All-night Soup.
Cut the meat into dice, and chop the vegetables. Season, as you put them with sago and herbs in close layers, into a jar with a tight top. About eight o’clock on Saturday night, set this in a pot of boiling water (having tied a thick cloth over the lid of the jar) and cook until bed-time. Leave pot and jar upon the range. When the fire is built next day see that there is plenty of water in the pot, and pay no more attention to your soup, except to replenish the water in the pot with more, as hot from the tea-kettle, until half an hour before dinner is served. Then strain the contents of the jar, pressing the vegetables to a pulp. Divide the broth into two portions. Return one to the jar, with the meat, and set, when cold, Roast Beef and Round Potatoes.Roast the meat in the usual manner, and, about half an hour before taking it out, pour off three-quarters of the gravy from the dripping-pan and lay about the meat some balls of mashed potato, worked smooth, with pepper, salt and a raw egg, moulded in your hands, and rolled in flour. Turn as they brown, and, when done, drain off the grease, and dish with the beef. Boiled Macaroni.Break half a pound of macaroni into short pieces; cook about twenty minutes in salted boiling water. It should be clear at the edges, but not ragged. Drain well, pepper and salt, and stir in a tablespoonful of butter. Strew grated cheese over the top when dished, and pass more with it at table. Green Peas.Cook from twenty to twenty-five minutes in boiling water, a little salt. Drain very well when tender, stir in a great lump of peppered butter, and serve hot in a vegetable dish. Snow Custard.
Soak the gelatine one hour in a cup of cold water. Add then a pint of boiling water, and stir until the gelatine is dissolved. Put in two-thirds of the sugar and all the lemon-juice. Beat the whites of the eggs stiff, and divider Peel, by pouring boiling water over them, a dozen fine tomatoes, cut them up, throwing aside the hard cores and unripe portions. Take the fat from the surface of your soup stock; pour it off from the meat and sediment; add the tomatoes, and stew gently half an hour. Strain, rubbing the tomatoes through the sieve; return to the pot; add a little pepper and salt, a lump of sugar, and a tablespoonful of butter rolled in flour. Boil one minute, and pour out. It will be a delicious soup. Larded Beef.Make perpendicular incisions in your cold roast, having trimmed the top smoothly, and thrust in lardoons of fat salt pork, set closely together. Take the fat from the cold gravy, and add to the latter a little minced onion, a tablespoonful of catsup, and a large cup of boiling water. Lay the meat in a dripping-pan, pour the gravy upon it, Stewed Cream Potatoes.Peel and cut into neat dice. Leave in cold water half an hour; then cook as long in boiling water, salted. Drain this off before the potatoes break; add half a cup of milk (or cream) with a pinch of soda. When it heats, stir in a generous lump of butter cut up in a teaspoonful of flour, and a mere pinch of finely-grated lemon-peel. Stew one minute and pour into a deep dish. Spinach Dressed with Egg.Boil the spinach in plenty of hot water, salted, for twenty minutes. Drain and press out the water. Chop fine; put back over the fire with a large spoonful of butter, and a teaspoonful of sugar, with salt and pepper to taste, also a little nutmeg. Beat until hot and smooth; turn into a hot, deep dish, and cover with a dressing of the yolks of four hard-boiled eggs, left to cool, then pounded in a Wedgewood mortar, and rubbed to a paste with a teaspoonful of melted butter, one of cream, and lastly, one of lemon-juice. Spread over the surface of the spinach and garnish with a border of the sliced whites. Strawberries and Cream.Cap the berries, and pile in a glass bowl. Do not sugar them, but pass powdered sugar and cream with each saucerful. Martha’s Cake.An economical and very nice variety of jelly-cake, easily made, and which keeps well. Please see “Common Sense in the Household” Series No. 1, “General Receipts,” page 314. divider Put onion and other vegetables with spice on in two quarts of water, and boil down to three pints. Strain and press over the beef. Season with pepper, salt, and catsup; simmer half an hour, or until the meat is nearly white and the soup brown, and serve with the meat in it. The vegetable liquor must be boiling when it is poured upon the minced beef. Lamb Chops.Broil quickly over a clear fire; pepper and salt; butter on both sides, and lay in a heap, symmetrically arranged, in the centre of a dish, surrounded by the potato purÉe. PurÉe of Potatoes.
Mix all up well; put into a greased saucepan, and stir until hot, never allowing it to stick to the sides or scorch, and lay, in a white hedge, about the chops. Asparagus Rolls.
Cut off the top of each roll; pick out the crumb carefully, and set the hollowed rolls, with their tops, in a slow oven to dry to crispness. Boil the asparagus twenty minutes, cut off the green tops, and let them get perfectly cold. Then heat the milk; stir in the butter; pour upon the beaten yolks; beat one minute with your egg-whisk; return to the fire; put in the asparagus-tops—minced—leaving out as many whole tops as you have rolls—stir until very hot, but not until it boils. Fill your rolls with the mixture; make a round hole in the top of each crust-cover; fit in a bit of asparagus, as if it had sprouted from below; fit each cover upon its roll, and the pretty and delightful dish is ready. Lettuce.Pick hearts and blanched leaves from the stems; pile in a salad-bowl, and cover with a dressing made of two tablespoonfuls of oil, one teaspoonful of white sugar, half as much each of salt, pepper, and made mustard—all rubbed smooth together—then thickened, rather than thinned, by whipping in a few drops at a time, four tablespoonfuls of vinegar. Stir up with a silver fork after the dressing goes on. Rosie’s Rice Custard.
Cream butter and sugar; add the beaten eggs, salt, then, the rice stirred warm into the milk. Bake in a buttered dish half an hour in a quick oven. Eat warm. divider Put water and chicken on quite early in the day, and cook slowly until the water has boiled down to about three and a half quarts, and the chicken slips easily from the bones. Take off all the meat, and return the bones to the pot. Cook gently until an hour before dinner, when strain, and let it cool. Take off the fat; return to the fire—with the seasoning and rice—and simmer half an hour, or until the rice is soft. Have the milk heated in a separate vessel, with a pinch of soda; pour upon the beaten eggs; put back over the fire, and stir until it begins to thicken. Turn into the tureen. Boil up the chicken broth once sharply, and add to the milk in the soup-tureen, stirring up well. Fried Shad au Gratin.Clean, wash, and wipe a fine roe-shad. Take off head, tail, and fins, and cut into eight pieces. Pepper and salt these; dip into beaten egg, then in cracker-crumbs, and fry in hot dripping or lard. Drain, and serve on a hot, flat dish. The roes should be parboiled, then cooled—afterward dipped in egg and cracker, fried in the same manner as the fish, and dished with it. Milanaise Pudding.
