
WHY STUDY MUSHROOMS. Some years ago, while in charge of the schools of Salem, Ohio, we had worked up quite a general interest in the study of botany. It was my practice to go out every day after flowers, especially the rarer ones, of which there were many in this county, and bring in specimens for the classes. There was in the city a wire nail mill, running day and night, whose proprietors brought over, from time to time, large numbers of Bohemians as workers in the mill. Very frequently, when driving to the country early in the morning, I found the boys and girls of these Bohemian families searching the woods, fields and pastures at some distance from town, although they had not been in this country more than a week or two and could not speak a word of English. I soon found that they were gathering mushrooms of various kinds and taking them home for food material. They could not tell me how they knew them, but I quickly learned that they knew them from their general characteristics,—in fact, they knew them as we know people and flowers.

I resolved to know something of the subject myself. I had no literature on mycology, and, at that time, there seemed to be little obtainable. About that time there appeared in Harper's Monthly an article by W. Hamilton Gibson upon Edible Toadstools and Mushrooms—an article which I thoroughly devoured, soon after purchasing his book upon the subject.

Salem, Ohio, was a very fertile locality for mushrooms and it was not long till I was surprised at the number that I really knew. I remembered that where there is a will there is a way.

In 1897 I moved to Bowling Green, Ohio; there I found many species which I had found about Salem, Ohio, but the extremely rich soil, heavy timber and numerous old lake beaches seemed to furnish a larger variety, so that I added many more to my list. After remaining three years in Bowling Green, making delightful acquaintance with the good people of that city as well as with the flowers and mushrooms of Wood county, Providence placed me in Sidney, Ohio, where I found many new species of fungi and renewed my acquaintance with many of those formerly met.

Since coming to Chillicothe I have tried to have the plants photographed as I have found them, but having to depend upon a photographer I could not always do this. I have not found in this vicinity many that I have found elsewhere in the state, although I have found many new things here, a fact which I attribute to the hilly nature of the county. For prints of many varieties of fungi obtained before coming here, I am indebted to my friends. I should advise any one intending to make a study of this subject to have all specimens photographed as soon as they are identified, thus fixing the species for future reference.

It seems to me that every school teacher should know something of mycology. Some of my teachers have during the past year made quite a study of this interesting subject, and I have found that their pupils kept them busy in identifying their finds. Their lists of genera and species, as exhibited on the blackboards at the close of the season were quite long. I found from my Bohemian boys and girls that their teachers in their native country had opened for them the door to this very useful knowledge. Observation has proven to me conclusively that there is a large and increasing interest in this subject throughout the greater part of Ohio.

Every professional man needs a hobby which he may mount in his hours of relaxation, and I am quite sure there is no field that offers better inducement for a canter than the subject of botany, and especially this particular department of botanical work.

I have a friend, a professional man who has an eye and a heart for all the beauties of nature. After hours of confinement in his office at close and critical work he is always anxious for a ramble over the hillsides and through the woods, and when we find anything new he seems to enjoy it beyond measure.

Many ministers of the gospel have become famous in the mycological world. The names of Rev. Lewis Schweiwitz, of Bethlehem, Pa.; Rev. M. J. Berkeley and Rev. John Stevenson, of England, will live as long as botany is known to mankind. Their influence for good and helpfulness to their fellowmen will be everlasting.

With such an inspiration, how quickly one is lost to all business cares, and how free and life-giving are the fields, the meadows and the woods, so that one must exclaim with Prof. Henry Willey in his "Introduction to the Study of the Lichen":

"If I could put my woods in song,
And tell what's there enjoyed,
All men would to my garden throng,
And leave the cities void.
In my lot no tulips blow;
Snow-loving pines and oaks instead;
And rank the savage maples grow,
From Spring's first flush to Autumn red;
My garden is a forest ledge,
Which older forests bound."


HOW TO TELL MUSHROOMS FROM TOADSTOOLS. In all probability no student of mycology has any one query more frequently or persistently pressed upon his attention than the question, "How do you tell a toadstool from a mushroom?"—or if in the woods or fields, in search for new species, with an uninitiated comrade, he has frequently to decide whether a certain specimen "is a mushroom or a toadstool," so firmly fixed is the idea that one class of fungi—the toadstools—are poisonous, and the other—the mushrooms—are edible and altogether desirable; and these inquiring minds frequently seem really disappointed at being told that they are one and the same thing; that there are edible toadstools and mushrooms, and poisonous mushrooms and toadstools; that in short a toadstool is really a mushroom and a mushroom is only a toadstool after all.

