Collins, S. J., 213.
Colonial book-plates, 151.
Columbine, Francis, 52.
Conway, Field-Marshal, 195.
Conyers, John, 204.
Cook, Captain, 225.
—— James, 225.
Cornwallis, Lord, 52.
Cotes, Rev. H., 110.
Courtney, William, 30.
Cowper, William, 214.
Cranach, Lucas, 124, 125.
Crewe, Nathanael, Bishop of Durham, 52.
Cunliffe, Foster, 91.
—— Sir Foster, 90, 91.
—— Sir Robert H., 90, 99.
Cunningham, Allan, 82.
Currer, Danson Richardson, 88.
—— John, 88.
Custos, Dominick, 127.
Dalton, T., 226.
Damer, Anne Seymour, 96, 193, 195, 196.
—— Hon. John, 195, note.
Dawkins, Henry, 154.
Darlington, view of, 106.
Dartmouth College, 159.
Dasent, Sir George, 148.
Dates on book-plates, 42-47.
De Fleurieu, Chevalier, 143.
Delafaye, Charles, 64, 208.
Delphin edition, the, 138.
De La ColombiÈre, Vulsson, 23.
De La VallÉe, Melchior, 136.
De Malherbe, Francis, 23, 140, 142.
De Maridat, Peter, 175.
De Menezes, Isabel, 94, 185.
Derby, James, Earl of, 49-50.
Dering, Sir Edward, 31, 180.
—— Thomas, 154, 155.
De Sales, Charles, 137.
De Tabley, Lord, 1, 7, 48, 54, 60, 74, 75, 86, 88, 128, 131, 196.
—— Richard, 95, 196.
—— Sir Richard Colt, 95, 196.
Hogarth, William, 6, 14, 56, 75, 79, 92, 112, 213, 220, 227.
Holbein, drawings by, 91.
Holcombe, John, 68.
Holland, John, 79.
Hollar's armorial work, 33.
Holles, Henrietta Cavendish, 192.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 161.
Holzschuher family, 125, 126.
Hommeau, C. F., 168.
Howard, Dr. Jackson, 2, 30, 32.
Huet, Dr. P. D., 138.
Hughes, John, 208.
Hulett, John, 222.
Hungerford, Sir George, 36.
Hunloke, Sir Henry, 40.
—— Henry, 179.
Huntingdon, Selina, Countess of, 194.
Hurd, Nathaniel, 154.
Hustler, James, 59.
—— Sir William, 52.
I'Anson, Sir T. B., 68.
Ingold, Father,
iles@41142@41142-h@41142-h-5.htm.html#Page_213" class="pginternal">213.
Portrait book-plates, 36, 98, 196, 200, 216-220.
Poulet-Malassis, M., 1, 7, 97, 135, 136, 141, 142.
Powlet, C. S., 213.
—— George, 213.
Priestley, Joseph, 107.
Prince Library, the, 153.
—— Thomas, 153.
Prior, Matthew, 182, 222.
Punning Heraldry, instances of, upon book-plates, 125.
Pye, engraver, 104, 106.
Queens' College, Camb., 57.
Raby, Lord, 181.
Radcliffe Library, J. Gibbs's gift to, 218.
Raigniauld, engraver, 136.
Rayner, F., 226.
Red-skins figured on book-plates, 159.
Reilly, John, 53, 166, 167.
Restoration, increase in number of book-plates, after the, 33.
Revere, engraver, 154.
Rieterin, Margretha, 118.
Roberts-Brown, J., 2.
Robinson, John, 59.
—— Johnson, 208.
—— Thomas, 176.
—— Sir William, 46.
Rochdale Circulating Library, the, 99.
'Rococo' style, the, 142, 147.
Roe, engraver, 96.
Rogers, Samuel, 224.
Roos, Lady, 50, 188.
—— Lord, 50, 52.
Rosenberg, Count of, 127, 130, 131.
Ross, T., 81.
Rowney, Thomas, 52.
Royal Society, Library of, 118.
Royall, Isaac, 151, note.
Rushout, Sir John, 59.
Russian book-plates, 149.
Rylands, J. Paul, 43, 100, 179.
Sadeler, Giles, 124, 127, 132.
—— Joseph, 124.
St. Albans Grammar School, 39.
S ml@files@41142@41142-h@41142-h-5.htm.html#Page_210" class="pginternal">210.
Wilberforce, William, 225.
Wilkes, John, 223.
Willcox, Rev. F., 39.
William III., effect of his invasion upon English fashions, 74.
Williams, Rev. John, 153.
Willis, Sherlock, 167, 168.
Willmer, William, 30.
Wiltshire, John, 81, 82, 86.
Windham, Sir Edmund, 179.
—— Thomas, 179.
Winnington, Francis, 59.
Wodroofe, John, 208.
Wolsey, Cardinal, 18, 24.
Woodward, Charles, 173.
Worlidge, 213.
'Wreath and Ribbon Style,' the, 65.
Wren, Sir Christopher, 12.
Wyndham, Wadham, 78.
Yale College, 159.
Yates, engraving by, 91.
—— James, 107.