Boil the macaroni in the broth until tender; then let it cool somewhat, and, with a pair of old scissors, clip it into inch lengths. Chop ham and chicken, and pepper. Mix with the macaroni—which should have absorbed the broth—stir in the melted butter and eggs. Put into a well-greased mould, and boil an hour and a half. Turn out; pour over it a cup of drawn butter, and serve. Pass grated cheese with it. Mashed Potatoes.Prepare as usual and pass with the fish course. Navy Beans.This is a variety of white kidney beans. Shell and lay them in cold water half an hour, to take off the raw, rank taste. Cook about twenty-five minutes in boiling water, a little salt. Drain well; pepper, salt, and butter. Eat hot. Cottage Pudding.
Cream butter and sugar; beat in the yolks, then the salted flour, alternately with the whites. Bake in a buttered cake-mould until a straw will come up clean from the middle. Turn out and eat hot with sweet sauce. divider Crack the bones to splinters and chop the meat. Put on with all the asparagus stalks and one-half of the heads. Cover with the water and cook gently, covered, three hours. Strain; cool to let the grease rise; skim and return to the pot with the seasoning and reserved heads of asparagus. Boil slowly for twenty minutes longer. Heat the milk separately, salt and pepper, and stir in the corn-starch, boiling one minute to thicken it. Pour into the tureen upon the dice of fried bread; stir into this the boiling soup, and send to table. Stuffed Fillet of Veal with Bacon.Take out the bone from the meat, and pin into a round with skewers. Bind securely with soft tapes. Fill the cavity left by the bone with a force-meat of crumbs, chopped pork; thyme, and parsley, seasoned with pepper, salt, nutmeg, and a pinch of lemon-peel. Cover the top of the fillet with thin slices of cold, cooked, fat bacon or salt pork, tying them in place with twines crossing the meat in all directions. Put into a pot with two cups of boiling water, and cook slowly and steadily two hours. Then take from the pot and put into a dripping-pan. Undo the strings If your fillet be large, cook twice as long in the pot. The time given above is for one weighing five pounds. Scooped Potatoes.Pare and cut round with a potato-gouge—a neat little instrument that costs but a trifle. The waste bits can be boiled, mashed, and set by for to-morrow’s uses. Boil the scooped pellets in hot, salted water twenty minutes; throw this off and put in a cup of cold milk. Simmer gently until the potatoes are tender; stir in a good lump of butter rolled in flour, and when this is melted, a little minced parsley, with pepper and salt. Stew three minutes, and pour into a deep dish. Tomato Salad.Pare with a keen knife; arrange upon a glass dish and cover with a dressing like that made on Tuesday for lettuce, but adding the beaten yolks of two raw eggs, whipped in the last thing. Hominy Pudding.
Rub the hominy very smooth with the butter; then the yolks, beaten up with the sugar. Beat well before thinning with the salted milk. Lastly, add the frothed whites. Bake in a greased pudding-dish until nicely browned. Cocoanut Puddings.
Scald the milk and pour, gradually, upon the beaten eggs. Do not return to the fire, but, when nearly cold, season, add the cocoanut; stir up well; pour into buttered cups, and bake by setting in a pan of boiling water, and stirring again as the custard begins to heat, that the cocoanut may not settle to the bottom. Bake until well “set,” and slightly browned. Eat cold. divider Put a layer of clams in the bottom of a soup-pot, next one of sliced tomatoes and onion. Sprinkle with seasoning, Baked Pickerel.Select a couple of large, fresh fish; score the back-bones with a sharp knife, and lay them in a baking-pan. Pour a cupful of boiling water over them, cover, and bake slowly, basting with butter and water, at least six times. The fish should be tender, yet firm when done. Transfer them carefully to a hot-water dish. Have ready a cupful of rich, drawn butter; strain the gravy from the dripping-pan into it, with a little minced parsley. Heat almost to a boil and pour over the fish. There is no better way of cooking large pickerel than this. Veal Scallop.Chop the remains of your fillet fine, and season with pepper and salt. Put a layer of dry crumbs in a buttered bake-dish; stick bits of butter over it; cover with the meat and wet this with gravy and warm milk. Repeat this order of strata until your dish is full, covering deep with crumbs. Fit a tin cover on the top and bake half an hour; remove the lid and brown nicely. Serve in the bake-dish. Mashed Potatoes—Browned.Mash soft with milk and butter; whip up to a cream; season, and make into a four-sided pyramid upon a greased pie-dish. Brown in a good oven and slip to a warm dish. Pass with the fish. Green Peas.Please see receipt given on Sunday of this week. Strawberry Shortcake.Please see receipt given on Friday of Fourth Week in May. The strawberry season is so short that you can hardly give this popular dessert often enough to weary your family while the scarlet, flavorous beauties last. Tea,Hot and strong, will be the better for a little cream borrowed from the supply meant for your shortcake. divider Cut up meat and vegetables fine, and put with the water into the soup-kettle. Cook slowly four hours. Strain the soup, rubbing the vegetables through the colander. Divide the liquor into two parts. Put with the meat—all highly seasoned—into a stoneware vessel and Beef’s Tongue—(Langue du Boeuf).Wash a large, perfectly fresh tongue in three waters. Then cover well with boiling water, a little salt—plenty of it—and cook about twelve minutes to the pound. Strip off the skin; dish, when you have trimmed away the root, and pour over it the following sauce: Strain a cup of the liquor in which the tongue was boiled; set over the fire, and stir in two tablespoonfuls of butter cut up in flour, pepper to taste; the juice of a lemon, and when this has thickened, two small pickled cucumbers, chopped. This is a dish whose merits deserve to be better known. (Save the liquor.) Squeezed Potatoes.Put on in cold water, and bring quickly to a boil. When soft enough to be pierced by a fork, turn off the water; throw in a little salt, and dry on the range. Tear off the skins quickly, and as soon as each is bare, envelop it in the corner of a dry, hot towel and twist the same tightly around it for a second, but not quite breaking it. Pile within a napkin-lined dish, and send up hot. French Beans—SautÉs.Top, tail, and “string” with care. Cut into short pieces. Cook in boiling water, a little salt, until tender—say thirty minutes, if they are full-grown. Drain well; return to the saucepan with two great spoonfuls of butter, salt, pepper, and a teaspoonful of vinegar. Toss until very hot, and turn into a hot, deep dish. Young Beets.Boil in hot, salt water one hour. When done, rub off the skins; split