Hence the questions with the beginner is, how he may tell a poisonous fungus from an edible one. There is but one answer to this question, and that is that he must thoroughly learn both genera and species, studying each till he knows its special features as he does those of his most familiar friends.

Certain species have been tested by a number of people and found to be perfectly safe and savory; on the other hand, there are species under various genera which, if not actually poisonous, are at least deleterious.

It is the province of all books on fungi to assist the student in separating the plants into genera and species; in this work special attention has been given to distinguishing between the edible and the poisonous species. There are a few species such as Gyromitra esculenta, Lepiota Morgani, Clitocybe illudens, etc., which when eaten by certain persons will cause sickness soon after eating, while others will escape any disagreeable effects. Chemically speaking, they are not poisonous, but simply refuse to be assimilated in some stomachs. It is best to avoid all such.

HOW MUSHROOMS GROW. There is a strong notion that mushrooms grow very quickly, springing up in a single night. This is erroneous. It is true that after they have reached the button stage they develop very quickly; or in the case of those that spring from a mature egg, develop so rapidly that you can plainly see the motion of the upward growth, but the development of the button from the mycelium or spawn takes time—weeks, months, and even years. It would be very difficult to tell the age of many of our tree fungi.

HOW TO LEARN MUSHROOMS. If the beginner will avoid all Amanitas and perhaps some of the Boleti he need not be much worried in regard to the safety of other species.

There are three ways by which he can become familiar with the edible kinds. The first is the physiological test suggested by Mr. Gibson in his book. It consists in chewing a small morsel and then spitting it out without swallowing the juice; if no important symptoms arise within twenty-four hours, another bit may be chewed, this time swallowing a small portion of the juice. Should no irritation be experienced after another period of waiting, a still larger piece may be tried. I always sample a new plant carefully, and thus am often able to establish the fact of its edibility before being able to locate it in its proper species. This fall I found for the first time Tricholoma columbetta; it was some time after I had proven it an edible mushroom before I had settled upon its name. A better way, perhaps, is to cook them and feed them to your cat and watch the result.

Another way is to have a friend who knows the plants go with you, and thus you learn under a teacher as a pupil learns in school. This is the quickest way to gain a knowledge of plants of any kind, but it is difficult to find a competent teacher.

Still another way, and one that is open to all, is to gain a knowledge of a few species and through their description become familiar with the terms used in describing a mushroom; this done, the way is open, if you have a book containing illustrations and descriptions of the most common plants. Do not be in a hurry to get the names of all the plants, and do not make use of any about which you are not absolutely sure. In gathering mushrooms to eat, do not put into your basket with those you intend to eat a single mushroom of whose edible qualities you have any doubt. If you have the least doubt about it, discard it, or put it in another basket.

There are no fixed rules by which you can tell a poisonous from an edible mushroom. I found a friend of mine eating Lepiota naucina, not even knowing to what genus it belonged, simply because she could peel it. I told her that the most deadly mushroom can be peeled just as readily. Nor is there anything more valuable in the silver spoon test in which Mr. Gibson's old lady put so much confidence. Some say, do not eat any that have an acrid taste; many are edible whose taste is quite acrid. Others say, do not eat any whose juice or milk is white, but this would discard a number of Lactarii that are quite good. There is nothing in the white gills and hollow stem theory. It is true that the Amanita has both, but it must be known by other characteristics. Again we are told to avoid such as have a viscid cap, or those that change color quickly; this is too sweeping a condemnation for it would cut out several very good species. I think I may safely say there is no known rule by which the good can be distinguished from the bad. The only safe way is to know each species by its own individual peculiarities—to know them as we know our friends.

