Order—Diptera 1 (141). Insects with the head distinct from the thorax, with one pair of wings, one pair of halteres, 5-jointed tarsi, proboscis not spirally coiled; with a well defined pupal stage intermediate between the larval stage and the perfect insect. 1-1/2 (52-1/2). Frontal lunule absent. Sub-order I. ORTHORRHAPHA (comprising 25 families); flies with "mummy-pupÆ," see plate VI, figs. 38 and 39. 2 (25). AntennÆ many-jointed (plate II). NEMATOCERA (thread-horns)— 3 (4). Vein endings round the margin (plate IV, figs. 1, 2, 3) not more than 6. CecidomyidÆ, II 4 (3). Vein endings more than 6. 5 (20). Thorax (plate VI, 31) without B, I, 8 conspicuous. 6 (15). Costa ending at apex of wing (plate IV, 4-11). 7 (12). Ocelli as in plate I, or as in plates VI, I and II, 4. 8 (9). Discal cell (O, 4b or O, 52) present (plate IV, 16). RhyphidÆ, XIV 9 (8). Discal cell absent (plate IV, 4-7). 10 (11). AntennÆ long (plate II, 3-6); or, if short, coxÆ elongated. MycetophilidÆ, III 11 (10). AntennÆ as in plate II, 7 and 8; coxÆ not elongated. BibionidÆ, IV 12 (7). Ocelli absent. 13 (14). AntennÆ (plate II, 9) shorter than B; wings (plate IV, 9) broad. SimulidÆ, V 14 (13). AntennÆ (plate II, 10, 11) longer; wings narrow (plate IV 9-11). ChironomidÆ, VI 15 (6). Costa (plate IV, 12-14) around hind margin. 16 (17). Wings held roof-like, hairy; X only at base (plate IV, 12). 17 (16). Wings flat over D; X on middle of wing. 18 (19). Veins hairy (plate IV, 13). CulicidÆ, IX 19 (18). Veins bare. 19a (19b). AntennÆ long; V, 4 and V, 2 forked; X, 4 (plate IV, 14) ending in V, 2. DixidÆ, X 19b (19a). AntennÆ very short but 11-jointed; no veins forked. OrphnephilidÆ, VII 20 (5). Thorax (plate VI, 32) with a strong cross seam. 21 (22). V, 6 absent (plate IV, 15). PtychopteridÆ, XI 22 (21). V, 6 present. 23 (24). V, 1a ending in costa and (plate IV, 17-22) united to V, 1b by X, 1b; last joint of palpi (plate VI, 4) never whip-like. LimnobidÆ, XII 24 (23). V, 1a ending in V, 1b; and, except for X, 1a at its base, not united by X (plate IV, 23-26); palpi (plate VI, 5). TipulidÆ, XIII 25 (2). AntennÆ short, 3-jointed (plate III); 3rd joint sometimes ringed. BRACHYCERA (short-horns)— 26 (140). Wing veining normal; X-veins present. 27 (32). Third antennal joint ringed; A, IV, 6, if present (plate III, 1-9) apical. 28 (29). Costa ending at apex of wing (plate V, 1). StratiomyidÆ, XV 29 (28). Costa around the hind margin (plate V, 2). 30 (31). SquamÆ very large. TabanidÆ, XVI 31 (30). SquamÆ very small. Part of LeptidÆ, XVII (genus Xylophagus) 32 (27). Third joint of antennÆ (plate III, 10-55) not ringed. 33 (55). Arista terminal or wanting (plate III, 10-26, 28-32, 35-40, 48) 34 (46). V, 3 forked (plate V, 3-10, 13). 35 (45). O, 61 long, extending (or nearly) to hind margin, or entirely wanting (plate V, 3-9, 13). 37 (38). SquamÆ small, not covering C, III; O, 61 long and distinct (plate V, 3); long bodied flies, head of normal proportions. Part of LeptidÆ, XVII 38 (37). SquamÆ very large, hiding the halteres; O, 61 absent (plate V, 13); short round-bodied flies with very small heads. CyrtidÆ, XXII 39 (36). Empodium small, only 2 foot-pads apparent (plate VI, 10, 11). 40 (41). Vertex hollowed out between the eyes (plate VI, 28). AsilidÆ, XVIII 41 (40). Vertex flat or raised, eyes not protruding. 