A. Abrasions of the skin, to prevent, 93 Absorbents, 544 Abstinence, 127 Accidents in open carriages, to avoid, 206 Accidents, prevention of, 460 Accomplishments, 385 Acids, 120 Acids, to restore color taken out by, 59 Acquaintances after marriage, 518 Agreeableness, 500 Agriculture, hints about, 265, 463 Agriculture, important fact, 266 Air, its effects on life, 676 Air, city, 678 Air, country, 677 Air-bath, 436 Alabaster, to clean, 31 Alabaster, marble, or stone, to stain, 417 Alcohol, 120 Alder, advantages of, 265 Alkalescent drinks, 242 Alkalies, 120 Alternatives, 544 Alum water, 389 Alum whey, 247 Ammonia, 120 Ammoniated anodyne, 550 Anagrams, 430 Anemones, to paint, 391 Anglo-Japanese work, 166 Animal food, 599 Anodyne and discutient, 550 Antidotes and poisons, 120 Ants, to destroy, 85 Ants and wasps, to destroy, 85 Aperient for children, 100 Aperients, gingerbread, 615 Aperient pills, 618 Apoplexy and fits, 570 Appetite, loss of, 374 Appetite, 553 Apples, to color, 390 Apples, to keep, 354 Apples, to preserve, 193 Apples for hogs, 470 Apple fritters, 331 Apple trees, 304 Apple water, 242 April, 183 April showers, 455 Arms and polished metal, to keep from rust, 24 Arnica, extract of, 115 Aromatic vinegar, 148 Arrow-root, 239 Arrow-root jelly, 240 Arsenic, 120 Arsenic, to detect, 192, 619 Artichoke, 476 Artificial flowers, 486 Arts, elegant and ingenious, 385 Ash color, 386 Asparagus, 476 Assafoetida, 553 Asses, to color, 390 Asthma, 385, 623 Asthma, to relieve, 103 August, 185 Authors, advice to, 659 Aviaries, 644 B. Bacon in summer, 470 Baldness, to prevent, 611 Balls and evening parties, 509 Balls, to make breeches, 63 Balls for removing spots, to make, 63 Balsamics, 545 Baltimore oriole, 643 Bandages, 563 Bandages, circular, 564 Bandages, various, 565 Barn-floors, to make durable, 315 Bark, dog-wood, 243 Bark, wild cherry, 243 Barley water, 245 Bathe, time to, 539 Bathing, advantages of, 125 Baths and bathing, 124, 538 Bathing tubs, 539 Baths for children, 540 Baths, tepid and cold, 539 Bath, vapor, at home, 250 Batter, French, 332 Batter pudding, 332 Bay color, 386 Beans, 476 Beans, to color, 390 Bed, to heat, 439 Bed clothes, hints about, 17, 536 Bed furniture, &c., to wash, 51 Bed-room linen, 155 Bed-rooms, scouring, 10 Bed-rooms, to clean, 9 Beds making, &c., 254 Bee or wasp, sting of, 123 Beech-tree leaves, 17 Beef, as food, 365 Beef, essence of, 377 Beef, roasting, 600 Beer, 609 Beer, keeping, 258 Beer, to prevent growing flat, 350 Beer, to recover sour, 351 Beer, table, to make, 351 Bees, 467 Bees, to manage, 176 Bees, to preserve, 317 Bees, to remove, 316 Beetles, to destroy, 276 Beets, 476 Beets, &c., to preserve all winter, 273 Belladona, 120 Beverages, 608 Beverages, spring, 611 Bile, remedy for, 625 Bile and bilious complaints, 553 Bilious disorders, 625 Binding, 154 Birdlime, 644 Birds, 641 Birds, sick, 642 Birds, beasts, &c., to preserve, 317 Birds, shot, to preserve, 318 Birds in water colors, 392 Birth marks, 135 Biscuit, to preserve, 356 Biscuits, cheap ginger, 329 Biscuits, pic-nic, 328 Bite of venomous animals, 122 Biting the nails, 612 Black, to color, 362 Black paper for patterns, 170 Black reviver, 61 Black silk, to dip, 61 Blackberries, 247 Blacking, celebrated for boots, &c., 79 Blacking, good, 79 Blacking, liquid, 80 Blacking for leather seats, 22 Blankets, 155 Bleaching liquid, 626 Bleaching straw, 66 Bleeding at the nose, 95 Bleeding from a cut, to stop, 98 Blisters, to apply, 374 Blisters, management of, 113 Blond lace, 61 Blood, taking, 571 Blood, the, is the life, 127 Blue, light, 387 Boards, to give a beautiful appearance to, 13 Boards, to scour, 14 Boards or stone, to extract oil from, 13 Body in flames, 572 Boils, to cure, 109 Bone dust, 464 Bone or ivory, to stain, 417 Bonnets, straw, 66 Bonnets, straw and cheap, to dye, 77 Books and accounts, 213 Books, to preserve, 39 Books or prints, to clean, 39 Books, to choose, 383 Boots, 493 Boots and shoes, 489 Boots and shoes, to clean, 261 Boots and shoes, to prevent snow water, &c., 81 Boots, water-proof, 82 Boot tops, to clean brown, 80 Borax, uses of, 116 Borecole, 476 Botanical specimens, 408 Bottles, to cleanse, 31 Bottling, 340 Bowel complaints, 615 Bowels, pain in, 224 Braiding, 155 Brandied peaches, 320 Brandy and salt, 617 Brandy cherries, 320 Brass and copper, to clean, 26 Brass ornaments, to clean, 26 Bread, 590 Bread, cheap, 595 Bread, to discover if adulterated, 356 Bread, to keep, 593 Bread, Indian, 592 Bread, pulled, 594 Bread, rye and Indian, 593 Bread, unfermented, 336 Bread crumbs, white, 327 Bread, sippets of, 326 Bread-pans, to clean, 258 Bread poultice, 113 Breadths of light, 393 Breakfast, 368 Breakfast, making, 253 Breakfast, cold meats at, 253 Breakfast, neatness in, 252 Breakfast-room, work in, 252 Breath, for the, 103 Breath, bad from onions, 146 Breath, bad, remedy for, 119 Breath, offensive, 625 Brewing, cheap method of, 351 Brewis, 445 Brittannia, tins, &c., polishing paste for, 27 Brittannia, to clean, 27 Brocoli, 477 Bronzed chandeliers, &c., 438 Bruises or contusions, 115 Bruises and inflammations, 571 Bruise or sprain, 233 Brussels sprouts, 476 Budding, 480 Buckwheat, utility of, 269 Bugs, to de
stroy, 87 Bugs, 620 Bugs and worms, to destroy, 276 Building, 310 Buildings, to color, 393 Bulbous roots, 179 Bullfinch, 642 Bunion, inflamed, 618 Bunions, to cure, 97 Burning, to protect children from, 52 Burns, 109 Burns and scalds, 109, 110, 616 Burns, to cure, 442 Butter, 287, 357 Butter, hints about, 456 Butter, bad, 605 Butter, improved method, 288 Butter, to cure a bad tub of, 358 Butter, salt, to make fresh, 358 Butter or milk, to remove the taste of turnips from, 358 Butter as diet, 367 Butterflies and moths, 482 Butterfly's wings, to take impressions of, 169 C. Cabbage, 477 Cabbage water, 258 Cake, common black, 596 Cake, composition, 596 Cake, loaf, 597 Cake, maize, 596 Cake, sponge, 597 Calcareous deposits in boilers, 620 Calico furniture, to clean, 10 Calico furniture, to wash, 51 Calves, to rear, 286 Calves' feet jelly, 376 Camera Lucida, a new, 169 Camphor mixture, 246 Camphorated ointment, 549 Canary birds, 175, 641 Canary, to teach to sing, 641 Cancer, 617 Candle, to make, &c., 35 Candle, blowing out a, 34 Candle snuffs, use of, 32 Candles, 439 Candles, economy in, 622 Candles, plain hints about, 34 Candles and lamps, 215 Candles and lamps, spurting, 450 Candlesticks, cleansing, 262 Cane-chairs, &c., to clean, 22, 439 Canker, or sore mouth, 232 Canker-worm, 484 Carbonic acid gas, 676 Carbuncles, 618 Cardinal Grosbeak, 642 Cardoon, 477 Carefulness, 315 Compresses, 562 Compresses, pierced, 563 Concussions, 569 Condiments, 368 Conduct, Mrs. Fry's rules of, 532 Contusions or bruises, 115 Conundrums, 430 Conversation, 526 Convulsions, 226 Cookmaid, duties of,