The student of mycology has before him a description of each species, which must tally with the plant in hand and which will soon render him familiar with the different features of the various genera and species, so he can recognize them as readily as the features of his best friends.WHAT ANYONE MAY EAT. In the spring of the year there comes with the earliest flowers a mushroom so strongly characteristic in all its forms that no one will fail to recognize it. It is the common morel or sponge mushroom. None of them are known to be harmful, hence here the beginner can safely trust his judgment. While he is gathering morels to eat he will soon begin to distinguish the different species of the genera. From May till frost the different kinds of puff-balls will appear. All puff-balls are good while their interior remains white. They are never poisonous, but when the flesh has begun to turn yellow it is very bitter. The oyster mushroom is found from March to December and is always a very acceptable mushroom. The Fairy Rings are easily recognized and can be found in any old pasture during wet weather from June to October. In seasonable weather they are usually very plentiful. The common meadow mushroom is found from September to frost. It is known by its pink gills and meaty cap. There is a mushroom with pink gills found in streets, along the pavements and among the cobble stones. The stems are short and the caps are very meaty. It is A. rodmani. These are found in May and June. The horse mushroom has pink gills and may be found from June to September. The Russulas, found from July to October, are generally good. A few should be avoided because of their acrid taste or their strong odor. There is no time from early spring till freezing weather when you can not find mushrooms, if the weather is at all favorable. I have given the habitat and the time when each species can be found. I should recommend a careful study of these two points. Read the descriptions of plants which grow in certain places and at certain times, and you will generally be rewarded, if you follow out the description and the season is favorable.HOW TO PRESERVE MUSHROOMS. Many can be dried for winter use, such as the Morels, Marasmius oreades, Boletus edulis, Boletus edulis, va. clavipes, and a number of others. My wife has very successfully canned a number of species, notably Lycoperdon pyriforme, Pleurotus ostreatus and Tricholoma personatum. The mushrooms were carefully picked over and washed, let stand in salt water for about five minutes, in order to free them of any insect-life which may be in the gills, then drained, cut into pieces small enough to go into the jars easily. Each jar was packed as full as possible with mushrooms and filled up with water salt enough to flavor the mushroom properly. Then put into a kettle of cold water on the stove, the lids being loosely placed on the top, and allowed to cook for an hour or more after the water in the kettle begins to boil. The tops were then fastened on securely and after trying the jars to see if there was any leak, they were set away in a cool, dark place.

In canning puff-balls they should be carefully washed and sliced, being sure that they are perfectly white all through. They do not need to stand in salt water before packing in the jar as do those mushrooms which have gills. Otherwise they were canned as the Tricholoma and oyster mushroom. Any edible mushroom can easily be kept for winter use by canning. Use glass jars with glass tops.


SOME OF THE MOST COMMON TERMS USED. In describing mushrooms it is necessary to use certain terms, and it will be incumbent upon anyone who wishes to become familiar with this part of botanical work to understand thoroughly the terms used in describing the plants.

The substance of all mushrooms is either fleshy, membranaceous, or corky. The pileus or cap is the expanded part, which may be either sessile or supported by a stem. The pileus is not made up of cellular tissue as in flowering plants, but of myriads of interwoven threads or hyphae. This structure of the pileus will become evident at once if a thin portion of the cap is placed under the microscope.

The gills or lamellÆ are thin plates or membranes radiating from the stem to the margin of the cap. When they are attached squarely and firmly to the stem they are said to be adnate. If they are attached only by a part of the width of the gills, they are adnexed. Should they extend down on the stem, they are decurrent. They are free when they are not attached to the stem. Frequently the lower edge is notched at, or near, the stem and in this case they are said to be emarginate or sinuate.

Figure 2.

Figure 2.—Small portion of a section through the spore-bearing layer of a mushroom which produces its spores on the ends of cells called basidium. (a) Spores, (b) basidium, (c) sterile cells.

In some genera the lower surface of the cap is full of pores instead of gills; in other genera the lower surface is crowded with teeth; in still others the surface is smooth, as in the Stereums. The gills, pores and teeth afford a foundation for the hymenium or fruit-bearing surface. It will be readily seen that the gills, pores and teeth simply expose in a very economical way the greatest possible spore-bearing surface.

