CHAPTER | | PAGE | | | Preface by E. Halford Ross, Esq., m.r.c.s., l.r.c.p., &c. | | | I. | A Product of Human Insanitation | 1 | | II. | Identification of the Common House-Fly | 7 | | III. | Some other Flies and their Diverse Habits | 16 | | IV. | Myiasis and the ŒstridÆ | 26 | | V. | General Life History | 33 | | VI. | Structure of the House-Fly | 43 | | VII. | Distribution and Concentration of Flies | 49 | | VIII. | Natural Enemies of Flies | 53 | | IX. | Disseminators of Disease | 58 | | X. | Remedial Measures; Cremation of Refuse | 64 | | XI. | Control Within the House | 71 | | XII. | Service and Utility of Flies | 78 | | XIII. | A Campaign of Effective Warfare, Conclusion | 84 | APPENDIX | Description of the Wingate Fly Chart | 89 | | | Table of Wing Cells and Veins | 93 | | | Glossary Index of Terms used | 94 | | | Alphabetical List of Sixty Families | 95 | | | Numbered List of Families with Descriptive Notes and References | 108 | | | Analytical Table of Families | 113 |