251 Cookmaid, of the, 251 Copper and brass, to clean, 26 Copper in liquids, to detect, 192, 619 Coral, artificial, 170 Cordial, julep, 247 Cordials, 545 Corks, improved, 70 Corn, 464 Corn, to feed, 470 Corn, to dry, 194 Corn, green, 337 Corn oysters, 337 Corn salad, 477 Corns on the feet, 96 Corns, to prevent, 96 Corns, to cure, 96 Corn solvent, 96 Corns, soft, to cure, 97, 615 Corns and warts, 96 Corpulence, 119 Corroborates, 547 Corrosive sublimate, 121 Costiveness, 373 Cotton, carded, 562 Cotton, to dye buff, 77 Coughs, for common, 105 Coughs, winter, 105 Cough and hoarseness, 105 Cough, white mixture for, 105 Cough, troublesome, 106 Coughs, children's, 106 Cough, hacking, 106 Cough, for a, 107 Cough syrup, 614 Counterpanes, to wash, 50 Court plaster, 136 Courtship and marriage, 511 Covers, hints about, 455 Cows, 469 Cows, feeding with sainfoin, 285 Cows, feeding with parsnips, 285 Cows, proper food for, 285 Cows, milch, 286 Cows, rules for milking, 287 Cows, to prevent bad habits, 288 Cows to milk, 200 Cramp, 100 Cramp in bathing, 611 Cramp and spasm, 374 Crape, black, to remove water stains from, 619 Cream, 357 Cream, substitute for, 190, 352, 608 Cream in long voyages, 192 Creosote, 121 Cress, 477 Crickets, to destroy, 85, 440 Crockery and glass, 33 Croup, 227 Crows, to keep from corn, 270 Crust, wine, 327 Crust in the tea-kettle, 438 Crystallization upon cinders, 424 Cucumbers, 295, 477 Cup cakes, 330 Curious facts, 659 Currants, green, to preserve, 355 Currant shrub, 342 Curry, to prepare a, 337 Curry, Lord Clive's, 338 Curry powder, 337 Cutaneous eruptions in children, 232 Cuts and wounds, 572 D. Dairy, the, 357 Dairy, temperature for, 287 Damp walls, 16 Dampness in beds, 17 Dancing, 665 Dandelion, use of, 271 Dandelion, 549 Danger from fire, 203 Daughters, training of, 667 Deafness, 623 Deafness, temporary, 95 Decanters, to clean, 30 December, 186 Decoctions, 549 Dentition, 226 Dentifrice, a good, 137 Depilatory, 616 Diaphanic, 400 Diarrhea, 108 Diet for patients, 126 Dietetic maxims, 628 Dinner, 369, 606 Dinner parties, 507 Dinner, what plates for, 256 Dinner, directions for, 254 Dinner, serving up, 256 Dinner-hour, &c., 255 Dirt in the eye, 572 Discolorations of the skin, 93 Diseases of the skin, 457 Dishes, washing, 256 Dish-covers, cleansing, 259 Disinfecting liquid, 93 Dogs, pet, 645 Domestic hints, 462 Door, creaking, 468 Door-mats, cheap, 444 Door-plates, to clean, 28 Draining ponds, 377 Draughts, game of, 425 Drawing paper, 385 Drawings, to set pencil, 171 Drawings, wash for, 171 Dress, importance of, 484 Dress of ladies, 484 Dress of gentlemen, 492 Dress, print, to preserve color of, 53 Dress, faded, to bleach, 53 Dress, print, to wash, 52 Dresses, &c., to iron, 53 Dress-making, 635 Dressings, 560 Dressing-table, for the, 138 Drinks, 369 Drinks, alkalescent, 242 Drinks, nutritive, 244 Drinks, stimulating, 242 Drinks, summer, 610 Drinks, tonic, 243 Drinks for the sick, 241 Drowning, recovery from, 208, 209 Drowning, danger of, 206 Drowning, to rescue, 649 Drunkenness, 569 Dry rot, 309 Dry rot in timber, 309 Ducks, to fatten, 202 Ducks and geese, 201 Dyeing, 74, 423 Dyeing the hair, 613 Dyes, various, 75 Dysentery, 108, 373, 374 Dyspepsia bread, 335 E. Eagles, to color, 390 Ear, diseases in, 94 Ear, pain in, 95, 615 Ear-ache, 85, 233 Ear, sore, 221 Early rising, 536 Earwigs, &c., in the ear, 95 Earwigs, &c., to destroy, 279, 482 Eat slowly, 368 Eau d'Ange, 149 Eau de Cologne, 146, 147 Ebony, imitation of, 36 Economical hints, 444 Economicals of cooking meats, 367 Economics, 334 Economy in expenditure, 212 Edgings, to plant, &c., 291 Edgings, box, to cut, 283 Eggs, 468 Eggs, dyeing, 424 Eggs in jaundice, 100 Eggs, to preserve, 191 Eggs of birds, to preserve, 169 Egg-plant, 478 Elder, good effects of, 274 Elder-flowers, 548 Elephants, to color, 390 Embankments, 266 Emblematic stones, 415 Embroidery, silk, 162, 163 Endive, 477 Enemas, 551 Enigmas, 656 Ermine and Miniver, to clean, 54 Eruptions, cutaneous, 555 Erysipelas, cure for, 99 Essences from flowers, 147 Etchings on glass, 415 Etiquette, rules of, 501 Evening pastime, 429 Exercise, 540 Extracts, 552 Eye, dirt or lime in, 572 Eye, iron or steel in, 572 Eye, black, to cure, 625 Eye, bruised to cure, 94 Eye, cold or inflammation in, 94 Eyes, sore, 221 Eye-water, 93, 618 Eye-brows, to darken, 130 F. Fainting, or syncope, 234, 539 Fainting, remedy for, 99 Family at home, 590 Family tables, 699 Fard, 136 Farmers, hints to, 198, 464 Farms, small, 463 Feathers, to clean of their oil, 18, 423 Feathers and hair, to dye green, 77 Feathers, to dye, 405 Feathers, white, to clean, 441 Feather flowers, 403 Febrifuges, 547 Feet, 250 Feet, cold and damp, 104 Feet, frostbitten, 618 Feet, sore, 250 Feet, wet, 451 Feet, wounded, 233 Feet, to keep warm, 439 Felon, 45 Harness-makers' jet, 45 Hashes, 603 Hat, 438, 493 Hats, to preserve, 436 Hat, to scour, 73 Hat, straw, to bleach, 66 Hats, to prevent injury from rain to, 74 Hazel nuts, 192 Head, do no not shave the, 128 Head, scald, 221 Head, sore, 221 Heads, 688 Headache in bed, 436 Headache, sick, 614 Headache, sure remedy, 624 Health, preservation of, 89, 533 Health and beauty, 89 Health and wealth, 533 Health, general, 542 Health in winter, 234 Health, a few rules for, 370 Health of animals, 289 Heartburn, 623 Hedges, 291 Hem and hemming, 152 Hemorrhage, 152 Hen-house, 468 Hens, to make lay, 202 Herbs, aromatic, 194, 479 Herbs, to dry, 194, 473 Herbs, uses of, 474 Herbs, winter, 195 Hiccough, 108 High shoulders, 663 Hills, to color, 393 Hinges, creaking, 22 History, synopsis of American, 692 Hoarseness, 106 Hogs, 467 Hollow horn, 469 Home counsels, 652 Home and its employments, 9 Home industry, 635 Home pursuits, 151 Homestead, exemption, 684 Honey soap, 146 Honey water, 142 Honeysuckles, to paint, 391 Hooker's method, &c., 378 Horn, to stain, 418 Horse, to manage, 198 Horse, to dress, 199 Horse, to judge, 652 Horses, scratches on, 467 Horses, hints about, 461 Horses, to paint, 389, 390 Horse-flies, 200 Horse-radish, 321 Horse-chestnut soap, 50 Hortus siccus, 484 Hot water, uses of, 125 House-cleaning, 9 Houses, to paint, 381 Houses, to purify, 88 House, selection of, 525 Household management, 606 Household maxims, 43 Hungary water, 141 Hydrophobia, 123 Hypocras, 348 Hysteric affections, 371, 569 I. Idiosyncrasy, 543 Impressions from coins, 412 Impressions of plants, 181 Incense, curious cakes, 147 Indian ink, 175, 385 Infants, management of, 217 Infants, medicines for, 220 Infection, to prevent, 91 Influenza, 102 Ink, to make, 172, 173, 174 Ink, indelible, 172 Ink, black and blue, 622 Ink powder, 74 Ink, Indian, 175, 385 Ink, China, 175 Ink-stains, 57, 58 Ink-stains from silver, 619 Ink-stains from wood, 620 Insects, to destroy, 277 Insects on apple trees, 277, 280 Insects, on fruit trees, 288 Insects in bird cages, 644 Insects and earth-worms, 277 Insects and weasels, 468 Irish cordial, 350 Iron, to stain black, &c., 419 Iron, new, 446 Irons, to preserve from rust, 24 Iron-moulds, 56 Iron nails in fruit trees, 304 Ironing, 263 Itch, ointment for, 550 Ivory, to bleach, 31 Ivory or bone, to stain, 417 J. Jambalaya, 322 January and Febuary, 182 Japanned candlesticks, 33 Jaundice, 615 Jaundice, infantile, 224 Java sparrows, 642 Jelly made with gelatine, 598 Jelly, nourishing, 