If a section of the gills be examined by a microscope, it will be observed that upon both sides of the surface are extended hymenial layers. The hymenium consists of elongated cells or basidia (singular, basidium) more or less club-shaped. Figure 2 will show how these basidia appear on the hymenial layer when strongly magnified. It will be seen that they are placed side by side and are perpendicular to the surface of the gills. Upon each of these basidia are in some species two, usually four, slender projections upon which the spores are produced. In Figure 2 a number of sterile cells will be seen which resemble the basidia except that the latter bear four sterigmata upon which the spores rest. Among these basidia and sterile cells will frequently be seen an overgrown bladder-like sterile basidium which projects beyond the rest of the hymenium, and whose use is not as yet fully known. They are called cystidia (singular, cystidium). They are never numerous, but they are scattered over the entire surface, becoming more numerous along the edge of the gills. When they are colored, they change the appearance of the gills.

Figure 3.

Figure 3.—Rootlike strands of mycelium of the pear-shaped puff-ball growing in rotten wood. Young puff-balls in the form of small white knots are forming on the strands. Natural size.—Longyear.

The spores are the seeds of the mushroom. They are of various sizes and shapes, with a variety of surface markings. They are very small, as fine as dust, and invisible to the naked eye, except as they are seen in masses on the grass, on the ground, or on logs, or in a spore print. It is the object of every fungus to produce spores. Some fall on the parent host or upon the ground. Others are wafted away by every rise of the wind and carried for days and finally settle down, it may be, in other states and continents from those in which they started. Millions perish because of not finding a suitable resting place. Those spores that do find a favorable resting-place, under right conditions, will begin to germinate by sending out a slender thread-like filament, or hyphÆ, which at once branches out in search of food material, and which always forms a more or less felted mass, called mycelium. When first formed the hyphÆ are continuous and ramify through the nourishing substratum from which there arises afterward a spore-bearing growth known as the sporocarp or young mushroom. This vegetative part of the fungus is usually hidden in the soil, or in decayed wood, or vegetable matter. In Figure 3 is a representation of the mycelium of the small pear-shaped puff-ball with a number of small white knobs marking the beginning of the puff-ball. The mycelium exposed here is very similar to the mycelium of all mushrooms.

In the pore-bearing genera the hymenium lines the vertical pores; in teeth-bearing fungi it lines the surface of each tooth, or is spread out over the smooth surface of the Stereum.

The development of the spores is quite interesting. The young basidia as seen in Figure 2 are filled with a granular protoplasm. Soon small projections, called sterigma (plural, sterigmata), make their appearance on the ends of the basidia and the protoplasm passes into them. Each projection or sterigma soon swells at its extremity into a bladder-like body, the young spore, and, as they enlarge, the protoplasm of the basidium is passed into them. When the four spores are full grown they have consumed all the protoplasm in the basidium. The spores soon separate by a transverse partition and fall off. All spores of the Hymenomycetous fungi are arranged and produced in a similar manner, with their spore-bearing surface exposed early in life by the rupture of the universal veil.

In the puff-balls the spores are arranged in the same way, but the hymenium is inclosed within an outer sack. When the spores are ripe the case is ruptured and the spores escape into the air as a dusty powder. The puff-balls, therefore, belong to the Gastromycetous fungi because its spores are inclosed in a pouch until they are matured.

Another very large group of fungi is the Ascomycetes, or sac fungi. It is very easily determined because all of its members develop their spores inside of small membranous sacs or asci. These asci are generally intermixed with slender, empty asci, or sterile cells, called paraphyses. These asci are variously shaped bodies and are known in different orders by different names, such as ascoma, apothecium, perithecium, and receptacle. The Ascomycetes often include among their numbers fungi ranging in size from microscopic one-celled plants to quite large and very beautiful specimens. To this group belong the great number of small fungi producing the various plant diseases.

In a work of this kind especial attention is naturally given to the order of Discomycetes or cup fungi. This order is very large and is so called because so many of the plants are cup shaped. These cups vary greatly in size and form; some are so small that it requires a lens to examine them; some are saucer-shaped; some are like goblets, and some resemble beakers of various shapes. The saddle fungi and morels belong to this order. Here the sac surface is often convoluted, lobed, and ridged, in order to afford a greater sac-bearing surface.

Figure 4.

Figure 4.—Small portion of a section through the spore-bearing part of a morel in which the spores are produced in little sacs or asci. (a) An ascus, (b) an ascus discharging its spores, (c) the spores, (d) sterile cells. Highly magnified.—Longyear.

