MAN—WHENCE AND WHITHER?—Page 12, line 11 from top, for “PalÆolithic” read “Pleistocene;” and line 12 from top, for “on the earth” read “in Europe, for the human remains found in France clearly testify to the fact; and even in America his antiquity must be very great indeed,” etc. EVOLUTION OF MIND—Page 1, line 6 from top, for “Protamnia” read “Protista.” EVOLUTION OF THE GOD IDEA—Page 25, line 17 from top, for Se?? read ?e??. INTELLECTUAL PROGRESS IN EUROPE—Page 17, line 9 from top and line 7 from bottom for “Purgatorious” read “Expurgatorious.” ANNALS OF TACITUS—Page 15, line 13 from top, for “that religion” read “that the religion.” CREATION AND FALL—Page 6, last line, and page 7, last line but one, for “mammals” read LEMUR—Half Ape—(After Mivart) FACE OF PROBOSCIS MONKEY (After Mivart) THE MOOR MONKEY (After Mivart)
CHIMPANZEE (Troglodytes) (After Mivart) ADULT MALE ORANG (After Mivart)
SWAHELI NEGRO (After Tyler) AIDANILL. HAIRLESS AUSTRALIAN. (After Hartmann) MAFUCA The Anthropoid Ape at Dresden (After Hartmann) Hand of a very aged male gorilla. (After Hartmann) Hand of a Hammegh man from Roseres, Blue Nile. (After Hartmann)
NATIVES OF TIERRA DEL FUEGO. Moung-Phoset The Son Mahphoon The Mother THE HAIRY FAMILY OF BURMAH Exhibited at the Piccadilly Hall London in 1886