A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary / For the Use of Students



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In the original book, shorter entries—chiefly cross-references—were printed two or three to a line. They have been separated for this e-text. To avoid empty cross-references, a few entries, clearly identified, were restored from the first edition.

All [brackets], asterisks* and question marks? are in the original.

For general information on using the Dictionary, and an explanation of the different types of underlining, see the Transcriber’s Notes at the end of this file. In the body of the Dictionary, italics and boldface are as in the original. The New English Dictionary (NED) is now known as the Oxford English Dictionary (OED).


List of Abbreviations

Additions and Corrections

Transcriber’s Notes

Dictionary (separate files): A-C; D-G; H-N O-S T-Y




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The first edition of this dictionary having been exhausted, it has been extensively revised, and certain new features and alterations have been introduced into it.

1. The principle of arranging all words according to their actual spelling has been to a considerable extent abandoned. It was admittedly an unscientific one, and opened the door to a good many errors and inconsistencies. The head form in this edition may be either a normalised form or one which actually occurs.

2. Words beginning with ge- have been distributed among the letters of the alphabet which follow that prefix, and the sign + has been employed instead of ge- in order to make the break in alphabetical continuity as little apparent to the eye as possible. The sign ± has been used where a word occurs both with and without the prefix.

3. References to Cook’s translation of Sievers’ Anglo-Saxon Grammar, and to the Grammatical Introduction to Sweet’s Reader have been taken out, as Wright’s or Wyatt’s Old English Grammar will have taken their place with most English students.

4. A new feature which, it is hoped, will prove widely useful, is the introduction of references to all, or nearly all, the headings in the New English Dictionary under which quotations from Anglo-Saxon texts are to be found. A vast mass of valuable information as to the etymology, meaning and occurrence of Old English words is contained in that Dictionary, but is to a very large extent overlooked because it is to be found under the head of words which are now obsolete, so that unless one happens to know what was the last form which they had in Middle English, one does not know how to get at it. This information will be made readily available by the references in the present work, which will form a practically complete index to the Anglo-Saxon material in the larger dictionary and will at the same time put the student on the track of interesting Middle English examples of the use of Old English words. Besides directing the reader (by means of quotation marks) to the heading in the New English Dictionary where the relevant matter may be found, an indication has been given of the vi texts from which quotations are made therein, when these do not exceed four or five1.

5. There have been many valuable contributions to Anglo-Saxon lexicography (by Napier, Swaen, SchlÜtter, FÖrster, WÜlfing and others) since the first edition of this Dictionary appeared, and these have been made use of, but (as before) unglossaried matter has not been systematically searched for words not hitherto recorded in Anglo-Saxon Dictionaries2.

6. The number of references to passages has been very largely increased. All words occurring only in poetical texts have been marked. If they occur more than once they bear the sign †, if only once, a reference to the passage is generally given. If not they are marked ‡. As regards prose texts, the rule has been only to give references to particular passages in the case of rare words,—more especially ἅπαξ λεγόμενα. The references to AO, CP and Æ which were given in the earlier edition have been retained, as a useful indication that the word occurs in Early West Saxon or Late West Saxon prose, as the case may be.

7. By various devices it has been found possible, while much increasing the amount of matter in the book, to add very slightly to the number of pages, and at the same time to reduce the number of columns on a page from three to two. Most of these devices are more or less mechanical, but one method of saving space may be mentioned. Certain compound words, descriptive of places, which, as far as I know, occur only in charters and which may often be more correctly regarded as proper nouns, have not been separately inserted. Their meaning can however always be ascertained by referring to their components, and where the abbreviation Mdf is inserted the reader will understand that examples of words so compounded, or of the components, or of both, will be found in Birch’s Cartularium Saxonicum, or in Earle’s Land Charters, and that references to those examples are given in Middendorff’s Altenglisches Flurnamenbuch.

8. In the List of Abbreviations, etc. at the commencement of the book, editions of texts which are furnished with a glossary have been specially indicated.

J. R. C. H.

January, 1916.

1. As regards the letter W and some small parts of other letters which have not yet appeared in the NED, a reference has been given to its abridgement (The Concise Oxford Dictionary).

2. The part of the Supplement to ‘Bosworth-Toller’ which has already appeared shows that Professor Toller is examining such matter with great care and thoroughness.



Note 1. Where references are in italic type, quotations from the texts indicated will be found in the New English Dictionary, under the head of the English word which is distinguished in the article by quotation marks (see Preface). In references to special passages volumes have been marked off from pages by an inverted full stop, and lines or verses have been shown, where they follow other numerals, by small superior figures. Occasionally where lines have not been given, the mark ´ has been inserted to show that the quotation is in the lower half of a page.

Note 2. In the following list the number (1) after an edition of a text indicates that the edition is supplied with a complete referenced glossary or word-index, (2) that it has a complete glossary, but without references and (3) that it has a partial glossary or word-index.

Note 3. Some of the abbreviations given below are used in combination. Examples: MtLR = the Lindisfarne and Rushworth MSS of St Matthew; BJPs = the Bosworth and the Junius Psalters; asf. = accusative singular feminine. EK = Early Kentish.

Sources and Grammatical Terms:
A   B   C   DE   FG   HIJ   KL   M   NO   PQR   STU   VWZ

‘ ’ Quotation marks are used to enclose the English words which should be looked up in the NED in order to find etymological information as to, and examples of the use of, the Anglo-Saxon words to which the articles in this Dictionary relate, see Note 1 above. If they enclose Latin words, they indicate the lemmata of Anglo-Saxon words in glosses or glossaries etc., or the Latin equivalent of such words in the Latin texts from which they are translated. The Latin is especially so given when the Ags. word seems to be merely a blindly mechanical and literal equivalent.

* is prefixed or affixed to hypothetical forms. Normalised forms of Ags. words which actually exist are not usually so marked.

´ See Note 1 above.

+ = ge-.

± indicates that the Ags. word to which it is prefixed is found both with and without the prefix ge-.

† = occurs in poetical texts only.

‡ = occurs in a poetical text, and once only.

== This sign is used to indicate that the words which it follows, and its compounds, are to be found in the Dictionary under the heading given after it, thus meht == miht is equivalent to meht = miht and meht- = miht-.

The printed book used the symbol [symbol]. Since this is not readily available, a doubled equals sign == has been substituted.

a. = accusative.

A = Anglian, or, if followed by numerals, Anglia, Zeitschrift fÜr Englische Philologie, Halle, 1877 etc. AB = Anglia Beiblatt.

Æ = Ælfric. (References followed by numerals in parentheses refer to certain Homilies attributed to Ælfric in HL.) If followed by a book of the Bible the reference is to that book in Ælfric de vetere et novo Testamento (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 1).

ÆGr = Ælfric’s Grammatik und Glossar, ed. J. Zupitza, Berlin, 1880.

ÆH = Ælfric’s Homilies, ed. by B. Thorpe, London, 1844-6. (Quoted by vol., page and line.)

ÆL = Ælfric’s Metrical Lives of Saints, ed. W. W. Skeat (EETS), 1881-1900 (3).

ÆP = Ælfric’s Hirtenbriefe (Ælfric’s Pastoral Letters), ed. B. Fehr, Hamburg, 1914 (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 9).

AF = Anglistische Forschungen, ed. J. Hoops, Heidelberg.

Alm = the poem on Alms, in Gr.

An = the poem of Andreas, in Gr; or ed. G. P. Krapp, Boston, U.S.A., 1905 (1).

Andr = the prose legend of St Andrew, in J. W. Bright’s Anglo-Saxon Reader, London, 1892 (1).

ANS = Herrig’s Archiv fÜr das Studium der neueren Sprachen, Brunswick, 1846-1914.

AnT = Analecta Anglo-saxonica by B. Thorpe, London, 1846 (2).

anv. = anomalous verb.


AO = Alfred’s translation of Orosius, ed. H. Sweet (EETS), 1883. (v. also Wfg.)

Ap = the poem of the Fate of the Apostles, in Gr; or included with Andreas in Krapp’s edition (v. An).

APs = the Arundel Psalter, ed. G. Oess (AF vol. 30), Heidelberg, 1910.

ApT = Anglo-Saxon version of Apollonius of Tyre, ed. B. Thorpe, London, 1834.

AS = King Alfred’s version of Augustine’s Soliloquies, ed. H. L. Hargrove (Yale Studies in Old English), Boston, U.S.A., 1912 (1). See also Shr.

Az = the poem of Azarias, in Gr.

B = the poem of Beowulf, in Gr; also ed. A. J. Wyatt and R. W. Chambers, Cambridge, 1914 (1); or ed. W. J. Sedgefield, Manchester, 1912 (1); or ed. Harrison and Sharp, Boston, U.S.A., 1888 (1).

Bas = The Admonition of St Basil, ed. H. W. Norman, London, 1840.

BB = Bonner BeitrÄge zur Anglistik, ed. M. Trautmann.

BC = Cartularium Saxonicum, ed. W. de Gray Birch, London, 1883 etc., 3 vols.

