st@g@html@files@49958@49958-h@49958-h-205.htm.html#Page_464" class="pginternal">464
Mother’s Soup 83
Mulligatawny Soup 310
Mutton Broth 476
Mutton Noodle Soup 520
Mutton and Oyster Soup 611
Mutton Rice, and Tomato Broth 386
Mutton with Tapioca Soup 43
Next Day’s Soup 274
Noodle Soup 684
Oberlin Soup 518
Okra and Tomato Soup 284
Old Hare Soup 94
Onion Soup 282
Onion Maigre Soup 543
Ox-cheek Soup 478
Ox-cheek Soup 527
Ox-head Soup 271
Ox-head Soup 372
Ox-tail Soup 220
Ox-tail Soup 558
Oyster Soup 179
Oyster Soup 253
Pea and Potato Soup 342
Peas, PurÉe of 72
”Peas Porridge Hot” 268
Pea (split) Soup 105
Pea (split) Soup 22
Pea (split) without meat, Soup 192
Pea and Tomato Soup 423
Poor Roger’s Soup 576
Porridge, Savory 199
Potage À CroÛtons 440
Potage au Riz 144
Pot au Feu 262
Pot au Feu 460
Pottage, Red 234
Plain Soup 180
Plain Soup 648
Potatoes, PurÉe of 370
Potato Soup 92
Potato Soup 150
Quick Beef Soup 349
Quick Soup 475
Rabbit Soup 670
RÉchauffÉ Soup 222
Rice Soup 425
Rice and Tapioca Soup For receipts for cooking Trout, the reader is referred to “Common Sense in the Household,” No. 1, pages 64 and 65.


