Family Type-Forms of AntennÆ in the first section, or Flies with many-jointed AntennÆ—NEMOCERA II.—CECIDOMYIDÆ 1. Epidosis longipes, ? 2. Asphondylia sarothamni III.—MYCETOPHILIDÆ 3. Sciara thomÆ 4. Mycetophila cingulum 5. Mycetobia pallipes 6. Macrocera lutea IV.—BIBIONIDÆ 7. Bibio marci, ? 8. Scatopse notata V.—SIMULIDÆ 9. Simulium reptans VI.—CHIRONOMIDÆ 10. Chironomus plumosus 11. Ceratopogon femoratus, ? 12. Clunio marinus IX.—CULICIDÆ 13. Mochlonyx velutinus 14. Corethra plumicornis, ? XII.—LIMNOBIDÆ 15. Limnophila dispar 16. Rhipidia maculata, ? 17. Erioptera flavescens 18. Trichocera hiemalis XI.—PTYCHOPTERIDÆ 19. Ptychoptera contaminata XIII.—TIPULIDÆ 20. Tipula gigantea 21. Ctenophora pectinicornis XIV.—RHYPHIDÆ 22. Rhyphos cinctus Plate II. (appendix). Family Type-Forms of AntennÆ in the second section, or Flies with three or few-jointed AntennÆ XV.—STRATIOMYIDÆ 1. Pachygaster atra 2. Oxycera pulchella 3. Stratiomys chamÆleon 4. Sargus cuprarius 5. Beris chalybeata 6. Nemotelus uliginosus XVI.—TABANIDÆ 7. Chrysops cÆcutiens 8. HÆmatopota pluvialis 9. Tabanus bovinus XVII.—LEPTIDÆ 10. Chrysopilus auratus 11. Leptis scolopacea 12. Atherix ibis 13. Symphoromyia melaena 14. Spania nigra XVIII.—ASILIDÆ 15. Leptogaster cylindrica 16. Dioctria oelandica 17. Isopogon brevirostris 18. Laphria marginata 19. Asilus crabroniformis XIX.—BOMBYLIDÆ 20. Anthrax hottentota 21. Bombylius major XX.—THEREVIDÆ 22. Thereva annulata XXI.—SCENOPINIDÆ 23. Scenopinus fenestralis XXIII.—EMPIDÆ 24a. Empis livida 24b. Empis borealis 25. Ardoptera irrorata 26. Ocydromia glabricula 27. Stilpon lunata 28a. Clinocera stagnalis 28b. Clinocera lota 29. Hybos grossipes 30. Tachista arrogans 31. Chersodromia hirta 32. Cyrtoma spuria XXIV.—DOLICHOPODIDÆ 33. Psilopus wiedemanni 34a. Dolichopus longicornis 34b. Dolichopus discifer 35. Chrysotus gramineus 36. Rhaphium longicorne 37. Medeterus diadema XXV.—LONCHOPTERIDÆ 38. Lonchoptera lutea XXVI.—PLATYPEZIDÆ 39. Platycnema pulicaria 40. Platypeza picta XXVII.—PIPUNCULIDÆ 41. Chalarus spurius 42. Pipunculus campestris XXVIII.—SYRPHIDÆ 43. Volucella bombylans 44. Xylota sylvarum 45. Orthoneura elegans 46. Chrysotoxum arcuatum XXIX.—CONOPIDÆ 47. Myopa buccata 48. Physocephala rufipes XXXI.—TACHINIDÆ 49. Zophomyia temula 50. Sarcophaga carnaria XXXII.—MUSCIDÆ 51. Calliphora vomitoria XXXIV.—CORDYLURIDÆ 52. Coniosternum obscurum 53. Scatophaga stercoraria XXXVIII.—SCIOMYZIDÆ 54. Tetanocera ferruginea LVI.—BORBORIDÆ 55. Borborus nitidus XXX.—ŒSTRIDÆ 56. Hypoderma bovis LVII.—PHORIDÆ 57. Phora incrassata Plate III. (appendix). Family Type-Forms of the Wings of NEMOCERA II.—CECIDOMYIDÆ 1. Cecidomyia rosaria 2. Lasioptera rubi 3. Catocha latipes III.—MYCETOPHILIDÆ 4. Sciara thomÆ 5. Mycetophila cingulum 6. Macrocera lutea IV.—BIBIONIDÆ 7. Bibio pomonÆ V.—SIMULIDÆ 8. Simulium reptans VI.—CHIRONOMIDÆ 9. Ceratopogon illustris 10. Chironomus plumosus 11. Tanypus monilis VIII.