the beets lengthwise and lay upon a hot dish. Have ready a great spoonful of melted butter, Cherry Pie.Line your pie-dish with a good paste; fill with a mixture of sour and sweet cherries; sweeten plentifully; cover with paste printed at the edge and slit in the middle, and bake until nicely colored. Eat fresh, but not warm, with white sugar sifted over the top. divider Take the fat from the liquor in which the tongue was boiled yesterday; set it over the fire, and, when boiling, put in the empty pods of two quarts of peas. Boil half an hour; take from the fire and strain out the pods. About half an hour before dinner, take the fat from the “stock” set aside yesterday, and pour off from the meat and sediment into the soup-pot. While it is slowly heating, put on the water in which the pods were boiled, with the peas and two quarts of peeled and sliced tomatoes, in another pot, and bring more rapidly to the boil. Cook twenty-five minutes, then stir in two lumps of white sugar, two tablespoonfuls of butter, rolled in flour, pepper well, boil up, and rub through a colander into the main soup-kettle. Simmer all together three minutes, and it is Stewed Lamb with Mushroom Sauce.Let your butcher take out the bones from the lower side of a shoulder of lamb, leaving in the shank. Fill the cavity thus left with a good force-meat of crumbs, chopped pork, and sweet herbs, and sew the meat edges together to hold it in. If you have no gravy ready make a pint on Saturday of the lamb trimmings and a few veal-bones, with seasoning. It need not be strong. Put the lamb into a broad pot, with some thin slices of fat pork laid in the bottom; pour in the gravy, cover tightly, and stew gently one hour. Turn the meat then, and cook twenty minutes longer. Lay the lamb upon a hot dish, and butter it all over. Cover, and keep warm over hot water while you make the sauce. Have ready half a can of mushrooms, boiled and chopped. Strain the gravy left in the pot, add the mushrooms, and stew five minutes; thicken with browned flour; boil up and pour over the lamb. Garnish with alternate slices of green pickle and boiled beets. Lima Beans.Shell; lay in cold water twenty minutes, and cook in slightly salted boiling water about half an hour, or until tender. The time depends much upon age and size. Drain well; pour into a deep dish; pepper, salt, and butter. Green Peas.Receipt given on Sunday of First Week in this month. Stewed Turnips.Peel and slice young turnips. Boil fifteen minutes in hot, salted water; throw this off, and add half a cup of milk and as much boiling fresh water. When this heats, stir in a generous lump of butter, rolled in a teaspoonful of flour, with pepper and salt to taste. Simmer ten minutes longer, or until tender, and pour into a deep dish. Eat very hot. Lemon Blanc-Mange.
Add to the soaked gelatine the lemon-juice and peel, sugar and spice. Leave standing one hour. Then pour on the boiling water. Stir until clear, add the wine, and strain through double tarlatan. While it is cooling, whip the whites very stiff. When the gelatine begins to coagulate around the edge of the dish, whip it, little by little, into the frothed whites until it is stiff. Put into a wet mould, and set upon the ice. On Sunday turn it out, and pour a rich liqueur—that from brandied peaches is best—about the base. Preserved strawberries are also very nice with it if you have no liqueur. Coffee and Cake.If you prefer, you can give the cake with the blanc-mange, and drink the coffee afterwards. divider A good soup, founded upon such stock as you made on Saturday, is better the third day than the first. Therefore, Cold Lamb.Do not murder the well-cooked, juicy innocent of yesterday by hashing and reheating. A nice dish of cold lamb, trimmed and garnished with cresses and cool, white lettuce, is goodly to the eyes—and taste—on a sultry June day. Cheese Fondu.
Soak the crumbs in the milk; beat in the eggs, butter, seasoning—lastly, the cheese. Butter a pudding-dish; put in the mixture; strew the top with fine crumbs, and bake, covered, half an hour; then brown quickly. Eat soon, as it will fall in cooling. Raw Tomatoes.See receipt for Tuesday of first week in this month for dressing lettuce, when you have peeled and sliced the tomatoes. Potatoes en Robe de Chambre.If you use Bermuda potatoes, cook in boiling water. If you take old potatoes, put on in cold and bring rapidly to a boil. Throw off the water when they are done, set back on the range, uncovered, to dry out, and send to table with the skins on. Floating Island.
Beat yolks and sugar light, and pour on, by degrees, the boiling milk. Pour back into the farina-kettle, and heat, stirring constantly until it begins to thicken. When cold, flavor, and pour into a glass dish. Pile with a mÉringue of the whites beaten up with half a cup of currant jelly. Ornament with dots of jelly. divider Put on the meat in the water, and cook, slowly, three hours, to extract every particle of nourishment from the beef. Peel and slice the vegetables, and lay all, except the tomatoes, in cold water for half an hour. At the end of the three hours, strain the soup; return to the pot and put in all the vegetables with salt and pepper. Stew for one hour, covered; stir in the butter and simmer half an hour longer before turning it out. Rolled Beef.Make your butcher take all the bones out of a rib-roast. (Keep them for to-morrow’s soup.) Make him also roll the meat into a round, and skewer it securely. Wash it all over with vinegar, then rub with hot butter mixed with minced onion and pepper, working this well between the folds of meat. Put into the dripping-pan, pour a cup of gravy from the boiling soup—before the vegetables are added—about the base, and a few spoonfuls of butter and water upon the top. Roast twelve minutes to the pound, basting freely and often. Towards the last, dredge with flour, and rub over with butter to make a brown froth. Pour off the fat from the gravy, strain what is left; add, if needed, a little boiling water; thicken with browned flour, and serve in a boat. Boiled Onions.Top and tail; skin and cook fifteen minutes in boiling fresh water. Throw this off, add more from the boiling tea-kettle; salt slightly, and boil until tender all through. Drain, butter well, and pepper and salt. Stuffed Tomatoes.Select large, smooth tomatoes; cut a piece from the top of each, and scoop out seeds and pulp. Chop fine what you have removed; season with butter, pepper, salt and sugar; add one-third as much bread-crumbs; work all well together, and fill the skins with the mixture. Replace the tops; put the rest of the stuffing between the tomatoes when you have set them close together in a bake-dish. Bake, covered, half an hour, in a moderate oven; then uncover and cook ten minutes longer, or until browned and soft. Baked Omelette aux Fines Herbes.Make this a course between soup and meat, passing bread and butter with it.
