In the following Index the Roman Numerals refer to the Volumes, and the Arabic Numerals to Pages. The numerals in heavy, or black-faced type, indicate the place where the biographical notice will be found.
IX 201 (Memoirs) Dutch Republic, Rise of the XII 220 Earth, Theory of the XV 170 Ebers, George IV 1 Eckerman, Goethe's Conversations with IX 303 Edgeworth, Maria IV 13 seq. Education XIV 120 Egypt: - Ancient History XI 1 seq.;
- MediÆval History XI 272;
- Religion XIII 47
Egyptian Princess, An IV 1 Electricity, Experimental Researches in XV 75 —— and Magnetism, Treatise on XV 227 Elements of Chemical Philosophy XV 64 Eliot, George IV 33 seq. Eliot, Samuel XII 1 Elizabeth, Queen: - Courtships X 13;
- "Life" X 270
Elphinstone, Mountstuart XII 246 Elsie Venner V 87 Emerson, Ralph Waldo XIII 349; XX 109 seq. Emma I 162 England, History of: - Buckle XII 76;
- Freeman XI 298;
- Froude XI 315;
- Holinshed XI 286;
- Macaulay XII 55;
- Rebellion (1642) XII 41
English Constitution, The XII 88 ——, Letters on the XIX 275 —— Literature, History of XX 298 —— Poets, Lectures on the XX 169 —— Traits XX 109 Eothen XIV 159 Epictetus XIII 358 Epigrams, Epitaphs, and Poems of Martial XVII 295 Erasmus, Desiderius XX 126 seq. Erckmann-Chatrian IV 97 Essay on Liberty XX 248 —— on Man XVIII 94 Essays in Criticism XX 18 —— in Eugenics XV 111 —— of Montaigne XIV 64 —— Moral and Political XIV 13 Ethics of Aristotle XIII 291 —— of Spinoza XIV 160 Eugene Aram VI 87 EugÉnie Grandet I 188 Euripides XVI 336 Europe: - History of Civilisation in XI 241;
- in Middle Ages XI 255;
- Literature of XX 158
Evangeline, a Tale of Acadie XVII 241 Evelina II 150 Evelyn, John IX 213 Everyman XVI 348 Every Man in His Humour XVII 195 Evolution of Man, The XV 123 Existence of God, The XIII 117 Experimental Researches in Electricity XV 75 Fables of Æsop XX 10 Familiar Colloquies XX 126 Faraday, Michael XV 75 seq. Fathers and Sons VIII 245 Faust XVI 362 Faustus, Tragical History of Dr. XVII 282 Felix Holt, The Radical IV 45 FÉnelon, de la Mothe XIII 117 Ferdinand and Isabella, Reign of XII 271 Festus: A Poem XVI 86 Feuillet, Octave IV 100 Fielding, Henry IV 122 seq. Figaro, The Marriage of XVI File No. 113 IV 192 Finlay, George XII 206 Flammarion, Camille IV 168 Fletcher; See Beaumont and Fletcher Forel, Auguste XV 95 Forster, John IX 225 FouquÉ, de la Motte VI 217 Lectures on the English Poets XX 169 Le Fanu, Sheridan VI 1 Legend of the Ages, The XVII 159 Legislation, Principles of Morals and XIV 186 Leonardo da Vinci XX 227 Le Sage, RenÉ VI 14 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim XVII 226; XX 239 Letters of AbÉlard and HÉloÏse IX 1 —— of Cicero IX 155 —— on the English XIX 275 —— of Thomas Gray IX 315 —— to His Son, Lord Chesterfield's IX 144 —— of Pliny the Younger X 166 —— to a Provincial XIII 209 —— of Mme. de SÉvignÉ X 216 —— Written in the Years 1782–86 IX 177 —— to Zelter IX 283 —— and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, Carlyle's IX 99 Lever, Charles VI 26 seq. Leviathan, The XIV 249 Lewes, George Henry XIV 45 Lewes, M. G. VI 51 Liar, The XVI 279 Liberty, Essay on XX 248 Liebig, Justus Von XV 203 Life, Prolongation of XV 246 Life of Thomas Arnold X 260 —— of Saint Bernard X 135 —— of Robert Burns X 86 —— of Charlotte BrontË IX 259 —— of Lord Byron X 122 —— of Cobden X 144 —— of Christopher Columbus X 41 —— of Queen Elizabeth