—PSYCHODIDÆ 12. Psychoda sexpunctata IX.—CULICIDÆ 13. Culex annulatus X.—DIXIDÆ 14. Dixa maculata XI.—PTYCHOPTERIDÆ 15. Ptychoptera contaminata XIV.—RHYPHIDÆ 16. Rhyphus cinctus XII.—LIMNOBIDÆ 17. Dicranomyia stigmatica 18. Rhipida maculata 19. Symplecta punctipennis 20. Erioptera fuscipennis 21. Limnophila nemoralis 22. Trichocera hiemalis XIII.—TIPULIDÆ 23. Nephrotoma dorsalis 24. Dolichopeza sylvicola 25. Pachyrrhina crocata 26. Tipula gigantea Plate IV. (appendix). Family Type-Forms of the Wings in the second section, or Flies with few-jointed AntennÆ XV.—STRATIOMYIDÆ 1. Sargus cuprarius XVI.—TABANIDÆ 2. Tabanus bovinus XVII.—LEPTIDÆ 3. Leptis scolopacea XVIII.—ASILIDÆ 4. Asilus crabroniformis 5. Isopogon brevirostris XIX.—BOMBYLIDÆ 6. Bombylius major 7. Anthrax hottentota XX.—THEREVIDÆ 8. Thereva nobilitata XXI.—SCENOPINIDÆ 9. Scenopinus fenestralis XXIII.—EMPIDÆ 10. Empis livida 11. Ocydromia glabricula 12. Stilpon lunata XXII.—CYRTIDÆ 13. Acrocera globulus XXIV.—DOLICHOPODIDÆ 14. Dolichopus plumipes 15. Medeterus diadema XXV.—LONCHOPTERIDÆ 16. Lonchoptera lutea, male. The dotted line shows V, 6 in the female. XXVI.—PLATYPEZIDÆ 17. Platypeza picta XXVII.—PIPUNCULIDÆ 18. Verralia aucta XXVIII.—SYRPHIDÆ 19. Syritta pipiens 19-1/2. Eumerus sabulonum 20. Eristalis tenax 21. Brachyopa bicolor XXIX.—CONOPIDÆ 21-1/2. Physocephala rufipes XXX.—ŒSTRIDÆ 22. Gastrophilus equi 23. Œstrus ovis XXXI.—TACHINIDÆ 24. Gymnosoma rotundatum 25. Cercomyia thoracica 26. Dexiosoma caninum 27. Sarcophaga carnaria XXXII.—MUSCIDÆ 28. Calliphora erythrocephala 29. Mesembrina meridiana XXXIII.—ANTHOMYIDÆ 30. Anthomyia pluvialis XXXIV.—CORDYLURIDÆ 31. Scatophaga stercoraria XXXVIII.—SCIOMYZIDÆ 32. Tetanocera ferruginea XXXIX.—PSILIDÆ 33. Psila fimentaria XLII.—TRIPETIDÆ 34. Tephritis corniculata LVII.—PHORIDÆ 35. Phora rufipes XL.—MICROPEZIDÆ 36. Micropeza corrigiolata LI.—CHLOROPIDÆ 37. Centor cereris LIV.—PHYTOMYZIDÆ 38. Chromatomyia affinis LVI.—BOBORIDÆ 39. Limosina fontinalis LVIII.—HIPPOBOSCIDÆ 40. Hippobosca equina Plate V. (appendix). 1. Head of Mycetophila to show the position of the two ocelli. 2. Fore-leg of Dilophus 3. Fore-leg of Bibio 4. Palpus of Limnobia 5. Palpus of Tipula 6. Palpus of Anopheles 7. Palpus of Culex 8. Foot of Dilophus 9. Foot of Leptis 10. Foot of Asilus 11. Foot of Thereva 12. Profile of Eumerus 13. Profile of Syritta 14. Profile of Helophilus 15. Profile of Volucella 16. Profile of Rhingia 17. End of abdomen of Dolichopus 4 (a) the forceps (b) the pennis (c) the lamellÆ 18. Head of Psarus, viewed from above, showing frontal process 19. Shape of the proboscis in Empis 20. Shape of the proboscis in Hilara 21. Shape of the proboscis in Ocydromia 22. Shape of the proboscis in Euthyneura 23. Hind leg of Ramphomyia pennata 24. Hind leg of Sphoerocera subsultans 24-1/2. Palpus of Lispe tentaculata 25. Leg of Limnophila—tibia spurred 