240 Jelly, rice, 241 Jelly, apple, 319 Jessamine butter, 139 Jewels of the months, 415 Johnny cakes, 336 Joint, stiff, 375 July, 184 Jumbles, 330 June, 183 K. Kettle, hints about, 455 Kindness, 664 Kitchen, arrangements for, 252 Kitchen cloths, 87 Kitchen, economy in, 253 Kitchen paper, 216 Kitchen garden, 291 Knife-boards, 29 Knives and forks, to clean, 28, 261 Knives, cleaning, 261, 629 Knives and forks, to re-fasten, 29 L. Lace, blond, 61 Lace, gold or silver, 72 Lace, white, to wash, 58, 626 Lacquer, to clean, 34 Lamps, to clean, 34 Lamps, economical wick for, 34 Lamps, to prevent, &c., 104 Lamps, to prevent smoking, 441 Lamps and candles, 215 Lamp oil, the best, 439 Land, wet, 471 Landscapes in water colors, 392 Laudanum, 121 Lavender, oil of, 622 Lavender, vinegar, 148 Lavender water, 141 Laws, 682 Laxatives, 108, 547, 551 Lead, 121 Lead-color, 387 Leaf impressions, 176, 410, 411 Leanness, 120 Leap year, 673 Leather cases, to clean, 54 Leather, old, oiling, 45 Leather work, ornamental, 422 Leather, enamelled, to polish, 628 Leaves, skeleton, 409 Leaves, when to collect, 306 Leaf-lice, 484 Leeches, 101, 570 Lemonade, 242, 349 Lemonade, Italian, 349 Lemon juice, to purify, 192 Length of day and night, to ascertain, 673 Letter writing, 660 Letters, to gild, 378 Lettuce, 478 Lettuce, to keep, 355 Ley, dyspeptic, 242 Life-belts, 648 Lightning, stroke of, 208, 570 Lightning, to avoid, 460 Lime, 464 Lime for cottage walls, 37 Lime in the eye, 572 Lime and oil, 551 Lime and oil camphorated, 551 Lime water, 116, 247 Lime water, 389, 594 Linen, to bleach, 57 Linen, house, &c., 157 Linen, to perfume, 148 Linen, to take stains out of, 54 Linen, scorched, 55 Linen, to restore, &c., 55 Linen rags, 446 Liniments, 550 Linings, &c., to dye, 76 Linnet, or finch, 643 Linseed poultice, 113 Linseed tea, 117 Lint, 561 Lint, scraped, 562 Lions, to color, 389 Lips, chapped, 146 Lips, paste for, 146 Lip salve, 146, 619 Lockjaw, to prevent, 375, 612 Logwood, 549 Looking-glass, to clean, 18, 438 Lotions, 548 Love's telegraph, 512 Lumbago, 615 Lunar caustic, 121 Lungs, development of, 537 Lungs, to ascertain, &c., 553 M. Macassar oil, 139 Magazines to be read, 384 Mahogany, to darken, 35 Mahogany, to restore, &c., 621 Mahogany, to give any, &c., 35 Mahogany, to remove ink from, 21 Maid, 210 Making beds, 17 Management of infants, 217 Manners, 494 Manure, to preserve, 266 Manure, 266, 465, 468 Many things, 319 Maps or prints, to mount, 168 Marble, to clean, 14, 15 Marble, to take out stains, 15 Marble, to, books, &c., 382 Marble, artificial, 36 March, 182, 453 Marking, 154 Marking ink, 172 Marl, limestones, &c., 266 Marriage ceremony, 513 Marriage, after, 520 Maxims and morals, 632 May, 183 Mayonnaise, 322 Mead, red and white, 346 Mead, rich, 345 Measles, 372 Meat for children, 367 Meats, cooking, 601 Meats, preserving, 601, 604 Mechanics, &c., hints to, 630 Medicine, administering, 237, 543 Medicines in traveling, 118 Medicines, precautions in, 559 Melons, 295, 478 Mending, 157 Merinoes, &c., to clean, 60 Metal kettles, &c., 29 Mice, 276 Mildew out of linen, 56 Mildew, 483 Milk, baked, 190 Milk, morning's, 447 Milk of roses, 140 Milk vessels, 258 Mince-meat, 335 Miniver and Ermine, 54 Mint tea, 117 Miscellaneous receipts, 319, 615 Mistress, 210 Mixture for stone stairs, 15 Mock turtle, imitation of, 322 Mocking bird, 643 Molasses, 338 Molasses, apple, 338 Moles, 134 Monkeys, to color, 390 Moreen curtains, to clean, 16 Morocco shoes, to clean, 444 Moss on trees, 195 Moth on the skin, 324 Pickle and preserve jars, 259 Pic-nic biscuits, 595 Picture-frames, to retouch, 19 Pigs, fattening, 290 Pillow-cases, 156 Pimples, wash for, 135 Pincushion covers, 156 Piping, 154 Plaiting, 155 Plants, 470 Plants, to dwarf, 410 Plants, house, 178 Plants, succulent, 301 Plants, to air, &c., 179 Plants, to kill vermin on, 196 Plants, to propagate, 196 Plants, watered, &c., 197 Plants, window, 182 Plants, poisonous, 673 Plasters, blisters, &c., 114 Plasters and poultices, 238 Plaster, adhesive, 562 Plaster, mustard, 238 Plaster, spice, 238 Plaster casts, to improve, 165 Plaster figures, 165 Plate, to clean, 25, 620 Plate powder, 25 Plow deep, 465 Poison, 617 Poisons and antidotes, 120 Polish for dining-tables, 20 Polish and varnish, 20 Polished grates, &c., 22 Polishing paste, 27 Pomatums, 138, 139 Pomade divine, 139 Ponds, to keep free, &c., 285 Pork, 366, 469 Pot-pourri, 141 Potatos, 605 Potatos, boiling, 354 Potatos, to keep, 194, 354 Potatos, to raise, 270 Potatos in bleaching, 57 Potichomanie, 394 Poultice, bark, 231 Poultice, bread, 113 Poultice, elder-flower, 246 Poultice, linseed, 113 Poultice, mush, 239 Poultice, mustard, 112, 554 Poultice, white bean, 246 Poultices, 553, 554 Poultice for burns, &c., 442 Poultry, 200, 602 Pounce, 378 Powder, almond, &c., 140, 141 Powers of the mind, 687 Preparation for marking, 622 Prints or maps, to mount, 168 Prints or books, to clean, 39 Privies, &c., 39 Prunes, stewed, 241 Prussic acid, 121 Pudding, cheap, 597 Pudding, sago and apple, 597 Pudding, pea, 598 Pudding-cloths, &c., 257 Pumpkin, 479 Pumpkin, to dry, 354 Pumpkin pie, 334 Putty, to dissolve, 165 Q. Quicksilver, 35 Quilts, 155 Quince seed, mucilage of, 247 Quince syrup, 611 Quinsy, 107, 230 R. Racahout des Arabes, 353 Radishes, 297, 479 Rags, save the, 264 Rain, cause of rain, 452 Raspberry cakes, 330 Raspberry vinegar, 351 Rats, 86, 283, 619 Rats or mice, 283, 284 Razor-strop paste, 32 Razor, strops, 74 Reading aloud, 652 Reading in bed, 438 Receipts, 686 Re-cooking, 255 Red gum, 224 Red lavender drops, 100 Reed bird, 643 Reptiles, to kill, 281 Resp in sheep, 289 Restorative, 240 Rheumatism and gout, 101 Rheumatism and lumbago, 101, 623 Rheumatism, infusion for, 244 Rheumatism, mixture for, 244 Rhubarb, 479 Rhubarb, garden, 299 Rhubarb, to cure, 300 Rhubarb stalks, 334 Rhubarb, turkey, 299, 300 Rice caudle, 336 Rice-flour cement, 621 Riches, 574 Rickets, 228 Riddles, 656 Riding, art of, 651 Riding dress, 650 Rings, 438 Ring, to remove a tight, 621 Ringworm, 98, 99, 616 Road and paths, to color, 393 Robes, 488 Robin, 643 Rock-cakes, 330 Rolls, 335 Rooms, ventilating, 260 Rose-color, to make, 262 Roses, to paint, 391 Roses, spirit and oil of, 148 Roses, tincture of, 142 Rose vinegar, 351 Rosewater, 142 Rosewood, imitation of, 35 Rossolis, French, 347 Rot in sheep, 290 Rugs, 450 Running, 152 Russet, 388 Ruta-baga, 471 Rye, 464 S. Sackatash, 337 Sage, virtues of, 116 Sage and onion stuffing, 326 Sage tea, 117, 244 Sago, 240 Sal-volatile, 446 Salad, to raise quickly, 271 Saline draught, 107, 611 Salt, 468 Salt of lemons, 57 Saltpetre, 121 Salsify, 479 Sarsaparilla, decoction of, 614 Satin, black, to clean, 58 Satin, white, 61 Sauces, 325 Sauce-pans, kettles, &c., 256, 454 Scalds and burns, 109, 110 Scarlet fever, 376 Scent, very fine, 142 Scions, 480 Scouring drops, 63, 447 Scratches, 616 Scrofula, 228 Scrofula, ointment for, 550 Scurf on the head, &c., 623 Scurvy, 375 Sea-sickness, to prevent, 118 Sea-water, artificial, 233 Sea-water, to make fit, &c., 43 Sea-water, effect