CHARACTERS I. PHANTOM INTELLIGENCES THE ANCIENT SPIRIT OF THE YEARS/CHORUS OF THE YEARS. THE SPIRIT OF THE PITIES/CHORUS OF THE PITIES. SPIRITS SINISTER AND IRONIC/CHORUSES OF SINISTER AND IRONIC SPIRITS. THE SPIRIT OF RUMOUR/CHORUS OF RUMOURS. THE SHADE OF THE EARTH. SPIRIT MESSENGERS. RECORDING ANGELS. II. PERSONS MEN [The names in lower case are mute figures.] THE PRINCE REGENT. The Royal Dukes. THE DUKE OF RICHMOND. The Duke of Beaufort. CASTLEREAGH, Prime Minister. Palmerston, War Secretary. PONSONBY, of the Opposition. BURDETT, of the Opposition. WHITBREAD, of the Opposition. Tierney, Romilly, of the Opposition Other Members of Parliament. TWO ATTACHES. A DIPLOMATIST. Ambassadors, Ministers, Peers, and other persons of Quality and Office. .......... WELLINGTON. UXBRIDGE. PICTON. HILL. CLINTON. Colville. COLE. BERESFORD. Pack and Kempt. Byng. Vivian. W. Ponsonby, Vandeleur, Colquhoun-Grant, Maitland, Adam, and C. Halkett. Graham, Le Marchant, Pakenham, and Sir Stapleton Cotton. SIR W. DE LANCEY. FITZROY SOMERSET. COLONELS FRASER, H. HALKETT, COLBORNE, Cameron, Hepburn, LORD SALTOUN, C. Campbell. SIR NEIL CAMPBELL. Sir Alexander Gordon, BRIGDEMAN, TYLER, and other AIDES. CAPTAIN MERCER. Other Generals, Colonels, and Military Officers. Couriers. A SERGEANT OF DRAGOONS. Another SERGEANT. A SERGEANT of the 15th HUSSARS. A SENTINEL. Batmen. AN OFFICER'S SERVANT. Other non-Commissioned Officers and Privates of the British Army. English Forces. .......... SIR W. GELL, Chamberlain to the Princess of Wales. MR. LEGH, a Wessex Gentleman. Another GENTLEMAN. THE VICAR OF DURNOVER. Signor Tramezzini and other members of the Opera Company. M. Rozier, a dancer. LONDON CITIZENS. A RUSTIC and a YEOMAN. A MAIL-GUARD. TOWNSPEOPLE, Musicians, Villagers, etc. .......... THE DUKE OF BRUNSWICK. THE PRINCE OF ORANGE. Count Alten. Von Ompteda, Baring, Duplat, and other Officers of the King's- German Legion. Perponcher, Best, Kielmansegge, Wincke, and other Hanoverian Officers. Bylandt and other Officers of the Dutch-Belgian troops. SOME HUSSARS. King's-German, Hanoverian, Brunswick, and Dutch-Belgian Forces. .......... BARON VAN CAPELLEN, Belgian Secretary of State. The Dukes of Arenberg and d'Ursel. THE MAYOR OF BRUSSELS. CITIZENS AND IDLERS of Brussels. .......... NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. JOSEPH BONAPARTE. Jerome Bonaparte. THE KING OF ROME. Eugene de Beauharnais. Cambaceres, Arch-Chancellor to Napoleon. TALLEYRAND. CAULAINCOURT. DE BAUSSET. .......... MURAT, King of Naples. SOULT, Napoleon's Chief of Staff. NEY. DAVOUT. MARMONT. BERTHIER. BERTRAND. BESSIERES. AUGEREAU, MACDONALD, LAURISTON, CAMBRONNE. Oudinot, Friant, Reille, d'Erlon, Drouot, Victor, Poniatowski, Jourdan, and other Marshals, and General and Regimental Officers of Napoleon's Army. RAPP, MORTIER, LARIBOISIERE. Kellermann and Milhaud. COLONELS FABVRIER, MARBOT, MALLET, HEYMES, and others. French AIDES and COURIERS. DE CANISY, Equerry to the King of Rome. COMMANDANT LESSARD. Another COMMANDANT. BUSSY, an Orderly Officer. SOLDIERS of the Imperial Guard and others. STRAGGLERS; A MAD SOLDIER. French Forces. .......... HOUREAU, BOURDOIS, and Ivan, physicians. MENEVAL, Private Secretary to Napoleon. DE MONTROND, an emissary of Napoleon's. Other Secretaries to Napoleon. CONSTANT, Napoleon's Valet. ROUSTAN, Napoleon's Mameluke. TWO POSTILLIONS. A TRAVELLER. CHAMBERLAINS and Attendants. SERVANTS at the Tuileries. FRENCH CITIZENS and Townspeople. .......... THE KING OF PRUSSIA. BLUCHER. MUFFLING, Wellington's Prussian Attache. GNEISENAU. Zieten. Bulow. Kleist, Steinmetz, Thielemann, Falkenhausen. Other Prussian General and Regimental Officers. A PRUSSIAN PRISONER of the French. Prussian Forces. .......... FRANCIS, Emperor of Austria. METTERNICH, Chancellor and Foreign Minister. Hardenberg. NEIPPERG Schwarzenberg, Kleinau, Hesse-Homburg, and other Austrian Generals. Viennese Personages of rank and fashion. Austrian Forces. .......... THE EMPEROR ALEXANDER of Russia. Nesselrode. KUTUZOF. Bennigsen. Barclay de Tolly, Dokhtorof, Bagration, Platoff, Tchichagoff, Miloradovitch, and other Russian Generals. Rostopchin, Governor of Moscow. SCHUVALOFF, a Commissioner. A RUSSIAN OFFICER under Kutuzof. Russian Forces. Moscow Citizens. .......... Alava, Wellington's Spanish Attache. Spanish and Portuguese Officers. Spanish and Portuguese Forces. Spanish Citizens. .......... Minor Sovereigns and Princes of Europe. LEIPZIG CITIZENS. |