Bacon and Apples, Fried 98
Bacon and Eggs 676
Beef À la Mode 303
Beef À la du Rome 213
Beef À la Reine 560
Beef, Boiled, and Vegetables 469
Beef, Bouillon of 278
Beef, Braised 437
Beef, Braised, Larded 499
Beef, Browned Mince of 215
Beef, Cannelon of 564
Beef, Corned, Boiled 115
Beef, Corned 266
Beef, Corned and Turnips 441
Beef’s Heart 285
Beef’s Heart Stuffed 392
Beef, Larded 347
Beef, Larded 154
Beef, Miroton 375
Beef, Miroton of 268
Beef and Potato Pasty 341
Beef, Pressed 305
Beef, Pudding 62
Beef, RÉchauffÉ of 385
Beef Roast 151
Beef Roast, Tenderloin of 201
Beef Roast and Round Potatoes 346
Beef Roast and Potato Balls 183
Beef Roast and Browned Potatoes 497
Beef Roast with Yorkshire Pudding 59
Beef, Rolled 103
Beef, Rolled 364
Beefsteak, Rolled 20
Beefsteak 44
Beefsteak au MaÎtre d’HÔtel 446
Beefsteak, Baked 291
Beefsteak, Larded, Broiled 566
Beefsteak and Onions 173
Beefsteak with Onions 84
Beefsteak Pie 623
Beefsteak Pudding 232
Beefsteak Pudding 491
Beefsteak with Wine Sauce 430
Beefsteak, Stewed 206
Beef Stew, Brown 536
Beef, Stewed with Macaroni 551
Beef’s Tongue (Langue de Boeuf) 89
Beef’s Tongue 358
Beef’s Tongue, with Green Peas 494
Beef’s Tongue, with Sauce Piquante 650
Brunswick Stew 477
Calf’s Head, Baked 108
Calf’s Head 226
Calf’s Head and Mushrooms 467
Calf’s Head, Imitation Turtle 258
Calf’s Head, RagoÛt of, and Mushrooms 142
Calf’s Head, Savory 419
Calves’ Hearts, Stewed 527
Calf’s Liver À l’Anglaise 130
Calf’s Liver and Bacon 594
Calf’s Liver and Ham. “Pick up” Dish 388
Calf’s Liver À la Mode 56
Calf’s Liver, Larded 308
Calves’ Tongues, Fricassee of 553
Cannelon of Beef 564
Casserole of Rice, Chickens and Tongue 525
Chicken, Boiled 249
Chickens, Boiled, with Macaroni 86
Chickens, Boiled and Tongue 456
Chickens, Braised 462
Chickens, Broiled 470
Chicken, Browned Fricassee of 179
Chicken Cutlets 434
Chicken Croquettes (Potato) 592
Chicken Dumplings 639
Chickens, Fricasseed, Brown 105
Chickens, Fricasseed, White 55
Chickens, Fricasseed 534
Chickens, Fried 421
Chickens, Fried, Whole 396
Chickens and Mushrooms 560
Chicken PatÉs 163
Chicken PatÉs 310
Chicken and Ham Pie 683
Chicken Pot Pie, with Dumplings 383
Chicken Pudding 296
Chicken and Ham Pudding 193
Chickens, Roast 73
Chickens, Roast 432
Chicken and Pork 337
Chicken and Rice 161
Chicken, Scalloped 235
Chicken Scallop 437
Chicken Scallop and Baked Eggs 464
Chickens, Smothered 188
Chickens, Smothered with Mushrooms 517
Chickens, Smothered with Oysters 12
Chickens with Mushroom Sauce 223
Chickens À la Viennoise 637
Chicken, Roulettes of 557
Ducks À la Mode 666
Duck, Braised 208
Ducks, Fricassee of 547
Ducks, Larded 485
Ducks and Macaroni, Casserole of 486
Duck, PatÉ of 100
Duck, RagoÛt of 605
Duck, RagoÛt of, and Green Peas 452
Duck Roast 31
Ducks, Roast 167
Duck, Salmi of 34
Duck, Salmi of 424
Ducks, Stewed 98
Ducks, Stewed, Whole 450
Fowl, Mince of 81
Fowl and Rice Croquettes 628
Goose, RÉchauffÉ of 633
Goose Roast 631
Grouse, Braised 652
Grouse, Fricassee of 615
age_321" class="pginternal">321
Beets, Boiled 393
Beets, SautÉ 374
Beets, Young 358
Broccoli 216
Brussels Sprouts 82
Cabbage au Gratin 546
Cabbage, Chopped 589
Cabbage, Ladies’ 106
Cabbage, Ladies’, au MaÎtre d’HÔtel 623
Cabbage, Minced 140
Cabbage, Sprouts 223
Cabbage, Sprouts and Eggs 277
Cabbage, Stuffed 243
Cabbage and Sausage 635
Cold Slaw 598
Cold Slaw with Cream Dressing 618