[1] Among the late Sir Bernard Burke's papers there was discovered a collection of book-plates said to have been formed in Ireland in the middle of the last century; but there is nothing to show that the collection was formed as a collection of book-plates qua book-plates.

[2] There are two varieties of this book-plate.

[3] Moore, vol. i. p. 87.

[4] There are two sizes of this book-plate.

[5] Report by the Historical MSS. Commission on the papers of the Duke of Rutland.

[6] A list of some Scottish book-plate engravers, compiled by Mr. J. Orr, is printed in the Ex Libris Journal, ii. p. 41.

[7] The design has been more recently used by Thomas Gainsford.

[8] William Oliver's plate from Bibliographica, vol. ii. p. 434.

[9] Svenska Bibliotek och Ex Libris antecknigar af C. M. Carlander, med 84 illustrationer. Stockholm, 1889, and Supplement, 1891.

[10] Sixth series, vol. i. p. 2.

[11] American Book-Plates. By Charles Dexter Allen. Bell and Son, 1895.

[12] The same remark applies to other book-plates bearing colonial addresses, such as that of 'Isaac Royall, Esq., of Antigua.'

[13] It may be remarked as curious that William Penn does not, on his book-plate, impale the arms of Hannah Callowhill, to whom he was married in 1695.

[14] She married, in 1767, the Hon. John Damer, a son of Lord Milton.

[15] A variety of this book-plate exists on which the inscription reads: 'Anna Seymour-Damer.'

[16] See Article in Bibliographica, vol. ii. p. 422.

Transcriber's Notes:

Obvious punctuation errors repaired.

The remaining corrections made are listed below and also indicated by dotted lines under the corrections. Scroll the mouse over the word and the original text will appear.

Page xv, "Bromhill" changed to "Broomhill" (Birnie of Broomhill)

Page 144, "th" changed to "the" (perhaps the most gloomy)

Page 150, missing marker "1" added to footnote.

Page 184, the inscription on Sir Philip Sydenham's book was moved out of the end of the paragraph to allow the

{Ætatis: 73
{Domini: 1702.
to be lined up at the end as they are in the original text. The original page can be seen by clicking here.

Page 184, "mathematican" changed to "mathematician" (astronomer and a mathematician)

Page 195, "y" changed to "yet" (and have not yet)


Page 233, "Chadowiecki" changed to "Chodowiecki" and moved to new alphabetical position (Chodowiecki, D. N., 127.)

Page 233, "Maridal" changed to "Maridat" (De Maridat, Peter)

Page 235, "Henault" changed to "HÉnault" (HÉnault, M.)

Page 235, "I'anson" changed to "I'Anson" (I'Anson, Sir T. B.)

Page 236, this text uses both JaquÉri in the text once and JacquÉri in the index once. The index was changed to reflect what was in the text, but the reader should be aware that the name appears both ways in other texts and often with "Elie" instead of "Eli."

Page 235, "Kaler" changed to "Koler" and move to new alphabetical position (Koler, Susanna)

Page 236, "Linasti" changed to "Linarti" (Linarti, Filippo)


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