Bd = Bede.

BDS = BeitrÄge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache, ed. E. Sievers, Leipzig, 1874-1914.

BH = the Anglo-Saxon version of Bede’s Ecclesiastical History, 2 vols., ed. T. Miller (EETS), 1891-6. (Reference is usually made to the pages in vol. 1 as regards the various readings recorded in vol. 2—not to the pages in the latter vol.)

Bk = Texte und Untersuchungen zur AE Literatur, etc., by R. Brotanek, Halle, 1913.

Bl = The Blickling Homilies, ed. R. Morris (EETS), 1874-80 (1).

BlPs = Blickling Glosses to the Psalms, at the end of Bl.

Bo = King Alfred’s translation of Boethius, with the Metres of Boethius, ed. W. J. Sedgefield, Oxford, 1899 (1).

BPs = die AE Glossen im Bosworth-Psalter, ed. U. LindelÖf (MÉmoires de la Soc. nÉo-philologique À Helsingfors, tom. 5), 1909 (3).

BR = An Anglo-Saxon Reader, ed. J. W. Bright, New York, 1913 or London, 1910 (1).

Br = the poem of Brunanburh, in Gr or †Chr.

BT = An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, by J. Bosworth and T. N. Toller, Oxford, 1882-98. BTSup. = the Supplement to the above, Part I (A-EORÐ), 1908.

CC = The Crawford Charters, ed. by A. S. Napier and W. H. Stevenson (Anecdota Oxoniensia), Oxford, 1895.

CD = the Codex Diplomaticus, ed. Kemble.

This citation occurs a few times in error for the author’s normal form, KC.

Chr = Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel, ed. J. Earle and C. Plummer, Oxford, 1892 (1). The poetical passages are marked †Chr.

CM = the tract ‘de Consuetudine Monachorum,’ in Anglia, vol. 13, pp. 365-454.

Cos = AltwestsÄchsische Grammatik, by P. J. Cosijn, Haag, 1888.

cp. = compare.

CP = King Alfred’s trans. of Gregory’s Pastoral Care, ed. H. Sweet (EETS), London, 1871.

Cp = the Corpus Glossary, in OET, or in WW (cols. 1-54) or (if the numbers are followed by a letter), in A Latin-Anglo-Saxon Glossary, ed. by J. H. Hessels, Cambridge, 1890 (1).

CPs = Der Cambridge-Psalter, ed. K. Wildhagen, Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 7, Hamburg, 1910. (CHy = Cambridge Hymns in the same vol.) (3)

Cr = the poem of Crist, in Gr.

Cra = the poem of Men’s Crafts, in Gr.

Creat = the poem of the Creation, in Gr.

Ct = Charters, wills and other like documents, as contained in BC, CC, EC, KC and TC.

d. = dative.   dp. = dat. pl.   ds. = dat. singular; etc.

Da = the poem of Daniel, in Gr; or ed. T. W. Hunt (Exodus and Daniel), Boston, 1885.

DD = the poem ‘Be Dōmes DÆge’ (‘de die judiciÆ’), ed. J. R. Lumby (EETS), London, 1876 (1); or in Gr (vol. 2, pp. 250-272).

Deor = the poem of Deor’s Complaint, in Gr and Kl.

DHy = the Durham Hymnarium, ed. J. Stevenson (Surtees Society, vol. 23), London, 1851. (Gl, by H. W. Chapman, Yale Studies, No. 24, Boston, 1905.)

Dom = the poem ‘Be Dōmes DÆge’ from the Exeter Book, in Gr (Vol. 3, pp. 171-4).

DR = the Durham Ritual, ed. T. Stevenson (Surtees Society), London, 1840. Lines of Anglo-Saxon only counted. [Gl by Uno LindelÖf, Bonn, 1901 (BB vol. 9).]

Du. = Dutch.

E = Early.

EC = Land Charters and other Saxonic Documents, ed. John Earle, Oxford, 1888 (3).

EETS = Early English Text Society’s Publications.

EK = Early Kentish.

El = the poem of Elene, in Gr; or ed. Kent, Boston, 1889.


Ep = the Epinal Gloss., in OET.

EPs = Eadwine’s Canterbury Psalter, ed. F. Harsley, EETS, London, 1889. (EHy = Hymns in the same vol.)

Erf = the Erfurt Gloss., in OET.

ES = Englische Studien, Heilbronn and Leipzig, 1876-1914.

EWS = Early West Saxon.

Ex = the poem of Exodus, in Gr or in Hunt’s edition (v. Da). If followed by two kinds of numerals = Exodus in Ælfric de vetere et novo Testamento in the Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, Vol. 1, Cassel, 1872.

exc. = except.

f. = feminine.   fp. = fem. plural.

FAp = the poem ‘Fata Apostolorum,’ in Gr.

FBO = Das Benediktiner Offizium, ed. E. Feiler (AF vol. 4), Heidelberg, 1901.

Fin = the poem of Finnsburg, in Gr, and most editions of Beowulf.

FM = The Furnivall Miscellany, Oxford, 1901.

FT = the poem ‘A Father’s Teachings,’ in Gr.

g. = genitive.   gs. = gen. singular.   gp. = gen. pl.; etc.

G = the Anglo-Saxon Gospels, ed. W. W. Skeat, Cambridge, 1871-87. See also LG, NG, RG, WG. (Gl to WG by M. A. Harris, Yale Studies, vol. 6, Boston, 1899.)

GD = Die Dialoge Gregors den Grossen, ed. Hans Hecht (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 5), Cassel, 1900-1907.

Gen = the poem of Genesis, in Gr. If followed by two kinds of numerals = Genesis in Ælfric de vetere et novo testamento (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 1, Cassel, 1872).

Ger. = German.

GK = Grein’s Sprachschatz der Ags. Dichter, revised by KÖhler and Holthausen, Heidelberg, 1912. (A complete referenced glossary to Gr.)

Gl = Glossary. Used also as a comprehensive sign for all or any of the extant Anglo-Saxon glosses or glossaries: Cp, Ep, Erf, GPH, HGl, KGl, Ln, OEG, WW etc.

Gn = The Gnomic Verses in Gr. GnE = those in the Exeter Book and GnC those in the Cotton MS. Separate edition also by B. C. Williams, New York, 1914 (1).

GPH = Prudentius Glosses, contributed by A. Holder to Germania, Vierteljahrsschrift fÜr deutsche Altertumskunde, vol. 11 (ns).

Gr = Bibliothek der AngelsÄchs. Poesie, ed. C. W. M. Grein and revised by R. P. WÜlker, Cassel, 1883-98.

Gu = the poem of St Guthlac, in Gr.

Guth = the (prose) Life of St Guthlac, ed. C. W. Goodwin, London, 1848 (pp. 8-98), or ed. P. Gonser (AF vol. 27), Heidelberg, 1909 (pp. 100-176).

Hell = the poem of Hell, in Gr.

Hept = The Heptateuchus, etc., Anglo-Saxonice, ed. Edw. Thwaites, Oxford, 1698.

Hex = The Hexameron of St Basil, ed. H. W. Norman, London, 1849.

HGl = Glosses in (Haupt’s) Zeitschrift fÜr deutsches Altertum, vol. 9 (1853).

HL = Homilien und Heiligendleben, ed. B. Assmann, Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 3, Cassel, 1889. v. also Æ and Shr, (3).

Hu = the poem ‘The Husband’s Message,’ in Gr.

Hy = the collection of ‘Hymns’ at the end of most of the Ags. versions of the Psalms. v. the various Psalters (Ps). [The numbering of verses etc. usually follows that in Wildhagen’s Cambridge Psalter (CPs).]

i. = instrumental (case).

IM = ‘Indicia Monasterialia,’ ed. F. Kluge, in Techmer’s Internationale Zeitschrift fÜr allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, vol. 2, Leipzig, 1885.

intr. = intransitive.

JAW = EigentÜmlichkeiten des Anglischen Wortschatzes, by R. Jordan (AF vol. 17), Heidelberg, 1906

JGPh = Journal of (English and) Germanic Philology, Urbana, Ill.

Jn = the Gospel of St John. v. G and NG (JnL = Lindisfarne MS; JnR = Rushworth MS, v. LG, RG).

JPs = der Junius-Psalter, ed. E. Brenner (AF vol. 23), Heidelberg, 1909 (JHy = the Hymns in the same vol.).

Jud = the poem of Judith, in Gr, or ed. A. S. Cook, Boston, 1889 (1).

Jul = the poem of Juliana, in Gr.

K = Kentish.

KC = Codex Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici, ed. J. M. Kemble, 6 vols., London, 1839-48.

KGl = Kentish Glosses to the Proverbs of Solomon (= WW 55-88, or, if quoted by number, in Kl).

Kl = AngelsÄchsisches Lesebuch, by F. Kluge, 3rd edition, Halle, 1902 (2).

KlED = F. Kluge’s Etymologisches WÖrterbuch, 7th edition, 1910, or J. F. Davis’ translation, London, 1891.