Cold Slaw with Egg Dressing 233
Hot Slaw 173
Cabbage Salad 21
Cauliflower À la CrÊme 209
Cauliflower au Gratin 13
Cauliflower Cream Sauce 64
Cauliflower Boiled 522
Cauliflower with Sauce 115
Cauliflower with Sauce Tartare 511
Cauliflower, Scalloped 267
Cauliflower, Stewed 159
Carrots, Mashed 99
Carrots, Stewed 607
Celery, Baked 175
Celery, Minced, with Egg Dressing 51
Celery, Raw 28
Celery, Salad 13
Celery, Salad, Egg Dressing 123
Celery, Stewed 32
Celery, Stewedwith Egg 112
Celery, Stewed, Savory 73
Corn, Baked 47
Corn, Green, Boiled Whole 395
Corn, Green, Cut from Cob 478
Corn, Green, Fritters 509
Corn Fritters 323
Corn Pudding 221
Corn Pudding Green 412
Corn Puddings 137
Corn and Tomatoes 484
Corn and Tomatoes, Stewed 18
Potato, PurÉe of 349
Potatoes, PurÉe of 567
Potatoes, PurÉewith Gravy 593
Potato Rissoles 198
Potatoes, Roast 41
Potatoes, Savory 228
Potatoes, Scallops 343
Potatoes, Scallops 159
Potatoes, Scalloped, with Eggs 642
Potatoes, Scooped 354
Potatoes, Scored 63
Potatoes, Stewed 134
Potatoes, Stewed 261
Potatoes, Stewed 65
Potatoes, Stewed, Creamed 215
Potato Stew 154
Potatoes Stewed Whole 93
Potatoes Stewed, Cream 348
Potato Strips 149
Potato Strips 380
Potatoes, Stripped, Fried 325
Potatoes, Stripped, Stewed 553
Potato Snow 299
Potatoes, Squeezed 283
Potatoes, Sweet, Baked 82
Potatoes, Sweet, Boiled 136
Potatoes, Sweet, Boiled 101
Potatoes, Sweet, Browned 535
Potatoes, Sweet, Fried 121
Potatoes, Sweet, Glazed 627
Potatoes, Sweet, in Jackets 35
Potatoes, Sweet and Irish—Chopped 84
Potatoes, Sweet, Sliced 183
Potatoes, Sweet, Whipped 87
Potatoes, Sweet with Halibut Fillets 493
Potatoes, Sweet, Vermicelli 615
Pudding, Scotch, Savory 168
Pudding, Bread, Savory 610
Pudding, Graham, Savory 647
Pudding, Yorkshire, No. 1 59
Pudding, Yorkshire, No. 2 584
Rice, Baked 315
Rice, Boiled, À la GenÈve 95
Rice, Boiled, in Broth 489
Rice, Boiled, Plain 301
Rice, Boiled, with Sauce 96
Pudding, Cherry SoufflÉ 420
Pudding, Cocoa 604
Pudding, Cocoanut 570
Pudding, Cocoanut 218
Pudding, Cocoanut 281
Pudding, Cocoanut 354
Pudding, Cocoanut, Sponge 182
Pudding, Corn-meal Fruit 58
Pudding, Corn-meal, Hasty 230
Pudding, Corn-meal, Steamed 250
Pudding, Corn-meal, without Eggs 209
Pudding, Corn-starch, Hasty 18
Pudding, Corn-starch, Custard 403
Pudding, Cottage 25
Pudding, Cream 374
Puddings, Cup 684
Pudding, Diplomatic 519
Pudding, Dorchester Cracker Plum 675
Pudding, Essex 156
Pudding, Farina Hasty 173
Pudding, Farina 668
Pudding, Farina, Cold 418
Pudding, Fig 68
Pudding, Fig, Custard 191
Pudding, Flour Hasty 624
Pudding, Graham Hasty 321
Pudding, Huckleberry, Baked 443
Pudding, Indian 449
Pudding, Jam 65
Pudding, Lausanne 583
Pudding, Lemon 176
Pudding, Macaroni 150
Pudding, Macaroni, Plain 261
Pudding, Macaroni and Almond 51
Pudding, Macaroni, Sweet, with Brandied Fruit 83
Pudding, Minced 71
Pudding, Neapolitan 301
Pudding, Newark 286
Pudding, Nursery Plum 224
Pudding, Oatmeal, with Cream 292
Pudding, Orange 612
Pudding, Omelette MÉringue 588
Pudding, Peach 546
Pudding, Peach, Batter 248
Pudding, Peach, Batter 154
Pudding, Potato, Sweet 569
Rock-work 538
Snow, Apple 148
Snow, Orange 426
Snow, Rice 572
Snow, Tropical 39
Syllabub 502
Trifle, Apple 202
Trifle, Ambushed 269
Trifle, Apricot 591
Trifle, Drunken Dominie 589
Trifle, Lemon 299
Trifle, Lemon (Cake) 406
Trifle, A Mere 123
Trifle, Peach 492
Trifle, Strawberry 369
Trifle, Tipsy 28