In the mushrooms, puff-balls, etc., we find the spores were borne on the ends of basidia, usually four spores on each. In this group the spores are formed in minute club-shaped sacs, known as asci (singular, ascus). These asci are long, cylindrical sacs, standing side by side, perpendicular to the fruiting surface. Figure 4 will illustrate their position together with the sterile cells on the fruiting surface of one of the morels. They usually have eight spores in each sac or ascus.

The stem of the mushroom is usually in the center of the cap, yet it may be eccentric or lateral; when it is wanting, the pileus is said to be sessile. The stem is solid when it is fleshy throughout, or hollow when it has a central cavity, or stuffed when the interior is filled with pithy substance. The stems are either fleshy or cartilaginous. When the former, it is of the same consistency as the pileus. If the latter, its consistency is always different from the pileus, resembling cartilage. The stem of the Tricholoma affords a good example of the fleshy stemmed mushroom, and that of the Marasmius illustrates the cartilaginous.

Figure 5.

Figure 5.--Small portion of a stem of a morel showing cell filaments. Highly magnified.—Longyear.

If the cap or stem of a mushroom is examined with a microscope of high magnifying power it will be found to be made up of a continuation of the mycelial filaments, interlaced and interwoven, branching, and the tubular filaments often delicately divided, giving the appearance of cells. Figure 5 represents a small portion of a Morel stem highly magnified showing the cell filaments. In soft fungi the mycelial threads are more loosely woven and have thin walls with fewer partitions.

The veil is a thin sheet of mycelial threads covering the gills, sometimes remaining on the stem, forming a ring or annulus. This sometimes remains for a time on the margin of the cap when it is said to be appendiculate. Sometimes it resembles a spider's web when it is called arachnoid.

The volva is a universal wrapper, surrounding the entire plant when young, but which is soon ruptured, leaving a trace in the form of scales on the cap and a sheath around the base of the stem, or breaking up into scales or a scaly ring at the base of the stem. All plants having this universal volva should be avoided, further than for the purpose of study. Care should be taken that, in their young state, they are not mistaken for puff-balls. Frequently when found in the egg state they resemble a small puff-ball. Figure 6 represents a section of an Amanita in the egg-state and also the Gemmed puff-ball. As soon as a section is made and carefully examined the structure of the inside will reveal the plant at once. There is but little danger of confusing the egg stage of an Amanita with the puff-ball, for they resemble each other only in their oval shape, and not in the least in their marking on the surface.

Figure 6.—The lefthand figure represents a vertical section through a young plant of the gemmed puff-ball showing the cellular structure of the stem-like lower half, called the subgleba. The righthand figure shows a vertical section of the egg stage of an Amanita, a very poisonous fungus which grows in woods and which might be mistaken for a young puff-ball if not cut open. The fungus forms just below the surface of the soil, finally bursting the volva, sending up a parasol mushroom. Natural size.—Longyear.

WHAT IS A FUNGUS OR A MUSHROOM? It is a cellular, flowerless plant, nourished by the mycelium which permeates the soil or other substances on which the fungus or mushroom grows. All fungi are either parasites or saprophytes which have lost their chlorophyll, and are incapable of supporting an independent existence.

There is a vast number of genera and species, and many have the parasitic habit which causes them to enter the bodies of other plants and of animals. For this reason all fungi are of economic importance, especially the microscopic forms classed under the head of Bacteria. Some recent writers are inclined to separate the Bacteria and slime-molds from the fungus group, and call them fungus animals. However this may be, they are true plants and have many of the characteristics of the fungi. They may differ from the fungi in their vegetative functions, yet they have so many things in common that I am inclined to place them under this group.

Many, such as the yeast fungus, the various fermentative fungi, and the Bacteria concerned in the process of decomposition, are indeed very useful. The enrichment and preparation of soils for the uses of higher plants, effected by Bacteria, are very important services.

Parasites derive their nourishment from living plants and animals. They are so constituted that when their nourishing threads come within range of the living plant they answer a certain impulse by sending out special threads, enveloping the host and absorbing nutrition. Saprophitic plants do not experience this reaction from the living plants. They are compelled to get their nourishment from decaying products of plants or animals, consequently they live in rich ground or leaf mold, on decayed wood, or on dung. Parasites are usually small, being limited by their host. Saprophytes are not thus limited for food supply and it is possible to build up large plants such as the common mushroom group, puff-balls, etc.

