CHAPTER 1. EARLY LIFE OF COLUMBUS. His Birth and Birth-place—His Early Education—His experience at Sea-His Marriage and Residence in Lisbon— His Plans for the Discovery of a Westward Passage to the Indies CHAPTER II. HIS PLANS FOR DISCOVERY. Columbus Leaves Lisbon, and Visits Genoa—Visits Great Spanish Dukes—For Six Years is at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella—The Council of Salamanca—His Petition is at Last Granted—Squadron Made Ready CHAPTER III. THE GREAT VOYAGE. The Squadron Sails—Refits at Canary Islands—Hopes and Fears of the Voyage—The Doubts of the Crew— Land Discovered CHAPTER IV. The Landing on the Twelfth of October—The Natives and their Neighbors—Search for Gold-Cuba Discovered Columbus Coasts Along its Shores CHAPTER V. Landing on Cuba—The Cigar and Tobacco—Cipango and the Great Khan—From Cuba to Hayti—Its Shores and Harbors CHAPTER VI. Discovery of Hayti or Hispaniola—The Search for Gold— Hospitality and Intelligence of the Natives—Christmas Day—A Shipwreck—Colony to be Founded—Columbus Sails East and Meets Martin Pinzon-The Two Vessels Return to Europe—Storm—The Azores— Portugal—Home CHAPTER VII. Columbus is Called to Meet the King and Queen—His Magnificent Reception—Negotiations with the Pope and with the King of Portugal—Second Expedition Ordered —Fonseca—The Preparations at Cadiz CHAPTER VIII. The Second Expedition Sails From Cadiz—Touches at Canary Islands—Discovery of Dominica and Guadeloupe —Skirmishes with the Caribs—Porto Rico Discovered —Hispaniola—The Fate of the Colony at La Navidad CHAPTER IX. The New Colony—Expeditions of Discovery—Guacanagari— Search for Gold—Mutiny in the Colony—The Vessels Sent Home—Columbus Marches Inland— Collection of Gold—Fortress of St. Thomas—A New Voyage of Discovery—Jamaica Visited—The South Shore of Cuba Explored—Return—Evangelista Discovered —Columbus Falls Sick—Return to Isabella CHAPTER X. THE THIRD VOYAGE. Letter to the King and Queen—Discovery of Trinidad and Paria—Curious Speculation as to the Earthly Paradise —Arrival at San Domingo—Rebellions and Mutinies in that Island-Roldan and His Followers—Ojeda and His Expedition—Arrival of Bobadilla—Columbus a Prisoner CHAPTER XI. SPAIN, 1500, 1502. A Cordial Reception in Spain—Columbus Favorably Received at Court—New Interest in Geographical Discovery—His Plans for the Redemption of the Holy Sepulchre—Preparations for a Fourth Expedition CHAPTER XII. FOURTH VOYAGE. The Instructions Given for the Voyage—He is to go to the Mainland of the Indies—A Short Passage—Ovando Forbids the Entrance of Columbus into Harbor Bobadilla’s Squadron and Its Fate—Columbus Sails Westward —Discovers Honduras, and Coasts Along Its Shores —The Search for Gold—Colony Attempted and Abandoned —The Vessels Become Unseaworthy—Refuge at Jamaica—Mutiny Led by the Brothers Porras—Messages to San Domingo—The Eclipse—Arrival of Relief —Columbus Returns to San Domingo, and to Spain CHAPTER XIII. Two Sad Years—Isabella’s Death—Columbus at Seville— His Illness—Letters to the King—journeys to Segovia —Salamanca and Valladolid—His Suit There—Philip and Juana—Columbus Executes His Will—Dies—His Burial and the Removal of His Body—His Portraits— His Character