Cake, Apple 189
Cake, Corn-starch, Cup 663
Cake, Cream 436
Cakes, Cream 544
Cakes, Cream, Boston 255
Cake, Cream, Rose 609
Charlotte CachÉe 244
Cake, Huckleberry 465
Cake, Martha’s 644
Cake, Myrtle’s 216
Cake, Orange 536
Cake, Sponge 15
Cake, Sponge Mrs. M.’s 566
Cake, White 632
Cake, White Mountain 572
Gingerbread, Sponge 54
Gingerbread, Soft 106
Gingerbread, Soft 252
Shortcake, Blackberry, Hot 504
Shortcake, Huckleberry 458
Shortcake, Raspberry, Cold 382
Shortcake, Raspberry, Hot 367
Shortcake, Strawberry 342


Apples and Nuts 29
Bananas, Oranges and Cherries 428
Bananas and Oranges 320
Blackberries 453
Cherries 399
Currants and Raspberries The Dinner Year-Book is, in its name, happily descriptive of its purposes and character. It occupies a place which, amid all the publications upon cookery—and their name is Legion—has never yet been occupied.

The author truly says that there have been dinner-giving books published, that is books of menus for company dinings, “Little Dinners,” for especial occasions, etc., etc.; but that she has never yet met with a practical directory of this important meal for every day in the year. In this volume she has furnished the programme in all its details, and has superintended the preparation of each dish, proceeding even to the proper manner of serving it at the table. The book has been prepared for the family, for the home of ordinary means, and it has hit the happy line where elegance and economy meet.

The most numerous testimonials to the value of Marion Harland’s “Common Sense” books, which the publishers have received, both in newspaper notices and in private communications, are to the effect—always expressed with some astonishment—that the directions of these receipts, actually followed, produce the promised result. We can prophesy the same for the new volume.

The purchaser will find that he has bought what the name purports—The Dinner Year-Book—a practical guide for the purchase of the material and preparation, serving, etc., of the ordinary home dinner for every day of the year. To these are added twelve company dinners, one for each month, from which a selection can be made—according to the time of the year—equal to any occasion which will be presented to the housekeeper.

This book, however, is not valuable merely as a directory for dinners appropriate to various seasons. It contains the largest number of receipts for soups, fish, meat, vegetables, entrees of all descriptions, and desserts, ever offered to the American public. The material for this work has been collected with great care, both at home and abroad, representing the diligent labor of many months.

Note.—The original Edition of The Dinner Year Book, with six colored plates, illustrating twenty-eight subjects, handsomely bound in cloth, will be continued in print at the regular price, $2.25.


? For sale by all booksellers, or will be sent, post or express charges paid, upon receipt of the price, by

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To those who love a pure diction, a healthful tone, and thought that leads up to the higher and better aims, that gives brighter color to some of the hard, dull phases of life, that awakens the mind to renewed activity, and makes one mentally better, the prose and poetical works of Dr. Holland will prove an ever new, ever welcome source from which to draw.”—New Haven Palladium.

Complete Writings of Dr. J. G. Holland
Each one vol., 16mo, (sold separately,) Price, $1.25.

Messrs. Charles Scribner’s Sons have now completed the issue of a New Edition of Dr. Holland’s Writings, printed from new plates, in a very attractive style, in artistic binding, and at a greatly reduced price.

It is believed that the aggregate sale of Dr. Holland’s Books, amounting as it does to half a million volumes, exceeds the circulation of the writings of any other American author. There is not a single book of his which has not had an unquestionable success, and most of them have been in such constant and increasing demand that the plates were actually worn out.

EVERY-DAY TOPICS, Second Series. A New Volume.

16 Volumes, in a Box, per set, $20.00.
Complete Poetical Writings of Dr. J. G. Holland.
With Illustrations by Reinhart, Griswold, and Mary Hallock Foote,
and Portrait by Wyatt Eaton. Printed from New Stereo-typed
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One Volume, 8vo. Extra Cloth, --- $5.00.

Dr. Holland will always find a congenial audience in the homes of culture and refinement. He does not affect the play of the darker and fiercer passions, but delights in the sweet images that cluster around the domestic hearth. He cherishes a strong fellow-feeling with the pure and tranquil life in the modest social circles of the American people, and has thus won his way to the companionship of many friendly hearts.”—N. Y. Tribune.

? For sale by all booksellers, or sent post-paid upon receipt of price by
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[A] It gives me pleasure to state, in this connection, that all of the articles named in the above catalogue (and many more) are made by the Dover Stamping Company, Boston, Mass., 88 and 90 North Street. The inventors of the inimitable Egg-Beater have proved themselves as appreciative in other respects of the needs of American housewives, and as ingenious in meeting these. I call attention to their wares, as a simple act of justice to what is so excellent in itself, and as an unsolicited thank-offering to the stranger-benefactors who have made many of my culinary duties a pastime, rather than a toil.

[B] As I have mentioned in “Breakfast, Luncheon, and Tea,” you can spare yourselves the trouble of preparing the vegetables for this soup by buying those shred and dried for this purpose, put up in packages and sold by grocers.

