The outstanding features of a weasel's skeleton are its length and slenderness. Whereas the length of the vertebral column measured from the atlas (the first cervical vertebra) to the last sacral vertebra is 175 per cent of the length of the hind leg (as measured from the head of the femur to the tip of the longest claw), the corresponding percentage is only 116 in the raccoon. Stated in another way, the vertebral column and the hind leg are of approximately equal length in a raccoon, but in a weasel the vertebral column is one and three-fourths times as long as the hind leg. VERTEBRAEThe vertebral column consists of 7 cervicals, and ordinarily 14 thoracics, 6 lumbars, 3 sacrals and, depending on the species, 11 to 23 caudals. For the three species of which skeletons were examined, variations from the normal number of vertebrae are noted in the following table: Table 1
Variation according to the species is evident in the number of caudal vertebrae, but in the other categories of vertebrae no consistent difference in number according to species was found in the material examined. Apparently there is also some geographic variation in the number of caudal vertebrae within a species. For example, the one skeleton seen of Mustela rixosa eskimo (no. 219036, U. S. Nat. Mus., from St. Michaels, Alaska) has only 11 caudal vertebrae, whereas in the 11 Mustela rixosa rixosa from Roseau County, Minnesota, the usual number is 15 with extremes of 14 and 16. Similarly specimens of Mustela frenata from Idaho and California almost always have 1 or 2 more caudal vertebrae than do individuals of the shorter-tailed subspecies of the same species from eastern Kansas. Of the vertebrae, only the cervicals, of which there are 7, were found to be constant in number. In M. erminea, two of the seven individuals in which the anticlinal vertebra was the 12th (instead of the 11th) had 15 instead of the customary 14 thoracic vertebrae. In M. frenata, seven of the twenty-seven individuals in which the anticlinal vertebra was the 12th (instead of the 11th) had 15 instead of 14 thoracic vertebrae. The one M. erminea with a pseudosacral vertebra had only two instead of the customary 3 sacral vertebrae but the same individual had 15 thoracic vertebrae. Of the six M. frenata with a pseudosacral vertebra, two animals had only two instead of three sacral vertebrae. Conceivably, therefore, the pseudosacral vertebra in each of the three instances mentioned may represent merely an unfused sacral vertebra, instead of a true pseudosacral as occurs in four individuals of M. frenata. TEETHIn American weasels, for example in Mustela frenata, the permanent dentition normally is I 3 C 1 P 3 M 1 -, -, -, -, -, -, -, - i 3 c 1 p 3 m 2 or 34 teeth in all. In most respects the dentition is typical for post-Tertiary mustelids but in several parts is highly specialized for a diet of flesh, the degree of this specialization being second only to that of the cats, family Felidae. The outstanding specialization is in the first lower molar, in which, as in the cats, the internal cusp (metaconid) is completely suppressed and the heel (talonid) forms an elevated blade for cutting food rather than a basin for crushing it. In one sense the tooth is simplified since it owes its distinctive form to a reduction in number of parts; nevertheless, the distinctive form of the lower molar clearly is correlated with a diet of flesh, and the tooth is correctly to be thought of as the lower blade of a pair of shears; the upper blade is the fourth upper premolar. The reduction in size of the second (last) lower molar and small size of the inner lobe of the one remaining upper molar probably are additional modifications for a diet of flesh. The absence of the last two upper molars and last molar in the lower jaw would be expected in any mammal as highly specialized for a diet of flesh as is the weasel, but these teeth are absent also in other Quaternary members of the family Mustelidae, many of which are substantially less specialized for a diet of flesh than is the weasel. Therefore, in the weasel, it is reasonable to regard the absence of these teeth more as a heritage than as an indication of a special adaptation. The absence of a first premolar above and below, as in the weasel, is to be expected in any carnivore that has the first lower molar and fourth upper premolar highly specialized for shearing, but the loss of these premolars and the small size of the second premolars may be as much the result of a slight shortening of the face as it is a result of a lengthening of the third and especially the fourth premolars. The lengthening of these more posteriorly-situated teeth would appear to be an adaptation to a diet of flesh. The cause of the lengthening of the mentioned teeth and the reason for the absence of the first premolars probably will be unknown until the fossil record is more complete. The teeth of American species vary little except in size. The absence of P2 in Mustela africana is the only difference of a qualitative (presence or absence) nature that was detected. Also, the Central American subspecies of Mustela frenata exhibit a tendency to early loss of P2 and thus foreshadow the condition typical of M. africana. As a whole the dentition of the weasel exhibits a high degree of specialization for a diet of flesh and this specialization is fully as evident in the deciduous dentition as in the permanent dentition. The deciduous, or milk, dentition, of Mustela frenata, as known from immature specimens of Mustela frenata noveboracensis and Mustela frenata frenata available for this study, is comprised of canines, one on each side above and below, and 3 cheek teeth on each side above and below. See figures 2-9. The upper cheek teeth from anterior to posterior are: a minute peglike tooth in general similar to the first premolar of the permanent dentition; a shearing tooth in general similar to P4 of the permanent dentition; and an anteroposteriorly compressed tooth in general similar to M1 of the permanent dentition. In the lower jaw, behind