BY A SPITEFUL COMPETITOR It seems that the Scots Turn out much better shots At long distance, than most of the Englishmen are: But this we all knew That a Scotsman could do— Make a small piece of metal go awfully far. AT BILKINS’S ROYAL HOTEL (LIMITED), LONDON. Mac (hungry). “Lo-or-sh keep’s! Ca’ this a br’akfast!!” AT THE ROB ROY INN, PEEBLES, UNLIMITED! THE PRINCIPAL REASON WHY MAC STAYED SUCH A SHORT TIME IN LONDON. CANNY “Why I dinna prayfair tae smoke, hech? Weel, noo loddie, I’ll joost tell ye. While’s ye’re smoking, ye blaw an’ blaw, an’ whaur is’t? But gin ye tak a guid pench, losh! mon, ye ken et’s there!” A WEIGHTY REASON Rab. “They’re tellin’ me that Tam Stirdy’s turned oot a great poet since he gaed tae London.” Allan. “Poet! Hoo could Tam Stirdy be a poet? Man, he was at the schule wi’ me!” |