1. | Home-made Yeast and the first Loaf | 7 | 2. | Bread Sponge and Breakfast Breads | 16 | 3. | Breakfast Breads | 28 | 4. | Other Breakfast Breads | 37 | 5. | Eggs | 42 | 6. | Broiled Meats | 54 | 7. | Fried Meats | 60 | 8. | What to do with Left-overs | 69 | 9. | Other Dinner Dishes | 81 | 10. | Meats | 94 | 11. | Vegetables | 107 | 12. | Desserts | 118 | 13. | Cake-making | 131 | 14. | Jellies, Creams, and other fancy Dishes for Tea and Luncheon, or Supper-Parties | 143 |