| Page. | Preface to the first edition, | 3 | Preface to the second edition, | 10 | Historical, | 13 | The size, | 21 | Carrageen moss, | 31 | Gum tragacanth, | 45 | Salep, Flea-bane and other glutinous bodies, | 53 | The Ox-gall,—Its chemical analysis, | 59 | Effect of the gall on colors, | 60 | Preparation of ox-gall and its uses, | 63 | Substances acting similarly to gall, | 71 | Sprinkling water, | 75 | The alum water, | 79 | The preparation of colors for marbling, | 85 | The marbling of book-edges and paper, | 97 | The comb or nonpareil marble, | 103 | The peacock marble, | 111 | The bouquet marble, | 115 | The entwined comb marble, | 119 | The snail marble, | 123 | General remarks relative to drawn edges, | 129 | Marbled edges, | 137 | Hair-vein edges, | 147 | Rules in regard to the marbling table, | 153 | Precautions, | 153 | A new expanding medium, | 154 | Marbling of gilt-edges, | 159 | Marbling on a large scale, | 159 | The Utensils,—The marbling trough, | 163 | The size-skimmer, | 163 | The drawing needle or stylus, | 164 | The comb, | 164 | The peacock-comb, | 165 | The brush for comb-edges, | 165 | The broom-corn whisk, | 165 | The brush for marbled-edges, | 166 | Book-clamps, | 166 | Apparatus for throwing-on colors, | 167 | Sample plates, I-X, | 169-187 | APPENDIX. The starched edge, | 193 | The colored edge, | 197 | The gilt-edge, | 205 | Colored edges with front and end gilding, | 219 | | |