X 270 —— of Goldsmith IX 225 —— of Jesus XIII 231 —— of Dr. Johnson IX 37 —— of Nelson X 226 —— of Sir Isaac Newton IX 66 —— of Pitt X 248 —— of Girolamo Savonarola X 312 —— of Schiller IX 111 —— of Sir Walter Scott X 70 —— of George Washington X 51 Linnaeus, Carolus XIX 181 Linton, Mrs. Lynn VI 63 Literature, History of English XX 298 ——, Main Currents of 19th Century XX 31 —— of Europe, Introduction to the XX 158 ——: see also M. Arnold, Hazlitt, etc. Little Dorrit III 131 Livingstone, David XIX 191 Locke, John XIV 56 Lockhart, John Gibson X 70 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth XVII 241 seq. Looking Backward XIV 173 Lorna Doone I 313 Lorris and de Meun, de XVIII 117 Lost Sir Massingberd VI 336 Loti, Pierre XIX 201 Louis XIV, The Age of XII 101 Love Affairs of Mary Queen of Scots, The X 27 —— Letters of AbÉlard and HÉloÏse IX 1 Lover, Samuel VI 75 Lucretius XVII 261 Luther, Martin X 102 Lyell, Sir Charles XV 215 Lytton, Edward Bulwer VI 87 seq. Macaulay, Lord XII 55 Macbeth XVIII 180 Machiavelli, Niccolo XIV 261 Mackenzie, Henry VI 124 Macpherson, James XV 33 Sweden (History of Charles XII) XII 280 Swedenborg, Emanuel XIII 249 Swift, Jonathan VIII 157; X 282 Sybil, or The Two Nations III 243 Table Talk by Martin Luther X 102 Tacitus, Publius Cornelius XI 156; XX 286 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe XII 177; XX 298 Tale of Two Cities III 213 Tales from Shakespeare XVIII 170 Talisman, The VIII 25 Talmud, The XIII 259 Tancred III 256 Tartarin of Tarascon III 1 Tartuffe XVIII 29 Task, The XVI 290 Tasso, Torquato XVIII 250 Tennyson, Alfred Lord XVIII 261 seq. Thackeray, William Makepeace VIII 169 seq. Theory of the Earth XV 170 Thomson, James XVIII 293 Thoreau, Henry David XX 312 Three Musketeers, The III 316 Thucydides XI 95 Timar's Two Worlds V 212 Timbuctoo the Mysterious XIX 136 Titan VII 152 Tocqueville, De XII 117; XX 324 Toilers of the Sea, The V 146 Tolstoy, Count VIII 205; X 291 seq. (Confession, etc.) Tom Brown's Schooldays V 99 Tom Brown at Oxford V 110 —— Burke of Ours VI 39 —— Cringle's Log VII 229 —— Jones IV 155 Tour in Lapland, A XIX 181 Tower of London I 17 Tragical History of Dr. Faustus, The XVII Travels on the Amazon XIX 285 —— to Discover the Source of the Nile XIX 47 Travels in France XIX 327 —— in the Interior of Africa XIX 219 —— of Marco Polo XIX 229 —— in Nubia XIX 57 Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, A XV 227 —— on Painting XX 227 Tristram Shandy VIII 117 Trollope, Anthony VIII 221 seq. Troy and Its Remains XI 32 Turgenev, Ivan VIII 245 seq. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea VIII 287 —— Years After III 331 Two Years Ago V 270 —— before the Mast II 335 Uncle Silas VI 1 —— Tom's Cabin VIII 130 Under Two Flags VI 326 Undine IV 180 United Netherlands, History of the XII 234 —— States, History of XII 1; Urania IV 168 Utopia: Nowhereland XIV 315 Valkyrie XVIII 316 Vanity Fair VIII 192 Venice Preserved XVIII 48 Verne, Jules VIII 287 Vertebrates, Anatomy of XV 280 Vestiges of Creation XV 22 Vicar of Wakefield, The IV 175 View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages XI 155 Villari, Pasquale X 312 Villette II 83 Vinci, Leonardo da XX 227 Virchow, Rudolf XV 292 Virginians, The VIII 181 Voltaire XII 101; XII 259; XII 280; XIX 275 Von Ranke: see Ranke, Von Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, The |