the canine, there is first a minute peglike tooth, second a two-rooted tooth similar in general outline to a permanent third premolar, and finally a shearing tooth corresponding in function to m1 of the permanent dentition. No postnatal specimens which show deciduous incisors have been examined. Selected, outstanding differences between the permanent teeth and the deciduous teeth are as follows: In the deciduous teeth the canine above has on the posterior face a well-defined ridge extending from the tip to the cingulum. This ridge is absent or at most faintly indicated in the permanent tooth. The lower deciduous canine, in cross section is seen to have a marked indentation on the anteromedial border in the region of the cingulum; this indentation is lacking in the permanent tooth. The anterior one of the deciduous cheek teeth, both above and below, is single rooted and its crown-surface is only about one-fifteenth as much as that of the anterior premolar of the permanent dentition. The second deciduous cheek tooth below has two roots, usually fused, and differs from p4 of the permanent dentition in having the tip of the principal cusp more recurved, in having the anterior basal cusp better developed and the posterior heel less well developed. The second deciduous cheek tooth above corresponds in function and general plan of construction to P4 of the permanent dentition but differs from that tooth in the more pronounced protostyle, longer tritocone, more posteriorly located deuterocone and as noted by Leche (1915:322) separation of the protocone and tritocone by a notch. The third upper deciduous tooth has a single cusp internally and two cusps laterally. Thus it reverses the relation of parts seen in M1 where the internal moiety is larger than the lateral or buccal moiety. The third deciduous tooth below differs from m1 in very much shorter talonid and separation of the paraconid from the protoconid by a deeper notch. All the features in which the last two deciduous teeth, both above and below, are described as differing from their functional counterparts in the permanent dentition, are features found in the permanent teeth of primitive fossil mustelids and certain fossil and Recent viverrids. Even so, taking into account Leche's (1915) work, which shows that the milk teeth of some carnivores have structures lacking in the corresponding permanent teeth of the same individual animal and also in the teeth of genera that seem to be ancestral, a person suspects that some of the structural features mentioned above are not inheritances of ancestral conditions but rather specializations of the milk dentition. Figs. 2-9. Views of permanent and deciduous teeth of Mustela frenata nigriauris. Incisors not shown. In each instance teeth are of the left side. Permanent dentition × 3. No. 32421, Mus. Vert. ZoÖl., ?, adult; Berkeley, Alameda County, California; obtained October 4, 1921, by D. D. McLean. Deciduous dentition × 5. No. 132158, U. S. Nat. Mus., ?, juvenile; Stanford University, Santa Clara County, California; obtained May 7, 1898, by W. K. Fisher. Figs. 2-3. Lateral views of upper teeth, of adult and juvenile respectively. Figs. 4-5. Occlusolingual views of upper teeth of adult and juvenile respectively. Figs. 6-7. Lateral views of lower teeth of adult and juvenile respectively. Figs. 8-9. Occlusolingual views of lower teeth of adult and juvenile respectively. In other deciduous teeth there is clearer evidence of more specialization for a diet of flesh in the deciduous teeth than in the permanent teeth. For example, the upper carnassial of the milk dentition is even more highly sectorial than is the permanent tooth and strikingly like that of some of the cats. The lower tooth that is effective in the shearing action bears no more trace of the metaconid than does the permanent first lower molar. These features of the deciduous dentition suggest that it is more specialized for a diet of flesh than is the permanent dentition. If this be the fact, it may seem especially remarkable because the commonly employed term "milk teeth" suggests that the animal makes but little or no use of these teeth in the short time that they are in place. Accordingly, the student may credit the form of these teeth more to some indirect effects of inheritance than to natural selection acting directly upon the teeth. But, after all, natural selection probably is responsible for the form of these teeth as is indicated by the observations of Hamilton (1933:318-325). He found that these milk teeth are used for eating solid food as soon as the principal shearing teeth are in place. This is three weeks after birth and before all of the deciduous teeth have broken through the gums. These shearing teeth are used for almost two months before being replaced by the permanent teeth and it is, therefore, evident that natural selection could operate to fully as great a degree in determining the form of the deciduous teeth as it may with the permanent teeth. Hamilton (1933:325-326) found that the permanent dentition was complete at 75 days after birth in captive specimens of Mustela frenata noveboracensis. In the same subspecies, he noted 28 days after birth that the canines and carnassial teeth [second deciduous cheek tooth above and third below] had erupted through the gums. Animals 45 days old, Hamilton found, were losing the milk dentition, and had the gums broken through by several of the permanent cheek teeth. Study of the cleaned skulls available of juveniles indicates that the deciduous teeth which persist longest are, on each side of the mouth, the second cheek tooth above and the third cheek tooth below. These teeth persist until after the permanent P4 and m1 have come into use. These permanent teeth are situated immediately behind their functional counterparts of the milk dentition. P3 and p4 are the teeth of the permanent dentition which ultimately push out the last milk teeth to be lost. Accordingly, in the permanent dentition, P4 and M1 appear before P3 does, and m1 and m2 make their appearance before p4. |