l@files@45229@45229-h@45229-h-13.htm.html#Page_373" class="pginternal">373, 397 Baumgarten, 74 Bavian relief of Sennacherib, 81, 397 Bazu, land of, 23 Beans, 370 Bearded and beardless Assyrians, 239 Beef, 366 Beer, 383 Behistun inscription, 90 BÊl, 17, 71, 391, 397 BÊlit, 71, 393 Bells, bronze, 255 Bel-Merodach, 305 Belshazzar, 39, 51 Belus, temple of, 138 Berosus, 150 Bey, Bedri, excavations by, 68 Bilingual tablets, 104 Bingani-shar-ali, 294 Bint-el-Amir, 64 Birch, 261 Birds, in Mesopotamian art, etc., 24, 115, 184, 367 Birs-NimrÛd, 18, 29, 51; BismÂya, 6, 82, 83, 121, 123, 159, 223, 251, 326, 327, 333 Bisons, 2, 3, 23, 292 Bitumen, 124 f., 226, 243, etc. Black Obelisk, 15, 267; 93 Blow-pipe, 331 Boars, 19, 24 Boats, 14, 259, 334, 361 f. Bone, implements of, 74, 178 Boomerang, weapons shaped like, 183, 188, 298, 340, 341 ff. Booth, A. J., 211, 227, 261 Crescent, 296, 302, 305, 306, 308, 395 Crews for transport-barges, 107 Cros, Gaston, excavations and discoveries by, 84, 235, 334, 344 Crown-lands, 391 “Crux ansata,” 314 Crystal, 287 Ctesias, 141 Cucumbers, 370 Cuneiform inscriptions and literature, 85-116, 203 Cups, 184, 205, 221, 326, 327 Cutha, 29 Cyaxares, 39 Cylinder-seals, 284-308 Cypress, 2, 73 Cyprus, 294 Cyrus, 39, 74 Dabigu, 260 Daggers, 202, 219, 281, 298, 311 Dagan, 307, 319, 320 Damascus, 114 Darius II, 66 Date, 12, 13, 370 Dating, Babylonian method of, 110 Dead, future state and offerings for, 374, 399 f. De Bruin, 85 Deer, 3, 24, 220, 265 Deification of kings, 375 Deities on seals, 291 f. Deity seated, 198; De la Becke, Sir H., 283 Delitzsch, Friedrich, 61, 71, 74, 261, 264, 273 Deluge story, 53 Demons, 140, 262, 321
veries by, 125, 133, 135, 157, 171, 334 Head-dresses, 198, 202, 203, 206, 216, 228, 233, 249, 271, 321, 338, 339, 345, 356, 396 Hebrews, 404 f. Heifers, 266 Helmets, 187, 188, 193, 195, 212, 281, 350 f. Henna, 327 Hereditary principle, 390 Herodotus, 10, 13, 127, 131, 138, 157, 284 Heroes, 289, 290 Heuzey, LÉon, discoveries, etc., by, 25, 169, 184, 186, 187, 191, 192, 251, 246, 310, 321 Hezekiah, k. of Judah, 37, 38, 208 Hillah, 285, 322 Hilprecht, H. V., excavations and discoveries by, 16, 57, 59, 60, 63, 66, 117, 136, 148, 169, 184, 252, 328, etc. Hincks, 91, 92 Hindiyah Canal, 11, 9, 29, 191, 192, 265, 289, 290; Lamassi, 238 Lamps, 177, 334, 398 Lance, 243 Landlord and tenant, 108, 377 f. Lapis lazuli, 76, 102, 225, 250, 288, 315, 340 Larsa, 17, 29, 30; temples, 139 Lassen, 90 Layard, Sir Henry, excavations and discoveries by, 18, 22, 23, 42-7, 54, 129, 140, 166, 167, 175, 253, 255, 262, 271, 280, 335 Laws, 198, 384, 398 Lead, 253, 255, 267, 268 Leases, 398 Lebanon, 130 Leek, 390 Legal contracts, 105, 106 ff. Leopard, 24, 257, 292 Letters, 107, 108 Lettuce, 390 Lever, 214 Lexicography, 104 Libations, 205 Libyan languages, 5 Limestone, 14, 70, 145, 153, 182, 183, 224, 230, 12, 129 Porcupines, 20, 24 Pork, 19 Porphyry, 326 Porter, 90 Potter’s wheel, 334 Pottery, 84, 282, 333-6 Prayers, 104 Prestwich, 10 Priests, 373, 388 Prisms, 112, 113 Pul. Cf. Tiglath-Pileser III Pyramids, 141 Quartz, 287 Quivers, 188, 195, 358 Rabbit, 20 Radau, 187, 408 Radishes, 370, 390 Rafts, 363 Ram, 178, 396, 397 Raphia, battle of, 37 Rassam, H. H., excavations and discoveries by, 46-9, 54-6, 59, 61, 258 Raven, 26 Rawlinson, G., 200, 222, 352, 353 Rawlinson, Sir H., discoveries by, 18, 51, 90 f., 324 Reeds, 13, 14 Religion (early), 372-5; - (Khammurabi period), 386-9;
- (Assyrian), 391-5
Rent, 378 RepoussÉ-work, 258, 259 ff. Rezin, k. of Damascus, 36 Rich, C. J., discoveries by, 40, 59 Rim-Sin, 32, 101, 247, 248 Ring and staff, 103, 198, 206 Riparian obligations, 379 Rivets, 252 Rogers, R. W., 94, 408 Roofs, Assyrian, 153, 341 Smith, George, excavations and discoveries by, 52-4, 128, 138 Solomon, 316 South-west wind, 262 Spain, 334 Sparrow and plough, 398 Spasinus Chorax, 3 Spearmen, Assyrian, 350-6 Spears, 76, 193, 211, 219, 242 Sphinxes, 312 Squeezes, 90, 117 Stag, 20 Stage-tower. Cf. Ziggurat Stalagmite, 325, 326 Standards, 193, 204, 244 Star, 296, 302, 305, 395 Statues, offerings to, 373 Steatite, 197, 235, 252, 329 Stone, uses of, 74, 75, 100, 101, 115, 126-9, 224, 245, 246, 325-31 Stork, 26 Storm-god, the. Cf. Adad Strabo, 127, 157, 158, 168 Stucco, 278 Stylus, 227 Sumerians, 1, 2, 10, 29, 290, 291, 364, 372 Sumu-abu, 32, 110 Sumu-ilu, k. of Ur, 235 Sumu-la-ilu, k. of Babylon, 110 Sun-god, 111; “Sun-Tablet,” 164, 205 Surgeons, 385 Surghul, 61, 157 Susa, 1, 2,