Transcriber’s Notes:

Obvious punctuation errors repaired. Often the recipes will contain ingredients in the instructions that were not included in the list of ingredients. See, for example, Clear Gravy Soup on page 55 where the first line mentions dicing onions that are not listed above. About two-thirds of the way through the text, the printer stopped putting the ingredients in lists and instead just used paragraphs. The recipes were retained as printed.

The index was also retained as printed. There is little rhyme nor reason in its construction and the transcriber could not ascertain the reasoning for the order of the items within.

Eight uses of “PÂtÉ(s)” were changed to “PatÉ(s)” to match usage in text. Text uses both “À la CrÊme” and “À la CrÈme” for all kinds of vegetables.

“Meringue,” (and its other forms), were changed to “mÉringue” to match the one hundred other occurrences in the text. These changes were made on pages 46, 51, 62, 63 (three times), and 74 (twice).

The printer spells the fresh version of “Peach LÈche Crema” as “Peach LÈche-CrÊma” and the version that uses canned peaches as “Peach LÈche CrÈma.” Varied hyphenation retained where a majority consensus could not be ascertained, for example: “arrow-root,” “arrowroot,” etc.

Page 5, “sometime” changed to “sometimes” (week that sometimes)

Page 100, “PatÈ” changed to “PatÉ” (Duck PatÉ.)

Page 111, word “a” deleted from text. Original read (soup and a nutritious)

Page 111, repeated word “the” removed from text. Original read (cover until the the sauce is)

Pages 121 and 122, “Ragout” changed to “RagoÛt” (RagoÛt of Veal)

Page 198, “teaspoonful of” added to “½ nutmeg” for “Transparent Puddings.”

Page 213, “thus” changed to “this” (this much on Saturday)

Page 222, word “An” added to text over smudged possible “n” (An excellent soup such)

Page 227, “tablepoonfuls” changed to “tablespoonfuls” (tablespoonfuls of mixed lard)

Page 281, “L’Anglaise” changed to “l’Anglaise” (À l’Anglaise)

Page 310, “Maitre” changed to “MaÎtre” (Potatoes au MaÎtre d’HÔtel)

Page 326, “tablespoonfu” changed to “tablespoonful” (Put a tablespoonful)

Page 343, “littled” changed to “little” (a little brown flour)

Page 372, repeated word “a” removed from text. Original read (with a a few smart blows)

Page 374, “beats” changed to “beets” (Put the beets into)

Page 376, heading added for “Green Peas.” to match rest of book’s layout. Original only had space above with sentence directing to page of original recipe.

Page 396, “colanander” changed to “colander” (vegetables through the colander)

Page 407, “Á” changed to “À” (Cold Beef À la Mode.)

Page 446, “D’HÔtel” changed to “d’HÔtel” (au MaÎtre d’HÔtel)

Page 499, “whole” changed to “hole” (the hole in the middle)

Page 592, “wel” changed to “well” (Season; moisten well)

Page 600, 618, 651 “pÂtÉ-pans” changed to “patÉ-pans” to match rest of usage (or in patÉ-pans) (lining patÉ-pans) (ready small patÉ-pans)

Page 607, “would” changed to “mould” (buttered mould and boil)

Page 657, “teaspoonlul” changed to “teaspoonful” (teaspoonful of browned flour)

Page 693, “LÈche Crema” changed to “LÈche-CrÊma” (Peach LÈche-CrÊma)

Page 699, index, “Croutons” changed to “CroÛtons” (Potage À CroÛtons)

Page 699, index, “Remo” changed to “RÉmo” (St. RÉmo Broth)

Page 706, index, “GenÉve” changed to “GenÈve” (Puff À la GenÈve)

Page 707, index, “GenÉve” changed to “GenÈve” (Boiled, À la GenÈve)

Page 709, index, “Napolitainoes” changed to “Neapolitainoes” (Neapolitainoes, 597)

Page 712, index, “CrÉma” changed to “CrÈma” (Peach (Canned) LÈche CrÈma)

Final page, advertisement, “Ameri an” changed to “American” (the American people, and)


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