42 (43) (44). V, 4 ending in 3 branches (plate V, 6, 7) between V, 3 and V, 5. BombylidÆ, XIX 43 (42) (44). V, 4 ending in 4 branches (plate V, 8) between V, 3 and V, 5. TherevidÆ, XX 44 (42) (43). V, 4 ending in 2 branches (plate V, 9); antennÆ (plate III, 23) without A, IV, 6. ScenopinidÆ, XXI 45 (35). O, 61 short (plate V, 10) not nearly reaching hind margin. Part of EmpidÆ, XXIII 46 (34). V, 3 not forked (plate V, 11-12, 14-17). 47 (52). AlulÆ absent or rudimentary. 48 (51). Apex of the wing rounded. 49 (50). X, 4 placed generally beyond X, 51, at most only a little before it; V, 5 with 2 X-veins bounding a discal cell (plate V, 11); or, if only one, then X, 5 is placed before, or, at most (plate V, 12) only a little beyond X, 4. Part of EmpidÆ, XXIII 50 (49). X, 4 placed very near the base of the wing; V, 5 with only one X-vein placed far beyond X, 4; no discal cell (plate V, 14, 15). Part of DolichopodidÆ, XXIV 51 (48). Apex of the wing (plate V, 16) pointed. LonchopteridÆ, XXV 52 (47). AlulÆ present. 52-1/2 (1-1/2). Frontal lunule (plate VII, 5) present. Sub-order II. CYCLORRHAPHA (families XXVI—LX); flies which escape from a puparium, formed of the indurated larval skin, through a circular orifice made by pushing off its head end (plate VI, 37). 53 (54). AntennÆ (plate III, 39, 40) with a long seta or bristle. PlatypezidÆ, XXVI 54 (53). AntennÆ (plate III, 48) with a short seta or spine. Part of ConopidÆ, XXIX 55 (33). Arista dorsal (plate III, 27, 33, 34, 41-47, 49-55). 56 (61). O, 61 long (plate V, 18-21-1/2) extending nearly to hind margin: D without strong bristles (macrochÆtÆ). 57 (60). Proboscis of moderate length (plate VI, 12-16) generally retracted. 58 (59). Vena spuria (plate V, 18) absent; A, II very large; O, 42 open. PipunculidÆ, XXVII 59 (58). Vena spuria present (plate V, 19-21); O, 42. closed; A, II moderate. SyrphidÆ, XXVIII 60 (57). Proboscis projecting far in front, very thin and long, often double-kneed (plate VI, 27); no vena spuria (plate V, 21-1/2). Part of ConopidÆ, XXIX 61 (56). O, 61 short, not nearly reaching margin, or absent (plate V, 12, 22-39) abdomen often with strong bristles. 62 (63). Proboscis and palpi atrophied. ŒstridÆ, XXX 63 (62). A, VIII, 3 and 4 distinctly present. 64 (67). X, 51 absent, X 52 present, i.e., only one X-vein on V, 5 and that beyond X, 4. 65 (66). X, 4 very near base of wing (plate V, 14, 15); X, 5 far beyond X, 4. Part of DolichopodidÆ, XXIV 66 (65). X, 4 more towards middle of wing (plate V, 12, 36, 37) nearer X, 5. 66a (66b). Proboscis directed straight downwards. Part of EmpidÆ, XXIII (genus Stilpon) 66b (66a). A, VIII, 3 retracted [ordinary Muscid type] pass on to 108 of this table. 67 (64). X, 51 present, that is, a X-vein on V, 5 before, or under X, 4; or no X-veins on V, 5. 68 (69). No X-veins on V, 5. Part of PhytomyzidÆ, LIV 69 (68). At least X, 51 present, generally also X, 52. 70 (75). SquamÆ distinctly present though sometimes small. 71 (74). V, 4 angled or bent towards V, 3 (plate V, 24-29). 