I. Introductory: The General Declension from Outlaw to Highwayman, and thence to Footpad, Thief, and Burglar—Gamaliel Ratsey—Thomas Dun, of Dunstable 1
II. Robin Hood and his Merry Men 23
III. The "Hand of Glory"—Liability of Country Districts for Robberies—Exemption in Respect of Sunday Travelling 49
IV. The Younger Sons—Judge Popham—Shakespearean Highwaymen—The "Cavalier" Brigands—A Seventeenth-Century Religious Tract 62
V. Enormous Captures made by Highway Gangs—Bracy's Gang—Robberies on the Road to Newmarket—Advertisements of the Period—Augustin King—Plunder and Battle on the St. Albans Road—Soldiers as Highwaymen 75
VI. "Who Goes Home?" in the House of Commons—Footmen turn Highwaymen—Sir Simon Clarke—A Merry Freak and its Tragical Consequences—Amazing Poltroonery of Travellers—Advertisements of the Period—Highway Robbery in Piccadilly 92
VII. The Highwaymen of Wiltshire and Salisbury Plain—Mr. Joseph Reader's Adventure—The Cherhill Gang—"Clibborn's Post"—Murder of Mr. Mellish—Close of the Highwayman Era 114
VIII. The Literature of the Later Highwaymen 124
IX. The Newgate Chaplains: Samuel Smith, Paul Lorrain, Thomas Pureney—The Prison Life 131
X. The Watchman, and the Execution Bell of St. Sepulchre 148
XI. Hangman's Highway: The Road to Tyburn 156
XII. The Wayside Gibbets 199
XIII. The Roads out of London
I. The Dover Road 213
II. The Bath Road 221
XIV. The Roads out of London (continued):
III. The Great North Road 245
IV. The Oxford Road 255
Moll Cutpurse: The "Roaring Girl" 262
Captain Philip Stafford 269
Captain James Hind, the "Prince of Prigs 273
John Clavel, "Gentleman" 307
William Davis, the Golden Farmer 317
Thomas Simpson: "Old Mob" 333
Claude Du Vall 342
Francis Jackson, and his "Recantation" 356
Captain Richard Dudley 387


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