of, 451 Sea-weed, to preserve, 407 Sealing-wax, red, 172 Sealing-wax, varnish, 168 Seasoning for stuffing, 327 Seeds, to preserve, 267, 291 Seeds for fruit trees, 481 Seeds, to discover, &c., 197 Seeds, flower, to preserve, 197 Seeds, foreign, 291 Senna, infusion of, 247 Senna, tea, 117 Sentiments of flowers, 669 September, 185 Servants, 213, 606 Servants, punctuality in, 252 Servants, rules for, 251 Sewing, 151, 152 Sewing on glazed calico, 165 Shave, an easy, 150 Shaving, 149 Shaving, composition for, 150 Shaving liquids, 150 Sheep, 469 Sheep, to select, 466 Sheep, to catch, 290 Sheep, to mark, 288 Sheets, 155 Sherbet, 347, 348 Shirt, 492 Shirt, to iron, 53 Shocks, violent, 569 Shoes, 81 Shoes, white satin, 80 Shopping, 669 Shower-bath, hand, 124 Shumac, 471 Sick, management of, 217 Sick room, rules for, 558 Sickness, remedies for, 371 Sickness, severe, 91 Sickness and vomiting, 222 Side, pain in, 618 Sight, rules for, &c., 249 Silk articles, 627 Silk, old, 60 Silks, black, to dip, 61 Silks, to alum, 75 Silks, to clean, 60, 61 Silks, to extract grease, 59 Silks and merinoes, 60 Silks and stuffs, 59 Singing, utility of, 654 Sink, 257 Skeleton leaves, 409 Skin, to soften, &c., 132 Skin, wash for, 140 Skins, squirrel, 442 Slate color, 361 Sleep, to promote, 118, 235, 436 Sleet, cause of, 452 Slugs, 281 Slugs and snails, 481 Slugs, rose, 483 Small-pox, to prevent pitting, 559 Small-pox marks, 555 Smelling-bottle, 148 Smoke, to color, 393 Smoke of a candle, &c., 455 Smut in wheat, 268 Snails, 281 Snake bites, 121 Snow, cause of, 451 Snow, effect of, 452 Soap, 216 Soap, essence of, 144 Soaps, various, 145, 146 Soap, soft, 365 Soap, substitute for, 46 Soap liniment with Spanish flies, 551 Soda-cake, 328 Soda-water and ginger-beer powders, 350 Soil for fruit trees, 481 Sore throat, gargle for, 103 Sore throat, ulcerated, 107 Sorrel, 471 Sound and light, velocity of, 674 Soap, vegetable, 241 Spasms, 101 Spectacles, use of, 655 Spermaceti or wax on cloth, 63 Spermaceti ointment, 246 Spider, bite of, 468 Spider, red, 281 Spinach, 479 Spirits, to test, 191 Spit, &c., cleaning, 258 Splints, substitutes for, 568 Sponge, to clean, 54 Sponge-cake, 331 Spots on silk, 59 Spots on cloths, &c., 59 Spots from woolen cloths, 62 Spots in linen, 58 Sprain, 115 Sprain or bruise, 233 Spruce beer, 350 Squash, 355, 479 Squill mixture, 246 Squinting, 613 Squirrels, 397 Varnish, transfer, 412 Varnish for violins, 21 Varnish, white, 21 Varnish for straw or chip hats, 66 Varnish, incombustible, 72 Varnish for oil pictures, 169 Varnish, to prevent, &c., 177 Varnished furniture, 20 Vaults, hints about, 461 Vegetables, properties of, 474 Vegetables, to cultivate, 476 Vegetables, to clear of insects, 605 Vegetables, 604 Veils, white, to clean, 441 Velvet, to clean, 627 Velvet, to raise the pile of, 62 Venomous animals, bite of, 122 Ventilators, improved, 316 Ventriloquism, 659 Verdigris, 122 Verjuice, how to make, 118 Vermin, cause of, 457 Vermin in gardens, 279 Vermin in granaries, 282 Vermin on plants, 196 Vesicants, 548 Vest, 493 Vinegar for burns, 110 Vinegar, to make, 193 Vinegar, aromatic, 148 Vinegar, lavender, 148 Vinegar mixture, 242 Vines, to prune, 306, 679 Visits and presentations, 502 Vitriol, white, 122 Vitriol accidents, 110 Voice, the, 654 W. Walking with a lady, 501 Wall-fruit, 306 Walls, damp, 312 Walnut ketchup, 355 Walnut water, 116 Warmth, dry, 568 Warts, 96 Warts and corns, 96 Wash colors for maps, 389 Wash for pimples, 135 Wash for walls, 360 Wash, to, 363 Wash balls, 144 Washing, family, 49 Washing, frequent, 459 Washing, general, 46 Washing day, 262 Washing materials, 626 Washing preparations, 46 Washing woolen, 363 Washington, words of, 695 Wasps, 482 Wasps and ants, 85 Wasps and flies, 85 Wasp or bee, sting of, 123 Wasp, cure for swallowing, 123 Watch, to manage, 186 Water, 42, 43 Water, to prevent freezing in pipes, 43 Water, hard, 626 Water, to make soft, 446 Water, stagnant, 441 Water, to obtain pure, 244 Water, to obtain, 377 Water, hot, 554 Water, keeping hot, 259 Water and meat in voyages, 44 Water, rules for those who have fallen in, 649 Water, barley, 245 Water, bergamot, 347 Waters for cooling, &c., 244 Water, peach, &c., 347 Water-colors in drawing, 385 Water-colors for animals, 389 Water, to color, 388 Water-proof clothing, 77 Water-proof cloth, 78, 82 Wax or grease-spots, 55 Wax, &c., from cloth, 63 Wax, from velvet, 63 Wax candles, 34 Wealth, way to, 583 Weaning children, 220 Weather, signs of, 674 Weather and the blood, 675 Weather-proof composition, 36 Wedding breakfast, 517 Wedding cards, 517 Wedding cakes, 519 Wedding rings, 519 Weeds, 285, 464 Weights and measures, 699 Wet clothes, to prevent, &c., 104 Wheat, to sow, 269 Wheat, to prevent smut, 27 Wheat and barley, to sow, 470 Whey, alum, 247 Whey, French method, 376 Whey, laxative, 245 Whey, mustard, 242 Whey, wine, 242 Whiskers, &c., to promote, 624 White for inside, &c., 37 White, a good, 386 White satin, 61 White varnish, 21 Whooping-cough, 104, 231 Whortleberries, 247 Wife, how to treat, 521 Wills, 683 Windows, washing, 626 Windows, to color, 394 Windsor soap, 145 Wine, American currant, 345 Wine, claret, to improve, 339 Wine, apricot, 343 Wine, damson, 342 Wine, home-made, 339 Wine, morello cherry, 343 Wine, orange, 343 Wine, raisin, 344 Wine, red cherry, 342 Wine, red currant, 344 Wine, spruce, 345 Wine, coloring, 341 Wine, fining for, 340 Wine jelly, 333 Wood, to preserve, 308 Wood, to preserve from fire, 314 Wood, to stain, 417, 422 Wooden stairs, like stone, 37 Wool, to purify, 18 Woolens and furs, 78 Woolens, to wash, 48 Wool of sheep, 289 Worm pimple, 135 Worms, 229 Worms in gardens, 282 Worms in gravel walks, 282 Worsted, &c., to dye black, 77 Wounds, to prevent mortifying, 98 Wren, usefulness of, 282 Write, to, secretly, 382 Writing, old, 173 Writing, to take out, 173 Y. 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Nine New Stories by the Christmas Fire. Hard Times. Lizzie Leigh. The Miner's Daughters, etc. CHRISTMAS STORIES. Containing— A Christmas Carol. The Chimes. Cricket on the Hearth. Battle of Life. Haunted Man, and Pictures from Italy. A complete sett of the above edition, twelve volumes in all, will be sent to any one to any place, free of postage, for Five Dollars. COMPLETE LIBRARY EDITION. In FIVE large octavo volumes, with a Portrait, on Steel, of Charles Dickens, containing over Four Thousand very large pages, handsomely printed, and bound in various styles. Volume | 1 | contains | | Pickwick Papers and Curiosity Shop. | " | 2 | do. | | Oliver Twist, Sketches by "Boz," and Barnaby Rudge. | " | 3 | do. | | Nicholas Nickleby and Martin Chuzzlewit. | " | 4 | do. | | David Copperfield, Dombey and Son, Christmas Stories, and Pictures from Italy. | " | 5 | do. | | Bleak House, and Dickens' New Stories. Containing—The Seven Poor Travellers. Nine New Stories by the Christmas Fire. Hard Times. Lizzie Leigh. The Miner's Daughters, and Fortune Wildred, etc. | Price of a | complete | sett. | Bound in | Black cloth, full gilt back, | $7 50 | " | " | " | " | scarlet cloth, extra, | 8 50 | " | " | " | " | library sheep, | 9 00 | " | " | " | " | half turkey morocco, | 11 00 | " | " | " | " | half calf, antique, | 15 00 | Hand pointing right Hand pointing left Illustrated Edition is described on next page. ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF DICKENS' WORKS. This edition is printed on very thick and fine white paper, and is profusely illustrated, with all the original illustrations by Cruikshank, Alfred Crowquill, Phiz, etc., from the original London edition, on copper, steel, and wood. Each volume contains a novel complete, and may be had in complete setts, beautifully bound in cloth, for Eighteen Dollars for the sett in twelve volumes, or any volume will be sold separately, as follows: BLEAK HOUSE, Price, | $1 | 50 | NICHOLAS NICKLEBY, | 1 | 50 | PICKWICK PAPERS, | 1 | 50 | MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT, | 1 | 50 | OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, | 1 | 50 | DAVID COPPERFIELD, | 1 | 50 | OLIVER TWIST, | 1 | 50 | DOMBEY AND SON, | 1 | 50 | SKETCHES BY "BOZ," | 1 | 50 | CHRISTMAS STORIES, | 1 | 50 | BARNABY RUDGE, | 1 | 50 | DICKENS' NEW STORIES, | 1 | 50 | Price of a complete sett of the Illustrated Edition, in twelve vols., in black cloth, gilt back, | $18,00 | Price of a complete sett of the Illustrated Edition, in twelve vols., in full law library sheep, | $24,00 | Price of a complete sett of the Illustrated edition, in twelve vols., in half turkey Morocco, | $27,00 | Price of a complete sett of the Illustrated Edition, in twelve vols., in half calf, antique, | $36,00 | All subsequent works by Charles Dickens will be issued in uniform style with all the previous ten different editions. CAPTAIN MARRYATT'S WORKS. Either of which can be had separately. Price of all except the four last is 25 cents each. They are printed on the finest white paper, and each forms one large octavo volume, complete in itself. PETER SIMPLE. | NAVAL OFFICER. | JACOB FAITHFUL. | PIRATE AND THREE CUTTERS. | THE PHANTOM SHIP. | SNARLEYYOW; or, the Dog-Fiend. | MIDSHIPMAN EASY. | PERCIVAL KEENE. Price 50 cts. | KING'S OWN. | POOR JACK. Price 50 cents. | NEWTON FORSTER. | SEA KING. 200 pages. Price 50 cents. | JAPHET IN SEARCH OF A FATHER. | VALERIE. His last Novel. Price 50 cents. | PACHA OF MANY TALES. | ELLEN PICKERING'S NOVELS. Either of which can be had separately. Price 25 cents each. They are printed on the finest white paper, and each forms one large octavo volume, complete in itself, neatly bound in a strong paper cover. THE ORPHAN NIECE. | THE HEIRESS. | KATE WALSINGHAM. | PRINCE AND PEDLER. | THE POOR COUSIN. | MERCHANT'S DAUGHTER. | ELLEN WAREHAM. | THE FRIGHT. | THE QUIET HUSBAND. | NAN DARRELL. | WHO SHALL BE HEIR? | THE SQUIRE. | THE SECRET FOE. | THE EXPECTANT. | AGNES SERLE. | THE GRUMBLER. 50 cts. | MRS. CAROLINE LEE HENTZ'S WORKS. COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE; OR, THE JOYS AND SORROWS OF AMERICAN LIFE. With a Portrait of the Author. Complete in two large volumes, paper cover, price One Dollar, or bound in one volume, cloth gilt, for One Dollar and Twenty-five cents. THE PLANTER'S NORTHERN BRIDE. With illustrations. Complete in two large volumes, paper cover, 600 pages, price One Dollar, or bound in one volume, cloth gilt, One Dollar and Twenty-five cents. LINDA; OR, THE YOUNG PILOT OF THE BELLE CREOLE. Complete in two volumes, paper cover, price One Dollar, or bound in one volume, cloth gilt, for One Dollar and Twenty-five cents. ROBERT GRAHAM. The Sequel to, and continuation of Linda. Being the last book but one that Mrs. Hentz wrote prior to her death. Complete in two large volumes, paper cover, price One Dollar, or bound in one volume, cloth gilt, for One Dollar and Twenty-five cents. RENA; OR, THE SNOW BIRD. A Tale of Real Life. Complete in two volumes, paper cover, price One Dollar, or bound in one volume, cloth gilt, for One Dollar and Twenty-five cents. MARCUS WARLAND; OR, THE LONG MOSS SPRING. A Tale of the South. Complete in two volumes, paper cover, price One Dollar, or bound in one volume, cloth gilt, One Dollar and Twenty-five cents. LOVE AFTER MARRIAGE; and other Stories. Complete in two volumes, paper cover, price One Dollar, or bound in one volume, cloth gilt, for One Dollar and Twenty-five cents. EOLINE; OR, MAGNOLIA VALE. Complete in two volumes, paper cover, price One Dollar, or bound in one volume, cloth gilt, $1 25. THE BANISHED SON; and other Stories. Complete in two volumes, paper cover, price One Dollar, or bound in one volume, cloth gilt, $1 25. HELEN AND ARTHUR. Complete in two volumes, paper cover, price One Dollar, or bound in one volume, cloth gilt, $1 25. The whole of the above are also published in a very fine style, bound in the very best and most elegant and substantial manner, in full Crimson, with beautifully gilt edges, full gilt sides, gilt backs, etc., etc., making them the best and most acceptable books for presentation at the price, published in the country. Price of either one in this style, Two Dollars. T. S. ARTHUR'S WORKS. Either of which can be had separately. Price 25 cents each. They are the most moral, popular and entertaining in the world. There are no better books to place in the hands of the young. All will profit by them. YEAR AFTER MARRIAGE. | TRIAL AND TRIUMPH. | THE DIVORCED WIFE. | THE ORPHAN CHILDREN. | THE BANKER'S WIFE. | THE DEBTOR'S DAUGHTER. | PRIDE AND PRUDENCE. | INSUBORDINATION. | CECILIA HOWARD. | LUCY SANDFORD. | MARY MORETON. | AGNES, or The Possessed. | LOVE IN A COTTAGE. | THE TWO BRIDES. | LOVE IN HIGH LIFE. | THE IRON RULE. | THE TWO MERCHANTS. | THE OLD ASTROLOGER. | LADY AT HOME. | THE SEAMSTRESS. | CHARLES LEVER'S NOVELS. CHARLES O'MALLEY, the Irish Dragoon. By Charles Lever. Complete in one large octavo volume of 324 pages. Price Fifty cents; of an edition on finer paper, bound in cloth, illustrated. Price One Dollar. THE KNIGHT OF GWYNNE. A tale of the time of the Union. By Charles Lever. Complete in one fine octavo volume. Price Fifty cents; or an edition on finer paper, bound in cloth, illustrated. Price One Dollar. JACK HINTON, the Guardsman. By Charles Lever. Complete in one large octavo volume of 400 pages. Price Fifty cents; or an edition on finer paper, bound in cloth, illustrated. Price One Dollar. TOM BURKE OF OURS. By Charles Lever. Complete in one large octavo volume of 300 pages. Price Fifty cents; or an edition on finer paper, bound in cloth, illustrated. Price One Dollar. ARTHUR O'LEARY. By Charles Lever. Complete in one large octavo volume. Price Fifty cents; or an edition on finer paper, bound in cloth, illustrated. Price One Dollar. KATE O'DONOGHUE. A Tale of Ireland. By Charles Lever. Complete in one large octavo volume. Price Fifty cents; or an edition on finer paper, bound in cloth, illustrated. Price One Dollar. HORACE TEMPLETON. By Charles Lever. This is Lever's New Book. Complete in one large octavo volume. Price Fifty cents; or an edition on finer paper, bound in cloth, illustrated. Price One Dollar. HARRY LORREQUER. By Charles Lever, author of the above seven works. Complete in one octavo volume of 402 pages. Price Fifty cents; or an edition on finer paper, bound in cloth, illustrated. Price One Dollar. VALENTINE VOX.—LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF VALENTINE VOX, the Ventriloquist. By Henry Cockton. One of the most humorous books ever published. Price Fifty cents; or an edition on finer paper, bound in cloth. Price One Dollar. PERCY EFFINGHAM. By Henry Cockton, author of "Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist." One large octavo volume. Price 50 cents. TEN THOUSAND A YEAR. By Samuel C. Warren. With Portraits of Snap, Quirk, Gammon, and Tittlebat Titmouse, Esq. Two large octavo vols., of 547 pages. Price One Dollar; or an edition on finer paper, bound in cloth, $1.50. CHARLES J. PETERSON'S WORKS. KATE AYLESFORD. A story of the Refugees. One of the most popular books ever printed. Complete in two large volumes, paper cover. Price One Dollar; or bound in one volume, cloth, gilt. Price $1 25. CRUISING IN THE LAST WAR. A Naval Story of the War of 1812. First and Second Series. Being the complete work, unabridged. By Charles J. Peterson. 228 octavo pages. Price 50 cents. GRACE DUDLEY; OR, ARNOLD AT SARATOGA. By Charles J. Peterson. Illustrated. Price 25 cents. THE VALLEY FARM; OR, the AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AN ORPHAN. A companion to Jane Eyre. Price 25 cents. EUGENE SUE'S NOVELS. THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS; AND GEROLSTEIN, the Sequel to it. By Eugene Sue, author of the "Wandering Jew," and the greatest work ever written. With illustrations. Complete in two large volumes, octavo. Price One Dollar. THE ILLUSTRATED WANDERING JEW. By Eugene Sue. With 87 large illustrations. Two large octavo volumes. Price One Dollar. THE FEMALE BLUEBEARD; or, the Woman with many Husbands. By Eugene Sue. Price Twenty-five cents. FIRST LOVE. A Story of the Heart. By Eugene Sue. Price Twenty-five cents. WOMAN'S LOVE. A Novel. By Eugene Sue. Illustrated. Price Twenty-five cents. MAN-OF-WAR'S-MAN. A Tale of the Sea. By Eugene Sue. Price Twenty-five cents. RAOUL DE SURVILLE; or, the Times of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1810. Price Twenty-five cents. SIR E. L. BULWER'S NOVELS. FALKLAND. A Novel. By Sir E. L. Bulwer, author of "The Roue," "Oxonians," etc. One volume, octavo. Price 25 cents. THE ROUE; OR THE HAZARDS OF WOMEN. Price 25 cents. THE OXONIANS. A Sequel to the Roue. Price 25 cents. CALDERON THE COURTIER. By Bulwer. Price 12½ cents. MRS. GREY'S NOVELS. Either of which can be had separately. Price 25 cents each. They are printed on the finest white paper, and each forms one large octavo volume, complete in itself, neatly bound in a strong paper cover. GEORGE W. M. REYNOLD'S WORKS. THE NECROMANCER. A Romance of the times of Henry the Eighth. By G. W. M. Reynolds. One large volume. Price 75 cents. THE PARRICIDE; OR, THE YOUTH'S CAREER IN CRIME. By G. W. M. Reynolds. Full of beautiful illustrations. Price 50 cents. LIFE IN PARIS; OR, THE ADVENTURES OF ALFRED DE ROSANN IN THE METROPOLIS OF FRANCE. By G. W. M. Reynolds. Full of Engravings. Price 50 cents. AINSWORTH'S WORKS. JACK SHEPPARD.—PICTORIAL LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF JACK SHEPPARD, the most noted burglar, robber, and jail breaker, that ever lived. Embellished with Thirty-nine, full page, spirited Illustrations, designed and engraved in the finest style of art, by George Cruikshank, Esq., of London. Price Fifty cents. ILLUSTRATED TOWER OF LONDON. With 100 splendid engravings. This is beyond all doubt one of the most interesting works ever published in the known world, and can be read and re-read with pleasure and satisfaction by everybody. We advise all persons to get it and read it. Two volumes, octavo. Price One Dollar. PICTORIAL LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF GUY FAWKES, The Chief of the Gunpowder Treason. The Bloody Tower, etc. Illustrated. By William Harrison Ainsworth. 200 pages. Price Fifty cents. THE STAR CHAMBER, An Historical Romance. By W. Harrison Ainsworth. With 17 large full page illustrations. Price 50 cents. THE PICTORIAL OLD ST. PAUL'S. By William Harrison Ainsworth. Full of Illustrations. Price Fifty cents. MYSTERIES OF THE COURT OF QUEEN ANNE. By William Harrison Ainsworth. Price Fifty cents. MYSTERIES OF THE COURT OF THE STUARTS. By Ainsworth. Being one of the most interesting Historical Romances ever written. One large volume. Price Fifty cents. DICK TURPIN.—ILLUSTRATED LIFE OF DICK TURPIN, the Highwayman, Burglar, Murderer, etc. Price Twenty-five cents. HENRY THOMAS.—LIFE OF HARRY THOMAS, the Western Burglar and Murderer. Full of Engravings. Price Twenty-five cents. DESPERADOES.—ILLUSTRATED LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF THE DESPERADOES OF THE NEW WORLD. Full of engravings. Price Twenty-five cents. NINON DE L'ENCLOS.—LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF NINON DE L'ENCLOS, with her Letters on Love, Courtship and Marriage. Illustrated. Price Twenty-five cents. THE PICTORIAL NEWGATE CALENDAR; or the Chronicles of Crime. Beautifully illustrated with Fifteen Engravings. Price Fifty cents. PICTORIAL LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF DAVY CROCKETT. Written by himself. Beautifully illustrated. Price Fifty cents. LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF ARTHUR SPRING, the murderer of Mrs. Ellen Lynch and Mrs. Honora Shaw, with a complete history of his life and misdeeds, from the time of his birth until he was hung. Illustrated with portraits. Price Twenty-five cents. JACK ADAMS.—PICTORIAL LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF JACK ADAMS; the celebrated Sailor and Mutineer. By Captain Chamier, author of "The Spitfire." Full of illustrations. Price Fifty cents. GRACE O'MALLEY.—PICTORIAL LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF GRACE O'MALLEY. By William H. Maxwell, author of "Wild Sports in the West." Price Fifty cents. THE PIRATE'S SON. A Sea Novel of great interest. Full of beautiful illustrations. Price Twenty-five cents. ALEXANDRE DUMAS' WORKS. THE IRON MASK, OR THE FEATS AND ADVENTURES OF RAOULE DE BRAGELONNE. Being the conclusion of "The Three Guardsmen," "Twenty Years After," and "Bragelonne." By Alexandre Dumas. Complete in two large volumes, of 420 octavo pages, with beautifully Illustrated Covers, Portraits, and Engravings. Price One Dollar. LOUISE LA VALLIERE; OR THE SECOND SERIES AND FINAL END OF THE IRON MASK. By Alexandre Dumas. This work is the final end of "The Three Guardsmen," "Twenty Years After," "Bragelonne," and "The Iron Mask," and is of far more interesting and absorbing interest, than any of its predecessors. Complete in two large octavo volumes of over 400 pages, printed on the best of paper, beautifully illustrated. It also contains correct Portraits of "Louise La Valliere," and "The Hero of the Iron Mask." Price One Dollar. THE MEMOIRS OF A PHYSICIAN; OR