fancy rule



NE, two, three,

I love coffee,

And Billy loves tea.

How good you be,

One, two, three.

I love coffee,

And Billy loves tea.


A, B, C, tumble down D,

The cat's in the cupboard and can't see me.



F for fig, J for jig,

And N for knuckle bones,

I for John the waterman,

And S for sack of stones.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

I caught a hare alive;

6, 7, 8, 9, 10!

I let her go again.


Great A, little a,

Bouncing B!

The cat's in the cupboard,

And she can't see.


One's none;

Two's some;

Three's a many;

Four's a penny;

Five is a little hundred.


A, B, C, and D,

Pray, playmates, agree,

E, F, and G,

Well so it shall be.

J, K, and L,

In peace we will dwell

M, N, and O,

To play let us go.

P, Q, R, and S,

Love may we possess,

W, X, and Y,

Will not quarrel or die.

Z, and amperse-and,

Go to school at command.


Hickery, dickery, 6 and 7,

Alabone Crackabone 10 and 11,

Spin span muskidan;

Twiddle 'um twaddle 'um, 21.


Apple-pie, pudding, and pancake,

All begins with an A.


Miss one, two, and three could never agree,

While they gossiped round a tea-caddy.


One, two,

Buckle my shoe;

Three, four,

Shut the door;

Five, six,

Pick up sticks;

Seven, eight,

Lay them straight;

Nine, ten,

A good fat hen;

Eleven, twelve,

Who will delve?

Thirteen, fourteen,

Maids a courting;

Fifteen, sixteen,

Maids a kissing;

Seventeen, eighteen,

Maids a waiting;

Nineteen, twenty,

My stomach's empty.


Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man!

So I will, master, as fast as I can:

Pat it, and prick it, and mark it with T,

Put in the oven for Tommy and me.


[Tom Thumb's Alphabet.]

A was an archer, and shot at a frog,

B was a butcher, and had a great dog.

C was a captain, all covered with lace,

D was a drunkard, and had a red face.

E was an esquire, with pride on his brow,

F was a farmer, and followed the plough.

G was a gamester, who had but ill luck,

H was a hunter and hunted a buck.

I was an innkeeper, who lov'd to bouse,

J was a joiner, and built up a house.

K was King William, once governed this land,

L was a lady, who had a white hand.

M was a miser, and hoarded up gold,

N was a nobleman, gallant and bold.

O was an oyster wench, and went about town,

P was a parson, and wore a black gown.

Q was a queen, who was fond of good flip,

R was a robber, and wanted a whip.

S was a sailor, and spent all he got,

T was a tinker, and mended a pot.

U was an usurer, a miserable elf,

V was a vintner, who drank all himself.

W was a watchman, and guarded the door.

X was expensive, and so became poor.

Y was a youth, that did not love school,

Z was a zany, a poor harmless fool.


A was an apple-pie;

B bit it;

C cut it;

D dealt it;

E eat it;

F fought for it;

G got it;

H had it;

J joined it;

K kept it;

L longed for it;

M mourned for it;

N nodded at it;

O opened it;

P peeped in it;

Q quartered it;

R ran for it;

S stole it;

T took it;

V viewed it;

W wanted it;

X, Y, Z, and amperse-and,

All wish'd for a piece in hand.


A for the ape, that we saw at the fair;

B for a blockhead, who ne'er shall go there;

C for a collyflower, white as a curd;

D for a duck, a very good bird;

E for an egg, good in pudding or pies;

F for a farmer, rich, honest, and wise;

G for a gentleman, void of all care;

H for the hound, that ran down the hare;

I for an Indian, sooty and dark;

K for the keeper, that look'd to the park;

L for a lark, that soar'd in the air;

M for a mole, that ne'er could get there;

N for Sir Nobody, ever in fault;

O for an otter, that ne'er could be caught;

P for a pudding, stuck full of plums;

Q was for quartering it, see here he comes;

R for a rook, that croak'd in the trees;

S for a sailor, that plough'd the deep seas;

T for a top, that doth prettily spin;

V for a virgin of delicate mien;

W for wealth, in gold, silver, and pence;

X for old Xenophon, noted for sense;

Y for a yew, which for ever is green;

Z for the zebra, that belongs to the queen.


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