I.—ALONE. II.—HIDDEN PATH. III.—MOSS SIDE. IV.—NEMESIS. V.—MIRIAM. VI.—THE EMPTY HEART. VII.—HELEN GARDNER. VIII.—SUNNYBANK. IX.—HUSBANDS AND HOMES. X.—RUBY'S HUSBAND. XI.—PHEMIE'S TEMPTATION. XII.—AT LAST. XIII.—TRUE AS STEEL. (New.) XIV.—JESSAMINE. (Just ready.) "The Novels of Marion Harland are of surpassing excellence. By intrinsic power of character-drawing and descriptive facility, they hold the reader's attention with the most intense interest and fascination." All published uniform with this volume. Price $1.50 each, and sent free by mail, on receipt of price, by G. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. JESSAMINE.A Novel.BY |