THE SECRET HISTORY OF LOUIS THE FIFTEENTH. By Alexandre Dumas. It is beautifully embellished with thirty engravings, which illustrate the principal scenes and characters of the different heroines throughout the work. Complete in two large octavo volumes. Price One Dollar. THE QUEEN'S NECKLACE: OR THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE COURT OF LOUIS THE SIXTEENTH. A Sequel to the Memoirs of a Physician. By Alexandre Dumas. It is beautifully illustrated with portraits of the heroines of the work. Complete in two large octavo volumes of over 400 pages. Price One Dollar. SIX YEARS LATER; OR THE TAKING OF THE BASTILE. By Alexandre Dumas. Being the continuation of "The Queen's Necklace; or the Secret History of the Court of Louis the Sixteenth," and "Memoirs of a Physician." Complete in one large octavo volume, Price Seventy-five cents. COUNTESS DE CHARNY; OR THE FALL OF THE FRENCH MONARCHY. By Alexandre Dumas. This work is the final conclusion of the "Memoirs of a Physician," "The Queen's Necklace," and "Six Years Later, or Taking of the Bastile." All persons who have not read Dumas in this, his greatest and most instructive production, should begin at once, and no pleasure will be found so agreeable, and nothing in novel form so useful and absorbing. Complete in two volumes, beautifully illustrated. Price One Dollar. DIANA OF MERIDOR; THE LADY OF MONSOREAU; or France in the Sixteenth Century. By Alexandre Dumas. An Historical Romance. Complete in two large octavo volumes of 538 pages, with numerous illustrative engravings. Price One Dollar. ISABEL OF BAVARIA; or the Chronicles of France for the reign of Charles the Sixth. Complete in one fine octavo volume of 211 pages, printed on the finest white paper. Price Fifty cents. EDMOND DANTES. Being the sequel to Dumas' celebrated novel of the Count of Monte Cristo. With elegant illustrations. Complete in one large octavo volume of over 200 pages. Price Fifty cents. THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. This work has already been dramatized; and is now played in all the theatres of Europe and in this country, and it is exciting an extraordinary interest. Price Twenty-five cents. SKETCHES IN FRANCE. By Alexandra Dumas. It is as good a book as Thackeray's Sketches in Ireland. Dumas never wrote a better book. It is the most delightful book of the season. Price Fifty cents. GENEVIEVE, OR THE CHEVALIER OF THE MAISON ROUGE. By Alexandre Dumas. An Historical Romance of the French Revolution. Complete in one large octavo volume of over 200 pages, with numerous illustrative engravings. Price Fifty cents. GEORGE LIPPARD'S WORKS. WASHINGTON AND HIS GENERALS; or, Legends of the American Revolution. Complete in two large octavo volumes of 538 pages, printed on the finest white paper. Price One Dollar. THE QUAKER CITY; or, the Monks of Monk Hall. A Romance of Philadelphia Life, Mystery and Crime. Illustrated with numerous Engravings. Complete in two large octavo volumes of 500 pages. Price One Dollar. THE LADYE OF ALBARONE; or, the Poison Goblet. A Romance of the Dark Ages. Lippard's Last Work, and never before published. Complete in one large octavo volume. Price Seventy-five cents. PAUL ARDENHEIM; the Monk of Wissahickon. A Romance of the Revolution. Illustrated with numerous engravings. Complete in two large octavo volumes, of nearly 600 pages. Price One Dollar. BLANCHE OF BRANDYWINE; or, September the Eleventh, 1777. A Romance of the Poetry, Legends, and History of the Battle of Brandywine. It makes a large octavo volume of 350 pages, printed on the finest white paper. Price Seventy-five cents. LEGENDS OF MEXICO; or, Battles of General Zachary Taylor, late President of the United States. Complete in one octavo volume of 123 pages. Price Twenty-five cents. THE NAZARENE; or, the Last of the Washingtons. A Revelation of Philadelphia, New York, and Washington, in the year 1844. Complete in one volume. Price Fifty cents. B. D'ISRAELI'S NOVELS. VIVIAN GREY. By B. D'Israeli, M. P. Complete in one large octavo volume of 225 pages. Price Fifty cents. THE YOUNG DUKE; or the younger days of George the Fourth. By B. D'Israeli, M. P. One octavo volume. Price Thirty-eight cents. VENETIA; or, Lord Byron and his Daughter. By B. D'Israeli, M. P. Complete in one large octavo volume. Price Fifty cents. HENRIETTA TEMPLE. A Love Story. By B. D'Israeli, M. P. Complete in one large octavo volume. Price Fifty cents. CONTARINA FLEMING. An Autobiography. By B. D'Israeli, M. P. One volume, octavo. Price Thirty-eight cents. MIRIAM ALROY. A Romance of the Twelfth Century. By B. D'Israeli, M. P. One volume octavo. Price Thirty-eight cents. EMERSON BENNETT'S WORKS. CLARA MORELAND. This is a powerfully written romance. The characters are boldly drawn, the plot striking, the incidents replete with thrilling interest, and the language and descriptions natural and graphic, as are all of Mr. Bennett's Works. 336 pages. Price 50 cents in paper cover, or One Dollar in cloth, gilt. VIOLA; OR, ADVENTURES IN THE FAR SOUTH-WEST. Complete in one large volume. Price 50 cents in paper cover, or 75 cents in cloth, gilt. THE FORGED WILL. Complete in one large volume, of over 380 pages, paper cover, price 50 cents; or bound in cloth, gilt, price $1 00. 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Comprising new and approved methods of preparing all kinds of soups, fish, oysters, terrapins, turtle, vegetables, meats, poultry, game, sauces, pickles, sweetmeats, cakes, pies, puddings, confectionery, rice, Indian meal preparations of all kinds, domestic liquors, perfumery, remedies, laundry-work, needle-work, letters, additional receipts, etc. Also, list of articles suited to go together for breakfasts, dinners, and suppers, and much useful information and many miscellaneous subjects connected with general house-wifery. It is an elegantly printed duodecimo volume of 520 pages; and in it there will be found One Thousand and Eleven new Receipts—all useful—some ornamental—and all invaluable to every lady, miss, or family in the world. This work has had a very extensive sale, and many thousand copies have been sold, and the demand is increasing yearly, being the most complete work of the kind published in the world, and also the latest and best, as, in addition to Cookery, its receipts for making cakes and confectionery are unequalled by any other work extant. New edition, enlarged and improved, and handsomely bound. Price One Dollar a copy only. This is the only new Cook Book by Miss Leslie. GEORGE SAND'S WORKS. FIRST AND TRUE LOVE. A True Love Story. By George Sand, author of "Consuelo," "Indiana," etc. It is one of the most charming and interesting works ever published. Illustrated. Price 50 cents. INDIANA. By George Sand, author of "First and True Love," etc. A very bewitching and interesting work. Price 50 cents. THE CORSAIR. A Venetian Tale. Price 25 cents. GREAT INDUCEMENTS FOR 1858! Hand pointing right Hand pointing left NOW IS THE TIME TO GET UP CLUBS. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE THE BEST IN THE WORLD FOR LADIES! Hand pointing right Hand pointing left ONLY TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. This popular monthly Magazine will be greatly improved, as well as enlarged for 1852. It will contain over 900 pages yearly; from 25 to 30 Steel Plates; and 600 Wood Engravings. This is more, proportionately, than any periodical gives. The Newspaper Press calls this Magazine "THE CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD." ITS THRILLING ORIGINAL STORIES. The editors are Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, author of "The Old Homestead," "Fashion and Famine," and Charles J. Peterson, author of "Kate Aylesford," "The Valley Farm," etc., etc.; and they are assisted by Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth, author of "The Lost Heiress," "Vivia," "Retribution," etc., etc.; by Alice Carey, Mrs. Denison, Miss Townsend, Miss Fairfield, Carry Stanley, Clara Moreton, Hetty Holyoke, and by all the most popular female writers of America. New talent is continually being added, regardless of expense, so as to keep "Peterson's Magazine" unapproachable in merit. Morality and virtue are always inculcated. ITS SUPERB MEZZOTINTS, AND OTHER STEEL ENGRAVINGS, Are the best published anywhere; and at the end of each year are alone worth the subscription price. COLORED FASHION PLATES IN ADVANCE. Each number contains a Fashion Plate, engraved on Steel, and colored; also a dozen or more New Styles, engraved on Wood; also, a Pattern, from which a Dress, Mantilla, or Child's Costume, can be cut, without the aid of a mantua-maker, so that each Number, in this way, will save a year's subscription. The Paris, London, Philadelphia, and New York Fashions are described at length, each month. Patterns of Caps, Bonnets, Head-dresses, etc., given; in short, of every article of female dress. Colored Patterns for Embroidery, etc. Embroidery Patterns engraved for every Number, with instructions how to work them; also, Patterns in Knitting, Inserting, Broiderie Anglaise, Netting, Frivolite, Lace-making, etc., etc. Also, Patterns for Sleeves, Collars, and Chemisettes; Patterns in Bead-work, Hair-work, Shell-work; Handkerchief Corners; Names for Marking and Initials. Occasionally, superb Colored Patterns for Embroidery, etc., are given, each of which, at a retail store, would cost Fifty Cents. A piece of fashionable Music is published every month. Also, New Receipts for Cooking, the Sick-room, the Toilet, Nursery, etc., etc.; and everything required in the Household. TERMS:—ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. One Copy for One Year, | $2.00 | | Eight Copies for One Year, | 10.00 | Three Copies for One Year, | 5.00 | | Twelve Copies for One Year, | 15.00 | Five Copies for One Year, | 7.50 | | Sixteen Copies for One Year, | 20.00 | PREMIUMS FOR MAKING UP CLUBS.—Three, Five, Eight, Twelve, or Sixteen copies make a Club. To every person getting up a Club of Three, and remitting Five Dollars; or a Club of Five, and remitting Seven Dollars and a Half; or a Club of Eight, and remitting Ten Dollars; we will send, gratis, a copy of our "Casket for 1858," a book of costly Engravings, 40 in number. To every person getting up a Club of Twelve, and remitting Fifteen Dollars; we will send either an extra copy of the Magazine for 1858, or a "Casket," as the remitter may prefer. To every person getting up a Club of Sixteen, and remitting Twenty Dollars, we will send both the "Casket" and an extra copy for 1858. Or to any person getting up a Club, and entitled to the "Casket," we will send, if preferred, a copy of the Magazine for 1857. Any person may get up a Club. Specimens sent gratuitously, if written for, post-paid. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, No. 306 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. TRANSCRIBER NOTE Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources. Spelling has been left as found in the original text; variations in spelling and hyphenation have been retained as well (for example: pearlash, pearl-ash; quick lime, quick-lime, quicklime; spoonsful, spoonfuls), except for those changes detailed below. p. 3 'man s for' replaced by 'man is for'. p. 13 Item number missing for section "To extract Oil ...."; 12a inserted. p. 24 'once ounce' replaced by 'one ounce'. p. 36 'slackened' replaced by 'slaked'. p. 54 'potass' replaced by 'potash'. p. 56 'Or' replaced by italicized '_Or_'. p. 64 'rubbing ' replaced by 'rubbing. If'. p. 69 Item number missing for section "Cement to resist ...."; 254a inserted. p. 75 'Cherrry-red' replaced by 'Cherry-red'. p. 80 'spunged' replaced by 'sponged'. p. 122 'Venemous' replaced by 'Venomous'. p. 130 'ottar' replaced by 'attar'. p. 131 'ouuces' replaced by 'ounces'. p. 148 'Á la' replaced by 'À la'. p. 185 'nemophilla' replaced by 'nemophila'. p. 204 'respectabte' replaced by 'respectable'. p. 209 'bleedng' replaced by 'bleeding'. p. 227 'wollen' replaced by 'woolen'. p. 268 'seive' replaced by 'sieve'. p. 271, 275, 389, 468 'slacked' replaced by 'slaked'. p. 272 'cup-board' replaced by 'cupboard'. p. 276 'stewed' replaced by 'strewn'. p. 281 'sure rub' replaced by 'sure to rub'. p. 282 'bark' replaced by 'back'. p. 283 'fir' replaced by 'fur'. p. 290 'Foot-ret' replaced by 'Foot-rot'. p. 311 'eternal' replaced by 'external'. p. 345 'draw of,' replaced by 'draw off,'. p. 359 'or at at least' replaced by 'or at least'. p. 400 'vitro' replaced by 'vitre'. p. 400 'abatiour' replaced by 'abat-jour'. p. 401 'carefuly' replaced by 'carefully'. p. 408 'water, them' replaced by 'water, let them'. p. 423 Item number 1758 is missing from the original text. p. 425 Item number 1774 is missing from the original text. p. 429 'Stall-mate' replaced by 'Stale-mate'. p. 464 'charr' replaced by 'char'. p. 476 'the the largest' replaced by 'the largest'. p. 485 'brillliant' replaced by 'brilliant'. p. 496 'of either of not' replaced by 'of either not'. p. 512 'conched' replaced by 'couched'. p. 527 'can be by' replaced by 'can be gained by'. p. 549 'horse-raddish' replaced by 'horse-radish'. p. 555 'Use for for' replaced by 'Use for'. p. 566 Ref. to 2213 is retained but is incorrect; probably should be 3212. p. 596 Item number '3583.' was inserted at 'Composition Cake'. p. 608 'chocalate' replaced by 'chocolate'. p. 620 'complately' replaced by 'completely'. p. 620 'is apt so' replaced by 'is apt to'. p. 621 'potatos' replaced by 'potatoes'. p. 623 'teaspooful' replaced by 'teaspoonful'. p. 673 Second '4266.' replaced by '4267.'. p. 673 'nasturtion' replaced by 'nasturtium'. p. 686 '4836.' replaced by '4386.'. p. 694 Item number '4477' is missing from the original text. Index 'Alteratives' replaced by 'Alternatives'. Index 'Anagrams, 730' replaced by 'Anagrams, 430'. Index 'Barnfloors' replaced by 'Barn-floors'. Index 'Candles ... spirting' replaced by 'Candles ... spurting'. Index 'Carracrol' replaced by 'Carvacrol'. Index 'Grates, to clean, 2' replaced by 'Grates, to clean, 9'. Index 'Sorel' replaced by 'Sorrel'. | |