L. = Latin.

Lcd = Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of the Anglo-Saxons, ed. O. Cockayne, London, 3 vols., Rolls Series, 1864-66 (vol. 2, and pp. 1-80 of vol. 3 are referred to by the folio of the MS, so that the references may x also be available for G. Leonhardi’s edition of that part of the Lcd, in the Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 6) (3).

Leas = the poem ‘Be manna lease,’ in Gr.

Leo = Leo’s AngelsÄchsiches Glossar. Halle, 1877.

Listing added by transcriber; used only in first edition.

LG = the Lindisfarne Gospels, in Skeat’s ed. of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels (v. G). (Glossary by A. S. Cook, Halle, 1894.) LRG = Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels. v. RG.

Lieb. = F. Liebermann (v. LL).

Lk = the Gospel of St Luke. v. G and NG (LkL = Lindisfarne MS; LkR = Rushworth MS; v. LG, RG).

LL = the Anglo-Saxon Laws, as contained in Liebermann, Schmid or Thorpe. If followed by numerals not in parentheses, or only partially in parentheses, the reference is to ‘Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen,’ by F. Liebermann, 2 vols., Halle, 1903-12 (1); if by numerals entirely in parentheses, to vol. 2 of ‘Ancient Laws and Institutes,’ by B. Thorpe, 2 vols., London, 1840 (3).

Ln = the Leiden Glossary, ed. J. H. Hessels, Cambridge, 1906 (1).

Lor = the Lorica Hymn, in Kleinere angelsÄchsische DenkmÄler, by G. Leonhardi (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 6), Hamburg, 1905.

LPs = Der Lambeth-Psalter, ed. U. LindelÖf, Acta Soc. Sc. Fennicae, vol. 35, Helsingfors, 1909 (1). (LHy = the Hymns in the same vol.)

LWS = Late West Saxon.

LV = Leofric’s Vision, ed. A. S. Napier, in the Transactions of the Philological Society for 1907-10, pp. 180-188.

M = Mercian.

m. = masculine.   ms., mp., etc. = masc. sing., masc. plur., etc.

Ma = the poem of the Battle of Maldon, in Gr, also in Br, Kl or Sweet’s Anglo-Saxon Reader, Oxford.

Mdf = Altenglisches Flurnamenbuch, by H. Middendorff, Halle, 1902. [See Preface.]

Men = the Menologium, at the end of Chr.

Met = the Metres of Boethius; v. Bo.

MF = Festschrift fÜr L. Morsbach (Studien zur Eng. Philologie, vol. 50), Halle, 1913.

MFH = Homilies in MF, ed. Max FÖrster.

MH = An Old English Martyrology, ed. G. Herzfeld (EETS), London, 1900. See also Shr.

MHG. = Middle High German.

Listing added by transcriber.

Mk = the Gospel of St Mark; v. G and NG. (MkL = Lindisfarne MS; MkR = Rushworth MS of St Mark; v. LG, RG.)

MLA = Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, Baltimore.

MLN = Modern Language Notes, Baltimore, 1886-1914.

Mod = the poem ‘Bi Manna Mōd,’ in Gr.

MP = Modern Philology, Chicago, 1903-1914.

Mt = the Gospel of St Matthew; v. G and NG. (MtL = Lindisfarne MS; MtR = Rushworth MS of St Matthew; v. LG, RG.)

n. = nominative, or neuter, or note. (np., nap., etc. = nom. plural, nom. and acc. plur., etc.)

N = Northumbrian.

Nar = Narratiunculae, ed. O. Cockayne, London, 1861.

NC = Contributions to Old English Lexicography by A. Napier, in the Philological Society’s Transactions for 1903-1906, London (mostly late texts).

NED = the New English Dictionary, ed. Sir J. A. H. Murray and others, Oxford, 1888-1915. (See Preface, and Note 1.)

neg. = negative.

NG = the Northumbrian Gospels, contained in Skeat’s edition (v. G, LG, RG).

Nic = the Gospel of Nicodemus, in Hept; or in MLA 13·456-541. (The references to passages are always to the latter edition.)

NR = The Legend of the Cross (Rood-tree), ed. A. S. Napier, EETS, London, 1894.

obl. = oblique.

occl. = occasional, occasionally.

OEG = Old English Glosses, ed. A. Napier (Anecdota Oxoniensia), Oxford, 1900 (1).

OET = The Oldest English Texts, ed. H. Sweet, EETS, 1885 (1).

OF. = Old French.

Rare, but always “OFr.” in text.

OHG. = Old High German.

ON. = Old Norse.

OS. = Old Saxon.

p. = page, or plural.

Pa = the poem of the Panther, in Gr.

Part = the poem of the Partridge, in Gr.

Ph = the poem of the Phoenix, in Gr or BR.

pl. = plural.

PPs = the Paris Psalter, ed. B. Thorpe, London, 1835. The prose portion (Psalms 1-50) also ed. Bright and Ramsay, Belles Lettres Series, Boston, 1907, and the remainder (verse portion) in Gr.

Ps = any one or more of the Anglo-Saxon Psalters. [NB. In the numbering of the Psalms, the Authorised Version is usually one ahead of the MSS.] v. A, B, C, E, J, L, R, S and VPs; also Hy.

The occasional form Pss was retained. It may be either an error for Ps or short for “several Psalters”. In the one OED reference, two Psalters are quoted.


PST = Philological Society’s Transactions (v. also LV and NC).

QF = Mone, Quellen u. Forschungen zur Geschichte der teutschen Lit. u. Sprache, Aachen und Leipzig, 1830.

RB = der Benedictinregel, ed. A. SchrÖer, Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 2, Cassel, 1885-8 (3).

RBL = the Anglo-Saxon and Latin Rule of St Benet (Interlinear Glosses), ed. H. Logeman, EETS, London, 1888.

Rd = The Riddles of the Exeter Book, in Gr, or ed. F. Tupper Junr., Boston, 1910 (1).

RG = the Rushworth Gospels, in Skeat’s ed. of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels (v. G). Mt (all), Mk 1-215 and Jn 181-3 are in a Mercian dialect, and are usually known as R1; the rest (R2) is in a Northumbrian dialect (v. also LG). Glossary to R1 by Ernst Schulte, Bonn, 1904; to R2 by U. LindelÖf, Helsingfors, 1897.

Rim = the Riming Poem, in Gr.

Listing added by transcriber. The Riming Poem is included in Grein along with many other texts from its original source, the Exeter MS.

Rood = the poem ‘Dream of the Rood,’ in Gr.

RPs = der Regius-Psalter, ed. F. Roeder (Studien in Eng. Philologie, vol. 18), Halle, 1904. (RHy = the Hymns in the same vol.)

RSL = Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, London.

Ruin = the poem of the Ruin, in Gr.

Run = the Rune-poem, in Gr.

s. = strong; also = singular.   sv. = strong verb.   swv. = strong-weak verb.

Sat = the poem ‘Christ and Satan,’ in Gr.

sb. = substantive.

Sc = Defensor’s Liber Scintillarum, ed. E. Rhodes, EETS, London, 1889 (3).

Seaf = the poem of the Seafarer, in Gr.

sg. = singular.

Shr = the Shrine by O. Cockayne, London, 1864-70 [pp. 29-33 and 46-156 = MH; pp. 35-44 = HL pp. 199-207; pp. 163-204 = AS].

SHy = Surtees Hymnarium = DHy.

SkED = An Etymological English Dictionary by W. W. Skeat, Oxford, 1910.

Sol = the poem Solomon and Saturn, in Gr (if in italics, the reference is sometimes to the prose version, ed. J. M. Kemble).

Soul = the poem of the Soul, in Gr.

SPs = Psalterium Davidis Latino-Saxonicum, ed. J. Spelman, London, 1640. (Stowe MS, but includes marginal readings from APs, CPs and EPs.)

Swt. = The Student’s Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon by H. Sweet, Oxford, 1897.

TC = Diplomatarium Ævi Saxonici, ed. B. Thorpe, London, 1865 (3).

tr. = transitive.

usu. = usual, usually.

v. = vide, or very.

v.l. = varia lectio.

VPs = the Vespasian Psalter, as contained in OET (1). [VHy = Hymns at the end of the Psalter.] Glossary also by Conrad Grimm (AF, vol. 18), Heidelberg, 1906.

V2Ps = Psalter-Glosses in Cotton Vitellius E 18 (noted by Wildhagen in CPs).

w. = with.

W = (I) Wulfstan’s Homilies, ed. A. Napier, Berlin, 1883. Glossary by L. H. Dodd, New York, 1908. (II) West Saxon.

Wa = the poem of the Wanderer, in Gr.

Wald = the poem of Waldhere, in Gr.

Wfg = die Syntax in den Werken Alfreds, by J. E. WÜlfing, Bonn, 1894-1901 (copious material, and indexes to words in AO, BH, Bo, CP, AS, PPs, etc.).

WG = West Saxon Gospels (v. G).

Whale = the poem of the Whale, in Gr.

