- Albe, an ancient, 86
- apparels of, 86
- how to make, 86
- insertion on old, 87
- modern, 87-88
- origin of, 85
- symbolism of, 53
- Almsbags, 67
- Altar, keynote of decoration, 39-40
- linen required for, 79
- Altar-cloth band, 79-80
- fair linen, 79
- Altar-frontal, 39
- early English, 40
- to make up, 40-47
- Amice, apparel of, 88
- of St. Thomas of Canterbury, 88
- origin of, 88
- symbolism of, 53
- Apparels, 57
- of albe, 86
- of amice, 88
- of dalmatic, 24, 57
- AppliquÉ, 21
- examples of, 22-24
- method of cutting, 26
- to prepare, 25
- uses of, 25
- Apron necessary, 16
- Back-stitching, 76
- Banners, 65
- appliquÉ suitable for, 25
- design for, 64
- Basket-stitch, 12
- Book-covers, 67
- Book-markers, 68
- Books, care of, 84
- Brocade, 3
- Burse, 58, 62
- to make, 58, 61
- Buttonhole-filling, 75
- Buttonhole-stitch, 74
- Canvas-stitch, 77
- Chain-stitch, 27
- Chalice-veil (linen), 83
- (silk), 58
- design for, 83
- specimen of, 63
- Chasuble, early English examples, 55
- from Harleian MSS., 55
- how to make, 56
- of St. Ignatius of Loyola, 54
- of St. Thomas of Canterbury, 58
- origin of, 55
- ornament of, ‘flower,’ 56, 59
- symbolism of, 5
h@57608-h-0.htm.html#Page_12" class="pginternal">12, 52
- Paste, embroidery, to make, 25
- Plate, 13
- Plumage-stitch, 17
- Principles, a few—
- of colour, 21
- of decoration, 2
- of embroidery as art, 1
- of proportion, 47, 66
- Pulpit-hanging, 70
- Purificators, 84
- Radiation, principle of, 17
- Relief, high, 12, 74
- exaggerated, 30
- Rochet, 89
- Saint Ignatius of Loyola, 54
- Thomas of Canterbury’s amice, 88
- apparel, 88
- chasuble, 58
- mitre, 51
- Sampler for gold-work, 8
- for linen-work, 72
- for silk-work, 14
- Shades of floss-silk, 2-15
- in old work, 36
- Shading, 15, 16
- Silk and satin, 3
- embroidery, 15
- embroidery compared with linen, 74
- Silks, embroidery, 4
- Soap, carbolic, &c., to avoid, 16
- Stitches—Back-stitch, 76
- basket-stitch, 12
- buttonhole, 74
- canvas or cushion, 77
- chain, 27
- couching, 9, 10, 11, 15, 61
- cross, 76
- drawn-thread, 81
- feather, 75
- French knots, 27
- herring-bone, 75
- laid-stitch, 15-19
- nuÉ (d’or), 34, 36
- open-worked cross-stitch, 77
- satin, 16, 17, 18
- linen, 74
- short, 17, 34
- slanting, 20
- split-stitch, 18, 29, PRINTED BY