- Abbeys, ruined, 290.
- Abracadabra, 255.
- Abury, 8.
- Adonis, 160.
- Æsir gods, the, 67, 169, 207.
- Æsculapius (AsklÊpios), 51, 135, 154.
- Agni, 14, 16.
- Ahi, the Dragon, 14, 41, 44, 47, 51.
- Alchemy, 50.
- Alisaunder, Kyng, romance, 47.
- Allectricium, a precious stone, 135.
- Allegorical theory of Greek Myths, 211, 298.
- Allhalloween, 29.
- Amara, lake, 23.
- America, its ancient connection with Asia, 286.
- Apollo, 241, 249, 298.
- Apple howling, 66.
- Arthur, King, 50, 161, et seq., 211, et seq., 241, 248, 272.
- Aryan races, 2, 112, 162, 283, 289.
- Ash trees, 68, 117, 150, 253, et seq.
- Ashton black lad, 187, et seq.
- Asuras, 23, 44.
- Asvattha, 68, 257.
- Asvins, 25.
- AthenÊ, 245, 298.
- Athenian ghost, 140.
- AubÉpine, see thorns.
- Avalun, island of, 165.
- Baal, Bel, 6, 10, 28, 31, 38, et seq., 57, 67, 83.
- Baalbec, 8.
- Baker's daughter, the, 235.
- Baldr, 10, 67, 149, 159.
- Ball-playing, Easter, 47, 95, 111.
- Dead, food for the, 61.
- DeÆ Matres, 107.
- Dee, river, 21.
- Demon pigs, 163.
- Deva, 21, 44, 298.
- Devil, 21, 97, 100, 130, 137, 144, 163, 178, 181, 190, 194, 206, 278, 289.
- Dew, 94.
- Diamonds, male and female, 94.
- Divination, 30, 64, 91, 134, 155, see wish-rod, 218, 252, et seq., 269, et seq.
- Dogs, 130, 171, et seq., 240, 244.
- Dorsocision, 288.
- Dosmery pool, 189.
- Dowzing rod, 263.
- Dragon slayers, 43.
- Dragons, 40, et seq., 80.
- Druids, 6, 11, 29, 34, 67, 98, 221, 224, 246.
- Dwarfs, 130, 139, 211, 222.
- Eagles, 235, 238.
- Easter superstitions and ceremonies, 70, et seq.
- Eden, river, 18.
- Egg, the, a sun-type, 71, 161.
- Eggs, Easter, 71, 73, 114.
- Elephants, fossil, 204.
- Elves, 19, 25, 184.
- EÔs, see 153, 176, 3, 16, 295.
- Vishnu, 41, 222.
- Vritra, 14, 22, 41, 47, 161.
- Wandering Jew, 157, et seq.
- Wash, the, 26.
- Wassail bowl, 60.
- Wells and water, superstitions respecting, 80, 87, 267, et seq.
- Were-wolves, 224, et seq., 289.
- Whales' bones, 110, 111.
- Wheel, sun type, 36, 40, 57.
- Whinney moor, a soul path, 180.
- Whistlers, seven, 157, 181, 237, 248.
- White doe, 154, 237.
- Whitsun ales, 88.
- Wild huntsman, 19, 69, 153, 187, et seq.
- Will-o'-whisp, 175.
- Wish-rod, 91, 155, 252, et seq.
- Wishtness, 155, 192.
- Witchcraft, 38, 45, 73, 91, 96, et seq., 126, 133, 184, 232, et seq., 255, 261, 274.
- Woodpecker, 235, 236, 242, 248, et seq.
- Wren, 237, 246.
- Yggdrasil, or cloud tree, 68.
- Yule tide and yule logs, 55, et seq., 85.
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