Wid = the poem of Widsith, in Gr, or ed. R. F. Chambers, Cambridge, 1912.

Wif = the poem of ‘the Wife’s Complaint,’ in Gr.

WS = West Saxon.

Wt = An Old English Grammar by J. and E. M. Wright, 2nd edition, Oxford, 1914.

WW = Old English Vocabularies, ed. by T. Wright and R. P. WÜlker, London, 1884. Cols. 1-54 = Cp; 55-88 = KGl; pp. 89-103 = Colloq. Monast. in NED.

Wy = the poem ‘Be manna wyrdum’ in Gr.

ZDA = Zeitschrift fÜr deutsches Altertum, Leipzig and Berlin, 1853-1914.

ZDPh = Zeitschrift fÜr deutsche Philologie, Halle, 1869-1914.



This section is included for completeness. All changes have been made in the text. Corrections are marked with mouse-hover popups, while additions are shown as outlined words or paragraphs.

ābrytan...SPs should be ābrȳtan...EPs.

ācweorran: for SPs read ELPs.

Æfest: for Ei read El.

Æfgerefa: for LkL 1242 read LkL 1258.

Æfterlēan: add Gen 76.

Ælmesfeoh: add LL.

Ærendung: add RB.

Æscwiga: forread †.

āfaran: add Da 6.

āgniend: possession should be possessor.

āgniendlīc should be āgniendlic.

āgryndan: add Men 111.

āhwylfan: add to roll to MP 1·592.

antemnere, antifonere (ÆP 1546) = antefnere.

āsanian: add LV 57.

āsprēadan: for CSPs read EPs.

āstīgnes: for SPs read EPs.

ātilian should be ātillan.

ātlēag: add EC 4489.

ātorgeblǣd n. swelling caused by poison, Lcd 162b.

āÐecgan: add oppress? (Tupper) Rd 12,7.

āÐynnian: for VHy read DHy 810.

āwarnian: read (APs) = āswārnian.

+bearded having a beard, GD 27914.

besārgung: strike out sorrowing, VHy.

besceawere: for VHy read DHy 2415.

besencan: add plunge into (fire), GD 317.

bīegan: add +bȳged bowed down, infirm, Nic 47129.

blīÐe: add (+b. occurs at Guth 1619).

crūc: add LV 74.

cwēme- = cwēm-

+dal n. part, GD 31111.

dalmatice: omit ? and add GD 32934.

+drēog II.: add gentle (horse), GD 7812.

ēÐian should be ±ēÐian.

+fadung: add rule, dominion.

fǣmne(n)dlic (GD) = fǣmnhādlic

fǣrÆrning f. quick marching, GD 1424.

fÆsting f. read commendation, trust, guardianship, GD 23915; LL 58[17].

fÆstnung: add exhortation, MkL p25: monument, MtL p54; Mk 55.

fantbletsung f. consecration of water for baptism, ÆP 18812.

feohtling: add MP 1·610.

ferhtlic: add PPs 9510.

feriend: add Sol 80.

flogettan: substitute to fly, flutter, Sc; GD 10019.

folclic: add worldly, secular, GD 20913.

fordēmednes: add GD 3453.

forecweden aforesaid, GD 12; 344.

forehūs: add LV 33.

forewītung should be forewitung.

forlÆtednes (GD 22716) = forlÆtennes

forrǣda? m. traitor, plotter, MP 1·592.

forsegenlic (GD 23321) = forsewenlic

forÐfromung: for CSVPs read CVPs.

forÐman: add NC 289.

forÐÐēon to profit (‘proficere’), GD 200.

fullfremed: add -līce after adv.

fullhāl thoroughly well, GD 2481.

fyrdgestealla, fyrdgetrum: add †.

+gang: add passage (lapse) of time, GD 17910.

geadrung f. text, MtL p817.

geancyme: delete second line of article.

gearowyrdig: add Mod 51.

gēodÆd: add †.

geondflōwende ebbing and flowing, OEG 2363.

geondlācan: add Ph 70.

geondsendan: omit †.

gest-: for gǣst- read gÆst-

giestran: add Rd 4144.

glÆsfÆt: add GD 1016.

glōmung: for VHy read DHy; GD.

godwebben: add GD 1761.

hÆftnīednes: add GD 34622.

±hÆftnīedan should be +hÆftnīedan.

hālettan should be ±hālettan.

heals-iendlic, -igendlic: for SPs 8913 read APs 8913: imploring, GD 1723.

hellegÆst: strike out †.

hellegeat: add MP 1·610.

hellestōw f. infernal region, hell, GD 33210.

hīwcuÐlic: add familiar, GD 32.

hnep (GD 18627) = hnÆpp

horsÐegn: add muleteer, GD 19123.

hrēÐnes: add ÆP 13623.

hūselbox receptacle of the host, ÆP 1786.

hwīlsticce: add GD 25424.

+hyldelic secure, safe, GD 34810.

+īeÐan: add compassionate, GD 216(ȳ).

Additional references to the NED:—bebodbibod’; belūcanbelouke’; cempakemp’; cennanken’; clipungcleping’; cnÆppknap’; dihteredighter’; dracadrake’; dysgiandizzy’; fǣcnefaken’; forhogianforhow’; forwiernanforwarn’; gafolgavel’; glēawglew’; heononhen’; hlēolee’; hliehhanlaugh’; hrēofreof’; hryrerure’; huruhure’; ierreirre’; lūtanlout

Transcriber’s Notes:


Underlining in the Dictionary

All underlining was added by the transcriber. You will see the following forms:

errors noted by transcriber

errors noted by author

text added by author (outlined as a block)

links between files

Errors and Inconsistencies

For errors corrected by the author, see the Additions and Corrections section; for errors in cross-references, see below.

Errors in Anglo-Saxon words were treated more conservatively than those in the modern text. The most common change was adding or removing a macron in cross-references:

Printed text
mēs (K) = mȳs, v. mus.

Cross-referenced entry
mūs f. gs. mūs, mūse, nap. mȳs ‘mouse,’ ...

Since both headwords have a long vowel, the cross-reference was changed to match.

Most errors are trivial, such as missing or incorrect punctuation or misplaced italics. The word “invisible” in corrections means that there is an appropriately sized blank space in the printed text. Punctuation at the end of entries was silently regularized, and missing or invisible periods (full stops) after standard abbreviations such as “m.” or “pl.” were silently supplied. Other errors are shown in the text with mouse-hover popups.

Alphabetization in the Dictionary

Unless otherwise noted, words are spelled and alphabetized as originally printed. Note in particular:

The letter Æ is alphabetized as ae.

The letter Ð (eth) is alphabetized separately after t.

The letters j and v are not used.

When two words are otherwise identical, the one containing a macron is generally alphabetized second.


Cross-references are linked to the referenced word. When the word is located in your current file (A-C, D-G, H-N, O-S, T-Y) the link is highlighted; when it is in another file, the link is underlined. These settings may be overridden by your personal browser preferences. Your browser may take a short while to find the word, especially if it is opening a file for the first time, so you will generally see the beginning of the new file before being taken to the right location.

Cross-references are shown as printed. When there is an error or ambiguity, correc­tions are shown in mouse-hover popups with these standard wordings:

under “mūs”
The referenced word is either a secondary entry or a parenthesized alternative spelling in the form “mūs (ȳ)”

headword spelled “mūs”
Minor difference, generally an added or omitted macron or a predictable vowel variation such as ī for ȳ.

form of “mūs”
The referenced word is an inflected form. A few very common patterns such as adverbs in “-līce” listed under adjectives in “-lic” are not individually noted.

redirected to “mūs”
The cross-referenced form leads to further cross-references.

Most errors are minor lapses in editing. More complicated errors, such as references to words that could not be found in the Dictionary, are explained in separate paragraphs immediately following the entry.

Technical Note

Anchors of Dictionary headwords are in the form word_entry (lower case) with these modifications:

— The letters Æ and Ð have been “unpacked” to ae and th: ÆfÐanc = word_aefthanc

— Long vowels are written with q, since this letter does not otherwise occur: ham, hām = word_ham, word_haqm. Long ǣ is aeq (aē does not occur).

— Medial hyphens were omitted. Entries with final hyphen, for spelling variations, are generally not linked; when necessary, the final hyphen was changed to a line _.

— When necessary to resolve ambiguity, initial + or ± is included in the anchor as ge_.

— Headwords with multiple definitions are identified by Roman numeral matching the text: ham ... II. ... III. = word_ham_ii, word_ham_iii.


In references to the OED (“New English Dictionary”), printed as italicized English words in ‘single quotes’, hyphen­ization does not always correspond to the OED form. These incon­sistencies were left as printed; words split at line-end were not generally checked against their OED form.

Beginning of these notes

Beginning of this file

This text includes characters that require UTF-8 (Unicode) file encoding:

oe (oe ligature: rare)
āǣēīōūȳ (letters with macron or “long” mark)
α, β (single Greek letters: rare)

If any of these characters do not display properly—in particular, if the diacritic does not appear directly above the letter—or if the apostrophes and quotation marks in this paragraph appear as garbage, you may have an incompatible browser or unavailable fonts. First, make sure that the browser’s “character set” or “file encoding” is set to Unicode (UTF-8). You may also need to change your browser’s default font.

