
Abel, Professor, 275, 278
Althorp, Lord, 268
Anderson, 246
Archimedes, 18, 20
Bacon, Roger, 37
Barlow, Joel, 179
Baxter House, 277
Beccaria, 114
Bell, I. L., 280
Benvenuto Cellini, 58
Bernard Palissy, 82
Berthier, 281
Berzelius, 281
Bessemer, Andrew, 262
Bessemer, Sir Henry, 259
Bessemer and Catherwood, 263
Black, Dr., 165
Blue Hills, Mass., 284
Bossuet, 183
Boulton, Matthew, 171, 181
Bourbon, Constable, 63
Braithwaite and Ericsson, 212
Brandreth, 212
Bridgewater Foundry, 249, 255
Brunel, Isambert, 178
Bungy, Friar, 41
Burstall, 212, 216
Carriage, Sailing, 141
Car of Neptune, 189
Caslon, Henry, 263
Cellini, Benvenuto, 58
Chaise, One-wheeled, 144
Charles IX. of France, 96
Cheltenham, 281
Church, Benjamin, 174
Circle, The Square of, 22
Clement VII., 62
Condensation, 159
Conductors of Electricity, 105
Constable Bourbon, shot, 63
Coolidge, O. B., 292
Court of Chancery, N. Y., 189
Dalibard, 108
Darwin, Dr., 135
Dawson, President, 286
De Foe, Daniel, 99
Devonport, 252
Didot, Finnin, 263
Dixon, John, 205
Droz, FranÇois Xavier Joseph, 102
Edgeworth, Richard Lovell, 119
Edison's Laboratory, 51
Electricity, 103
Elkingtons, 263
Engines, Early Steam, 149
Euclid, 20
Evans, Oliver, 175
Experiment, The Great, 111
Field, Joshua, 249
Fitch, John, 177, 190
"Firework," The, 155
Francis I., 71
Franklin, Benjamin, 97, 177, 237
Fulton, Robert, 173

Gig, One-wheeled, 145
Glasses, Musical, 115-117
Gold Paint, 270
Goodyear, Charles, 285
Greene, Mrs. General, 227, 229
GrÜner, 279
Gun Factories, 275
Hackworth, Timothy, 212
Hammerfield, 257
Harmonica, 113
Hart's Recollections, 161
Hartop, Annie (Mrs. Bessemer), 250
Helton Railway, 203
Hiero, 21
Hitchin, 264
Hooke, Dr. Robert, 137
Hulls, Jonathan, 176
Jack the Darter, 142
Jay, John, 220
Jefferson, Thomas, 233
Jouffroy, Marquis de, 176
Karsten, 281
Keramics, 82
Killingworth Colliery, 195
Latent Heat, 157
Lightning, 107
Livingston, Chancellor, 178
Mackintosh, James, 173
Maclaughlan, Robert, 246
Manchester, 249
Marcellus attacks Syracuse, 26
Massachusetts, Derivation of Name, 284
Maudsley, Henry, 247
Middleton Colliery Railway, 203
Miller, Phineas, 231
Minie, Commander, 273
Musical Glasses, 115
Napoleon I., 175
Napoleon III., 274
Nasmyth, James, 238
Newcomen Engine, 150, 167, 169
Nuremburg, 271
Palissy the Potter, 82
Papin, Denis, 176
Patricroft, 256
PÉrier, 176
Persley, Sir Charles, 266
PlombiÈres, 180
Pope Clement VII., 62
Potter, Humphrey, 152
Practical Magazine, 282
Quincy, 194
Rastrick and Walker, 217
Ravensworth, Lord, 195
Renard and Krebs, 174
Resolution Book, 101
Rinman, 281
Robespierre, Max, 261
Robison, 154, 165
Roebuck, Dr., 171
Roger Bacon, 37
Roosevelt, Nicholas, 178
Royal Academy, 265
Royal Gun Factories, 275
Rumsey, James, 177
St. Pancras, 274
St. Petersburg, 192, 253
Savery, 176
Scottish Society of Arts, 246
Sharp Conductors, 105
Somerset House, 265
Sounds and Signals, 139
Stanhope, Earl, 179
Stamp Office, English, 266
Steam-Engines, Early, 149
Stephenson, George, 193
Stephenson, Robert, 208
Stevens, John, 178
Stevens, Robert L., 192
Sweden, 254
Symington, 180, 182
Syracuse, Siege of, 25
Telegraph, Edgeworth's, 124
Telegraph, English, 133
Telegraph, Irish, 127
Telegraph, Home, 139
Telegraphs, 125, 126
Tellograph, 137
Thirteen Virtues, 100
Travelling Engine, 195
Ugolini, Giorgio, 65
Virgil, 53
Walker and Rastrick, 217
Walking-machine, 140
Watt, James, 146
Whistler, Major G. W., 254
Whitney, Eli, 219
Wilmot, Col. Eardley, 275
Wood, Nicholas, 213
Woolwich Arsenal, 275
Wylam and Killingworth Railway, 203
Zonara, 32

University Press: John Wilson & Son, Cambridge.


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