Beat the yolks light, and pour upon them the hot milk. Stir in the corn-starch, season, whip in the frothed whites, lastly, the herbs. Have ready a nice pudding-dish, well buttered. Set in the oven until hot; butter again, and pour in the omelette. Bake about twelve minutes, or until “set” in the middle, but not longer, or it will be a leathery puff. It should be very light. Send up—instantly. Strawberries and Cream.Orange Cake. Serve as directed on Monday of last week. The orange cake, if made on Friday or Saturday, will have kept perfectly well, if the cake-box—a tight one—containing it has been set in the refrigerator. For directions for making it please consult “Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea,” page 318. divider Crack the bones well, and lay upon a gridiron above the coals until they are hot, and the bits of meat adhering to them are frizzled. Meanwhile, fry the pork and onions together in a frying-pan until the latter are a fine brown. Strain out the pork and onions; put back the fat into the pan and fry the bones five minutes. Lay the onions in the soup-pot with the chopped herbs, then the bones. Cover with the water and boil slowly three hours. Strain; cool, and take off the fat. Set over the fire; season, boil once to throw up the scum; skim, and put in the tapioca, which should have soaked two hours in a little cold water. Simmer until the tapioca is clear; put in the catsup, and serve. Boiled Chickens.Clean, wash, and stuff as for roasting. Sew each up in thin muslin, or tarlatan, fitted closely to the shape, and put on in plenty of boiling water, a little salt. Boil twelve minutes to the pound (taking the heavier chicken as the standard) if they are tender. If doubtful, take a longer time, and cook more slowly. When done, lay upon a heated dish, and pour over them a cupful of drawn butter, made from the pot liquor, thickened with butter rolled in flour, and with an egg beaten up in it with a little chopped parsley. See “Drawn Butter, No. 3,” in “General Receipts,” page 184. Rice Croquettes.Boil a cup of rice soft in weak broth, made from a cupful of the chicken pot-liquor, mixed with boiling water and salted. Drain, and stir in a couple of beaten eggs; a teaspoonful of butter, a mere dust of flour, pepper, and a pinch of grated lemon-peel. Stir up in a saucepan until thick and hot, and spread out to cool. When cold, flour your hands; make the paste into long balls; roll each in raw egg, then in cracker-dust, and fry carefully to a yellow-brown. Asparagus upon Toast.Tie the bunch of asparagus up with soft string, when you have cut away the wood, and cook about twenty-five Potato and Beet Salad.Slice a cupful of cold boiled potatoes. Chop a red beet, also boiled, but lukewarm, and pour over it four tablespoonfuls of vinegar. Let it stand while you rub together a teaspoonful of salt, half as much each of pepper, sugar and made mustard, with a full tablespoonful of oil, and a very little green pickle, minced fine. When this is ready, take out a tablespoonful of chopped beet, and strew among the sliced potatoes. Put them into a salad-bowl. Squeeze beets and vinegar through muslin into oil, etc. Beat up well, and pour over the cold potatoes. Raspberry Shortcake—Hot.
Make these ingredients into a soft paste. Roll lightly into two sheets—that intended for the upper crust half an inch thick, the lower, less. Lay the bottom crust in a greased square pan. Strew thickly with the berries, sprinkle with sugar, and cover with the upper crust. Bake about twenty-five minutes, until browned, but not dry. Cut in squares, and send, piled upon a flat dish, to table. Split and eat with butter and sugar. It is good. divider Take the fat from the cold “stock.” Heat the latter to boiling and add the chicken, minced as finely as it can be cut. Pepper and salt to taste, and simmer one hour. Make ready your hot milk, at the end of that time, pour upon the beaten eggs; stir over the fire two minutes and add the butter, and when this is melted, the crumbs. Take at once from the fire; put into the tureen and pour in the soup through a colander, rubbing into it all the meat that will pass the holes. Stir well, and serve. This soup is very nice. Larded Mutton Chops.Trim off all the fat and skin, and lard closely with strips of fat salt pork. Pepper, and put into a hot frying-pan. Fry them in the lardoon fat as it flows out in heating, and turn several times to cook both sides equally. Arrange upon a hot dish, one overlapping the next. Green Pea Cakes.
When the peas are cold beat in the eggs, milk, and, at last, the flour. The batter should not be thick. Fry as you would griddle-cakes. Stewed Tomatoes.Pour boiling water over them to loosen the skins. When peeled, cut up small, leaving out the unripe and hard parts. Put over the fire with pepper, salt, and sugar to taste; at the end of twenty minutes’ stewing add a good piece of butter, and simmer ten minutes more. String-Beans.Cut off the stem and blossom ends; “string” with a sharp knife. Cut into short pieces and cook tender in boiling salted water. Drain, pepper, salt, and butter. Strawberry Trifle.
Heat the milk; beat in yolks and sugar. Cook and stir until the custard begins to thicken. Slice your cake, and put a layer in a glass dish. Wet with the cream; cover with fresh, ripe berries, sprinkled with sugar, then more cake, cream, and berries, until the dish is three-quarters full. Pour the custard, gradually, over all. Beat the whites stiff with a little sugar and strawberry-juice, and heap roundly on the top. Lay rows of bright berries upon the mÉringue. divider Pour the water upon the potato, season with pepper and salt, and boil gently one hour, taking care that it does not burn. Then stir in the butter, and when this is melted, the hot milk. Let it begin to boil, and pour out. Salmon Scallops.
Chop the fish fine; rub the butter and seasoning into it, and stir into the hot, drawn butter. Butter scallop-shells, or patÉ-pans, fill with the mixture, and strew it with fine crumbs. Bake a few minutes in a quick oven to brown them lightly. Serve in the shells. Fricassee of Sweetbreads.
Wash the sweetbreads; boil five minutes; then lay in ice-cold water. Slice and cover them with the gravy, and stew three-quarters of an hour. Heat the cream—or milk—in another saucepan, putting in a pinch of soda. Pour upon the eggs, and returning these to the fire, cook one minute. Stir in the butter and the parsley. Take both saucepans from the fire and empty one into the other. Stir all together well, and pour into a hot deep dish. Raw Tomatoes.See receipt for last Monday. Roasted Potatoes.Wash fair-sized potatoes and bake on the oven floor until soft to the grasp of thumb and forefinger. Wipe and send to table wrapped in a napkin. Baked Cherry Dumplings.