In the original book, shorter entries—chiefly cross-references—were printed two or three to a line. They have been separated for this e-text. To avoid empty cross-references, a few entries, clearly identified, were restored from the first edition.

All [brackets], asterisks* and question marks? are in the original.

For general information on using the Dictionary, and an explanation of the different types of underlining, see the Transcriber’s Notes at the end of this file. In the body of the Dictionary, italics and boldface are as in the original. The New English Dictionary (NED) is now known as the Oxford English Dictionary (OED).


List of Abbreviations

Additions and Corrections

Transcriber’s Notes

Dictionary (separate files): A-C; D-G; H-N O-S T-Y




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The first edition of this dictionary having been exhausted, it has been extensively revised, and certain new features and alterations have been introduced into it.

1. The principle of arranging all words according to their actual spelling has been to a considerable extent abandoned. It was admittedly an unscientific one, and opened the door to a good many errors and inconsistencies. The head form in this edition may be either a normalised form or one which actually occurs.

2. Words beginning with ge- have been distributed among the letters of the alphabet which follow that prefix, and the sign + has been employed instead of ge- in order to make the break in alphabetical continuity as little apparent to the eye as possible. The sign ± has been used where a word occurs both with and without the prefix.

3. References to Cook’s translation of Sievers’ Anglo-Saxon Grammar, and to the Grammatical Introduction to Sweet’s Reader have been taken out, as Wright’s or Wyatt’s Old English Grammar will have taken their place with most English students.

4. A new feature which, it is hoped, will prove widely useful, is the introduction of references to all, or nearly all, the headings in the New English Dictionary under which quotations from Anglo-Saxon texts are to be found. A vast mass of valuable information as to the etymology, meaning and occurrence of Old English words is contained in that Dictionary, but is to a very large extent overlooked because it is to be found under the head of words which are now obsolete, so that unless one happens to know what was the last form which they had in Middle English, one does not know how to get at it. This information will be made readily available by the references in the present work, which will form a practically complete index to the Anglo-Saxon material in the larger dictionary and will at the same time put the student on the track of interesting Middle English examples of the use of Old English words. Besides directing the reader (by means of quotation marks) to the heading in the New English Dictionary where the relevant matter may be found, an indication has been given of the vi texts from which quotations are made therein, when these do not exceed four or five1.

5. There have been many valuable contributions to Anglo-Saxon lexicography (by Napier, Swaen, SchlÜtter, FÖrster, WÜlfing and others) since the first edition of this Dictionary appeared, and these have been made use of, but (as before) unglossaried matter has not been systematically searched for words not hitherto recorded in Anglo-Saxon Dictionaries2.

6. The number of references to passages has been very largely increased. All words occurring only in poetical texts have been marked. If they occur more than once they bear the sign †, if only once, a reference to the passage is generally given. If not they are marked ‡. As regards prose texts, the rule has been only to give references to particular passages in the case of rare words,—more especially ἅπαξ λεγόμενα. The references to AO, CP and Æ which were given in the earlier edition have been retained, as a useful indication that the word occurs in Early West Saxon or Late West Saxon prose, as the case may be.

7. By various devices it has been found possible, while much increasing the amount of matter in the book, to add very slightly to the number of pages, and at the same time to reduce the number of columns on a page from three to two. Most of these devices are more or less mechanical, but one method of saving space may be mentioned. Certain compound words, descriptive of places, which, as far as I know, occur only in charters and which may often be more correctly regarded as proper nouns, have not been separately inserted. Their meaning can however always be ascertained by referring to their components, and where the abbreviation Mdf is inserted the reader will understand that examples of words so compounded, or of the components, or of both, will be found in Birch’s Cartularium Saxonicum, or in Earle’s Land Charters, and that references to those examples are given in Middendorff’s Altenglisches Flurnamenbuch.

8. In the List of Abbreviations, etc. at the commencement of the book, editions of texts which are furnished with a glossary have been specially indicated.

J. R. C. H.

January, 1916.

1. As regards the letter W and some small parts of other letters which have not yet appeared in the NED, a reference has been given to its abridgement (The Concise Oxford Dictionary).

2. The part of the Supplement to ‘Bosworth-Toller’ which has already appeared shows that Professor Toller is examining such matter with great care and thoroughness.



Note 1. Where references are in italic type, quotations from the texts indicated will be found in the New English Dictionary, under the head of the English word which is distinguished in the article by quotation marks (see Preface). In references to special passages volumes have been marked off from pages by an inverted full stop, and lines or verses have been shown, where they follow other numerals, by small superior figures. Occasionally where lines have not been given, the mark ´ has been inserted to show that the quotation is in the lower half of a page.

Note 2. In the following list the number (1) after an edition of a text indicates that the edition is supplied with a complete referenced glossary or word-index, (2) that it has a complete glossary, but without references and (3) that it has a partial glossary or word-index.

Note 3. Some of the abbreviations given below are used in combination. Examples: MtLR = the Lindisfarne and Rushworth MSS of St Matthew; BJPs = the Bosworth and the Junius Psalters; asf. = accusative singular feminine. EK = Early Kentish.

Sources and Grammatical Terms:
A   B   C   DE   FG   HIJ   KL   M   NO   PQR   STU   VWZ

‘ ’ Quotation marks are used to enclose the English words which should be looked up in the NED in order to find etymological information as to, and examples of the use of, the Anglo-Saxon words to which the articles in this Dictionary relate, see Note 1 above. If they enclose Latin words, they indicate the lemmata of Anglo-Saxon words in glosses or glossaries etc., or the Latin equivalent of such words in the Latin texts from which they are translated. The Latin is especially so given when the Ags. word seems to be merely a blindly mechanical and literal equivalent.

* is prefixed or affixed to hypothetical forms. Normalised forms of Ags. words which actually exist are not usually so marked.

´ See Note 1 above.

+ = ge-.

± indicates that the Ags. word to which it is prefixed is found both with and without the prefix ge-.

† = occurs in poetical texts only.

‡ = occurs in a poetical text, and once only.

== This sign is used to indicate that the words which it follows, and its compounds, are to be found in the Dictionary under the heading given after it, thus meht == miht is equivalent to meht = miht and meht- = miht-.

The printed book used the symbol [symbol]. Since this is not readily available, a doubled equals sign == has been substituted.

a. = accusative.

A = Anglian, or, if followed by numerals, Anglia, Zeitschrift fÜr Englische Philologie, Halle, 1877 etc. AB = Anglia Beiblatt.

Æ = Ælfric. (References followed by numerals in parentheses refer to certain Homilies attributed to Ælfric in HL.) If followed by a book of the Bible the reference is to that book in Ælfric de vetere et novo Testamento (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 1).

ÆGr = Ælfric’s Grammatik und Glossar, ed. J. Zupitza, Berlin, 1880.

ÆH = Ælfric’s Homilies, ed. by B. Thorpe, London, 1844-6. (Quoted by vol., page and line.)

ÆL = Ælfric’s Metrical Lives of Saints, ed. W. W. Skeat (EETS), 1881-1900 (3).

ÆP = Ælfric’s Hirtenbriefe (Ælfric’s Pastoral Letters), ed. B. Fehr, Hamburg, 1914 (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 9).

AF = Anglistische Forschungen, ed. J. Hoops, Heidelberg.

Alm = the poem on Alms, in Gr.

An = the poem of Andreas, in Gr; or ed. G. P. Krapp, Boston, U.S.A., 1905 (1).

Andr = the prose legend of St Andrew, in J. W. Bright’s Anglo-Saxon Reader, London, 1892 (1).

ANS = Herrig’s Archiv fÜr das Studium der neueren Sprachen, Brunswick, 1846-1914.

AnT = Analecta Anglo-saxonica by B. Thorpe, London, 1846 (2).

anv. = anomalous verb.


AO = Alfred’s translation of Orosius, ed. H. Sweet (EETS), 1883. (v. also Wfg.)

Ap = the poem of the Fate of the Apostles, in Gr; or included with Andreas in Krapp’s edition (v. An).

APs = the Arundel Psalter, ed. G. Oess (AF vol. 30), Heidelberg, 1910.

ApT = Anglo-Saxon version of Apollonius of Tyre, ed. B. Thorpe, London, 1834.

AS = King Alfred’s version of Augustine’s Soliloquies, ed. H. L. Hargrove (Yale Studies in Old English), Boston, U.S.A., 1912 (1). See also Shr.

Az = the poem of Azarias, in Gr.

B = the poem of Beowulf, in Gr; also ed. A. J. Wyatt and R. W. Chambers, Cambridge, 1914 (1); or ed. W. J. Sedgefield, Manchester, 1912 (1); or ed. Harrison and Sharp, Boston, U.S.A., 1888 (1).

Bas = The Admonition of St Basil, ed. H. W. Norman, London, 1840.