The spores are the seeds or reproductive bodies of the mushroom. They are very fine, and invisible to the naked eye except when collected together in great masses. Underneath mushrooms, frequently, the grass or wood will be white or plainly discolored from the spores. The hymenium is the surface or part of the plant which bears the spores. The hymenophore is the part which supports the hymenium.

In the common mushroom, and in fact many others, the spores develop on a certain club-like cell, called basidium (plural, basidia), on each of which four spores usually develop. In morels these cells are elongated into cylindrical membranous sacs called asci, in each of which eight spores are usually developed. The spores will be found of various colors, shapes, and sizes, a fact which will be of great assistance to the student in locating strange species and genera. In germination the spores send out slender threads which Botanists call mycelium, but which common readers know as spawn.

The method and place of spore development furnish a basis for the classification of fungi. The best way to acquire a thorough knowledge of both our edible and poisonous mushrooms is to study them in the light of the primary characters employed in their classification and their natural relation to each other.

There is a wide difference of opinion as to the classification of mushrooms. Perhaps the most simple and satisfactory is that of Underwood and Cook. They arrange them under six groups:

  1. Basidiomycetes—those in which the spores or reproductive bodies are naked or external as shown in illustration 2 on page 15.
  2. Ascomycetes—those in which the spores are inclosed in sacs or asci. These sacs are very clearly represented in illustration Figure 4 on page 18. This will include the Morels, PezizÆ, Pyrenomycetes, TuberaceÆ, Sphairiacei, etc.
  3. Physcomycetes—including the Mucorini, SaprolegniaceÆ, and PeronosporeÆ. Potato rot and downy mildew on grape vines belong to this family.
  4. Myxomycetes—Slime moulds.
  5. Saccharomycetes—Yeast fungi.
  6. Schizomycetes—are minute, unicellular Protophytes which reproduce mainly by transverse fission.

Class, Fungi—Sub-Class, Basidiomycetes.

This class will include all gill-bearing fungi, Polyporus, Boletus, Hydnum, etc.

Fungi of this class are divided into four natural groups:

  1. Hymenomycetes.
  2. Gasteromycetes.
  3. UredinÆ.
  4. UstilagineÆ.

Group 1—Hymenomycetes.

Under this group will be placed all fungi composed of membranes, fleshy, woody, or gelatinous, whether growing on the ground or on wood. The hymenium, or spore-bearing surface, is external at an early stage in the life of the plant. The spores are borne on basidia as explained in Figure 2, page 6. When the spores ripen they fall to the ground or are carried by the wind to a host that presents all the conditions necessary for germination; there they produce the mycelia or white thread-like vines that one may have noticed in plowing sod, in old chip piles, or decayed wood. If one will examine these threads there will be found small knots which will in time develop into the full grown mushroom. Hymenomycetes are divided into six families:

  1. AgaricaceÆ. Hymenium with gills.
  2. PolyporaceÆ. Hymenium with pores.
  3. HydnaceÆ. Hymenium with spines.
  4. ThelephoraceÆ. Hymenium horizontal and mostly on the under surface.
  5. ClavariaceÆ. Hymenium on a smooth club-shaped surface.
  6. TremellaceÆ. Hymenium even and superior. Gelatinous fungi.

Family 1—Agaricaceae.

Figure 7.

Figure 7.—Spore-print of Agaricus arvensis.

In the AgaricaceÆ or common mushrooms, and in all other of similar structure, the spore-producing membranes are found on the under surface of the cap. They consist of thin lamellÆ, or gills, attached by the upper edge to the cap and extending from the stem to the margin of the cap. Very frequently that space may be entirely utilized by shorter lamellÆ, or gills, intervening between the longer, especially toward the margin of the cap. In a few species where the stem seems to be wanting, or where it is attached to the side of the cap, the lamellÆ, or gills, radiate from the point of attachment or from the lateral stem to other parts of the circumference of the cap. Berkeley gives the following characteristics: Hymenium, inferior, spread over easily divisible gills or plates, radiating from a center or stem, which may be either simple or branched.