Rub the lard into the salted flour, wet up with the milk; roll into a sheet a quarter of an inch thick; and cut into squares about four inches across. Put two great spoonfuls of cherries in the centre of each; sugar them; turn up the edges of the paste and pinch them together. Lay the joined edges downward, upon a floured baking-pan, and bake half an hour or until browned. Eat hot with a good sauce. divider Wash the head in three waters; break the bones with a few smart blows of a hammer. Put it on in the cold water; bring to a slow boil and skim well. Then add the sliced vegetables, and stew gently three hours. The liquor should be reduced to four quarts. Take out the head and set in the open air to cool. Strain the liquor, rubbing the vegetables to a pulp. Return half of it to the fire—season and skim as it boils, for five minutes; then add three-fourths of the meat from the head, cut into dice. Simmer half an hour, and serve. Put bones and the rest of the meat, well seasoned, into a jar; season the reserved “stock,” and pour it in, and keep in the refrigerator until to-morrow. Corned Beef.Boil in plenty of hot water, fifteen minutes—at least—to the pound. Serve drawn butter (made from the pot-liquor), with chopped cucumber-pickle stirred in it, in a sauce-boat. Save the liquor and set in a cool place. Mashed Turnips.Boil tender in hot salted water. Drain, mash and press, and stir in butter, salt and pepper. Mashed Potatoes.Prepare as usual, and serve without browning. Green Peas.See Sunday of First Week in this month. Raspberries and My Lady’s Cake.Send around powdered sugar with the berries. For directions for the cake-making, I beg to refer to “Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea,” page 329. divider Take the fat from your stock; pour it from the bones and meat, and heat slowly. Have ready a cup of boiled rice—hot—and half a cup of granulated tapioca, which has been soaked two hours in a little cold water. When the soup boils, put them in, and simmer gently half an hour. Should it be too thick, add a little boiling water. Smothered Chicken.Clean and split a pair of young chickens down the back as for broiling. Lay them in a dripping-pan; dash a cup of boiling water, in which have been stirred two tablespoonfuls of butter, over them, and, covering with another pan, cook until tender, and of an equal yellow-brownish tint all over. Lift the pan, now and then, to Mashed Squash.Peel, seed, and slice fresh summer squashes. Lay in cold water ten minutes; put into boiling water, a little salt, and cook tender. Twenty minutes will suffice if the squash be young. Mash in a colander, pressing out all the water; heap in a deep dish, seasoning with pepper, salt and butter. Serve hot. String-Beans.See Thursday of Second Week in this month. Beets SautÉs.Boil young sweet beets until nearly done—say forty-five minutes. Skin and slice them. Have ready in a saucepan two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, one tablespoonful of vinegar, a small onion minced, salt and pepper. When this begins to simmer, put in the beets, and cook ten minutes, shaking the saucepan frequently, to prevent scorching. Put the beets into a root-dish, and pour the dressing upon them. Cream Pudding.
Heat the milk, stir in the corn-starch wet up with cold milk; then the beaten yolks and sugar. Add to these the heaping cup of boiled rice. Stir until it begins to thicken, add the seasoning, and pour into a buttered Make on Saturday, and set on ice until Sunday. The colder it is, the better. divider Take the fat from the top of the corned-beef liquor; add the beef-bones and any others you may have. Boil gently one hour, skimming often. Strain, and put in two quarts of green peas, a minced onion, and a bunch of sweet herbs. Cook forty-five minutes and rub to a pulp through a colander. Add pepper, heat to a boil and pour upon dice of fried bread laid in the tureen. Beef Miroton.Mince the remains of your corned beef; season with pepper, salt, a little chopped pickle, two boiled eggs chopped fine; wet with whatever gravy you may have, and put into a greased pudding-dish. Cover with mashed potatoes, made very soft with milk and butter, sift bread-crumbs over all, and bake, covered, half an hour, then brown. This is a nice way of warming over cold meat. Asparagus Omelette.
Beat whites and yolks together, add the milk, then the boiled asparagus heads, cold and chopped fine. Have ready a frying-pan with a tablespoonful of butter in it, hot, but not frying. Pour in the mixture; shake well from the bottom as it forms, loosen from the pan with “spatula” or cake-turner; fold over in the middle, and turn the pan upside down upon a hot dish. Tomato Salad.Peel and slice your tomatoes, put into a salad-dish, and pour over them a dressing prepared as follows:
Rub yolks, mustard, pepper, salt, sugar and oil to a paste. Beat in the raw egg with your whisk, finally, the oil, a little at a time. Stir a great lump of ice into the dressing, whirling rapidly for half a minute. Take it out and pour the mixture over the salad. Green Peas.For Green Peas Receipt, see Sunday of First Week in this month. Mountain Custard, or “Junket.”
Pour the milk, slightly warmed, into a glass bowl; sweeten, flavor, and stir in the rennet. Set in a rather warm place until it is firm, like “loppered” milk or blanc-mange; then put on ice. If at the end of an hour it remains liquid, put in more rennet. Do not let it stand until the whey separates from the curd. Two hours in Tea and Fancy Biscuits.Peek & Freans, Mackenzie & Mackenzie, and Huntley & Palmer make the best fancy biscuits that come to the American market. divider Put meat, bones, and sliced vegetables and herbs on in the water early in the day, and stew gently five hours. Strain and season. Set aside two quarts of stock, with the bones and meat, highly seasoned, until to-morrow, keeping upon the ice. Boil and skim the rest; add the vermicelli; simmer fifteen minutes, and pour out. Put in the catsup after the soup goes into the tureen. Beefsteak.Flatten with the broad side of a hatchet, and broil quickly about ten minutes over a clear, hot fire. Lay Young Onions.Cut off stems and tops, skin and cook them in plenty of boiling water for fifteen minutes. Have ready another saucepan with a large spoonful of butter melted in it, but not hissing hot. Put in the onions, with a little chopped parsley, and let them warm slowly ten minutes. Then add a cup of milk in which have been stirred salt, pepper, and half a teaspoonful of corn-starch. Simmer all for three minutes, stirring several times, and pour out. Spinach.Boil in hot, salted water twenty minutes. Drain well, and chop fine. Put into a saucepan with a good spoonful of butter, a little sugar, salt and pepper, a dust of nutmeg, and a few teaspoonfuls of milk, and beat until all resolve themselves into a smooth, soft paste. Potato Puffs.Mash and whip the potatoes very light with milk, butter, salt and pepper; lastly, the frothed white of an egg. Pile irregularly within a bake-dish, and set in the oven until light and delicately browned. Glaze with butter before taking it from the oven. Strawberries and Cream.Cap, but do not wash the berries. Never put berries that need washing upon the table as an uncooked dessert. Pile in a glass bowl, and pass sugar and cream with them. Mother’s Cup-Cake.Please see “Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea,” page 322. divider Pare and cut into small dice,
Cook ten minutes in salted boiling water, leaving out the tomatoes. Drain away the water, and spread the vegetables upon a dish to cool, while you take the fat from your cold soup-stock; strain the latter from the bones and meat, and heat to a gentle boil. Continue this for five minutes, skimming well; put in the parboiled vegetables, the tomatoes, and a pint of green peas, and stew steadily, but not fast, for half an hour. Pour out all together. Lamb Cutlets.Trim carefully, lay in a little warmed butter for an hour, turning several times. Then broil upon a greased gridiron, taking care they do not drip. Butter, pepper, and salt each, and lay them in a circle about the peas purÉe. PurÉe of Green Peas.Boil three pints of green peas until soft. Rub them, while hot, through a fine colander. Work in a tablespoonful of butter, cut up in flour; pepper and salt to taste; add three teaspoonfuls of milk, and stir in a saucepan until very hot and smooth. Put in the centre of a hot, flat dish, with the cutlets about it, and help out both at the same time. Potato Strips.Pare large potatoes: cut into long strips; lay in ice-cold water one hour; dry between two towels and fry in salted dripping to a light brown. Drain well, and dish upon a folded napkin. Lettuce.Pull out and tear apart the white hearts, and heap within a salad-bowl. Rub together
Pour over the salad. Ristori Puffs.
