l#Page_6" class="pginternal">6 Christianity and Paganism, 165, 166, 172 Christopher, St., Legend of, 135 Chronicles of the Princes of Wales, 195 Civilization, Origin of, 116 Clitheroe Castle, 148, et seq. Clitheroe Castle, Traditional Siege of, 151, 153 Clifford, Lord, 124 Cocboy, 74 Codoy, 65 Coffins, Oak Tree, 10 Coffin, Stone, at Brindle, 208 Coins, Roman, 200, 204 Colgrin, 24, 27, 148 Conybeare, 101 Constantine, King of the Scots, 171, 176 Coote, H. C., 87 Cox, Rev. Sir G. W., 46, 100, 118 Cremation, 80, 82, 84, 87, 88 Crests, or Totems, 109, seq. Crusades, 40 Cromwell, 43, 99, 151 et seq., 213 et seq. Cromwell Legends, 217 Croyland, 43 Cuerdale Find, The Great 188, et seq. Cuerden, 200 D. Danes' "Pad", 202 Danish Invasions, 133, 165, et seq. Dasent, Dr. Sir G. W., 15, 108, 127 Darwen, Over, 5, 208 Dawkins, Prof. Boyd, 31, 32, 73 Deira, 35 Denisburn, 93 Derby, Earl of, 150, 155, 212, 220 Dialects, Provincial, 144 Dickens, Charles, 35 Dietrich, 45 Documents, Destruction of, 182, 184, 185, 38 Hammerton, P. G., 52 Harald Blatand,
rnal">45, 46 Songs resultant from the Stuart Troubles, 222, 223 Spear Heads, Ancient, 85 Spencer, Herbert, 120 Spurs, Ancient, 23, 29 Stephen, Leslie, 48, 50 Stevenson, Mr., 18 Stone Hammers, 85 Stonyhurst, 152, 157, 160 Strachey, Sir Edward, 14, 16, 17 Stubbs and Haddon (Councils of Britain), 19 Superstitious explanations of Natural Phenomena, 147 Surnames, 121 Sweyn, King, 181 Swords, Magic, 47 T. Tacitus, 114 Talbot, T. and J., 149, 150 Taliesin, 17, 35, 44 Talleyrand, 44 Tarquin, Sir, 35 Taylor, Rev. I., 112 Tempest, Sir John, 149, 150, 162 Tennyson, 37, 60 Thackeray, 35 Theodoric, 45 Theophilus, Story of, 45 Thor, 47 Thorolf, 175, et seq. Thorpe, B., 101, 102 Tildesley, Sir Thos., 220 Totems, or Crests, 109, et seq. Traveller's Tale, Poem, 134, 136 Tre, Welsh prefix, 96 Treasure, Buried, 192, 193 Tristan, Sir, 37 Troy, 53 Tumuli, Ancient, 83, 85, 86, 87, 137, et seq., 205, 208 Turketal, the English Chancellor, 176, 177 Turkomans, 118 Turner, J. M. W., 52 Tylor, E. B., ABEL HEYWOOD AND SON, PRINTERS, MANCHESTER. |