72 (73). D with E (macrochÆtÆ and hairs) on middle segments; otherwise A, IV, 6 is bare or bare on the tip-half (plate III, 49-50). TachinidÆ, XXXI 73 (72). D without macrochÆtÆ though often with rather strong hairs; A, IV, 6 fully plumed or combed (plate III, 51). MuscidÆ, XXXII 74 (71). V, 4 going straight or nearly straight to margin (plate V, 30). AnthomyidÆ, XXXIII 75 (70). SquamÆ absent or rudimentary. MUSCIDÆ ACALYPTERÆ— 76 (105). V, 1a distinctly present, nearly as thick as V, 1b, which generally ends in the fore margin at or beyond the middle of the wing (plate V, 31, 32, 34). 77 (84). VibrissÆ present (plate VIII, 2) together with more or less hair. 78 (79). V, 44 four or five times as long as V, 43 (i.e., X, 52 nearer X4 than to wing margin). HeteroneuridÆ, XXXVII 79 (78). V, 44 about equal to V, 43, or only a little longer. 80 (81). Costa with spines in addition to the ciliation (plate VII, 14). HelomyzidÆ, XXXVI 81 (80). Costa without a row of spines, only ciliated. 82 (83). A, III (5) present, or, if absent, then body never shining black. CordyluridÆ, XXXIV 83 (82). Fronto-orbital bristles absent; body always shining black. Part of SepsidÆ, XLVI 84 (77). VibrissÆ absent; mouth with short hairs or bare (plate VII, 1, 3, 4); or, if the hairs are strong, all of same length and strength. 85 (88). A, IV very long and horizontal; A, IV (4) as long or longer than A, IV (5) of which the upper edge is concave (plates III, 54; VII, 1). 86 (87). Profile not triangular; face perpendicular or slightly retreating. Part of SciomyzidÆ, XXXVIII 87 (86). Profile triangular; A, V retreating (plate VII, 1) almost horizontally. 88 (85). AntennÆ not long, or, if long, drooping; A, IV (4) shorter than A, IV (5) of which the upper edge is straight or convex. 89 (90). Brown or black shore flies with flat horny thorax and with strong mouth hairs. Part of PhycodromidÆ, XXXV 90 (89). Otherwise than 89. 91 (94). O, 51 and O, 61 very small and indistinct. 92 (93). Only one fronto-orbital bristle on each side; tibiÆ all without the prÆ-apical bristle. LonchÆidÆ, XLIII 93 (92). A, III (5) on each side; the prÆ-apical E on some of the C, I (4). SapromyzidÆ, XLIV 94 (91). O, 51 and O, 61 fairly large and quite distinct. 95 (96). Hind tibiÆ with a prÆ-apical bristle. Part of SciomyzidÆ, XXXVIII 96 (95). Hind tibiÆ without the prÆ-apical bristle. 97 (98). A, III (6) present and close to A, II; V, 1a sharply bent up at its end (plate V, 34). Wings usually spotted; ovipositor protruding. TrypetidÆ, XLII 98 (97). Lower fronto-orbital bristles absent; V, 1a gently bent up. 99 (104). Legs long; abdomen narrow and long, contracted at base. 100 (103). V, 4 straight or nearly so. Shining black species. 101 (102). V, 6 reaching to the wing margin; abdomen narrow, more than twice as long as the thorax. Part of PsilidÆ, XXXIX 102 (101). V, 6 not nearly reaching margin; D rather broad. Part of SepsidÆ, XLVI 103 (100). V, 4 much bent towards V, 3. Brown species. Part of MicropezidÆ, XL (genus Calobata) 104 (99). Legs normal; D comparatively short and broad, never contracted at base. Part of OrtalidÆ, XLI 105 (76). V, 1a absent or rudimentary, much thinner than V, 1b, which latter ends at or before the middle of the fore margin. 106 (107). Hind C, I (5) thickened and shorter than the next joint. BorboridÆ, LVI 107 (106). Hind metatarsus longer than and not thicker than C, I(6). 109 (110). Legs long and thin; abdomen very long. Part of MicropezidÆ, XL (genus Micropeza) 110 (109). Legs short and strong; D oval or elliptical. 