This family includes the following genera:

  1. Agaricus—Gills, not melting, edge acute; including all the sub-genera which have been elevated to the rank of genera.
  2. Coprinus—Gills deliquescent, spores black.
  3. Cortinarius—Gills persistent, veil spider-web-like, terrestrial.
  4. Paxillus—Gills separating from the hymenophorum and decurrent.
  5. Gomphidius—Gills branched and decurrent, pileus top-shaped.
  6. Bolbitius—Gills becoming moist, spores colored.
  7. Lactarius—Gills milky, terrestrial.
  8. Russula—Gills equal, rigid, and brittle, terrestrial.
  9. Marasmius—Gills thick, tough, hymenium dry.
  10. Hygrophorus—Stem confluent with the hymenophorum; gills sharp edged.
  11. Cantharellus—Gills thick, branched, rounded edge.
  12. Lentinus—Pileus hairy, hard, tough; gills, tough, unequal, toothed; on logs and stumps.
  13. Lenzites—Whole plant corky; gills simple or branched.
  14. Trogia—Gills venose, fold-like, channelled.
  15. Panus—Gills corky, with acute edge.
  16. Nyctalis—Veil universal; gills broad, often parasitic.
  17. Schizophyllum—Gills corky, split longitudinally.
  18. Xerotus—Gills tough, fold-like.

Therefore the gill-bearing fungi are known under the family name, AgaricaceÆ, or more generally known as Agarics.

Figure 8.

Figure 8.—Spore-print of Hypholoma sublatertium.

This family is divided into five series, according to the color of their spores. The spores when seen in masses possess certain colors, white, rosy, rusty, purple-brown and black. Therefore the first and most important part to be determined in locating a mushroom is to ascertain the color of the spores. To do this, take a fresh, perfect, and fully developed specimen, remove the stem from the cap. Place the cap with the gills downward on the surface of dark velvety paper, if you suspect the spores to be white. Invert a finger bowl or a bell glass over the cap to keep the air from blowing the spores away. If the spores should be colored, white paper should be used. If the specimen is left too long the spore deposit will continue upward between the gills and it may reach an eighth of an inch in height, in which case if great care is taken in removing the cap there will be a perfect likeness of the gills and also the color of the spores.

Figure 9.

Figure 9.—Spore-print of a Flammula.

There are two ways of making these spore prints quite permanent. First take a piece of thin rice paper, muscilage it and allow it to dry, then proceed as above. In this way the print will stand handling quite a little. Another way, and that used to prepare the spore-prints in these photographs, is to obtain the spore-print upon Japanese paper as in the preceding method, then by an atomizer spray the print gently and carefully with a fixative such as is used in fixing charcoal drawings. Success in making spore-prints requires both time and care, but the satisfaction they give is ample recompense for the trouble. It is more difficult to obtain good prints from the white-spored mushrooms than from those bearing colored spores, because it is hard to obtain a black paper having a dull velvety surface, and the spores will not adhere well to a smooth-finished, glossy paper. For the prints illustrated I am indebted to Mrs. Blackford.

Figure 10.

Figure 10.—Spore-print of a Boletus.

If the plant is dry it is well to moisten the fingerbowl or bell-glass on the inside before placing it over the mushroom. The spores of Boleti, and, indeed, all fungi can be caught and fixed in the same way.

From the study of these spore-prints we shall find five different colors of spores. This family is, therefore, divided into five series, determined by the color of the spores, which are always constant in color, size and shape.

The five series will be treated in the following order:

  1. The white-spored Agarics.
  2. The rosy-spored Agarics.
  3. The rusty-spored Agarics.
  4. The purple-brown-spored Agarics.
  5. The black-spored Agarics.


This key is largely based upon Cooke's analytical key. Its use will help to locate the plant in hand in the genus to which it belongs.

The first thing the student should do is to determine the color of the spore if it is not evident. This is best done according to the plan described on page 15.

The plant should be fresh and mature. Careful attention should be given to different stages of development. The habit of the plant should be considered; then, as soon as the color of the spores is determined, it will be an easy matter to locate the genus by means of the key.

Group I—Hymenomycetes.

Mycelium floccose, giving rise to a distinct hymenium, fungus fleshy, membranaceous, woody or gelatinous. Spores naked.

Hymenium, normally inferior—
Hymenium with gills AgaricaceÆ.
Hymenium with pores PolyporaceÆ.
Hymenium with teeth HydnaceÆ.
Hymenium even ThelophoraceÆ.
Hymenium, superior—
Hymenium on smooth surface, club-shaped, ClavariaceÆ.
Hymenium lobed, convolute, gelatinous, TremellaceÆ.