BB = Bonner BeitrÄge zur Anglistik, ed. M. Trautmann.

BC = Cartularium Saxonicum, ed. W. de Gray Birch, London, 1883 etc., 3 vols.

Bd = Bede.

BDS = BeitrÄge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache, ed. E. Sievers, Leipzig, 1874-1914.

BH = the Anglo-Saxon version of Bede’s Ecclesiastical History, 2 vols., ed. T. Miller (EETS), 1891-6. (Reference is usually made to the pages in vol. 1 as regards the various readings recorded in vol. 2—not to the pages in the latter vol.)

Bk = Texte und Untersuchungen zur AE Literatur, etc., by R. Brotanek, Halle, 1913.

Bl = The Blickling Homilies, ed. R. Morris (EETS), 1874-80 (1).

BlPs = Blickling Glosses to the Psalms, at the end of Bl.

Bo = King Alfred’s translation of Boethius, with the Metres of Boethius, ed. W. J. Sedgefield, Oxford, 1899 (1).

BPs = die AE Glossen im Bosworth-Psalter, ed. U. LindelÖf (MÉmoires de la Soc. nÉo-philologique À Helsingfors, tom. 5), 1909 (3).

BR = An Anglo-Saxon Reader, ed. J. W. Bright, New York, 1913 or London, 1910 (1).

Br = the poem of Brunanburh, in Gr or †Chr.

BT = An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, by J. Bosworth and T. N. Toller, Oxford, 1882-98. BTSup. = the Supplement to the above, Part I (A-EORÐ), 1908.

CC = The Crawford Charters, ed. by A. S. Napier and W. H. Stevenson (Anecdota Oxoniensia), Oxford, 1895.

CD = the Codex Diplomaticus, ed. Kemble.

This citation occurs a few times in error for the author’s normal form, KC.

Chr = Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel, ed. J. Earle and C. Plummer, Oxford, 1892 (1). The poetical passages are marked †Chr.

CM = the tract ‘de Consuetudine Monachorum,’ in Anglia, vol. 13, pp. 365-454.

Cos = AltwestsÄchsische Grammatik, by P. J. Cosijn, Haag, 1888.

cp. = compare.

CP = King Alfred’s trans. of Gregory’s Pastoral Care, ed. H. Sweet (EETS), London, 1871.

Cp = the Corpus Glossary, in OET, or in WW (cols. 1-54) or (if the numbers are followed by a letter), in A Latin-Anglo-Saxon Glossary, ed. by J. H. Hessels, Cambridge, 1890 (1).

CPs = Der Cambridge-Psalter, ed. K. Wildhagen, Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 7, Hamburg, 1910. (CHy = Cambridge Hymns in the same vol.) (3)

Cr = the poem of Crist, in Gr.

Cra = the poem of Men’s Crafts, in Gr.

Creat = the poem of the Creation, in Gr.

Ct = Charters, wills and other like documents, as contained in BC, CC, EC, KC and TC.

d. = dative.   dp. = dat. pl.   ds. = dat. singular; etc.

Da = the poem of Daniel, in Gr; or ed. T. W. Hunt (Exodus and Daniel), Boston, 1885.

DD = the poem ‘Be Dōmes DÆge’ (‘de die judiciÆ’), ed. J. R. Lumby (EETS), London, 1876 (1); or in Gr (vol. 2, pp. 250-272).

Deor = the poem of Deor’s Complaint, in Gr and Kl.

DHy = the Durham Hymnarium, ed. J. Stevenson (Surtees Society, vol. 23), London, 1851. (Gl, by H. W. Chapman, Yale Studies, No. 24, Boston, 1905.)

Dom = the poem ‘Be Dōmes DÆge’ from the Exeter Book, in Gr (Vol. 3, pp. 171-4).

DR = the Durham Ritual, ed. T. Stevenson (Surtees Society), London, 1840. Lines of Anglo-Saxon only counted. [Gl by Uno LindelÖf, Bonn, 1901 (BB vol. 9).]

Du. = Dutch.

E = Early.

EC = Land Charters and other Saxonic Documents, ed. John Earle, Oxford, 1888 (3).

EETS = Early English Text Society’s Publications.

EK = Early Kentish.

El = the poem of Elene, in Gr; or ed. Kent, Boston, 1889.


Ep = the Epinal Gloss., in OET.

EPs = Eadwine’s Canterbury Psalter, ed. F. Harsley, EETS, London, 1889. (EHy = Hymns in the same vol.)

Erf = the Erfurt Gloss., in OET.

ES = Englische Studien, Heilbronn and Leipzig, 1876-1914.

EWS = Early West Saxon.

Ex = the poem of Exodus, in Gr or in Hunt’s edition (v. Da). If followed by two kinds of numerals = Exodus in Ælfric de vetere et novo Testamento in the Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, Vol. 1, Cassel, 1872.

exc. = except.

f. = feminine.   fp. = fem. plural.

FAp = the poem ‘Fata Apostolorum,’ in Gr.

FBO = Das Benediktiner Offizium, ed. E. Feiler (AF vol. 4), Heidelberg, 1901.

Fin = the poem of Finnsburg, in Gr, and most editions of Beowulf.

FM = The Furnivall Miscellany, Oxford, 1901.

FT = the poem ‘A Father’s Teachings,’ in Gr.

g. = genitive.   gs. = gen. singular.   gp. = gen. pl.; etc.

G = the Anglo-Saxon Gospels, ed. W. W. Skeat, Cambridge, 1871-87. See also LG, NG, RG, WG. (Gl to WG by M. A. Harris, Yale Studies, vol. 6, Boston, 1899.)

GD = Die Dialoge Gregors den Grossen, ed. Hans Hecht (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 5), Cassel, 1900-1907.

Gen = the poem of Genesis, in Gr. If followed by two kinds of numerals = Genesis in Ælfric de vetere et novo testamento (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 1, Cassel, 1872).

Ger. = German.

GK = Grein’s Sprachschatz der Ags. Dichter, revised by KÖhler and Holthausen, Heidelberg, 1912. (A complete referenced glossary to Gr.)

Gl = Glossary. Used also as a comprehensive sign for all or any of the extant Anglo-Saxon glosses or glossaries: Cp, Ep, Erf, GPH, HGl, KGl, Ln, OEG, WW etc.

Gn = The Gnomic Verses in Gr. GnE = those in the Exeter Book and GnC those in the Cotton MS. Separate edition also by B. C. Williams, New York, 1914 (1).

GPH = Prudentius Glosses, contributed by A. Holder to Germania, Vierteljahrsschrift fÜr deutsche Altertumskunde, vol. 11 (ns).

Gr = Bibliothek der AngelsÄchs. Poesie, ed. C. W. M. Grein and revised by R. P. WÜlker, Cassel, 1883-98.

Gu = the poem of St Guthlac, in Gr.

Guth = the (prose) Life of St Guthlac, ed. C. W. Goodwin, London, 1848 (pp. 8-98), or ed. P. Gonser (AF vol. 27), Heidelberg, 1909 (pp. 100-176).

Hell = the poem of Hell, in Gr.

Hept = The Heptateuchus, etc., Anglo-Saxonice, ed. Edw. Thwaites, Oxford, 1698.

Hex = The Hexameron of St Basil, ed. H. W. Norman, London, 1849.

HGl = Glosses in (Haupt’s) Zeitschrift fÜr deutsches Altertum, vol. 9 (1853).

HL = Homilien und Heiligendleben, ed. B. Assmann, Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 3, Cassel, 1889. v. also Æ and Shr, (3).

Hu = the poem ‘The Husband’s Message,’ in Gr.

Hy = the collection of ‘Hymns’ at the end of most of the Ags. versions of the Psalms. v. the various Psalters (Ps). [The numbering of verses etc. usually follows that in Wildhagen’s Cambridge Psalter (CPs).]

i. = instrumental (case).

IM = ‘Indicia Monasterialia,’ ed. F. Kluge, in Techmer’s Internationale Zeitschrift fÜr allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, vol. 2, Leipzig, 1885.

intr. = intransitive.

JAW = EigentÜmlichkeiten des Anglischen Wortschatzes, by R. Jordan (AF vol. 17), Heidelberg, 1906

JGPh = Journal of (English and) Germanic Philology, Urbana, Ill.

Jn = the Gospel of St John. v. G and NG (JnL = Lindisfarne MS; JnR = Rushworth MS, v. LG, RG).

JPs = der Junius-Psalter, ed. E. Brenner (AF vol. 23), Heidelberg, 1909 (JHy = the Hymns in the same vol.).

Jud = the poem of Judith, in Gr, or ed. A. S. Cook, Boston, 1889 (1).

Jul = the poem of Juliana, in Gr.

K = Kentish.

KC = Codex Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici, ed. J. M. Kemble, 6 vols., London, 1839-48.

KGl = Kentish Glosses to the Proverbs of Solomon (= WW 55-88, or, if quoted by number, in Kl).

Kl = AngelsÄchsisches Lesebuch, by F. Kluge, 3rd edition, Halle, 1902 (2).

