- Va, 668;
- Wis, 700;
- helps wom. suff. in Hawaii, 717-18.
Parker, Adella M, 674-7; 679; 681; 686. Parker, Gov. John M, see La. chapter from 230. Parker, Dr. Valeria H, 391; 649. Parkhurst, Gov. Fre
@g@html@files@30051@30051-h@30051-h-9.htm.html#Page_225" class="pginternal">225, 230; Md, 215. Snowden, M. P. Philip, 276; 285; 344; Snowden, Mrs. Philip, in D. C, 107; - Ky, 208;
- Md, 252;
- Mass, 274, 276, 285;
- Mo, 344;
- Neb, 372;
- Toronto, 758;
- London, 836;
- Stockholm, 844.
Somerville, Nellie Nugent, work in Miss, see St. chapter, 327; South, Mrs. John Glover, 208; 215. South Africa, effort for wom. suff, Premiers' action; - Mrs. Catt and Dr. Jacobs visit, 767.
South Carolina, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers; see St. chapter, 579. South Dakota, effort for wom. suff, legis. action, workers; see St. chapter, 585. Southern States Woman Suffrage Conference, 218, 610. Spain, efforts for wom. suff, 802. Spargo, John, in N. Y. Legis, 546. Spencer, Rev. Anna Garlin, in Mass, 269; Spencer, U. S. Sen. Selden P, 358. Sperry, Dr. Mary, 50; 398. Sperry, Mary S, see Calif. chap, 27 et seq; 52. Spring, Rebecca, 30. Springer, Elmira E, 147. Sproul, Gov. William C. (Penn.), 562-3. Stanford, Mrs. Leland, for wom. suff, 28. Stanislawsky, Mrs. Henry, in Calif, 46; Stanley, Gov. A. O. (Ky.), 211. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, birthdays, 30, 90, 109; - 100th, 487;
- memorial in Neb, 370;
- pioneer, 440;
- memorial in Seneca Falls, 444;
- for Intl. Suff. Assn, 805.
Starbuck, Kathryn H, 459. Starrett, Helen Ekin, 549. Stearns, Sarah Burger, 40. Steinem, Pauline, 508. Stephens, Adelia C, work in Okla, see St. chapter, 520. Stephens, Gov. William D. (Calif.), 57. Stevens, Doris, 309; 407. Stevens, Isaac N, 60;
="@public@vhost@g@html@files@30051@30051-h@30051-h-4.htm.html#Page_102" class="pginternal">102; Works, U. S. Sen. John D, 575. Worrell, Emma, 87-8; 89; 90. Wright, Edna, 408; 705. Wright, Harriet G. R, 60-1. Wyoming, see St. chapter, 709; - university confers doctor's degree on Mrs. Catt, 712.
- Yaggy, Laura Reed, 202-3.
- Yates, Elizabeth Upham, 242;
- work for wom. suff. in R. I, see St. chapter, 568;
- tribute to, 577.
- Yorke, Judge Waldo M, 31; 40-1.
- Yost, Mrs. Ellis A, work in West Va, see St. chapter, 687; 697.
- Youmans, Theodora W, work in Wis, see St. chapter, 704 et seq.
- Young, Brigham, 645; 647.
- Young, Clara A, 368-9; 371-2.
- Young, Rose, in New York, 469, 473, 481.
- Young, Virginia Durant, 579; 582.
- Younger, Maud, 38; 45; 55; 398.
- Yukon Territory, grants wom. suff, 764.
Transcriber's Notes The transcriber made changes as below indicated to the text to correct obvious errors: 1. p. 105 Assocation --> Association 2. p. 110 acompanied --> accompanied 3. p. 110 Washingon --> Washington 4. p. 135 affiliat??? --> affiliated 5. p. 145 Assocation --> Association 6. p. 150 memberehip --> membership 7. p. 223 enthusiatic --> enthusiastic 8. p. 266 Fn #78, mentiond --> mentioned 9. p. 319 typwritten --> typewritten 10. p. 340 committe --> committee 11. p. 378 specificed --> specified 12. p. 429 over held --> ever held 13. p. 531 acount --> account 14. p. 537 joint --> join 15. p. 538 ratianal --> rational 16. p. 541 Christion --> Christian 17. p. 578 ocasion --> occasion 18. p. 581 progagandists --> propagandists 19. p. 585 activites --> activities 20. p. 605 Footnote anchor #168 missing; placed at most appropriate place. 21. p. 641 acompanied --> accompanied 22. p. 648 ocasionally --> occasionally 23. p. 706 thoughout --> throughout 24. p. 753 ristory --> history 25. p. 787 shoud --> should 26. p. 795 reportd --> reported 27. p. 805 geting --> getting 28. p. 834 sacraficing --> sacrificing 29. p. 839 demonination --> denomination 30. p. 840 annnounced --> announced 31. p. 842 beginnning --> beginning 32. p. 843 Annnie --> Annie 33. p. 843 Colocel --> Colonel 34. p. 845 magnificest --> magnificent 35. p. 858 responsibilties --> responsibilities 36. p. 859 adress --> address 37. p. 863 elibility --> eligibility 38. p. 891 Milsaps --> Millsaps 39. p. 893 Parmalee --> Parmelee |