Family 1—Agaricaceae.

Hymenium inferior, pileus more or less expanded, convex, bell-shaped. Gills radiating from the point of attachment of the pileus with the stem, or from a lateral stem to other parts of the cap, simple or branched.

I. Spores white or slightly tinted.
A. Plants fleshy, more or less firm, decaying soon.
a. Stem fleshy, pileus easily separating from the stem.
Volva present and ring on the stem.
Pileus bearing warts or patches free from the cuticle Amanita.
Volva present, ring wanting Amanitopsis.
Pileus scaly, scales concrete with cuticle,
Volva wanting, ring present Lepiota.
Hymenophore confluent,
Without cartilaginous bark,
b. Stem central, ring present (sometimes vague),
Volva wanting, gills attached Armillaria.
Without a ring,
Gills sinuate Tricholoma.
Gills decurrent,
Edges acute Clitocybe.
Edges swollen Cantharellus.
Gills adnate,
Parasitic on other mushrooms Nyctalis.
Not parasitic,
Milky Lactarius.
Not exuding juice when bruised,
Rigid and brittle Russula.
Quite viscid, waxy consistency Hygrophorus.
c. Stem lateral or none, rarely central Pleurotus.
d. Stem with cartilaginous bark,
Gills adnate Collybia.
Gills sinuate Mycena.
Gills decurrent Omphalia.
Plants tough, fleshy, membranaceous, leathery,
Stem central,
Gills simple Marasmius.
Gills branched Xerotus.
B. Plants gelatinous and leathery Heliomyces.
Stem lateral or wanting,
Edge of gills serrate Lentinus.
Edge of gills entire Panus.
Gills fold-like, irregular Trogia.
Edge of gills split longitudinally Schizophyllum.
C. Plants corky or woody,
Gills anastomosing. Lenzites.
II. Spores rosy or salmon color.
A. Stem central.
Gills free, stem easily separating from pileus.
Without cartilaginous stem,
Volva present and distinct, no ring Volvaria.
Without a volva, with a ring Annularia.
Without a volva and without a ring Pluteus.
B. Stem fleshy to fibrous, margin of pileus at first incurved,
Gills sinuate or adnate Entoloma.
Gills decurrent Clitopilus.
C. Stem eccentric or none, pileus lateral Claudopus.
Gills decurrent, pileus umbilicate Eccilia.
Gills not decurrent, pileus torn into scales, and slightly convex, margin at first involute Leptonia.
Pileus bell-shaped, margin at first straight Nolanea.
III. Spores rusty-brown or yellow-brown.
A. Stem not cartilaginous,
a. Stem central,
With a ring,
Ring continuous Pholiota.
Veil arachnoid,
Gills adnate, powdery from spores Cortinarius.
Gills decurrent or adnate, mostly epiphytal Flammula.
Gills somewhat sinuate, cuticle of the pileus silky, or bearing fibrils Inocybe.
Cuticle smooth, viscid Hebeloma.
Gills separating from the hymenophore and decurrent Paxillus.
b. Stem lateral or absent Crepidotus.
B. Stem cartilaginous,
Gills decurrent Tubaria.
Gills not decurrent,
Margin of the pileus at first incurved Naucoria.
Margin of pileus always straight,
Hymenophore free Pluteolus.
Hymenophore confluent Galera.
Gills dissolving into a gelatinous condition Bolbitius.
IV. Spores purple-brown.
A. Stem not cartilaginous,
Pileus easily separating from the stem,
Volva present, ring wanting Chitonia.
Volva and ring wanting Pilosace.
Volva wanting, ring present Agaricus.
Gills confluent, ring present on stem Stropharia.
Ring wanting, veil remaining attached to margin of pileus Hypholoma.
B. Stem cartilaginous,
Gills decurrent Deconia.
Gills not decurrent, margin of pileus at first incurved Psilocybe.
Margin of pileus at first straight Psathyra.
V. Black spored mushrooms.
Gills deliquescent Coprinus.
Gills not deliquescent,
Gills decurrent Gomphidius.
Gills not decurrent, pileus striate Psathyrella.
Pileus not striate, ring wanting, veil often present on margin PanÆolus.
Ring wanting, veil appendiculate Chalymotta.
Ring present Anellaria.


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