Dave Darrin on the Asiatic Station / Or, Winning Lieutenants' Commissions on the Admiral's Flagship

Dave Darrin on the Asiatic Station


Winning Lieutenants’ Commissions on the Admiral’s Flagship


H. Irving Hancock

Author of “Dave Darrin at Vera Cruz,” “Dave Darrin on Mediterranean Service,” “Dave Darrin’s South American Cruise,” “Dave Darrin and the German Submarines,” “Dave Darrin After the Mine Layers,” etc., etc.



Akron, Ohio—New York

Made in U. S. A.

Copyright MCMXIX



Chapter I—Among the Forty Thieves

Dave and Dan have an unpleasant experience. Old “Burnt-face” scores. The green jade necklace. The young naval officers meet a plausible stranger. The snub that went home.

Chapter II—Who Robbed the Ensigns?

Darrin voices a suspicion. Sighting a strange craft. Perhaps a tragedy. A bullet from the quarterdeck. What was found in the canoe. A hideous sight. The police are notified. A prophecy come true.

Chapter III—Ensigns Go A-Visiting

“I don’t believe that I would trust him.” An accident and a rescue. The Englishman has luck. Chilled with suspicion. “We sail at seven.” Dave Darrin wonders.

Chapter IV—The Landing Party at Nu Ping

Yankee guns speak out. To the rescue of the imperiled mission. Dave faces the yellow mob. “Charge bayonets!” Thousands follow the detachment. Up to the governor.

Chapter V—Sin Foo Has His Doubts

Henshaw plays the gong. Bang! Crash! Zim! Zoum! Smash! A brave front. Dave Darrin’s happy surprise. Prisoners of the governor. Something doing on board the “Castoga.”

Chapter VI—Heckling His Excellency

Rebels on the war path again. The warship’s guns in action again. Ensign Darrin invades the yamen. “Burnt-face” makes his appearance. “The rioters are about to attack, sir!”

Chapter VII—Fighting from the Ramparts

Sin Foo turns green. The treasure of the burned mission. Belle Darrin cool under fire. Fighting men must eat. The mystery of Pembroke. Mrs. Darrin gets a tip. “That is an awful thought.”

Chapter VIII—The Swarm of Night Furies

Yellow soldiers “get the gate.” The yamen door goes down. A stern warning. Machine guns sweep the hordes. Scaling ladders against the walls. “Prepare to repel boarders!”

Chapter IX—The Traitor of the Yamen

“We are going to have a noisy night.” American blood is drawn. “Let ’em have it strong!” Fighting for their lives. Dave and Dan are without fear. An unequal battle. Ensign Darrin makes a terrifying discovery.

Chapter X—Darrin Lays the Traitor Low

“Help here! Quick!” Five men against scores. Battle yells change to groans of pain. “Good work, Darrin and all hands.” Dave makes an arrest. Gongs make night hideous. Rebels rush the yamen.

Chapter XI—“It Is Chinese War!”

Ensign Darrin’s desperate plan. The governor in terror. Old “Burnt-face” swoons. Dave tests the powder. “Fire the magazine when you think it is the only course left!” Darrin kisses his wife farewell.

Chapter XII—His Excellency Makes a Proposal

Hand to hand on top of the wall. Yellow men hurled to the ground. Sampson totes the governor. Words that acted like magic. Villainy is suspected. “Forward, march!”

Chapter XIII—A Journey of Fears

Riding on a powder magazine. On board the “Castoga.” “Well done, Darrin.” Dan objects to being thanked. A summons from the sickbay. What happened to Pembroke.

Chapter XIV—The Plot That Failed

Dave hears a confession. “If I am alive in the morning.” The governor’s avarice. The part of “Burnt-face.” Darrin shakes hands with a scoundrel.

Chapter XV—Ensigns Get a Surprise

The lot of a naval officer. Dave admits being badly scared. How the governor made amends. Sailing of the “Castoga.” Good bye to Belle. Ordered to report to the Admiral. What came of Darrin’s report.

Chapter XVI—Old Friends Meet in Tokio

A wonderful medallion. “In my family 600 years.” A ride after a two-legged horse. Belle receives a present. Could not keep a secret. Dave in line for trouble.

Chapter XVII—Complications Await Ensign Darrin

The note that Belle lost. Japanese are polite in their indignation. Dave is astounded. What does it all mean? Prepared to face a storm.

Chapter XVIII—A Call That Turned out Badly

An insult resented. Danny Grin bears a startling message. “What are you going to do about it?” A joke that was not a joke. Dave Darrin challenged to a duel.

Chapter XIX—An Outcast in Tokio

Danny Grin makes a speech. That was a splendid deed. Never smelled powder. Japanese officers unconvinced. Dave Darrin is shunned. The Frenchman’s snub. “If any man dares, I’ll wring his neck!”

Conclusion—Courage That Did Not Fail

“Spt! Spt! Sizz! Sizz-zz!” A sputtering bomb under Ensign Darrin. Japan’s undying gratitude earned. A belated apology. The mystery of the stolen medallion. Honored by the Emperor.




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