- Frontispiece—Chimpanzees and gorillas.
- Lemur and face of Proboscis Monkey (after Mivart).
- Moor Monkey (after Mivart).
- Chimpanzee (after Mivart).
- Adult male Orang (after Mivart).
- Mafuca and Aidanill (after Mivart), and Swaheli Negro (after Tylor).
- Hands of Gorilla and Hammegh man (after Hartmann).
- Natives of Tierra del Fuego.
- The hairy family of Burmah.
- Man—Whence and Whither?
- Genealogy of Man.
- Section of Earth’s crust.
- Tertiary period in Europe.
- Eocene seas.
- Pleiocene seas.
- Pleistocene submergence during temperate inter-glacial epoch.
- Pleistocene Europe during post-glacial continental condition.
- Skeleton of man.
- Skeletons of gorilla and chimpanzee.
- Outlines of the skulls of a chimpanzee, the Neanderthal man and a modern European.
- Outlines of the skulls of the Neanderthal man, a modern Australian and the Engis man.
- Australian, African and European skulls (after Tylor and Hartmann).
- Man’s Antiquity.
- Evolution of mind in man.
- Amoeba and Gasteropoda.
- Evolution of Mind.
- The Special Senses.
- Androgynous Brahm.
- Isis, Horus and fish.
- Indranee and Indra; and Lakshmi and Vishnu.
- Devaki and Kristna: and Parvati and Siva.
- Amen-Ra (after Drummond).
- Crucifixion of Kristna; Crux Ansata; Assyrian virgin Ishtar; Cyprian virgin and child; Isis and Horus.
- Evolution of the God Idea.
- Zodiacal Signs, showing the precession of the equinoxes.
- Bacchanalian insignia.
- Oriental Zodiac (after Sir Wm. Jones).
- Egyptian Zodiac (after Sir Wm. Drummond).
- Northern signs and extra-zodiacal constellations.
- Southern signs and extra-zodiacal constellations.
- Zodiacal line, or Ecliptic, showing the precession of the equinoxes.
- BoÖtes, Adam, Joseph—Virgo, Eve, Mary—Cetus, Blasphemy.
- Aquarius, John Baptist, Peter—Sagittarius, Joseph, Philip.
- God incarnate with man.
- Phallic amulet and phallic lamp.
- Votive offerings to god Priapus.
- Phallic crux ansata and amulet.
- Zodiacal Mythology.
- Vedic and Hindu Earths.
- Greek Earth, and Pomponius Mela’s cosmography.
- Eighth and tenth century maps.
- Fourteenth century maps.
- Egyptian and Ptolemaic planetary system.
- Planetary systems of Tycho Brahe and Copernicus.
- The Iron Virgin—inside view.
- Ditto—outside view.
- Intellectual Progress in Europe.
- Sixth century MS. of Luke xx. 9, 10.
- Fragmentary MS. from John’s gospel.
- The Bible.
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