KlED = F. Kluge’s Etymologisches WÖrterbuch, 7th edition, 1910, or J. F. Davis’ translation, London, 1891.

L. = Latin.

Lcd = Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of the Anglo-Saxons, ed. O. Cockayne, London, 3 vols., Rolls Series, 1864-66 (vol. 2, and pp. 1-80 of vol. 3 are referred to by the folio of the MS, so that the references may x also be available for G. Leonhardi’s edition of that part of the Lcd, in the Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 6) (3).

Leas = the poem ‘Be manna lease,’ in Gr.

Leo = Leo’s AngelsÄchsiches Glossar. Halle, 1877.

Listing added by transcriber; used only in first edition.

LG = the Lindisfarne Gospels, in Skeat’s ed. of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels (v. G). (Glossary by A. S. Cook, Halle, 1894.) LRG = Lindisfarne and Rushworth Gospels. v. RG.

Lieb. = F. Liebermann (v. LL).

Lk = the Gospel of St Luke. v. G and NG (LkL = Lindisfarne MS; LkR = Rushworth MS; v. LG, RG).

LL = the Anglo-Saxon Laws, as contained in Liebermann, Schmid or Thorpe. If followed by numerals not in parentheses, or only partially in parentheses, the reference is to ‘Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen,’ by F. Liebermann, 2 vols., Halle, 1903-12 (1); if by numerals entirely in parentheses, to vol. 2 of ‘Ancient Laws and Institutes,’ by B. Thorpe, 2 vols., London, 1840 (3).

Ln = the Leiden Glossary, ed. J. H. Hessels, Cambridge, 1906 (1).

Lor = the Lorica Hymn, in Kleinere angelsÄchsische DenkmÄler, by G. Leonhardi (Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 6), Hamburg, 1905.

LPs = Der Lambeth-Psalter, ed. U. LindelÖf, Acta Soc. Sc. Fennicae, vol. 35, Helsingfors, 1909 (1). (LHy = the Hymns in the same vol.)

LWS = Late West Saxon.

LV = Leofric’s Vision, ed. A. S. Napier, in the Transactions of the Philological Society for 1907-10, pp. 180-188.

M = Mercian.

m. = masculine.   ms., mp., etc. = masc. sing., masc. plur., etc.

Ma = the poem of the Battle of Maldon, in Gr, also in Br, Kl or Sweet’s Anglo-Saxon Reader, Oxford.

Mdf = Altenglisches Flurnamenbuch, by H. Middendorff, Halle, 1902. [See Preface.]

Men = the Menologium, at the end of Chr.

Met = the Metres of Boethius; v. Bo.

MF = Festschrift fÜr L. Morsbach (Studien zur Eng. Philologie, vol. 50), Halle, 1913.

MFH = Homilies in MF, ed. Max FÖrster.

MH = An Old English Martyrology, ed. G. Herzfeld (EETS), London, 1900. See also Shr.

MHG. = Middle High German.

Listing added by transcriber.

Mk = the Gospel of St Mark; v. G and NG. (MkL = Lindisfarne MS; MkR = Rushworth MS of St Mark; v. LG, RG.)

MLA = Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, Baltimore.

MLN = Modern Language Notes, Baltimore, 1886-1914.

Mod = the poem ‘Bi Manna Mōd,’ in Gr.

MP = Modern Philology, Chicago, 1903-1914.

Mt = the Gospel of St Matthew; v. G and NG. (MtL = Lindisfarne MS; MtR = Rushworth MS of St Matthew; v. LG, RG.)

n. = nominative, or neuter, or note. (np., nap., etc. = nom. plural, nom. and acc. plur., etc.)

N = Northumbrian.

Nar = Narratiunculae, ed. O. Cockayne, London, 1861.

NC = Contributions to Old English Lexicography by A. Napier, in the Philological Society’s Transactions for 1903-1906, London (mostly late texts).

NED = the New English Dictionary, ed. Sir J. A. H. Murray and others, Oxford, 1888-1915. (See Preface, and Note 1.)

neg. = negative.

NG = the Northumbrian Gospels, contained in Skeat’s edition (v. G, LG, RG).

Nic = the Gospel of Nicodemus, in Hept; or in MLA 13·456-541. (The references to passages are always to the latter edition.)

NR = The Legend of the Cross (Rood-tree), ed. A. S. Napier, EETS, London, 1894.

obl. = oblique.

occl. = occasional, occasionally.

OEG = Old English Glosses, ed. A. Napier (Anecdota Oxoniensia), Oxford, 1900 (1).

OET = The Oldest English Texts, ed. H. Sweet, EETS, 1885 (1).

OF. = Old French.

Rare, but always “OFr.” in text.

OHG. = Old High German.

ON. = Old Norse.

OS. = Old Saxon.

p. = page, or plural.

Pa = the poem of the Panther, in Gr.

Part = the poem of the Partridge, in Gr.

Ph = the poem of the Phoenix, in Gr or BR.

pl. = plural.

PPs = the Paris Psalter, ed. B. Thorpe, London, 1835. The prose portion (Psalms 1-50) also ed. Bright and Ramsay, Belles Lettres Series, Boston, 1907, and the remainder (verse portion) in Gr.

Ps = any one or more of the Anglo-Saxon Psalters. [NB. In the numbering of the Psalms, the Authorised Version is usually one ahead of the MSS.] v. A, B, C, E, J, L, R, S and VPs; also Hy.

The occasional form Pss was retained. It may be either an error for Ps or short for “several Psalters”. In the one OED reference, two Psalters are quoted.


PST = Philological Society’s Transactions (v. also LV and NC).

QF = Mone, Quellen u. Forschungen zur Geschichte der teutschen Lit. u. Sprache, Aachen und Leipzig, 1830.

RB = der Benedictinregel, ed. A. SchrÖer, Bibl. der Ags. Prosa, vol. 2, Cassel, 1885-8 (3).

RBL = the Anglo-Saxon and Latin Rule of St Benet (Interlinear Glosses), ed. H. Logeman, EETS, London, 1888.

Rd = The Riddles of the Exeter Book, in Gr, or ed. F. Tupper Junr., Boston, 1910 (1).

RG = the Rushworth Gospels, in Skeat’s ed. of the Anglo-Saxon Gospels (v. G). Mt (all), Mk 1-215 and Jn 181-3 are in a Mercian dialect, and are usually known as R1; the rest (R2) is in a Northumbrian dialect (v. also LG). Glossary to R1 by Ernst Schulte, Bonn, 1904; to R2 by U. LindelÖf, Helsingfors, 1897.

Rim = the Riming Poem, in Gr.

Listing added by transcriber. The Riming Poem is included in Grein along with many other texts from its original source, the Exeter MS.

Rood = the poem ‘Dream of the Rood,’ in Gr.

RPs = der Regius-Psalter, ed. F. Roeder (Studien in Eng. Philologie, vol. 18), Halle, 1904. (RHy = the Hymns in the same vol.)

RSL = Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, London.

Ruin = the poem of the Ruin, in Gr.

Run = the Rune-poem, in Gr.

s. = strong; also = singular.   sv. = strong verb.   swv. = strong-weak verb.

Sat = the poem ‘Christ and Satan,’ in Gr.

sb. = substantive.

Sc = Defensor’s Liber Scintillarum, ed. E. Rhodes, EETS, London, 1889 (3).

Seaf = the poem of the Seafarer, in Gr.

sg. = singular.

Shr = the Shrine by O. Cockayne, London, 1864-70 [pp. 29-33 and 46-156 = MH; pp. 35-44 = HL pp. 199-207; pp. 163-204 = AS].

SHy = Surtees Hymnarium = DHy.

SkED = An Etymological English Dictionary by W. W. Skeat, Oxford, 1910.

Sol = the poem Solomon and Saturn, in Gr (if in italics, the reference is sometimes to the prose version, ed. J. M. Kemble).

Soul = the poem of the Soul, in Gr.

SPs = Psalterium Davidis Latino-Saxonicum, ed. J. Spelman, London, 1640. (Stowe MS, but includes marginal readings from APs, CPs and EPs.)

Swt. = The Student’s Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon by H. Sweet, Oxford, 1897.

TC = Diplomatarium Ævi Saxonici, ed. B. Thorpe, London, 1865 (3).

tr. = transitive.

usu. = usual, usually.

v. = vide, or very.

v.l. = varia lectio.

VPs = the Vespasian Psalter, as contained in OET (1). [VHy = Hymns at the end of the Psalter.] Glossary also by Conrad Grimm (AF, vol. 18), Heidelberg, 1906.

V2Ps = Psalter-Glosses in Cotton Vitellius E 18 (noted by Wildhagen in CPs).

w. = with.

W = (I) Wulfstan’s Homilies, ed. A. Napier, Berlin, 1883. Glossary by L. H. Dodd, New York, 1908. (II) West Saxon.

Wa = the poem of the Wanderer, in Gr.

Wald = the poem of Waldhere, in Gr.