111 (112). A, III (6) absent; A, IV (5) round, or, if lengthened, then A in profile is triangular. ChloropidÆ, LI 112 (111). A, III (6) present; A, IV (5) generally long or oval; A in profile never triangular. 113 (114). Head square; face strongly convex (plate VII, 21); O, 61 absent. Not orange coloured species. EphydridÆ, XLIX 114 (113). Head round or semi-circular; face not arched (plate VII, 19); O, 61 present, or, if absent, then the species orange coloured. Part of DrosophilidÆ, L. 115 (108). X, 51 present, or, if absent, then X, 52 also absent (i.e., either two X-veins or no X-veins on V, 5) (plate V, 33, 38). 116 (117). Scutellum of the male extraordinarily long and squared off behind; costa thickened from the end of V, 1 to the wing tip. Part of PhycodromidÆ (genus Thyreophora) 117 (116). B, I (6) usually short, and somewhat triangular; costa normal. 118 (133). Mouth bristles present. 119 (122). Fronto-orbital bristles absent. 120 (121). Wings without a black spot near the tip. PiophilidÆ, XLVII 121 (120). Wings with a black spot near the tip. Part of SepsidÆ, XLVI 122 (119). Fronto-orbital bristles present. 123 (128). X, 52 before middle of wing (both X, 4 and X, 52 near the base and exceedingly near together) or no X-vein on V, 5. 124 (127). X, 52 immediately under X, 4 (or nearer the base), or X, 51 and X, 52 both absent (plate V, 38). 125 (126). Arista bare or nearly so. Part of PhytomyzidÆ, LIV 126 (125). Arista with long hairs on one side. 127 (124). X, 52 present and placed further from base than X, 4. Part of AgromyzidÆ, LIII 128 (123). X, 52 at or beyond the middle; X, 4 and X, 52 neither very near to the wing base nor to one another. 129 (130). Arista bare; body short and broad. MilichidÆ, LII 130 (129). Arista plumose, combed, or pubescent, or, if bare, then the body always narrow and long. 131 (132). Arista thinly but long haired, plumose, or combed. Part of DrosophilidÆ, L 132 (131). Arista thickly and short haired, pubescent, or bare. GeomyzidÆ, XLVIII 133 (118). Mouth bristles absent. 134 (137). O, 51 and O, 61 large and very prominent. 135 (136). AntennÆ moderately long or very long, male genitalia not prominent. Part of PsilidÆ, XXXIX 136 (135). AntennÆ short; male genitalia prominent, and club-shaped. Part of SepsidÆ, XLVI (genus Tetanura) 137 (134). O, 51 and O, 61 small and not very prominent. 138 (139). Light grey or silvery species. Part of AgromyzidÆ, LIII 139 (138). Orange or brownish-red species. Part of OpomyzidÆ, XLV 140 (26). Wings with two short very thick veins (in fore-basal region) whence spring a few very fine unbranched veins. X-veins absent (plate V, 35). PhoridÆ, LVII 141 (1) (52-3/4). Body of a horny or leathery nature; head sunk into a hollow in the thorax (plate VI, 35). No proper proboscis or palpi; claws very large (plate VI, 36). Perfect insect parasitic. EPROBOSCIDEA— 142 (145). Head fairly large; wings sometimes shed or absent. 143 (144). Eyes, ocelli, scutellum, halteres, and wings all absent; last tarsal joint combed with bristles. 144 (143). Eyes and scutellum present; last tarsal joint with well developed claws. HippoboscidÆ, LVIII 145 (142). Head small, when at rest thrown back upon the dorsum; always wingless. NycteribidÆ, LX |