Use prepared flour always in this receipt. Cream butter and sugar, and beat in the yolks. Add the lemon; a pinch of soda, dissolved in a teaspoonful of hot water, then the beaten whites, alternately with the flour. Bake in muffin rings in a quick oven. Eat hot, with jelly sauce. divider Boil the feet, onion, herbs, and the veal, cut into strips, in the water for four hours, diminishing the liquid to three quarts. Strain, and cool. Put two of the feet and the veal back into one quart of the broth; season, and set by on the ice. Take the fat from the rest; put the liquor, seasoned, over the fire, boil gently and skim, add the sago, previously soaked two hours in a cup of cold water, simmer tender, and pour out. You can, if you like, add a glass of pale sherry. Stewed Sheep’s Tongues.Speak for six sheep’s tongues several days before you want them, unless you have access to a large market. Wash well in several waters. Boil in hot, salted water half an hour, to loosen the skins. Take these off and trim neatly. Put a cupful of your soup—before adding the tapioca—into a saucepan, with a quarter-pound of sliced salt pork, a teaspoonful of chopped onion, pepper, and a lump of white sugar. Lay in the tongues, sliced lengthwise, and stew half an hour. Lay the slices in rows, overlapping one another, upon a hot dish; thicken the gravy with browned flour, add the juice of a lemon, boil once, and pour upon the tongues. Potatoes À la Louise.Mash the potatoes, and whip with a fork to a light cream, adding milk and butter, salt and pepper. Heap upon a shallow pie-plate, well greased, and set in the oven until a white crust has gathered over it. Then, wash the mound well with beaten egg. Set in a moderate oven long enough to harden this, but not until the yellow changes to brown. Slip, without breaking, to another dish, by the help of the spatula. Spinach.See receipt for Tuesday of this week. Lima Beans.See receipt for Sunday, Second Week in this month. Raspberry Shortcake with Cream.Substitute white or red raspberries for strawberries in the receipt for shortcake, given on Friday of First Week in this month. divider Put a layer of fish in the bottom of a pot; season, and sprinkle with parsley. Hide this with sliced potato. More fish, and yet more potatoes, until all are in, when cover with boiling water. Put on the lid, and simmer half an hour after the boil recommences. Have ready the hot milk in another saucepan; stir in the floured butter. Dip the crackers in boiling water, butter and salt them, and line the bottom of your tureen with them. Pour in the boiling milk; then the fish and potatoes. Send around sliced lemon with it. Chicken Pot-pie, with Dumplings.Clean and cut up the chicken as for fricassee. Put a good layer of salt pork in the bottom of a broad, not too deep pot; then a small onion, sliced, the chicken, peppered, and enough cold water to cover it well. Over this lay a thick sheet of good “family” pie-crust. Stew one hour and a half; then brown the crust by putting a red-hot stove-cover on the top of the pot. Take off the crust with care, and set by. Take out the chicken and arrange upon a hot-water dish. If the gravy has boiled down too low, add a little hot water. Drop in while the liquor is boiling hot, squares or rounds of raw pie-paste; cook ten minutes, and lay upon the chicken. Stir into the gravy a large spoonful of butter rolled in flour; boil up, and pour upon the dumplings and chicken. Lay the crust on top. Sea-Kale.Boil fifteen minutes in hot, salted water. Drain well, and return to the fire, with a spoonful of butter, pepper, salt, and a little lemon-juice. Stir, or toss, five minutes, and heap upon rounds of buttered toast in a hot dish. Baked Tomatoes.Peel and slice large, ripe tomatoes. Chop fine a little streaked salt pork, or ham. Butter a pudding-dish, and cover the bottom with slices of tomato. Season with pepper and sugar, and strew with bread-crumbs. Then scatter chopped pork over it. Fill the dish in this order, having crumbs at the top. Cover closely, and bake half an hour, or until the juice bubbles up at the sides. Brown nicely, and serve in the dish. Charlotte Russe.
Line a tin mould with straight sides with slices of cake, having the bottom in one piece, if possible. Whip the cream in a syllabub-churn, and, with your egg-beater, divider If your jelly-soup stock has been kept upon the ice these two days, it is as good now as on Thursday. Take off the fat, add a pint of boiling water to the soup, and stew slowly for half an hour. Strain, add more seasoning, and skim for a few minutes until quite clear in boiling. Heat in another vessel a pint of milk; stir in a tablespoonful of butter and the same of corn-starch wet up in cold milk, with a little nutmeg. Pour this upon two beaten eggs, cook one minute, and put into the tureen. Add the boiling soup, and stir all up well. It will be wise to put a pinch of soda in the milk before boiling. Boiled Mutton.Put on in plenty of boiling water, salted, and cook twelve minutes to the pound. Take out, wipe carefully with a hot, wet cloth; butter all over, and serve with a cup of drawn butter sent up in a sauce-boat. Season the pot-liquor, and, when cool, put upon the ice. Hot Slaw.Shred a small white cabbage. Boil for fifteen minutes in hot water, salted. Throw this away, and add four tablespoonfuls of vinegar, the same quantity of your soup Buttered Potatoes.Slice cold boiled potatoes lengthwise. Put into a saucepan a good lump of butler, with pepper and salt. Add the potatoes as the butter melts, and shake over the fire until they are very hot and covered with a sort of glaze, but not browned. Mashed Squash.Receipt given last Sunday. Cherry Roley-Poley.