26. Leg of Erioptera—tibia not spurred 27. Head and double-jointed proboscis of Myopa 28. Head of Asilus—front view 4 (a) the hollowed vertex (b) the mystax 29. Head of Drymia 30. Head and proboscis of Stomoxys calcitrans 31. Dorsum of Culex—no cross-seam 32. Dorsum of Tipula—cross-seams (a—a), (disregarding characters other than cross-seams) 33. Dorsum of Muscid (disregarding characters other than cross-seams) 34. Extremity of abdomen of Pedicia rivosa 35. Head of Stenopteryx sunk in shoulders 36. Foot and claws of Hippobosca 37. Puparium of Calliphora 38. T-shaped emergence-orifice in the pupa of Dixa—dorsal aspect 39. A mummy-pupa (Tipula) 40. Diagram of the Dorsum 4 (1-1) Humeri or Shoulders (2) PrÆ-sutural Central Region (3) Post-sutural Central Region (4-4) Post-humeral Region (5-5) Alar Regions (6) The Scutellum (7) The Neck (8) Dorsal Suture (9-9) Dorso-pleural Sutures (10-10) Wing bases (11-11) Scutellar Bridges (12-12) The Alar Frena (13-13) Inner rows of Dorso-central Bristles (14-14) Outer rows of Dorso-central Bristles (15) The Scutellar Suture 41. Diagramatic ChÆtotaxy of an Abdominal Segment 4 (1-1) Side Fore-marginal bristles (2-2) Side Hind-marginal bristles (3) Central Fore-marginal bristles (4) Central Hind-marginal bristles (5) Discal bristles Plate VI. (appendix). 1. Profile of Dorycera graminum 2. Profile of Trigonometopus frontalis 3. Profile of Platystoma seminationis 4. Profile of Ceroxys crassipennis 5. Head of Chilosia maculata ? 6. Fore-leg of Platychirus manicatus, ? (5 should be 6). 7. Fore-leg of Platychirus peltatus, ? 8. Fore-leg of Platychirus scutatus, ? 9. Fore-leg of Platychirus albimanus, ? 10. Fore-leg of Platychirus clypeatus, ? 11. Platychirus, ? and ?, quadrate spotting 12. Melanostoma mellinum, ? triangular spotting 13. Larva of Microdon 14. Wing of Helomyza pallida 15 & 16. Diagram of a fly's leg. Vide C, I, on page 91. 15. As viewed from behind 16. As viewed, horizontal section (through A-B) 4 (b.f.) base of femur (t.f.) tip of femur (b.t.) base of tibia (t.t.) tip of tibia (1) upper or outer side (2) under or inner side (3) hinder side (4) fore side (5) upper fore side (6) upper hind side (7) under hind side (8) under fore side 17 & 18. Base of wing, illustrating the difference in O, 61 respectively in 17. Urophora 18. Trypeta 19. Profile of Drosophila 20. Profile of Ceratomyza denticornis 21. Profile of Tichomyza fusca 22. AntennÆ of Notophila cinerea; note the "thorn" on second joint 23. AntennÆ of Hydrellia griseola 24. AntennÆ of Tichomyza fusca 25. Profile of Hydrellia griseola 26. Profile of Ochthera mantis 27. Wing of Borborus equinus 28. Wing of Limosina sylvatica 29. Section of a collector's net, showing 4 (a) the small end of a large net; (b) a detachable muslin bag; (c) elastic closing the bag; (d) transparent celluloid end 30. A small bag, closed and detached 31. Box for carrying bags Plate VII. (appendix). |