Wfg = die Syntax in den Werken Alfreds, by J. E. WÜlfing, Bonn, 1894-1901 (copious material, and indexes to words in AO, BH, Bo, CP, AS, PPs, etc.).

WG = West Saxon Gospels (v. G).

Whale = the poem of the Whale, in Gr.

Wid = the poem of Widsith, in Gr, or ed. R. F. Chambers, Cambridge, 1912.

Wif = the poem of ‘the Wife’s Complaint,’ in Gr.

WS = West Saxon.

Wt = An Old English Grammar by J. and E. M. Wright, 2nd edition, Oxford, 1914.

WW = Old English Vocabularies, ed. by T. Wright and R. P. WÜlker, London, 1884. Cols. 1-54 = Cp; 55-88 = KGl; pp. 89-103 = Colloq. Monast. in NED.

Wy = the poem ‘Be manna wyrdum’ in Gr.

ZDA = Zeitschrift fÜr deutsches Altertum, Leipzig and Berlin, 1853-1914.

ZDPh = Zeitschrift fÜr deutsche Philologie, Halle, 1869-1914.



This section is included for completeness. All changes have been made in the text. Corrections are marked with mouse-hover popups, while additions are shown as outlined words or paragraphs.

ābrytan...SPs should be ābrȳtan...EPs.

ācweorran: for SPs read ELPs.

Æfest: for Ei read El.

Æfgerefa: for LkL 1242 read LkL 1258.

Æfterlēan: add Gen 76.

Ælmesfeoh: add LL.

Ærendung: add RB.

Æscwiga: forread †.

āfaran: add Da 6.

āgniend: possession should be possessor.

āgniendlīc should be āgniendlic.

āgryndan: add Men 111.

āhwylfan: add to roll to MP 1·592.

antemnere, antifonere (ÆP 1546) = antefnere.

āsanian: add LV 57.

āsprēadan: for CSPs read EPs.

āstīgnes: for SPs read EPs.

ātilian should be ātillan.

ātlēag: add EC 4489.

ātorgeblǣd n. swelling caused by poison, Lcd 162b.

āÐecgan: add oppress? (Tupper) Rd 12,7.

āÐynnian: for VHy read DHy 810.

āwarnian: read (APs) = āswārnian.

+bearded having a beard, GD 27914.

besārgung: strike out sorrowing, VHy.

besceawere: for VHy read DHy 2415.

besencan: add plunge into (fire), GD 317.

bīegan: add +bȳged bowed down, infirm, Nic 47129.

blīÐe: add (+b. occurs at Guth 1619).

crūc: add LV 74.

cwēme- = cwēm-

+dal n. part, GD 31111.

dalmatice: omit ? and add GD 32934.

+drēog II.: add gentle (horse), GD 7812.

ēÐian should be ±ēÐian.

+fadung: add rule, dominion.

fǣmne(n)dlic (GD) = fǣmnhādlic

fǣrÆrning f. quick marching, GD 1424.

fÆsting f. read commendation, trust, guardianship, GD 23915; LL 58[17].

fÆstnung: add exhortation, MkL p25: monument, MtL p54; Mk 55.

fantbletsung f. consecration of water for baptism, ÆP 18812.

feohtling: add MP 1·610.

ferhtlic: add PPs 9510.

feriend: add Sol 80.

flogettan: substitute to fly, flutter, Sc; GD 10019.

folclic: add worldly, secular, GD 20913.

fordēmednes: add GD 3453.

forecweden aforesaid, GD 12; 344.

forehūs: add LV 33.

forewītung should be forewitung.

forlÆtednes (GD 22716) = forlÆtennes

forrǣda? m. traitor, plotter, MP 1·592.

forsegenlic (GD 23321) = forsewenlic

forÐfromung: for CSVPs read CVPs.

forÐman: add NC 289.

forÐÐēon to profit (‘proficere’), GD 200.

fullfremed: add -līce after adv.

fullhāl thoroughly well, GD 2481.

fyrdgestealla, fyrdgetrum: add †.

+gang: add passage (lapse) of time, GD 17910.

geadrung f. text, MtL p817.

geancyme: delete second line of article.

gearowyrdig: add Mod 51.

gēodÆd: add †.

geondflōwende ebbing and flowing, OEG 2363.

geondlācan: add Ph 70.

geondsendan: omit †.

gest-: for gǣst- read gÆst-

giestran: add Rd 4144.

glÆsfÆt: add GD 1016.

glōmung: for VHy read DHy; GD.

godwebben: add GD 1761.

hÆftnīednes: add GD 34622.

±hÆftnīedan should be +hÆftnīedan.

hālettan should be ±hālettan.

heals-iendlic, -igendlic: for SPs 8913 read APs 8913: imploring, GD 1723.

hellegÆst: strike out †.

hellegeat: add MP 1·610.

hellestōw f. infernal region, hell, GD 33210.

hīwcuÐlic: add familiar, GD 32.

hnep (GD 18627) = hnÆpp

horsÐegn: add muleteer, GD 19123.

hrēÐnes: add ÆP 13623.

hūselbox receptacle of the host, ÆP 1786.

hwīlsticce: add GD 25424.

+hyldelic secure, safe, GD 34810.

+īeÐan: add compassionate, GD 216(ȳ).

Additional references to the NED:—bebodbibod’; belūcanbelouke’; cempakemp’; cennanken’; clipungcleping’; cnÆppknap’; dihteredighter’; dracadrake’; dysgiandizzy’; fǣcnefaken’; forhogianforhow’; forwiernanforwarn’; gafolgavel’; glēawglew’; heononhen’; hlēolee’; hliehhanlaugh’; hrēofreof’; hryrerure’; huruhure’; ierreirre’; lūtanlout

Transcriber’s Notes:


Underlining in the Dictionary

All underlining was added by the transcriber. You will see the following forms:

errors noted by transcriber

errors noted by author

text added by author (outlined as a block)

links between files

Errors and Inconsistencies

For errors corrected by the author, see the Additions and Corrections section; for errors in cross-references, see below.

Errors in Anglo-Saxon words were treated more conservatively than those in the modern text. The most common change was adding or removing a macron in cross-references:

Printed text
mēs (K) = mȳs, v. mus.

Cross-referenced entry
mūs f. gs. mūs, mūse, nap. mȳs ‘mouse,’ ...

Since both headwords have a long vowel, the cross-reference was changed to match.

Most errors are trivial, such as missing or incorrect punctuation or misplaced italics. The word “invisible” in corrections means that there is an appropriately sized blank space in the printed text. Punctuation at the end of entries was silently regularized, and missing or invisible periods (full stops) after standard abbreviations such as “m.” or “pl.” were silently supplied. Other errors are shown in the text with mouse-hover popups.

Alphabetization in the Dictionary

Unless otherwise noted, words are spelled and alphabetized as originally printed. Note in particular:

The letter Æ is alphabetized as ae.

The letter Ð (eth) is alphabetized separately after t.

The letters j and v are not used.

When two words are otherwise identical, the one containing a macron is generally alphabetized second.


Cross-references are linked to the referenced word. When the word is located in your current file (A-C, D-G, H-N, O-S, T-Y) the link is highlighted; when it is in another file, the link is underlined. These settings may be overridden by your personal browser preferences. Your browser may take a short while to find the word, especially if it is opening a file for the first time, so you will generally see the beginning of the new file before being taken to the right location.

Cross-references are shown as printed. When there is an error or ambiguity, correc­tions are shown in mouse-hover popups with these standard wordings:

under “mūs”
The referenced word is either a secondary entry or a parenthesized alternative spelling in the form “mūs (ȳ)”

headword spelled “mūs”
Minor difference, generally an added or omitted macron or a predictable vowel variation such as ī for ȳ.

form of “mūs”
The referenced word is an inflected form. A few very common patterns such as adverbs in “-līce” listed under adjectives in “-lic” are not individually noted.

redirected to “mūs”
The cross-referenced form leads to further cross-references.

Most errors are minor lapses in editing. More complicated errors, such as references to words that could not be found in the Dictionary, are explained in separate paragraphs immediately following the entry.

Technical Note

Anchors of Dictionary headwords are in the form word_entry (lower case) with these modifications:

— The letters Æ and Ð have been “unpacked” to ae and th: ÆfÐanc = word_aefthanc

— Long vowels are written with q, since this letter does not otherwise occur: ham, hām = word_ham, word_haqm. Long ǣ is aeq (aē does not occur).

— Medial hyphens were omitted. Entries with final hyphen, for spelling variations, are generally not linked; when necessary, the final hyphen was changed to a line _.

— When necessary to resolve ambiguity, initial + or ± is included in the anchor as ge_.

— Headwords with multiple definitions are identified by Roman numeral matching the text: ham ... II. ... III. = word_ham_ii, word_ham_iii.


In references to the OED (“New English Dictionary”), printed as italicized English words in ‘single quotes’, hyphen­ization does not always correspond to the OED form. These incon­sistencies were left as printed; words split at line-end were not generally checked against their OED form.

Beginning of these notes

Beginning of this file



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