Make a soft paste of flour, with the shortening chopped into it, and the milk. Roll out, a quarter of an inch thick, into an oblong sheet. Cover this with cherries; sprinkle with sugar, and roll up closely upon the fruit. In spreading the cherries, leave a narrow margin on both sides of the sheet. Baste the roll up in a bag floured well on the inside, and make a “felled” seam at the open end to keep out the water. Fit it exactly, but not tightly, to the shape of the pudding. Plunge into a pot of boiling water and keep it at a steady boil for one hour and a half. Dip the bag into cold water, rip the stitches, and turn out upon a hot dish. Eat with hard sauce. divider Take the fat from the surface of the liquor in which your mutton was boiled yesterday. Add to this broth the bones of the cold mutton well cracked, and let them boil slowly one hour and a half. Strain and cool to throw up the fat; remove this, and put the soup over the fire with one quart of ripe tomatoes, peeled and cut very fine, and half a cup of raw rice. Stew forty minutes. Add a lump of sugar; more pepper and salt, if needed, and a tablespoonful of corn-starch, wet in cold water. Boil one minute, and pour out. Glazed Ham.Boil a ham on Saturday, allowing twenty minutes to the pound, and let it get cold in the liquor. Set by then, and, early Sunday morning, skin it carefully, and trim away the rusty edges. Brush all over with beaten egg, and cover with a paste of rolled cracker wet up with milk, seasoned with pepper, and bound with beaten egg. It should be a quarter of an inch thick. Set the ham in the oven until this is lightly browned. Serve cold and slice thin. Garnish with frilled paper about the shank. Green Peas.Shell and lay in cold water fifteen minutes. Cook from twenty to twenty-five minutes in boiling salted water. Drain, put into a deep dish with a good lump of butter; pepper and salt to taste. Potatoes au Gratin.Mash with milk and butter, and press firmly into a pretty mould wet with cold water. Turn out at once; sift fine dry crumbs all over the mould of potato; set in the oven five minutes to get it quite hot again, and serve. Stewed Lima Beans.Shell; lay in cold water ten minutes. Boil tender in hot, salted water. Drain this off, and add a scant cup of hot milk; a good spoonful of butter, rolled in a very little flour, with pepper and salt. Simmer three minutes and pour into a deep dish. Tomato Salad.Peel with a keen knife, and slice red, ripe tomatoes. Make a dressing like that for lettuce on Wednesday. Spanish Cream.
Soak the gelatine in the milk two hours. Stir in the soda, and heat, stirring often. When scalding hot, pour upon the beaten yolks and sugar, and return to the farina-kettle. Boil one minute, stirring ceaselessly. Strain through tarlatan, and when cold, flavor and put into a wet mould. Set on the ice until wanted, and eat with cream and sugar. Make this, of course, on Saturday. Coffee and Macaroons.Bring these on last of all. divider Pound the coral and other soft parts of the lobster to a paste, and simmer five minutes in the boiling water; then rub through a colander back into the water. Cut the rest of the lobster-meat into dice, and put into a saucepan with the cracker-crumbs. Pour the red water over them, and heat to a boil, when add pepper, salt, and the butter. Simmer, covered, half an hour, taking care it does not scorch. Heat the milk, with a pinch of soda, in another vessel, and after the lobster is in the tureen, pour this in, boiling hot. Pass sliced lemon with it. A Good “Pick-up” Dish.
Chop liver and ham; wet with the gravy; mix in seasoning and crumbs, and beat the eggs in. Put the mixture Baked Potato Balls.Rub cold mashed potato, left from yesterday, smooth with a spoonful of warmed butter, and soft with warmed milk. Beat up an egg in it, and stir, until hot, in a clean, greased frying-pan, not allowing it to “catch” on the side. Then let it cool. When cold and stiff, make into balls, roll these in flour, and bake upon a greased pan until well browned. Pile upon a hot dish. String-Beans.See Thursday of Second Week in this month. Lettuce.See Wednesday of Third Week in this month. Strawberries and Cream, and Wine Cake.For Receipt for Cake please refer to “Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea,” page 341. divider Put meat, bone, onion, and water together, and cook slowly four hours. Strain, pressing hard, cool, and take off the fat. Season, and heat to a boil; put in the parsley and corn-starch—the latter wet with cold water—and simmer five minutes. Heat the milk in a farina-kettle, pour upon the eggs, and re-heat, stirring constantly until they begin to thicken. Put bread-dice and cheese into the tureen; pour on the milk and eggs; then the hot soup. Stir up and serve. Breast of Lamb with Macaroni.Cover the bottom of a broad pot with very thin slices of fat salt pork or ham. Lay the lamb upon them. Take all the peel from a small lemon, and slice it, also very thin. Cover the lamb with this; then with more sliced pork. Mince a small onion and a bunch of sweet herbs, and scatter over these. Pour in a pint of boiling water. Put on a close lid with a weight on top, and cook very slowly two hours, turning the meat over at the end of the first hour. Meantime, boil half a pound of macaroni, broken into short pieces, twenty minutes in a little broth, borrowed from your soup; drain, pepper and salt, and arrange into a flat bed, upon a hot meat-dish. Keep hot until the lamb is done, when lay it upon the prepared mound, and set both in the oven while you strain the gravy. Thicken it with a little browned flour, and boil up once. Pour over the lamb and macaroni. Whole Baked Tomatoes.Chop fine a half cupful of the veal left after straining off the soup. Add half as much chopped ham, and one-third the quantity of bread-crumbs. Pepper (and salt, if needed). Put a few spoonfuls of gravy into a saucepan; stir in this force-meat, with a very little onion, and the pulp and seeds you have scraped carefully from six or eight fine smooth tomatoes. When all are smoking hot, add a Stewed Peas and French Beans.
Cover peas, beans, and onion with salted boiling water. Put on the saucepan lid, and stew for half an hour. Then stir in the floured butter, pepper, and catsup; cover again, and simmer fifteen minutes. Turn out into a deep dish. The beans should be young, and cut into small pieces. Corn-Bread Pudding.
Rub butter and sugar together; beat in the yolks; then the milk; the spice; the salted meal, previously mixed with the flour, cream of tartar, and soda. Beat hard for five minutes. Pour into a buttered mould, with a top. Set in a pot of boiling water—the water not quite reaching the top—and boil steadily two hours. Turn out, cut in slices, and eat with butter and sugar. divider Cut the meat into strips, and slice the vegetables. Put the dripping into the soup-pot; next the beef; then a layer of vegetables; next one of ham; more vegetables, the veal, the rest of the vegetables, and a cup of cold water. Cover, and heat very slowly, then stew until the meat is covered with a brown glaze, but not burned. Be very careful on this latter point. Now, pour in your six quarts of water, and cook steadily at least three hours. Strain, take out the scraps of meat, and pulp the vegetables into the soup. Take out two quarts of stock, season, and put by, with the meat in it, for to-morrow. Let the rest cool; take off the fat; season, boil up and skim, and put in the barley, already soaked two hours in a little cold water. Simmer half an hour, and pour out. Stuffed Beef’s Heart with Horseradish Sauce.Wash and soak the heart ten minutes in cold, salt water. Fill full with a force-meat of fat salt pork, minced Scalloped Squash.Boil and mash the squash in the customary way, and let it cool. Beat the yolks of the two eggs, the whites of which were used for the horseradish sauce, and when the squash is nearly cold, whip these into it, with three tablespoonfuls of milk, one of butter, rolled in flour and melted in the milk; pepper and salt to taste. Pour into a buttered bake-dish, cover with fine crumbs, and bake to a light brown in a quick oven. Eat hot. Beets.Wash and cut off the tops. Boil more than an hour if they are of a fair size. Scrape, slice, and lay in a dish. Pour over them a tablespoonful of butter, heated with one of vinegar, and seasoned with salt and pepper. If any are left over, save them for salad, by pouring vinegar upon them. New Potatoes.Rub the skins off, and cook until tender in boiling salted water. Serve whole. Gooseberry Tart.Top and tail a quart of green gooseberries. Put into a tin or porcelain saucepan with enough water to prevent divider Boil three cups of string-beans—rid of all the fibres and cut small—in hot salted water until very tender. Drain and chop them, rub them through a colander to a pulp. Take the fat from the stock kept in the ice-box since yesterday; pour off from the meat, and strain into a soup pot. Bring to a boil; skim, and stir in the beans, with a great spoonful of butter cut up in as much flour. Simmer fifteen minutes; add seasoning, if necessary, and pour upon dice of fried bread in the tureen. Breaded Mutton Chops.Trim the chops well, leaving an inch of bare bone at the small end of each. Dip in beaten egg, then in rolled cracker, and fry in hot lard or dripping. Drain, and stand upon the large ends in a row about the base of your hillock of potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes with Onion.Loosen the tomato-skins with boiling water. Peel and slice them, and put into a saucepan with a sliced onion, a good piece of butter, pepper, salt, and a little sugar. Stew gently half an hour. Green Corn Boiled Whole.Strip off the outer husks; turn down the innermost covering, and pull off the silk with great care. Re-cover the ear with the thin inner husk; tie at the top with a bit of thread, and cook in salted boiling water from twenty-five to thirty minutes. Cut off the stalks close to the cob, and send the corn to the table wrapped in a napkin. Mashed Potatoes.Mash, and mould into a shapely hillock, fenced about with a chevaux de frise of chops. Cherries.Wash, handling gingerly, and heap about a lump of ice in a glass bowl. Raspberries and Cream, with Light Cakes.Do not sugar the berries in the dish, but pass sugar and cream with each saucerful. divider Parboil, and leave to cool, turnips, carrots, and potatoes, sliced; also the chopped cabbage. Slice the onions, and fry in the hot dripping for five minutes. Then stir in the flour, and simmer until well colored. Turn into a soup-kettle the contents of the frying-pan, rinsing out the latter with two cups of boiling water, and pour this, also, into the soup-pot. When it bubbles, add all the vegetables. Stir a few minutes, and put in another pint of hot water. Cover, and simmer until all are heated through and begin to boil, when put in the rest of the water. Cook slowly for two hours, or until all are soft and breaking. Strain, and pulp the vegetables through the colander. Season the purÉe with salt, pepper, and sweet herbs, chopped; stir in your floured butter; simmer five minutes, stirring well, and serve. Boiled Salmon.The middle slice of salmon is the best. Sew up neatly in a mosquito-net bag, and boil a quarter of an hour to the pound in hot, salted water. When done, unwrap with care, and lay upon a hot dish, taking care not to break it. Have ready a large cupful of drawn butter, very rich, in which has been stirred a tablespoonful of minced parsley and the juice of a lemon. Pour half upon the salmon, and serve the rest in a boat. Garnish with parsley and sliced eggs. Fried Chicken—Whole.Truss a young, tender chicken as for roasting, but do not stuff it. Put into a steamer, or cover closely in a colander, over a pot of fast-boiling water for half an hour. Have ready some very nice dripping, or a mixture of one-third butter, two-thirds lard, in a deep frying or saucepan. Flour the chicken all over, and put in when the fat is hot. When the lower side is of a fine brown, turn the fowl. When both are cooked, take it out, lay a few slices of Stewed Onions.See Tuesday of Third Week in this month. Green Peas.See Sunday of this week. Potatoes À la Duchesse.Cut cold mashed potatoes, round or square, with a cake-cutter; flour well, and bake in the oven, buttering as they begin to brown. If the potatoes are too pliable to cut out well, mould by pressing firmly into your cutter, which should first be wet with cold water. Serve with the salmon. Cherry Pie.Line a pie-dish with cold crust; fill with whole cherries—tart and sweet, in equal proportions; sugar plentifully; put on a top crust, and bake in a tolerably brisk oven. Eat cold, with powdered sugar sifted over the top. divider Cut the meat into strips; pare and slice the vegetables. Fry the onions brown in dripping. Put all together into the soup-kettle, with one quart of cold water, and bring slowly to a boil. Then pour in a quart of hot water. Cook an hour longer—still slowly—and pour in the rest of the water—cold. Boil steadily three hours after the bubbling recommences. The meat should be done to rags, the vegetables broken to pieces. Strain, pulping the vegetables through a colander; then strain a second time through a soup-sieve, or squeeze through a double tarlatan or mosquito-net bag. Season the soup, and set aside your Sunday portion, seasoning the rags of meat highly, and returning them to it. (Keep on the ice.) Put to-day’s soup back into the pot; boil and skim; add a tablespoonful of walnut catsup and pour upon dice of well-buttered toast, laid in the tureen. Lemon Veal.
Work meat, eggs, onion and seasoning up soft with the tomato-sauce, and stir in enough cracker to enable you Stewed Squash.Pare, slice, lay in cold water fifteen minutes. Cook tender in boiling water, salted, drain well, and mash with pepper, salt and butter, pressing out all the water. String-Beans.See Receipt for Monday of this week. Raw Cucumbers.Pare and lay them in ice-water one hour, then slice and season to taste with vinegar, pepper and salt. Never omit the soaking in ice-water. Bananas and Oranges.Serve in the same fruit-basket or dish. Cherries.Pile upon a lump of ice in a glass dish. divider |